Official G2A Thread - BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT 24.40, The Witcher 3 27.69

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128 (100%)
This thread is meant to communicate current discounts on digitally delivered content. Games, DLC and other electronically delivered products.

G2A, for those who are wondering is a website that allows individuals to sell keys to others they may own for most common platforms. If you have a key PC or Console you can sell it on the site and bank the profit to purchase games and DLC you wish to own. G2A in most cases is acting as a proxy between seller and buyer similar to eBay.

When purchasing make sure you buy a key appropriate to your region NA, ROW, RUS, CIS, EU and Global are common.

They offer something called G2A Shield which guarantees the purchases against invalid key issues, I prefer to decline this as I use paypal. The Shield Auto applies and must be deselected manually (usually a checkbox below the "Pay" button)

I've purchased 19 different games and sold various XBox, PS4 and PC Codes in the past (nothing listed currently) which I used to purchase some Steam games without any issues... The items you list are subject to fees and expire after a certain period of time. XBox Live time cards sell well if you have 1/2/7 and 30 day cards lying around. Nice way to monetize stuff that seems like junk. 

For discussions about G2A and key resellers in general, please discuss in this thread.

Simple rules, No affiliate links and no one off or ultra limited items.

So here goes. The deal of the moment is:

BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT PC Steam  -> 24.44 + fees

They also have keys for Mortal Kombat X for about 13$

They have plenty of weekly promotions,  Booster packs, DLC and Season Passes

Midweek deal page

is showing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOG GLOBAL for 27.69

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Also, I haven't been called "spunky" in years... maybe ever. I think he's saying that I have moxie!
Again.... Not even quoting me. You're an odd fellow.

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i even said the next statement specifically was not sarcastic, implying the previous one was, even if that wasn't already obvious, so sorry about your severe lack of reading ability
Oh it's not a lack of reading ability, champ. It's just that I stopped giving a fuck what you had to say after that first paragraph.

Has this really devolved into an "he's speaking about me indirectly so he's wrong" sort of argument? I think I know where this is headed next. Gotta get my "yo momma" insults ready.
yeah that was my point dingus

because they're a small, new startup with a fairly niche product. wb might send a cease and desist but otherwise they probably don't give two fucks if someone has a picture of a game they're selling without permission (whatever the legality of said selling might be)

also, yes, you can resell something that you own. the problem is that buying digital games (and even physical, when you get down to it, since you have to hit yes on a EULA if you want to play anything online) is that you technically don't "own" it, you're essentially leasing it under license from the publisher.

so naw son

for the record if anyone wants to do this, go for it, but my advice is to not do it on your main steam account. make a secondary one just for shady-ass keys so if valve decides to ban you you're not out much
Ahh, apparently you didn't pay attention to the EULA being non enforceable. If I recall the book publishers tried to pull that shit and that's why it hit the supreme court. A company can put whatever it wants in a shrink wrap / purchase agreement but the simple fact is if it is not legal its null and void. We can go around and around trying to weaken one argument or another, but the simple fact is digital publishers don't get the set the rules, they just try to convince you they can. Developers have the tools to restrict the use of a license/key and if they choose not to use it that's the same as allowing keys to be used globally. I wonder how some of the publishers feel about steam allowing refunds. I'm curious how that will effect the digital world in general. It certainly creates a reason to only buy from steam which may very well hurt all the resellers.

And your point about steam banning your account may as well read don't buy keys from anywhere but steam because you cannot be sure where they came from.

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yeah that was my point dingus

because they're a small, new startup with a fairly niche product. wb might send a cease and desist but otherwise they probably don't give two fucks if someone has a picture of a game they're selling without permission (whatever the legality of said selling might be)

also, yes, you can resell something that you own. the problem is that buying digital games (and even physical, when you get down to it, since you have to hit yes on a EULA if you want to play anything online) is that you technically don't "own" it, you're essentially leasing it under license from the publisher.

so naw son

for the record if anyone wants to do this, go for it, but my advice is to not do it on your main steam account. make a secondary one just for shady-ass keys so if valve decides to ban you you're not out much
Ahh, apparently you didn't pay attention to the EULA being non enforceable. If I recall the book publishers tried to pull that shit and that's why it hit the supreme court. A company can put whatever it wants in a shrink wrap / purchase agreement but the simple fact is if it is not legal its null and void. We can go around and around trying to weaken one argument or another, but the simple fact is digital publishers don't get the set the rules, they just try to convince you they can. Developers have the tools to restrict the use of a license/key and if they choose not to use it that's the same as allowing keys to be used globally. I wonder how some of the publishers feel about steam allowing refunds. I'm curious how that will effect the digital world in general. It certainly creates a reason to only buy from steam which may very well hurt all the resellers.

You guys want to see a really assholish company? Try Rosetta Stone. They've taken down listings of mine for really old software. Like, over a decade old. Because they can.

Panda, as a seller, my advice is to just stay away from listing specific items online, especially if the company owners are jerks, and just sell them locally via Craigslist or whatever. You may not get as much cash and you might get stabbed in the process, but at least you won't get a chargeback or be harassed by the manufacturer.

(That is, if you can read this because you haven't added me to your ignore list yet. If you have, meh.)

You guys want to see a really assholish company? Try Rosetta Stone. They've taken down listings of mine for really old software. Like, over a decade old. Because they can.

Panda, as a seller, my advice is to just stay away from listing specific items online, especially if the company owners are jerks, and just sell them locally via Craigslist or whatever. You may not get as much cash and you might get stabbed in the process, but at least you won't get a chargeback or be harassed by the manufacturer.

(That is, if you can read this because you haven't added me to your ignore list yet. If you have, meh.)
Was this on eBay?

I've had problems with Speck but managed to reverse the take down by providing proof I had purchased the item, and using my own photo's vs grabbing artwork from the web. As to selling DLC my eBay account ended up being suspended but not due to publisher complaints but rather eBay's rule about not selling items without physical distribution. You can sell a code printed on a piece of paper as long as it is mailed, but if you use email delivery you get suspended.

Oh it's not a lack of reading ability, champ. It's just that I stopped giving a fuck what you had to say after that first paragraph.
what the heck crawled into your b-hole

"gwahah the joeks on you, I didn't even READ anything after I completely misconstrued your first statement! Check AND mate!"

Ahh, apparently you didn't pay attention to the EULA being non enforceable. If I recall the book publishers tried to pull that shit and that's why it hit the supreme court. A company can put whatever it wants in a shrink wrap / purchase agreement but the simple fact is if it is not legal its null and void. We can go around and around trying to weaken one argument or another, but the simple fact is digital publishers don't get the set the rules, they just try to convince you they can. Developers have the tools to restrict the use of a license/key and if they choose not to use it that's the same as allowing keys to be used globally. I wonder how some of the publishers feel about steam allowing refunds. I'm curious how that will effect the digital world in general. It certainly creates a reason to only buy from steam which may very well hurt all the resellers.

And your point about steam banning your account may as well read don't buy keys from anywhere but steam because you cannot be sure where they came from.
EULA is absolutely enforceable, maybe not by legal action or directly seizing physical goods but they can yank their games from your account or disable online access whenever they damn well please.

That last part makes no sense, I'm saying only buy keys from known authorized resellers, like Humble Store or Greenman. It's not STEAM OR NUTHIN, I actually really dislike Steam and what Valve has done over the past couple of years. They have their heads up their own asses, creating a ridiculous monopoly while also clogging steam with a bunch of garbage unfinished games, pursuing their own dumbass Steam Machine boondoggle, and not making new games of their own. I buy from Humble or Greenman whenever possible just to deny Valve their cut.

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Apparently "trolls" just means "people who disagree with me" these days.  The English language is constantly evolving.

Also, Cheaplikeafox better step back, honky cat.

what the heck crawled into your b-hole

"gwahah the joeks on you, I didn't even READ anything after I completely misconstrued your first statement! Check AND mate!"
Perhaps consider that you weren't exactly obvious about which part of your original post was a troll, and which was not, and then not throw out insults in response to someone's otherwise-genuine and on-topic reply to your comments. Then that person won't have to give you a dose of your own dickhead medicine in retort, and the world will be peaceful.

Or you could just go on assuming that it is everyone else's duty to know what you were thinking when you've written something by way of some form of retroactive telepathy.

Your call, hot shot.

Perhaps consider that you weren't exactly obvious about which part of your original post was a troll, and which was not, and then not throw out insults in response to someone's otherwise-genuine and on-topic reply to your comments. Then that person won't have to give you a dose of your own dickhead medicine in retort, and the world will be peaceful.

Or you could just go on assuming that it is everyone else's duty to know what you were thinking when you've written something by way of some form of retroactive telepathy.

Your call, hot shot.
are you literally retarded

e: oh wait you have a fambly man quote next to your name and a keep calm avatar so the answer is yes, you need things to be explicitly stated and cannot comprehend context

i should have made that joke in the form of a meme with impact font, it would have been easier to digest

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are you literally retarded

e: oh wait you have a fambly man quote next to your name and a keep calm avatar so the answer is yes, you need things to be explicitly stated and cannot comprehend context

i should have made that joke in the form of a meme with impact font, it would have been easier to digest
I see you've chosen the second option. I think we're done here. :)


yesterday I woke up and there were people burning crosses in my yard and they were yelling "RESELLING STEAM KEYS IS CONSTITUTIONAL, LOOK UP STATUTES ON CONSUMER RIGHTS" but luckily I live in an area where the castle doctrine is alive and well

Just keep the thread on track, please. If you want to debate the ethics of any retailer, it belongs in this forum:
Would there be a way to restart the thread with a new OP and force wiki it? The OP seems like probably the worst person to run one of these threads and keep the OT talk to a minimum because of his propensity to argue/"defend" his stance. Maybe you could start it and update it periodically with special CAG deals?


See, he does it again below.

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Just keep the thread on track, please. If you want to debate the ethics of any retailer, it belongs in this forum:
I don't have much else to add but I'm glad that you left the comments about concerns up. It has nothing much to do with ethics, it's just a fact that G2A has a history for key revocations, selling bad keys, etc. If there's a thread with a flowery OP passing it off as just another store, readers deserve to know the truth so they can make their own decisions on how much risk they're willing to take. If GMG or Steam or Nuuvem or whoever had the same risks, people would be saying the same stuff about those sites.

Would there be a way to restart the thread with a new OP and force wiki it? The OP seems like probably the worst person to run one of these threads and keep the OT talk to a minimum because of his propensity to argue/"defend" his stance. Maybe you could start it and update it periodically with special CAG deals?
Wow nice personal attack, but I imagine you'd prefer the ability to walk all over someone else. Bottom line if people stop being jerks things would be nice and smooth. The Op has all the information needed. Look in the mirror before you cast that next stone. Personally I wish I had the ability to delete offending posts in my own thread like I can do on FB. I'm not going to respond to anything else in thread, but rather via the Op only from now on as many people hopefully wont have to wade through the negativity.

I give up.

If almost twenty pages of complaints and several deleted threads aren't enough to ban G2A from this forum, there's no point in trying anymore.

A few seconds of googlery:

Game Informer
Rock Paper Shotgun

And here's a nice twitter exchange between Devolver Digital and g2a.
Well since this thread appears to be "legit", I'll just quote indef's helpful post warning people about the poor reputation of G2A in the gaming industry. No one should patronize this kind of website, regardless of the "deals" they offer. If you care about developers actually getting fairly compensated for their games (and you should if you want future games from those developers), stay away from this website. If you don't mind dealing with sketchy people offering questionable keys, and don't mind if your games might be revoked in the future, by all means go ahead and wade in.
They need to be in the wiki because they aren't discussions about the ethics of the site, they are legitimate, verified issues/problems this site has had in the past that an informed consumer should know about.
Yeah, but negative nancy posts would be detrimental in the quest for clickbait, so, you know... off to the wastelands of the I didn't realize that forum even existed discussion board.

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Sigh, the twitter is just the ranting of a developer who disagrees with reselling so most definitely in discussions, the polygon article is more of the same. Bad people trick companies and then resell keys. So more discussion material. Take the discussion to the other thread I'm sure it will be just as thrilling. 

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Sigh, the twitter is just the ranting of a developer who disagrees with reselling so most definitely in discussions, the polygon article is more of the same. Bad people trick companies and then resell keys. So more discussion material. Take the discussion to the other thread I'm sure it will be just as thrilling.
I don't get why you just can't admit that there IS risk using this site or sites like it. Its out there. There is proof of it. People just want people to know whats going on rather than turn a blind eye to it.

This isn't the same has buying from Amazon or Steam so people have the right to know there are risk involved.

I don't agree at all with this thread being allowed but if it must then there should at least be a compromise and allow people to know the risk and rewards and make their own decision on what to do.

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