Official NHL Not 15 (14) Discussion/CAG Team Thread - Headsets On Pants Off! New Team!

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Hopefully this Thursday, cause otherwise, what the hell is the point? Might as well just buy it release day and be surprised.
Demos for this week are already out. The Madden demo just came out today...and that game releases on 8/27. So, even if the NHL demo comes out on 8/20 (ie. 3 weeks before the game comes out), it'll still be a week better than Madden, lol.

I thought about this when I wrote my last comment, and that definitely was aggravating. But ultimately, I think non-calls for incidental contact should be a byproduct of playing a video game. I don't know how you would balance that without having bad calls either way. The best they could do is put it back to the way it used to be and have players not be affected by left stick interaction. At most, it should just be maybe moving the player, but be easy to shrug off. But the stumbling, being tied up, locked in an animation, etc. shouldn't be happening unless there's a legal/illegal ruling on it.
Ideally they'd make it a penalty to skate into a player who is not near the puck.

And the demo will be out August 20th. 3 weeks before the game releases. Not terrible.


LOL...I love that there's a section that says "And introducing NHL 94 Mode!" and then the only thing that looks different at all is that there's a star under the player. Just within the context of the trailer, that cracked me up. I guess we're supposed to be impressed that all of the teams were wearing the jerseys of that time too...even though they've been in the game for years and people use them all the time. It's not a feature, EA. Just give it up already.

Can we get Fox Broadcast 96 Mode for next year? Then, all they'll have to do is make the puck glow and put that little laser trail behind it. BAM! New game mode, haha.


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I think that's about as much as they had last year (which is still a good amount). Last year I think they had some NHL Moments or whatever it's called. That seems to be replaced with NHL 94 Mode this year. I think there was even a practice/free skate thing too to show off the new skating. I wonder if that'll still be in the demo. Kinda sucks that you only get to play one period of an actual game. I remember hating that last year...having to restart over and over again.

Demo's out. Played a play now game, like the new fighting and the way it broke out felt very organic.
Just got it downloaded myself. I'm going to just sort of "live tweet" this as I go, haha.

Actually, I'm going to put this in spoilers in case people want to get a fresh experience for themselves the first time they boot it up. I don't want to ruin the first impression for anybody. If you're curious, feel free to keep reading though.
Did a free skate first thing just to see how different skating and deking felt. Maybe it's been too long since I played NHL 13, but the skating seemed way faster...almost back to an NHL 12 level. Not sure if it's just because of using Toews, or if they brought the speed back up...but I liked the speed.

Also, the one touch deking doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would be. They should have just called it a "quick deke" button, since it seems like it just gives you a basic left/right deke to avoid contact. Again though, I really hope that doing this doesn't make you impervious to contact. Because if it does, it will be abused all to hell and most likely ruin defense.


Ok, did a Play Now game, and it still feels pretty good. I gave some pretty big shots against the boards though and didn't get one penalty. I'm going to basically just go for penalties in this next game. Hoping this isn't where the cracks start to show.

EDIT 2 -

Ok...I'm murdering people into the glass now and still no calls. This is concerning. On the positive side, the players will at least stand up for themselves now. I crushed Jarome Iginla in the corner with Bryan Bickell and a fight broke out instantly. I had no choice in the matter, lol.

As Rob said, the fight initiation feels way more organic. I'm not sure if the controls amount to anything more than a new version of the old ones though. I've had a couple fights so far, and the first one, I played "correctly". But for this one, I just started spamming the right stick and was able to just keep landing multiple shots in a row. Now, if that can be broken up by an opponent who is smarter and uses the push/pull commands, that might not be bad. But in general, I can see people continuing to do the same thing they always do.

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Backwards skating is still wrong, no crossovers to one side (or strafing). I think i literally free skated for 30 minutes just destroying the goalie with no puck

LMAO..that's just wrong.

Backwards skating is still wrong, no crossovers to one side (or strafing). I think i literally free skated for 30 minutes just destroying the goalie with no puck
Yeah, I think all they did to the skating was speed it up. It definitely feels less labored than in 13. Like in 13, it felt like it took a good amount of effort to get moving. In this demo, you kind of just take off...which almost brings back a little of that "sliding around the ice" feel of 12...but it looks better because you at least have a better skating animation. I know a lot of people thought 13 was too slow though, so maybe this will be a happy median...or be the best they can do.

Brandon said he saw a charging penalty and got a game misconduct in HUT for a hit from I guess that's encouraging. The demo is mostly what I expected. It's NHL. VS mode always plays better than EASHL, so no surprises there. Where it starts to suck is that there have been hugely negative things about the "big modes" of the game. EASHL has lots of great options, but plays like crap (bad AI, cheesy exploiters, etc). And then GM Connected plays good (or at least it should considering VS), but has shitty options (can't change season length, tons of injuries, etc). We'll see what ends up being more tolerable this year.

They always mess up the play now and relax with penalities. The pivots are still slow but I think I'm going to be a wing this year in EASHL if the goalies stay the same. I can actually look at the net and 8 out of 10 times score just by reading the goalie and I can actually aim my shot any where I want. That I like. 

They always mess up the play now and relax with penalities. The pivots are still slow but I think I'm going to be a wing this year in EASHL if the goalies stay the same. I can actually look at the net and 8 out of 10 times score just by reading the goalie and I can actually aim my shot any where I want. That I like.
It's interesting that you bring this up because I wouldn't mind moving back to defenseman. I only played a couple games, but something about the faceoffs just feels weird. I didn't realy get a sense that I was winning or losing them for a specific reason. It just felt random. Plus, my scoring was definitely weaker in 13. As long as we're not getting shut out on the front line, I don't mind sticking with d.
Ahhh, Don't hold LT For crossovers to eithrr side backwards.

One thing I don't like is how 70% of the time, a big hit leads to a fight. 

I know, I'm nit picking.

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Just started playing my first HUT game and noticed "game style" in the settings. The options are "simulation" or "hardcore simulation". There used to be several more options than this right? I remember it saying "hardcore" before, but I thought the others were just like "rookie" or "veteran" or whatever. It would be nice if "hardcore simulation" actually meant called like a real game. I'm going to try it out.

EDIT - Actually, reading the description for it, it seems like there's supposed to be an option for "high impact" as well (maybe just not for the demo...or HUT). But this is what it says:

"Game Style will change the overall feel of the game. High Impact is faster paced and more extreme and Hardcore Simulation is the most realistic setting."

It's too bad they don't have high impact as an option. I'd like to see how different it actually plays.

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Wow...all right. I don't like this. After taking a 1-0 lead with :06 left in the game, I won the faceoff, and skated the puck back into my own zone so I could clear it and end the game. This made me think "Hmm...I wonder if 'the spot' behind the net where you can't take a slapshot to save your life is still there." So, I skated behind the net, wound up, and of course fanned on the puck (wonderful). Meanwhile, a player from the opposing team comes crashing down, skates straight into my goalie and knocks his mask off. The play is blown dead and they get a faceoff in my end. And I was playing on...wait for it..."Hardcore Simulation". Seriously...what...the... fuck EA...   :wall:

Game 2...early on, I shot the puck after the whistle, hit one of their guys, and instantly triggered a fight. lol. So, EA has a decent grasp on how fights get started, but doesn't know the rules of the sport. Makes sense. I just beat up Chara with Lucic...

And now I just boarded their Lucic with Weber, who took offence and then kicked my ass, lol. Don't fuck with Lucic.

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First impressions.

NHL 94 mode is actually better than I expected as some of the physics in the mode make it feel like you are playing the old game at times. I'd still rather have a straight port.

You guys are right, fighting is way too frequent here but they probably want people to see it. With that I have to say, it's much better than any other fight build in recent games.

But the animation at the end is ridiculous. They fight, fall to the ground, the refs don't hold them down like in real games, guys are just like "ok man, ya got me!" Ugh

The one-touch deke, I dunno. The jury is still out on that one.

The game also feels a little heavier and a little more of a sim.

Promising but not a huge leap forward.
I have been saying more refs since 09. 

Looks like I'm pre ordering at Gamestop, Twenty four hut packs, Bauer boost pack and a Winter Classic hut pack. Anything for a new arena in hut!

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I will have to give this another try after I get home from work.  I played one game in HUT and one in 94 mode last night.  The game seems to play faster however I'm not sure if that is because it is a demo or not.  I seemed to have issues winning face offs last night.  Also I couldn't score in HUT mode at all.  I played just like I do in 13 and it just seemed like the game was against me.  my HUT game went into OT and 12 seconds in the other team won the game.  94 mode seems to be a lot of fun and will probably have 90% of my play in it.

I played the demo and liked it.  I thought it felt like NHL 13, but the skating was better.  Although, on NHL 13 I usually play in my online league, so my player is not as fast as a top line NHL forward. 

Checking seemed "easier" to me, lots of BIG hits in my opinion.

I will have to give this another try after I get home from work. I played one game in HUT and one in 94 mode last night. The game seems to play faster however I'm not sure if that is because it is a demo or not. I seemed to have issues winning face offs last night. Also I couldn't score in HUT mode at all. I played just like I do in 13 and it just seemed like the game was against me. my HUT game went into OT and 12 seconds in the other team won the game. 94 mode seems to be a lot of fun and will probably have 90% of my play in it.
The thing with NHL 94 mode is it basically feels like a juiced up arcadey version of the game (which, what NHL 94 was). I was scoring on just basic slapshots and any check pretty much sent somebody flying. They did a decent job capturing the feel of the older games, where the objective was almost more about making you feel good and letting you dominate. I could definitely see how that would appeal to people. But it's a different kind of game from what the NHL series has been lately.

In other news...

About all the fighting, Brandon brought up a good point yesterday. He mentioned the hits resulting in insta-fights and how some people might abuse that online. In EASHL, I'm really hoping that if you just set your guy's fighting to "never", they'll never be able to pull you into a fight like that. If I had to guess, I would imagine it will similar to defending the goalie, where a player like Gary would come to our rescue if one of us who doesn't fight gets rocked. Whether that's something he or we want though is something to think about. It might be best for all of us to put our fighting to "never" so we at least have some control over when fights happen.

Now, how this could affect GM Connected (assuming we even make an attempt at that if the only option is 82 game seasons again) might suck. I guess it's somewhat realistic, but if one of your star players takes a hit and has any fighting level above "never", there's probably a good chance he'll get pulled into a fight. It would be nice if the game gave you the option of having an enforcer stick up for him, but I'm sure that's way over EA's head. I could easily see this becoming a "tactic" to just go headhunting for star players to try to get them off the ice. It's just a question of how exploitable it is.

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Ya know, the more I play this demo, the more I like it. There are definitely a few things ripe for exploitation (pretty much any shot after the whistle results in offsetting minors...which speedy teams will probably abuse so they can get 4 on 4's or even 3 on 3s). But overall, the gameplay itself is actually pretty solid. Playing on All-Star difficulty with Hardcore Simulation gives you a really slick game. The CPU is still really good, but I feel like they've at least improved human capabilities enough that you can keep up with them. Passing is way easier this year, the skating is better, and you can definitely read the goalie and tell where your best chance to score is going to be. And most importantly, cycling the puck feels really organic. I think this is a byproduct of the better passing and skating. I'm able to skate in, turn back, swing around, pass across, go behind the net, back to the point, etc. without throwing the puck back toward my own net all the time.

But of course...this is the demo. Who knows if the launch game will even play like that. I do wish EA would just stop patching and tuning the game so damn much. It's one thing to fix something that's being exploited (like the offsetting penalties). But they've spent all year trying to make a better game than last year. It seems incredibly stupid to keep tinkering with it every time people freak out on the EA boards. If they believe they've made a good game, just stick to your guns and tell people the game was designed that way for a reason.

Anybody else notice that it is hard as hell to swat the puck in the demo?

That was one of my favorite additions last year for when I had a guy flying down on my dman and the puck went to the corner.  I liked being able to swat the puck to a teammate around the boards so that I didn't have to always get put into the board play.

I've played probably 10 games of the HUT and I don't think I've been able to do it once yet. In the controls it says hold RB and flick the RS... So far that hasn't worked for me.

To answer the previous question... I am pretty sure they had double minors last year.  I remember getting a few in online HUT games both on me and against me.

The whole one touch deke thing is just weird to me... Wasn't that always there.  You just had to hit the stick.  Maybe I haven't really hit LB without hitting the stick yet.

I've also seen my first WTF? moment of NHL 14.  I was driving the net, and shot.  As I stopped a few feet away from the goalie my player was hit and flipped over the goalie and onto the top of the net.  I really wish there was a instant replay so I could have posted a video of it.  

Anybody else notice that it is hard as hell to swat the puck in the demo?

That was one of my favorite additions last year for when I had a guy flying down on my dman and the puck went to the corner. I liked being able to swat the puck to a teammate around the boards so that I didn't have to always get put into the board play.

I've played probably 10 games of the HUT and I don't think I've been able to do it once yet. In the controls it says hold RB and flick the RS... So far that hasn't worked for me.

To answer the previous question... I am pretty sure they had double minors last year. I remember getting a few in online HUT games both on me and against me.

The whole one touch deke thing is just weird to me... Wasn't that always there. You just had to hit the stick. Maybe I haven't really hit LB without hitting the stick yet.

I've also seen my first WTF? moment of NHL 14. I was driving the net, and shot. As I stopped a few feet away from the goalie my player was hit and flipped over the goalie and onto the top of the net. I really wish there was a instant replay so I could have posted a video of it.
Do you mean swatting the puck like one timing a loose puck out of the zone? If so, yeah. I've fanned on a few. If you mean swatting a puck while it's in the air, I think that was too effective in past games. There were times when players would slap it back and forth like they were playing tennis.

As for one touch dekes,'s basically just all you have to do is tap LB and get a deke now. It's just not as complex as when you also use the right stick. Like I said, they could have just called it a "quick deke"...but that would have been nowhere near as fancy and make it sound like they spent all year working on it, lol. In my opinion, it's really nothing huge unless there's a game breaking exploit attached to it of not allowing you to hit the player when he's "one touch deking" or something.

If hitting still works as normal though, I welcome it. I've really loved seeing these slick offensive players go down when they should go down when I flatten them with a big strong defenseman. Of course, these are real hockey players with real stats. There's no telling what affect the min/max EASHL boosters will have on the game engine.

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Do you mean swatting the puck like one timing a loose puck out of the zone? If so, yeah. I've fanned on a few. If you mean swatting a puck while it's in the air, I think that was too effective in past games. There were times when players would slap it back and forth like they were playing tennis.

As for one touch dekes,'s basically just all you have to do is tap LB and get a deke now. It's just not as complex as when you also use the right stick. Like I said, they could have just called it a "quick deke"...but that would have been nowhere near as fancy and make it sound like they spent all year working on it, lol. In my opinion, it's really nothing huge unless there's a game breaking exploit attached to it of not allowing you to hit the player when he's "one touch deking" or something.

If hitting still works as normal though, I welcome it. I've really loved seeing these slick offensive players go down when they should go down when I flatten them with a big strong defenseman. Of course, these are real hockey players with real stats. There's no telling what affect the min/max EASHL boosters will have on the game engine.
Exactly what I meant... I guess I'll just have to mess around with it some more. I haven't even been able to do it for the life of me yet. I usually end up throwing some weak poke and then getting either crushed or put into board play.

I agree with the offensive guys getting hit... The only thing I wish is that I could make Toews bleed.

For everyone that is liking the demo keep in mind that most of you liked the demo to 13 last year, but hated 13.  So don't get your hopes up.

For everyone that is liking the demo keep in mind that most of you liked the demo to 13 last year, but hated 13. So don't get your hopes up.
Absolutely. This is pretty much a yearly thing. It's crazy, for a lot of us...the version of the game we like the most is the launch 1.0 tuner set. Then, EA starts tinkering and screws up the game worse and worse. It's good to have a developer that listens to the community, but at the same time...they're the ones getting paid to make the game. If it's not good enough when they launch it, what the hell are they doing? Honestly, if you think about defeats the purpose of the demo. A demo is supposed to give you a feeling of what the full game will be like. If the full game plays nothing like the demo...again, what the hell are they doing? lol...this is the state of sports games these days.

did nhl 13 look good as this game i passed on last year game so did not play it nhl 14 looks sexy as heck.
Graphically, it basically looked the same. The skating was slower though. I guess you could say the presentation is better in 14 since fights just break out without changing cameras. From NHL 10 to NHL 13, fights switched to an awkward first person perspective where people could just throw endless amounts of punches in your face. I think changing that helps make the game feel smoother.

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I think EA will have fighting down ok for non-OTP modes. Leveled a guy with Hossa, then whoever it was I hit tried to get in a fight. Granted I did have to accept the fight, but it was someone else that jumped in for Hossa.

I think EA will have fighting down ok for non-OTP modes. Leveled a guy with Hossa, then whoever it was I hit tried to get in a fight. Granted I did have to accept the fight, but it was someone else that jumped in for Hossa. might be something like if they have a fighter rating of "rarely", it will at least give you the option of fighting. But for the "often" or "always" guys, the game is just like "fuck it! let's go!" lol.

Man, I'm still seeing some incredibly flukey goals. I mean, when I know the alternative is NHL 13 and the supergoalies, I can at least appreciate being able to score at all on good shots. But the CPU just had a shot get blocked straight up into the air, go flipping toward the net, hit the post, and then get put in by a forward camping on the post. It was seriously like the steamroller scene in Austin Powers. "Noooooooooo...."

For whatever reason, I feel like I'm seeing this more in HUT too. Not sure if that's still the "ice tilt" or not. But it is annoying when it happens in OT. But again, I'd still rather have this than reboundapalooza. Just means the defense needs to be top notch. They can't win if they don't shoot.

Last edited by a moderator: might be something like if they have a fighter rating of "rarely", it will at least give you the option of fighting. But for the "often" or "always" guys, the game is just like "fuck it! let's go!" lol.

Man, I'm still seeing some incredibly flukey goals. I mean, when I know the alternative is NHL 13 and the supergoalies, I can at least appreciate being able to score at all on good shots. But the CPU just had a shot get blocked straight up into the air, go flipping toward the net, hit the post, and then get put in by a forward camping on the post. It was seriously like the steamroller scene in Austin Powers. "Noooooooooo...."

For whatever reason, I feel like I'm seeing this more in HUT too. Not sure if that's still the "ice tilt" or not. But it is annoying when it happens in OT. But again, I'd still rather have this than reboundapalooza. Just means the defense needs to be top notch. They can't win if they don't shoot.
I've seen a couple flukey ones, but at the same time they weren't as bad as 13. I am yet to hit a D-man and have it float over the goalies head at a lightning fast .5 MPH like in 13.

That being said I have seen a couple that were fairly realistic in terms of goalie error and deflections. I had one yesterday that went off the left post and as the goalie was sliding over it barely caught the back of his skate and went in. Again, realistic yes... As long as it doesn't happen once every 4-5 games I can accept it happening every once in a great while.

I was going to make a comment yesterday in my post about the rebounds... So far I haven't seen anything too crazy. A couple wristers that might have bounced out a little too far, but one of them I think hit a players skate before getting to the goalie. I had your boy Shea Weber on my HUT team, and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with how goalies handled his absolutely badass slapshot. I've seen some gloved, some dropped or ricocheted when hitting the goalies glove, and of course a couple lasers that met the net. For the most part I haven't seen too many weak shots go flying into the corners, and most of the shots above the pads have caused minimal rebounds in terms of distance.

I really liked the demo and will be buying the game when its released.  I didn't buy NHL '13 last year (but own NHL '12) so its good to see its gotten so much better over the past 2 years.

I've seen a couple flukey ones, but at the same time they weren't as bad as 13. I am yet to hit a D-man and have it float over the goalies head at a lightning fast .5 MPH like in 13.

That being said I have seen a couple that were fairly realistic in terms of goalie error and deflections. I had one yesterday that went off the left post and as the goalie was sliding over it barely caught the back of his skate and went in. Again, realistic yes... As long as it doesn't happen once every 4-5 games I can accept it happening every once in a great while.

I was going to make a comment yesterday in my post about the rebounds... So far I haven't seen anything too crazy. A couple wristers that might have bounced out a little too far, but one of them I think hit a players skate before getting to the goalie. I had your boy Shea Weber on my HUT team, and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with how goalies handled his absolutely badass slapshot. I've seen some gloved, some dropped or ricocheted when hitting the goalies glove, and of course a couple lasers that met the net. For the most part I haven't seen too many weak shots go flying into the corners, and most of the shots above the pads have caused minimal rebounds in terms of distance.
Yeah, I honestly think the goalies are about as good as they can do. They feel pretty well balanced. I really hope they'll just leave them like this because too much tweaking one way or the other, and we're going to either have NHL 13 goalies who stop everything or NHL 11 goalies who are susceptible to numerous "money shots". I've had a decent variety of goals already. I've scored on slapshots, one timers, wrist shots coming across the slot, and even a couple cross creases. But none of these has worked even 75% of the time. I think any weaknesses or "always goals" at this point are going to come from the defense not giving the goalie any help.

I've been playing a lot of HUT, and I don't know what it is, but that game mode does just feel "out to get you" sometimes. Even on Pro difficulty, the Halifax team is tough to beat with their mid 60s level players. And the CPU seems to get a ridiculous number of goals off of deflections. I'm always terrified when they pass it back to the point. And I still think the AI defense gives too much room. It's nowhere near as bad as in previous games (at least not yet). But I still wish they'd give us more control. I've also had some issues with my AI recovering rebounds, while the CPU just snatches them up and keeps shooting. Like I said, these problems seem to stand out the most in HUT...which might be what EA wants anyway, since the objective is to get you to spend money. And if your team keeps losing, you're going to keep buying packs to get better players.

Hell in 13 the contracts were so high in the auction house that you had to buy packs and only play on the double the pucks weekends to play.  I didn't get a good team till I was able to spend about 50 bucks worth of point from Bing for a team and use the contracts from them packs.  Once those contracts were all used it was back to the auction house only to see that what I would spend for contracts added up to what I would get for the games played during the contract unless I played during the double pucks weekends.  I know EA is trying to make more money off of it, but I would like to see something done different with the contracts so I can actually play HUT and not have to hope like hell I get enough pucks just so I can play it and if I can't then hope that I'm close enough for Bing points to use because I don't want to pay real money in order to play a game that I already bought.

Are we going to do a GM Connected with this years version? Sorry to lazy to look in the thread to see if it was mentioned.

Are we going to do a GM Connected with this years version? Sorry to lazy to look in the thread to see if it was mentioned.
I think most people would like to. It's just a question of how we feel about having to play all 82 games again (since it's almost guaranteed that that will be the only option). For me, personally, I feel the same way as last year. I'd love to have an NHL league on CAG that spans multiple seasons like the Madden leagues. I just don't know if that's possible when the game makes you play 82 game seasons.

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Hell in 13 the contracts were so high in the auction house that you had to buy packs and only play on the double the pucks weekends to play. I didn't get a good team till I was able to spend about 50 bucks worth of point from Bing for a team and use the contracts from them packs. Once those contracts were all used it was back to the auction house only to see that what I would spend for contracts added up to what I would get for the games played during the contract unless I played during the double pucks weekends. I know EA is trying to make more money off of it, but I would like to see something done different with the contracts so I can actually play HUT and not have to hope like hell I get enough pucks just so I can play it and if I can't then hope that I'm close enough for Bing points to use because I don't want to pay real money in order to play a game that I already bought.
How were you using/buying contracts? Obviously in the auction house, but how long and for how much?

Here's my own personal philosophy on playing HUT.

-Early on, play as many CPU tournaments as possible (whatever one provides the most pucks per game and that you can still win the tourney). For me, last year it was the 2nd one against the AHL teams, but during 2X puck weekends and happy hours I always played the easiest one to get easy wins and lots of pucks per game.

-Buy contracts through the auction house, but only buy 20-30 game contracts or at least the 12 game contracts.

-The price point I went on for contracts in the auction house was this: 30 games - 500 pucks max (usually you can snag some at 400) 25 games 400 max, and 20 games 300-350 max

-Only search buy now contracts at a max of 500

If you do those few things, you will be able to build up a pretty good bank of pucks and not have to worry about spending actual money or pucks on contracts all the time.

In 13 I think I played close to 300 games of HUT and I did buy maybe a total of 2-4 packs during that time with MSP, but only during promotions when I had an odd number of points left in my account.

It also helps to look at the auction house at weird hours. However, if you are searching for the max that I mentioned, you'll be able to flip through quick to see if there is anything worth buying right away.

Lastly, to explain those numbers above... My reasoning and thought process behind those prices is this: I will not pay more than 100 pucks for a 6 game contract, so I figured if I can get a 20 game contract for 300 or less, it is cheaper than buying three 6 game contracts. Then just do the math for the 24, 25, and 30 game contracts.

So to give you an idea... Buy a 30 game contract for every player and it would be about 8,000 pucks (20 x avg price of 400). During those 30 games, you will earn an average of 500 pucks (assuming you're winning and also playing tourneys), so you will end up with 15,000 pucks. As time goes on, you will definitely start building up a nice pile of pucks.

I remember doing the math for the 25 and 30 game contracts I think around the first of the year.  When I did it I found that I could only play during the 2x puck promotions.  Tournaments would be best, but it felt like at one time EA made them such a pain in the ass to play during the promotion weekends.  Rookie felt like it was just above pro level.  In the beginning they didn't feel different at all then after one weekend I couldn't win a rookie tournament at all during the promotion.  Outside of the promotion they were no problem.  I also at one time was using the superstar glitch and that seemed to work however again it got to the point that winning was a pain in the ass.  If I remember right when I did the math no matter what the length of the contract was you were just winning pucks to play and not able to buy packs.  If it was during a promotion for 2x the pucks then half of the winnings were to go for contracts.

Also I would be up for another league as long as the lag isn't as bad as it was in 13 and we don't have to play a full 82 game season. 

Also I would be up for another league as long as the lag isn't as bad as it was in 13 and we don't have to play a full 82 game season.
Right now, I think it would be better to operate under the assumption that 82 games will be the only option, and see if we can come up with a way to handle that. Maybe something like only play games against teams in your conference? That would knock it down to around 50 games (which is still a hell of a lot for anyone who's ever done a league before). The way the NHL is doing the schedule this year with the new division alignment, Western conference teams play 29 divisional games and 21 in conference non-divisional games...for a total of 50 games. Eastern conference teams, meanwhile, play 30 divisional games and 24 in conference non-divisional games...for a total of 54 games.

At least playing all conference games, you could argue you'd still have decent control over your playoff fate. And then we'd have to decide whether to disallow people from playing their other games (which would allow for people who have the most time to have the most control over their fate by playing all 82 games). THEN, we have to hope that players aren't getting injured in massive quantities in those games we aren't playing, lol. There were so many things wrong with last year's GM Connected, it's almost hard to even guess if it will be playable. It's really going to depend on how much effort we want to put into it.

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