Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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$60 in the U.S.
Yup. I got it for $60 from Amazon like two months ago.

I don’t consider that a sale price, $20 off a year later. Especially when games like Assassin’s Creed drop $30 one month after launch. Plus it’s too close to GCU. Now $60 at Best Buy plus GCU and I may bite.

I’m not willing to spend much on more plastic controllers, especially for games that are 2-3 hours long.
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I accidentally punched the wall really hard playing Superhot last night. I think it was the first time in my life I had truly lost myself in a game. It got me thinking about what VR will be like 20/30/40 years in the future. The thought both excited and terrified me...

I don’t consider that a sale price, $20 off a year later. Especially when games like Assassin’s Creed drop $30 one month after launch. Plus it’s too close to GCU. Now $60 at Best Buy plus GCU and I may bite.

I’m not willing to spend much on more plastic controllers, especially for games that are 2-3 hours long.
Just because you don't consider it a sale doesn't make it not a sale. It is a sale, at 25% off.

I just got PS VR last week and I love it. What's worth getting in the sale? I'm buying Stardust Ultra, but not sure what else is worthwhile. I have Rush of Blood and GT Sport already.

I accidentally punched the wall really hard playing Superhot last night. I think it was the first time in my life I had truly lost myself in a game. It got me thinking about what VR will be like 20/30/40 years in the future. The thought both excited and terrified me...
You should watch the movie "Ready Player One" coming out soon. Was also a decent book for videogame enthusiasts. All about a VR-heavy future.

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I didn't like the visual style they went for in Ready Player One (based on the trailers I saw.) It looks like they tried really hard to make the in-game characters look like game characters, so they gave them visible polygons with wireframes all over their faces and things like that.  I looks like the graphics in the movie's game world are actually worse than the graphics in real games today. :(

I just got PS VR last week and I love it. What's worth getting in the sale? I'm buying Stardust Ultra, but not sure what else is worthwhile. I have Rush of Blood and GT Sport already.
You might want to wait on Super Stardust Ultra, as its VR mode is one of the big nausea-inducing games I've played on PSVR so far.

On the list, the best stuff I've played are Farpoint (Aim controller required), Statik, Time Machine VR, and Tumble VR. PlayStation VR Worlds is also good as a collection of experiences if you don't have it.

I accidentally punched the wall really hard playing Superhot last night. I think it was the first time in my life I had truly lost myself in a game. It got me thinking about what VR will be like 20/30/40 years in the future. The thought both excited and terrified me...
The only part that terrifies me is whether or not I'm going to live long enough to see it...

You should watch the movie "Ready Player One" coming out soon. Was also a decent book for videogame enthusiasts. All about a VR-heavy future.
I honestly can't wait. I haven't read the novel so I'm going in blind. As a Spielberg devotee, I'll be glad to immerse myself in his storytelling world along with all the recognizable (throwback movie and game) characters that are featured within. Not releasing a licensed tie-in experience for the PSVR is the biggest wasted opportunity for the medium I can think of. Apparently the Vive is getting 8.

I didn't like the visual style they went for in Ready Player One (based on the trailers I saw.) It looks like they tried really hard to make the in-game characters look like game characters, so they gave them visible polygons with wireframes all over their faces and things like that. I looks like the graphics in the movie's game world are actually worse than the graphics in real games today. :(
Dude, I wish modern day games looked (and felt) as good as the CGI in that movie.



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Anybody have any thoughts or insights on The American Dream. It doesn’t show up in the psn store yet but according to one article I found online it releases next week. Europe is getting a physical release but I don’t think we are. I’m debating importing it for £18.23 ($25-26)
It just released today for $19.99. Looks both fun and f'ed up. Kind of a satirical take on Americana like Job Simulator, except you basically use guns to perform everyday menial tasks.


It's hard to find a review of the game that isn't politically charged. I already know it's not meant to be taken seriously, I just want to know if it's a Day 1 purchase or a bargain bin title.

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I definitely just bought American Dream never having heard of it until this moment. Had a Sony Rewards order go through and it went all to that. Looks amazing.
I accidentally punched the wall really hard playing Superhot last night. I think it was the first time in my life I had truly lost myself in a game. It got me thinking about what VR will be like 20/30/40 years in the future. The thought both excited and terrified me...
Ha! When I was playing superhot I totally thought I could lean on a railing at one point and fell forward. Girlfriend and kids laughed hard at me.
Those look fine, but the in-game face issues are more apparent in this pic:
Yeah, I guess I see what they're going for stylistically, distinguishing the actual humans from the virtual characters. As much as I hope everything looks lifelike and photorealistic (and not computer-generated) in the future, I think there will always be cartoony characters like Mario or those with the anime-exaggerated features of FF and the like who retain their familiar digital composure by design. Still looks pretty neat and I'll reserve judgment until I see it.

I definitely just bought American Dream never having heard of it until this moment. Had a Sony Rewards order go through and it went all to that. Looks amazing.
Oof, so close. That $15 credit should be coming in tomorrow, hopefully.


If you do end up playing it, let us know if it's worth picking up at its current price. I think I'm going to hold off for some more reactions first.

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The American Dream would be a lot better if it used the aim controler. Using the rifle seems totally broken because you are holding one move controller behind the other and the camera struggles to track both.
Edit: I have only played for about 20 minutes and I was thinking about sitting at a bit of an angle to the ps camera in the hope of improving that situation. I would say it seems worth $20, though it will also probably be cheaper/much cheaper in the near future so probably worth holding out on.
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I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I'm pretty skeptical of Ready Player One based on the trailers I've seen. I guess I'm just burnt out on the whole "I wanna live in VR more than reality" concept, which I'm assuming to be a core theme in the movie considering one of the main actors says a phrase similar to that in the trailer. I feel that mainstream bigger budget movies involving gaming tend to struggle because they often attempt to shoehorn the entire culture into a few flawed stereotypes, when gaming in general has become so much larger than that now. I suppose it takes time for mainstream hollywood and society in general to begin to recognize subcultures as they exist independently, but I'm just not looking forward to watching a VR-based movie that follows the tired concept that Ready Player One appears to be pursuing.     

I don’t consider that a sale price, $20 off a year later. Especially when games like Assassin’s Creed drop $30 one month after launch. Plus it’s too close to GCU. Now $60 at Best Buy plus GCU and I may bite.

I’m not willing to spend much on more plastic controllers, especially for games that are 2-3 hours long.
Am I fucking crazy or is this Aim bundle going for under $20?

Shipping from within the US, but under "international listings"...hmmm.

Even if you throw Bravo Team directly in the trash, that's a hell of a deal. Or vice versa.

I didn't even think, I just ordered it.

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Am I fucking crazy or is this Aim bundle going for under $20?

Shipping from within the US, but under "international listings"...hmmm.

Even if you throw Bravo Team directly in the trash, that's a hell of a deal. Or vice versa.

I didn't even think, I just ordered it.
Listing is removed.

If it looks too good to be true...

I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I'm pretty skeptical of Ready Player One based on the trailers I've seen. I guess I'm just burnt out on the whole "I wanna live in VR more than reality" concept, which I'm assuming to be a core theme in the movie considering one of the main actors says a phrase similar to that in the trailer. I feel that mainstream bigger budget movies involving gaming tend to struggle because they often attempt to shoehorn the entire culture into a few flawed stereotypes, when gaming in general has become so much larger than that now. I suppose it takes time for mainstream hollywood and society in general to begin to recognize subcultures as they exist independently, but I'm just not looking forward to watching a VR-based movie that follows the tired concept that Ready Player One appears to be pursuing.
Maybe read the book?

I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I'm pretty skeptical of Ready Player One based on the trailers I've seen. I guess I'm just burnt out on the whole "I wanna live in VR more than reality" concept, which I'm assuming to be a core theme in the movie considering one of the main actors says a phrase similar to that in the trailer. I feel that mainstream bigger budget movies involving gaming tend to struggle because they often attempt to shoehorn the entire culture into a few flawed stereotypes, when gaming in general has become so much larger than that now. I suppose it takes time for mainstream hollywood and society in general to begin to recognize subcultures as they exist independently, but I'm just not looking forward to watching a VR-based movie that follows the tired concept that Ready Player One appears to be pursuing.
I'll watch it on Blu-Ray. Consensus for me seems to be that it's nostalgia bait helped by Spielberg's ability to add emotion to a basic story and have all the silly videogame stuff come across as very engaging. The worldview though is cynical and clearly just built to rationalize the "everyone in VR" aspect of the premise. I imagine the the VR world in the game is more believable than the actual one in the fil.

Listing is removed.

If it looks too good to be true...
I'm in uncharted territory.


The listing was "Bravo Team with Aim Controller" just for reference. There were 15 sold at the time of posting (10+ available; seller has 100% positive feedback). I'm curious to see how this plays out.

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Damn that is interesting.  Well if you get Bravo Team + the Aim controller for that price, that is a damn steal!  I'd trade in Bravo Team ASAP and just basically get the Aim controller for free.  Then find a copy of Farpoint and you'll be set!

Damn that is interesting. Well if you get Bravo Team + the Aim controller for that price, that is a damn steal! I'd trade in Bravo Team ASAP and just basically get the Aim controller for free. Then find a copy of Farpoint and you'll be set!
I was actually planning on doing the opposite; selling the Aim (since I already own the Farpoint bundle) and basically keeping Bravo Team for free + a profit. Payment is still pending on eBay so I'm not holding my breath.

Ok, back to VR discussion.
Speaking of Ready Player One, I finally played HeroCade in which you are "Player One" and trapped in a glitched virtual reality environment with a talking A.I. named A.R.T.3.M.1.S. It's such a cool meta setup for a potentially memorable VR experience, but unfortunately the 9 minigames are all crap. Like, they look like crap and play like crap and most of them are boring. The two featured ones (DreadHalls and Sisters) are the two I managed to complete for the trophies, but unfortunately in order to "escape" the game, you have to complete all 9 of them, which I won't be doing. One such arcade game was Jurassic Survival, a slow paced, uneventful wave shooter that made Brookhaven Experiment look like Farpoint by comparison. I played for 8 waves until I finally gave in and died [of boredom], and still didn't unlock the trophy for that level. I checked the trophy set and almost all of them are "very rare" (one is 0.0%), so I guess nobody escaped.
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I'm in uncharted territory.


The listing was "Bravo Team with Aim Controller" just for reference. There were 15 sold at the time of posting (10+ available; seller has 100% positive feedback). I'm curious to see how this plays out.
The seller hasn't had any feedback since early 2017. That combined with the "too good to be true" price and multiple quantities are all signs that it was a hacked account.

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Has anyone used the mCable for PSVR?  I just read about this on another forum and knew nothing about it, and the guys friends swear by it saying it makes it look noticeably better.  Has anyone on here used it and can they report how it compares?

The seller hasn't had any feedback since early 2017. That combined with the "too good to be true" price and multiple quantities are all signs that it was a hacked account.
Yep, that was exactly the case. Got a message that an "unauthorized third party may have gained access to a compromised account" and the payment was cancelled before it went through anyway. All the signs were there of a shady deal, but good to know that happens.

Everything ventured, nothing gained. That's my motto.

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So folks,GT Sport is 36 bucks on Amazon. It's got a decent amount of post launch support and some minimal VR. Anyone breakdown and play the VR stuff despite disappointing VR implementation?

So folks,GT Sport is 36 bucks on Amazon. It's got a decent amount of post launch support and some minimal VR. Anyone breakdown and play the VR stuff despite disappointing VR implementation?
I don’t think any game makes me more nauseous. I want to like it but I can’t fix the camera so I’m not either peaking over the steering wheel or my head doesn’t fill up the car.
So folks,GT Sport is 36 bucks on Amazon. It's got a decent amount of post launch support and some minimal VR. Anyone breakdown and play the VR stuff despite disappointing VR implementation?
FYI, It's now $32.63 for the limited edition, oddly cheaper than regular edition. I'm tempted at this price.

The VR in that game is limited to single race mode vs. one other car, correct? 

Can you even select different tracks or is it limited to a single track as well? 

The VR in that game is limited to single race mode vs. one other car, correct?

Can you even select different tracks or is it limited to a single track as well?
It's two cars single race with support for most (if not all?) cars and most (if not all tracks). The cars and tracks in patches have been accessible in VR but the single race mode is apparently pretty bad with limited AI.

Pixel Gear is getting a physical release on Wednesday 3/21 for $24.99. It's a great game, but that price is a little steep. I think I paid <$3?
I think it is on sale currently for $3 or $4 digitally. I like that LRG is doing physical VR games now, but it's too bad this one isn't very good and not worth $25.

I finally picked up Psychonauts though after seeing it for $15 on clearance at Gamestop I figured I would finally get the game and I played for about 2 hours yesterday and really enjoyed it.

From the psn sale I picked up Statik and Honor and Duty Arcade Edition. I watched a few reviews for Statik and all of them were glowing. And it appears to be its lowest price according to psprices. Picked up Honor and Duty just because of the price point. I wouldn’t have bit unless they had patched in VR support though
I think it is on sale currently for $3 or $4 digitally. I like that LRG is doing physical VR games now, but it's too bad this one isn't very good and not worth $25.

I finally picked up Psychonauts though after seeing it for $15 on clearance at Gamestop I figured I would finally get the game and I played for about 2 hours yesterday and really enjoyed it.
I'm hoping we start to see some of the VR greats make their way to physical copies through LRG. Games like Thumper, Polybius, Moss, Mervil's, Archangel, and such. I know SuperHot and AZ Sunshine got physical releases in the UK, but if I knew LRG had a path to release those in the US I would hold off and grab those as well.

Pixel Gear is getting a physical release on Wednesday 3/21 for $24.99. It's a great game, but that price is a little steep. I think I paid <$3?
That’s pretty much LRG’s MO. Most of their games can be had for less than $5 digitally at some point. Some are even free with PSN at different times.

I plan to order Pixel Gear because I’m collecting all the PSVR physical releases, but otherwise I would pass. $25 is definitely way too much for that game.
Target is having a Buy One, Get One 50% off sale on PSVR games:

Batman: Arkham VR
Bravo Team
Don't Knock Twice
Doom VFR
Driveclub VR
Eagle Flight
EVE Valkyrie
Farpoint / Aim Controller Bundle
Gran Turismo Sport
Motoracer 4
PlayStation VR Worlds
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Collector's Edition
RIGS Mechanized Combat League
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration
Star Trek: Bridge Crew
Starblood Arena
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
The Inpatient
VR Karts
Werewolves Within
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bread's done