Official "It's OK to be a moderate" Thread


9 (100%)
The following quote comes from another thread, and was made in response to the typical right/left (Why do you liberals hate America?/Why do you conservatives love war?) bullshit arguments. It prompted me to make a few comments...

[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Yes, it does speak about our loyalties. We'd like to see the U.S. reverse it's downward spiral. We'd like to see the person in charge of this country have his priorities in the right order. We'd like to have a country in which civil liberties are not infringed upon by our president. Most importantly, we'd like to reurn to our country the respect that it had 8 years ago. The fact that we may or may not have injured Zarqawi doesn't really change the larger picture. This isn't about republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. This is about what's best for our country, and Bush is leading us in the wrong direction. So forgive us if we are non-plussed by the unconfirmed possible injury of a terrorist leader that we created.[/QUOTE]

THANK YOU! :applause:

seriously, all you dipshits on the far left AND far right need to cool it. here at CAG (and throughout the nation) we have such a polarized populace that it is nearly impossible to agree on anything; hard-line lefties seem to think that anyone with any "conservative" sentiments is a bible-thumping war-mongering truck-driving hillbilly, and hard-line righties see any left-leaning feelings as anti-US tree-hugging gay-marrying terrorist-appeasing drivel.

I'm sick of you all. I love the many 'good' things about the good ol US, but that doesn't mean that I should roll over any blindly agree with every policy that the US gov initiates. The ability to agree/disagree with the current administration is the best thing about America. By the same token, I'm not going to blindly DISagree with everything the Bush admin does, simply because they have some goals/methods/values that I don't agree with.

Believe it or not, there are a few of us wedged inbetween the far right and far left; we're called moderates, and while we aren't out there kicking and screaming like the fanatics on both fringes, we DO have opinions about the direction of our country!

For god's sake, where are my moderate CAG brothers?!? Are we just too lazy to speak out amongst the hard-line fanatics?!?!
I tell you what, I'll agree with your point of view when you can find me a book titled; "Great Moderates In History", "Great American Moderates" or "How Moderates Shaped the Modern World".

There's an axiom that Lee Iacocca used that really has applied to all of history. Lead, follow or get out of the way. There's no room for moderation or moderates in that statement.
Yeah Im sorry but I will have to agree with PAD for the first time in a long time.

Moderates are good, but so far far right and far left. The problem now a days is the fact that the far ends of both parties are so far out there. But Ragan wouldn't have gotten things done if he tried to please everyone. If you try to make everyone happy then nothing gets done, because in order to make everyone happy you can't do anything.
Oddly, I think the person you quoted was defending liberal stances.

Though there is a different between sane right/far right, left/far left and their insane counterparts. If your argument involves muscle flexing, shouting, nazi comparisons etc. then they fit your description, but you don't have to be that way to be left/right.

Though the bush administration has hardly done anything that would fit with liberal beliefs, especially the methods (ie. improve human rights situations by invasion and violating human rights to a lesser degree, liberal ideal, not liberal method).

At this point many things can go either way, abortion or no abortion, gay marriage/civil union or not, invade iraq or not, stay in iraq or not. The debates up now aren't the ideal situations for a compromise.
The Bush administraction has hardly done anything that fits with the right beliefs. So much for the days of smaller government with less spending.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']I tell you what, I'll agree with your point of view when you can find me a book titled; "Great Moderates In History", "Great American Moderates" or "How Moderates Shaped the Modern World".[/QUOTE]

Moderates don't make the news, or the books, because quite simply, being moderate is generally pretty damn boring. Being moderate means listening carefully to both sides, weighing the evidence, and coming to a rational conclusion. Its a process that puts people to sleep.

The reality, though, is that moderates DO shape the world. Without moderates, there would never be anything beyond screaming matches (or worse) between whatever two sides are currently arguing. The moderates are the ones who step in, negotiate with both sides, and find a solution that everyone can live with.

If you want examples of historically important moderates, just look at the founding of the United States. There were tons of wackos from both sides. Some wanted a strong federal government, others didn't want the federal government to have any real power at all. It was the moderates like Jeffersons and Madison who stepped in and got everyone working together enough to create a compromise that's stood for 200 years.

Ultimately, look at ANY compromise/agreement/treaty/whatever that's been successful, and you'll ALWAYS find a moderate there who made it work.
[quote name='organicow']For god's sake, where are my moderate CAG brothers?!? Are we just too lazy to speak out amongst the hard-line fanatics?!?![/QUOTE]

We're around, it's just that we often get drowned out by all the mudslinging and yelling-till-you're-hoarse that goes on to our left and right.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']I tell you what, I'll agree with your point of view when you can find me a book titled; "Great Moderates In History", "Great American Moderates" or "How Moderates Shaped the Modern World".

There's an axiom that Lee Iacocca used that really has applied to all of history. Lead, follow or get out of the way. There's no room for moderation or moderates in that statement.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, George Washington was such a cunt. :roll:
[quote name='David85']Yeah Im sorry but I will have to agree with PAD for the first time in a long time.

Moderates are good, but so far far right and far left. The problem now a days is the fact that the far ends of both parties are so far out there. But Ragan wouldn't have gotten things done if he tried to please everyone. If you try to make everyone happy then nothing gets done, because in order to make everyone happy you can't do anything.[/QUOTE]
Let's not confuse being a moderate with trying to "please everyone." I'm not saying that people should change their opinions/actions just to please others; I just wish that there were more people who were willing to appreciate aspects of both the right and the left rather than feeling like they need to "join" one side or the other.

[quote name='Drocket']Moderates don't make the news, or the books, because quite simply, being moderate is generally pretty damn boring. Being moderate means listening carefully to both sides, weighing the evidence, and coming to a rational conclusion. Its a process that puts people to sleep.

The reality, though, is that moderates DO shape the world. Without moderates, there would never be anything beyond screaming matches (or worse) between whatever two sides are currently arguing. The moderates are the ones who step in, negotiate with both sides, and find a solution that everyone can live with.

If you want examples of historically important moderates, just look at the founding of the United States. There were tons of wackos from both sides. Some wanted a strong federal government, others didn't want the federal government to have any real power at all. It was the moderates like Jeffersons and Madison who stepped in and got everyone working together enough to create a compromise that's stood for 200 years.

Ultimately, look at ANY compromise/agreement/treaty/whatever that's been successful, and you'll ALWAYS find a moderate there who made it work.[/QUOTE]
Bless you child. Good show, sir!
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