Official. No Backwards compatibility PS3 software update. =(

Looks like crap. I guess because my monitor isn't 1:1, probably wouldn't make a difference. Plays like crap. Good example (for me at least) is the cover system glitching. The AI is even dumber in the PS3 version. Then there's physically the PS3 controller sucking over the 360's. Example for that would be the height of the analog sticks, or the triggers, but you can't even use the triggers on a PS3 to begin with. That's all I can remember so far.

[quote name='Thomas96']what games or types of games can't you find on the PS3?[/QUOTE]

Hmm... well I probably could I guess like RSV2, but in general I do FPS and Car Racing. Oh and NHL. Which reminds me, NHL09 was garbage on the PS3 too.
[quote name='smiggity']Surprise! Another troll comment from the PS3 troll!! I wish I had nothing to do but put worthless messages on the 360 forums all day

At least Cheapest can stop his damn bitchin b/c it aint coming back. They wil just be doing select games for Download. Socom 2 Turbo HD Remix please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Never say never. They said rumble was 'last gen tech' and then they added it back in....and unfortunately charged suckers(including me) for the privilege of having a controller with rumble in it. Of course, it also took them helping out MS in the process, since by the time they settled the suit with Immersion, MS owned a portion of the company.

As for charging for PS2 games on PSN, I predict ALOT of pissed off gamers complaining that they should be allowed to use their games they bought prior to play versus letting Sony double dip and charge them for some bs digital version.

Mind you, I'd give some PS2 games I never got a chance to play a whirl if they're $5 on PSN, but $20 for a game that I can get a used copy of for $5 and a PS2 to play it on from CL for $20. No thanks, Sony. No thanks.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Looks like crap. I guess because my monitor isn't 1:1, probably wouldn't make a difference. Plays like crap. Good example (for me at least) is the cover system glitching. The AI is even dumber in the PS3 version. Then there's physically the PS3 controller sucking over the 360's. Example for that would be the height of the analog sticks, or the triggers, but you can't even use the triggers on a PS3 to begin with. That's all I can remember so far.

Hmm... well I probably could I guess like RSV2, but in general I do FPS and Car Racing. Oh and NHL. Which reminds me, NHL09 was garbage on the PS3 too.[/QUOTE]

Well you have played both, so I guess you can tell the difference. But having only played the PS3 version, I enjoyed it, and didn't feel like I was "missing" anything, or felt like the game wasn't good. Now the PS3 controller is just "your" opinion.. and not fact. Its really just a matter of preference, you spend time w/ the 360 controller and you enjoy it, and I'm the opposite, I like the PS3 controller better, and spend more time with it. My triggers word fine...
[quote name='Thomas96']I have RSV and RSV2 and I love them both... I'd like to know what problems RSV2 allegedly has?[/QUOTE]

I played the game for a solid 6-7 months and the online was sort of laggy and glitchy. Like I said, when the game came out, it didn't work for jack squat on the PS3 for a good 3 weeks, after thousands of people paid 60 bucks for it. Yuo could not play online AT all. They fixed that though. As far as I know, the 360 version had some of the same issues, as well as erasing leaderboard scores, so VipFREAK can get off its dick already cause that version wasn't perfect either. Ubisoft just plain sucks.
Lulz that people still bitch about this 2 years later. You had your chance and didn't support the system/feature when it was available. So either quit whining or go buy a used console.
Sony has always come off as really insecure about the salability of PS3 games to me. It's like they are worried people won't buy PS3 games and Blu-ray movies if they have this vast library of PS2 games available to them. I really think they should give their own audience a little more credit.
[quote name='yukine']Sony has always come off as really insecure about the salability of PS3 games to me. It's like they are worried people won't buy PS3 games and Blu-ray movies if they have this vast library of PS2 games available to them. I really think they should give their own audience a little more credit.[/QUOTE]

and more credit to the developers. A lot of games didn't sell as well as they Should have due to that high ass price tag.
The only reason for backwards compatibility is to get people to buy a system when it launches. Doing that made the PS3 too damn expensive.

Now that it has been out for a while, backwards compatibility is less necessary. Most people have moved on and forgotten PS2 in favor of the Wii and X360. Hell, a good chunk of people sold their PS2 libraries just to fund their Wii and/or X360. What do they need BC for? They don't have any games to play anymore!

Sure, I'd love for PS2 BC to hit the PS3 through some sort of software update. Will it happen? I sure as hell ain't holding my breath. Wii emulation is already light-years ahead of PS2 emulation. It'd be too damn much work, and for no profit. Think about it: If you had a PS3 that was capable of playing PS2 games, would you A) Buy what little brand-new PS2 games there are, or B) Buy used from GameStop, eBay, Amazon, etc.?

There just isn't any incentive for Sony to do BC - thus, it'll never happen. Unless, of course, they decide to sell PS2 games on the PlayStation Network, and they happen to be generous enough to let us play PS2 games without buying them from the Network. Again, I wouldn't hold my breath.

As sad as it may be, collectors like myself are not the target audience of gaming.
PS2 software update is going to come, just not right now. Slim + 299 + awesome lineup for months ahead is the plan right now. There is going to be a lot of hype and when the time is right, sony will introduce PS2 games on the PSN along with a new firmware for it. People will rejoice in the streets, meetings at microsoft will happen where they will discuss talking points for their paid forum members to discuss new ways to dismiss the PS3 entirely, etc. Fun days ahead, folks.

p.s. - i am feeling confident to say, PS2 games on PSN for 15 or less, and if you want to play PS2 games from disc on any ps3, 30 bucks one time fee. Would be perfect for everyone.
I have a PS2.. and I am content with that.

But yeah.. I see PS2 emulation coming to all PS3's sooner or later. Right when we think the PS3 is ending it's life cycle.. BAM, PS2 emulation--Another "10 year console" is born.
If its not emulation, maybe they'll start reselling PS2 games (remastered) and enhanced for the PS3. PS3Extreme has reported a God of War [1 and 2] PS3 Bundle Rumor Where on one Blu Ray they're going to include God of War I and 2.. plus a God of War III Demo. I wouldn't mind seeing some Collection Blu Rays of old PS2 games remastered... so they look better in HD... I can see myself picking up some blu ray collections like that.
[quote name='Thomas96']If its not emulation, maybe they'll start reselling PS2 games (remastered) and enhanced for the PS3. PS3Extreme has reported a God of War [1 and 2] PS3 Bundle Rumor Where on one Blu Ray they're going to include God of War I and 2.. plus a God of War III Demo. I wouldn't mind seeing some Collection Blu Rays of old PS2 games remastered... so they look better in HD... I can see myself picking up some blu ray collections like that.[/QUOTE]

even though i own both games id be down for buying that if it existed.
wow, a lot of bickering. I hope the guys complaining aren't the same guys who support microsoft and their crappyy failure rates (over 50 percent). Lets not forget that the 360 BC isn't something to be proud about either. Jeez, its business. If you guys don't think microsoft has lied as the same with sony, you're fools. Theyre in it for the money. Be a gamer, not a sheep.
Selling games over Xbox Live/PSN is the future. It will save publishers a lot of money by not having to make hardcopy versions of everything. They advertise like normal, but instead of saying "Availble Now At Wal-Mart" they say "Available Now On The Playstation Network".

Sure, it may suck for the gamer, but publishers don't care about the gamer. They care about the all-mighty dollar, and screw the gamer :(
bread's done