Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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The thing is, if he plans on selling it in a year if there's nothing good coming out for it there's 2 things to take into account: other owners will have the same mentality dramatically increasing the supply of used units and new buyers won't want to jump on board if there's no new games on the horizon so the demand will dramatically decrease as well.

Time will tell obviously but if we do hit a point a year from now where there's very few or no new games planned for PS VR I'm betting you'll see used units going for the $150-200 range not $250-300. Even more so if Sony themselves starts getting skiddish in 6 months when sales slow down and they drop the price.

Just seeing how much the hype has died down in a little over a week is certainly worrying. I mean many people in this thread are already talking about plans to sell it and/or have returned it. Combine that with Sony's track record of dropping anything that doesn't hit it big I'm just not so sure anymore.
But the thing here is that it's only been a week. The experience is amazing even if the games out now are gimicky demos. Think about the Wii and how it changed the experience of gaming. Everyone jumped on board the motion controller train. Now again, this has been out a week, and the barrier for entry is a bit steep. Also this is most likely going to be a hot christmas product as more and more demo units become available and word of mouth spreads.

Even still the tech is expensive. I dont think its going to fly off the shelves for people who dont already own a ps4. It's a limiting factor, but i dont see any cause for worry as the experience is a very good one.

I seriously doubt it's going to drop in value dramatically. Sony is making money off every unit which will continue to subsidize development. There's going to be a fully featured experience with the same quality as Batman within the year (could even be Robinson which releases in two weeks). I'd say it still is kinda analogous to getting a Nintendo, which at this point is a console shored up by the quality games Nintendo makes and not much else. Carrying the same analogy further, 500 bucks is much higher than any Nintendo console has been and even the uniqueness of VR makes it difficult to rationalize for anyone that doesn't have a good bit of expendable income. I sincerely doubt you will see sales on the device but I'd imagine games like Batman and Rush of Blood will start getting bundled for free. Also, I hope the launch bundle stays in production since it's the best deal. RE7 also exemplifies what I think PSVR will be in first gen. A truly unique experience that rejuvenates what people think about games dragged down somewhat by all the limitation of gen 1 technology (aliasing, motion sickness, controls, etc.). 

You could've just tried the demos instead of buying it. Knowing the game type of play your family does it is clear VR is not for you. The idea of VR is not suppose feel the same as standard gaming but a different experience. The amount of money that is being put into VR it is here to stay. But considering the way it effects you and your family, clearly VR is not for you.
I demo'd VIVE. and GEAR VR. No PSVR around here. And not sure how playing recent releases like BF1 and Paper Mario means VR isn't for us. :)

I don't think the money that is being put into VR is here to stay at all. I think it could easily dry up if it isn't already. VR and the games gotta sell for the money spigots to not dry up. So far the stuff isn't selling like hotcakes.

I just see VR as something like Kinect.

VR in RE7 is just going to be like that. It's going to be an RE game with a VR add-on. I think the VR part is going to be short. But that's just my gut saying that. I haven't followed it at all.

But remember developers put Kinect features into their games for awhile until one day they didn't.

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I demo'd VIVE. and GEAR VR. No PSVR around here. And not sure how playing recent releases like BF1 and Paper Mario means VR isn't for us. :)

I don't think the money that is being put into VR is here to stay at all. I think it could easily dry up if it isn't already. VR and the games gotta sell for the money spigots to not dry up. So far the stuff isn't selling like hotcakes.

I just see VR as something like Kinect.

VR in RE7 is just going to be like that. It's going to be an RE game with a VR add-on. I think the VR part is going to be short. But that's just my gut saying that. I haven't followed it at all.

But remember developers put Kinect features into their games for awhile until one day they didn't.
Actually you can play the whole game in VR. It is just a matter of how well implemented it is going to be for VR, that is the question. I'm also holding off even though I did pre-order two Playstation VR's but I returned them back once I saw i would make no money reselling them. I will wait awhile and see if the novelty wears off but over all it seems like the Playstation VR is selling pretty well. The reason I sold mine was they re-stocked for the non-launch playstation vr. I didn't think Sony was going to re-stock until near x-mas.

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But the thing here is that it's only been a week. The experience is amazing even if the games out now are gimicky demos. Think about the Wii and how it changed the experience of gaming. Everyone jumped on board the motion controller train. Now again, this has been out a week, and the barrier for entry is a bit steep. Also this is most likely going to be a hot christmas product as more and more demo units become available and word of mouth spreads.

Even still the tech is expensive. I dont think its going to fly off the shelves for people who dont already own a ps4. It's a limiting factor, but i dont see any cause for worry as the experience is a very good one.
Funny you mention the Wii, cause it did change gaming... for about 5 years and now it's right back to traditional controllers.

All you heard was how motion controls would be the future of gaming and that it was here to stay, only now it's basically gone aside from the VR applications.

There's just no hype for this thing. The Wii was all over the news, talked about at water coolers, etc. There's no similar discussion happening with PS VR or any VR for that matter outside of the gaming industry. It needs that zeitgeist to make it mainstream and even then it's not a guarantee of it being a paradigm shift (as with what happened with the Wii).

It's not selling out, well aside from the launch bundle anyway which brings up another point, with the launch bundle being limited to first run they've effectively raised the price because you need a $60 camera and $100 move controller pack to run the thing (yes, I know the move controllers can be found for cheaper used or what have you but you can't walk into Target/Best Buy/Amazon and get those controllers used and most mainstream consumers didnt have the PS move or hung on to their controllers). When the thing isn't flying off the shelves, raising the cost of entry isn't going to make it sell any better.
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I ended up returning my launch bundle to Best Buy today.  No issues returning whatsoever.

When PS VR works, it was fantastic  For me, the big thing was it was just too flaky for me between the drift and tracking issues to warrant keeping it for $500+.  

VR is here to stay.  I have no doubts I will be jumping in on the next iteration.

I ended up returning my launch bundle to Best Buy today. No issues returning whatsoever.

When PS VR works, it was fantastic For me, the big thing was it was just too flaky for me between the drift and tracking issues to warrant keeping it for $500+.

VR is here to stay. I have no doubts I will be jumping in on the next iteration.
I returned mine to Best Buy as well- I was a bit nervous that my issues couldn't be fixed in firmware updates.

The playstation vr was great for a week but I didn't see myself playing it a whole lot over the next 6 months. My experience also convinced that I'll need a ps4 pro, so maybe down the road they will offer a pro + vr bundle. I haven't really heard anyone complain about the graphics, but in my opinion most games looked very dated and I found it distracting.

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Wow, a lot of people returning the VR makes me a bit uncomfortable about the future of VR.

I do have some tracking issues but if it doesn't get resolved I'll do an exchange.

I honestly enjoy it and sure the future might seem a bit bleak but I know if Sony drops support there will some indie developers still supporting it.

For me, PSVR doesn't replace full games. And I actually don't want them. I prefer and enjoy those short, quirky fun experiences. As long as those keep coming sparingly I'll be happy.
Wow, a lot of people returning the VR makes me a bit uncomfortable about the future of VR.

I do have some tracking issues but if it doesn't get resolved I'll do an exchange.

I honestly enjoy it and sure the future might seem a bit bleak but I know if Sony drops support there will some indie developers still supporting it.

For me, PSVR doesn't replace full games. And I actually don't want them. I prefer and enjoy those short, quirky fun experiences. As long as those keep coming sparingly I'll be happy.
I thought about returning it as well. There are just not enough big title games announced for it. :/

I just need a game like Skyrim to have VR support to fully invest in this.

I'm kinda surprised so many people are giving up too. They're probably the type of kids who live on CoD. Like Black said above I prefer that VR doesn't try to do 'normal' games. VR is going to introduce new genres and live WITH traditional games, not replace them. Same with motion controls. They all can coexist. Don't worry about the Pro. It won't do a whole lot. VR was designed as you see it now.

Wow, a lot of people returning the VR makes me a bit uncomfortable about the future of VR.

I do have some tracking issues but if it doesn't get resolved I'll do an exchange.

I honestly enjoy it and sure the future might seem a bit bleak but I know if Sony drops support there will some indie developers still supporting it.

For me, PSVR doesn't replace full games. And I actually don't want them. I prefer and enjoy those short, quirky fun experiences. As long as those keep coming sparingly I'll be happy.

I didn't have as much of an issue with the games as much as the experience was just hit or miss for me. I was hoping we would've heard from Sony in that they would've addressed some of the reported issues saying they are working on a firmware update. Nothing as far as I can tell. My return window to BB was 15 days, so I figured I might as well return it while I still can.

If I hear improvements are made further down the line, then I'd reconsider buying it. But the bite sized games like Batman...loved it. Would love more of that type of stuff. I don't need 60 hour games on this thing. Just lots of little 2-3 hour games are perfectly fine for me. But it needs to work consistently and for me it didn't.

This thread really turned to crap didn't it.
An expensive 1st gen peripheral in a forum dedicated to frugal shopping is going to bring in a lot of people who are honestly renting a device, looking for reasons to get that 500 bucks back. The 2nd gen ipod was 10GB and 500 bucks. Even then, people were aware of the ridiculously large list of issues it had as a device. What we're seeing here is the problem of qualifying the experience before returning it, which is actually fair and a unique situation here. I do think this will happen more often but I also think Sony is moving the number of units they hoped for. I do think they needs a "Skyrim" though to give something that people will return to repeatedly.

Maybe it's marketed more towards older people.  The idea of a 90 minute game is really appealing to someone like me who has kids.  If the quality is great for 90 minutes, I'm all for it.  Conversely, I don't have time for a game like skyrim.  The number of weeks that I even have a total of 3 1/2 to 4 hours to play games is very limited.  Moreover, older people, as opposed to college kids have more means (in general, not across the board) to spend 500 on anything.

I also agree that the thread turned to crap.  Seems like too many people wanted to rent it.  I opened mine once I had come to terms with the idea that if I opened it, it was either staying with me or I would have to resell it used.  I didn't want to put that back on Best Buy (or another retailer).  Now, I understand those with bad tracking issues returning theirs but someone actually said earlier in the thread that they are returning it closer to the end of the return window in order to give it a fair chance.  That seem more like waiting until the 11th hour to return a rental as the outcome has already been determined.

I hate to return it, but it makes us feel sick.  Nothing major.  Just not  a good feeling.  We  barely played it Thurs and Fri.   And haven't touched it this weekend.  

I always thought VR had more appeal to younger people  .....who have less qualms about putting on a mask because they are less set in their ways.  And are more easily impressed by the wow factor of the tech. 

I did figure there was a good chance I mgiht resell it down the road cause I didn't think the content would be there.  But I really didn't think I wouldn't feel like playing it after 2 days.  

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No it won't. Sony stated games must run on both platforms so the Pro isn't going to gain much if anything. And no it has nothing at all to do with VR. Speculating that it will is the nonsense. VR is out now, this is how it's going to work best.

What do you have to say now? Are you going to admit you were wrong, or make up some other BS excuses ripping on the pro even further?
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I don't want to but I'm going to return my sealed PSVR launch bundle to Best Buy in Portland, Oregon.  If you're located in Portland and want it, private message me and I'll sell it to you for what I paid ($500).

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I hate to return it, but it makes us feel sick. Nothing major. Just not a good feeling. We barely played it Thurs and Fri. And haven't touched it this weekend.

I always thought VR had more appeal to younger people .....who have less qualms about putting on a mask because they are less set in their ways. And are more easily impressed by the wow factor of the tech.

I did figure there was a good chance I mgiht resell it down the road cause I didn't think the content would be there. But I really didn't think I wouldn't feel like playing it after 2 days.
That's normal. It's called getting your VR legs...I completely understand if you are put off by it though. It took me a couple days of training my brain on it. As cool as the technology is, it's not going to be for everyone. I've tried both the Rift and the PSVR, and I honestly like the PSVR better. The Rift has better visuals, but I'm not too keen on it since Facebook took over. I sold my Rift to make a profit, but plan on keeping my PSVR. The software is also MUCH better right now.

Loving mine. Have no intention of returning it. Had a few tracking issues here and there, but nothing that didn't get resolved from re calibrating and readjusting the camera.

I'm returning mine as well, but I will pick it up again later down the line when: 1) it's cheaper, and 2) has a more solid library.

Hanging onto this thing doesn't make much sense for the high cost and low amount of titles in the forecast. The value is just not there yet, and doesn't look like it will be there for a long while. And I don't trust Sony to not abandon the tech so quickly.

Sony shoulda been ready with some heavy hitters, but pretty much every title has been rated mediocre or overpriced (Batman, Harmonix VR), or a combination of both.
Sony shoulda been ready with some heavy hitters, but pretty much every title has been rated mediocre or overpriced (Batman, Harmonix VR), or a combination of both.
Rez is a 15 year old game with a metacritic of 89 across 33 reviews. Thumper is 84. Even Rigs is 77 and it made me incredibly sick. There's no way they are going to launch with a 100 game library; it would flood the channels with product and oversaturate news channels. IGN still hasn't reviewed numerous VR games weeks later. I agree that for most people 500 bucks is too much for a generation 1 product but I'm surprised this many people didn't even seem to know what they were buying. Motion sickness and lack of demo units available aside, I'm guessing the CAG crowd is so comfortable with retail return policies that VR is going to get test driven through purchases until more people understand what it's about.

In other news there's three new VR releases this week.

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I used mine all weekend, mostly for Playroom. Haven't gotten any retail titles yet, wanna find a sale since I rarely buy anything at retail price. I know Target has their thing this weekend but stock isn't great there nor are the games the same price. Everyone who tried it is impressed.

I feel that many here are misunderstanding that VR is not meant to be the main way we game but a compliment. VR can never be the main gaming experience due to some getting motion sick and other stuff. The experiences on VR are meant to be 3-5 hour titles. Not 60+ hours like witcher or other games like that.
My idea for a game is Assassin's Creed Leap of Faith.  It's just countless dives into hay off of famous locations around the world.

Dear Ubisoft Lurkers:  That intellectual property belongs to me.  

This thread really turned to crap didn't it.
I mean, it's a deal thread that is just people discussing things. Realisically this should just be deals and everything else goes to the Sony subforum. So it's mostly always been crap. The problem you see is that a lot of people dislike the device, are returning it, or are arguing about the resolution/ps4pro. It's turned to crap because it isn't a Sony circlejerk of hype anymore (not that there is anything wrong with that!)

I would suggest everyone head over to reddit for discussions about it since they info over there is quite good. Further, it is pretty much devoid of anything negative because it's reddit! Just downvote anything you don't agree with!

I feel that many here are misunderstanding that VR is not meant to be the main way we game but a compliment. VR can never be the main gaming experience due to some getting motion sick and other stuff. The experiences on VR are meant to be 3-5 hour titles. Not 60+ hours like witcher or other games like that.
I agree, seems like people who haven't spent anytime or much time with VR just don't understand it and base their opinion around it's price. Playing a game for 60+ hours in VR would be too much to take in. 3-5 hour experiences are great and games like RIGS or EVE Valkyrie that you can just pick up and play for however long you'd like are also great. I think Resident Evil will be the first real meaty single player VR experience for the PSVR and I am interested to see how long people play that game in VR before needing a break. I can't imagine it'll be a 60+ experience, but I would be shocked if it isn't quite a bit longer of a single player experience than what we've gotten thus far.

My CAG conflict is the $500 price tag.  You know how much fun I can have with $500?

Anyway... I took it to the teen group and let the guys try it out.  They LOVED it.  And all they played was Battlezone...  Wait until I let them try Batman.

It is a totally unique experience...  This is not a Wii... or anything similar.  It is REALLY a fully different world you get to experience.  

Games are only one side of it...  That movie download thing was amazing too!!  Can I personally get $500 of fun out of the VR?  Probably not.   Can I get $500 worth of fun watching others experience it?  So far, absolutely yes.  :)  

Rez is a 15 year old game with a metacritic of 89 across 33 reviews. Thumper is 84. Even Rigs is 77 and it made me incredibly sick. There's no way they are going to launch with a 100 game library; it would flood the channels with product and oversaturate news channels. IGN still hasn't reviewed numerous VR games weeks later. I agree that for most people 500 bucks is too much for a generation 1 product but I'm surprised this many people didn't even seem to know what they were buying. Motion sickness and lack of demo units available aside, I'm guessing the CAG crowd is so comfortable with retail return policies that VR is going to get test driven through purchases until more people understand what it's about.

In other news there's three new VR releases this week.
Who says it needs 100 game launch library?

PSVR just needs a few strong key quality titles. The way it's going right now it's shaping up to be a lot of shovelware.

PSVR doesn't need to be flooded with a bunch of mediocre titles. It would be like the Wii except at a higher price point, and less success since VR is not exactly new, it's not going to catch fire like Wii did.

There should be no surprise that people experience the VR -- go through the emotions of a new experience, maybe get some motion sickness, and then get off the high when the novelty finally wears off. Then they begin to take a harder look at the actual future of it -- it's not surprising or unreasonable especially when the multiple barriers of entry (equipment and price) limit it to such a small sample size. PSVR is the most affordable of the other tech (Rift/Vive) so it is most likely a lot of people's first experience with VR.

Also, a quick note to CAGs. My psn was hacked and the guy made his ps4 my primary ps4. Since posting that I would play eve with other cags (a few days back), a bunch of people were added to my friends list. The thing is I'm not sure if they are cags who responded about eve or people that the hacker added as my friends.
My psn was hacked also. I got it fixed rather quickly on chat with Playstation Support. I was working when it happened and was able to get it fixed before I left work. They changed my log in info and created two sub accounts. Then used the sub accounts to purchase games with my psn wallet. Everything is fixed but I'm waiting for a refund. Added 2 Step Verification asap.
The complaints and returns are few and far between. The general consensus is people are loving the PSVR. It is definitely a different gaming experience. Realize that most people that aren't happy with something will head to the internet to complain, while few will share their happiness. The PSVR is very well done and comes with some wrinkles but all new hardware does. This thing is only going to get better and don't let a few negative comments you read on the internet deter you from an incredible gaming experience. I have not had this much fun gaming since Mario 64. Not joking. 

My psn was hacked also. I got it fixed rather quickly on chat with Playstation Support. I was working when it happened and was able to get it fixed before I left work. They changed my log in info and created two sub accounts. Then used the sub accounts to purchase games with my psn wallet. Everything is fixed but I'm waiting for a refund. Added 2 Step Verification asap.
Credit where credit is due. Sony deactivated all the devices (again) for me after I had changed my password and added 2 step verification. I'm satisfied with that.

For those curious, I did manage to return those move controllers separately in the Best Buy build a bundle deal. $89.28+tax refund. Under $500 for the headset, camera, and several games made this a truly smoking deal. Thanks to the CAG that pointed out the original deal.

I need opinions. I started a listing to sell my VR because I just won't be able to play y it. Backlog, kid, work, and masters degree pursuit won't allow me to kickit with a headset. Give me a reason to open this thing and give it a shot. I read some of the commentary, but man I just don't know.
I need opinions. I started a listing to sell my VR because I just won't be able to play y it. Backlog, kid, work, and masters degree pursuit won't allow me to kickit with a headset. Give me a reason to open this thing and give it a shot. I read some of the commentary, but man I just don't know.
You know, I was doing the exact same thing. Then I opened and played a few demos. Then I played VR worlds, the shark one and thought this was kinda cool. Then I played London Heist, then Danger ball which I now play every day. I bought Batman and Rush to Blood for 16 each and love them but also Thumper and Rez. I have played both of those every day as well and now just can't get enough of the VR experience. I was even one of the folks having the drifting issue but I listened to others and adjusted my play area. No more issues and super happy I kept my purchase. As someone that has thousands of games, I never realized how fresh something like this would feel even with older games like Rez adapted to it. No regrets at all.
I love my PSVR. I don't get any kind of motion sickness at all playing Rigs or EV for hours on end so I am good to go. It's a new way to play games. It's just about pure enjoyment of what you are doing. I'm excited for the future of it since it is going over so well!
I need opinions. I started a listing to sell my VR because I just won't be able to play y it. Backlog, kid, work, and masters degree pursuit won't allow me to kickit with a headset. Give me a reason to open this thing and give it a shot. I read some of the commentary, but man I just don't know.

Sounds like you've already made up your mind being that you currently have it up for sale. Honestly though, given the reasons you provided I'd recommend raising your kid and pursuing your degree while juggling work. Anytime you get available game time, work on your backlog.

In the meantime, I own the Vive, Rift,and PSVR (I even still have my original Virtual Boy, lol). All 3 headsets feel like version 1.0 and each have their own pros and cons respectively.

By now you've probably read and seen many review videos on matter so I won't go into details unless you ask me to. Just know that I feel everyone should experience VR at least once before passing judgement.
So I just played / completed Batman VR last night.

Opening scene (no spoilers)
Batcave atmosphere
Riddler's rewards
Mirrors (no spoilers)
Gotham City in VR
The sense of being Batman

Short game (roughly 3 hours)
Felt incomplete
Needs more villains
Puzzles were not challenging enough
Not being able to drive or fly in Gotham

Overall the cons do not outweigh the pros. This game is definitely one of PSVR's best title to date IMO.

I'd highly recommend it to all PSVR owners. Go out and buy it now!

8.5 out of 10
Tethered has gotten pretty great reviews and is 10% off. Looks like it was supposed to be 20% and they changed their minds. That said, looks like a decently sized and polished game for 30 bucks. I'd post a link but the US webstore is not updated yet.

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I need opinions. I started a listing to sell my VR because I just won't be able to play y it. Backlog, kid, work, and masters degree pursuit won't allow me to kickit with a headset. Give me a reason to open this thing and give it a shot. I read some of the commentary, but man I just don't know.
Ditto to the above post with Batman.

There are more things to do then just games... There are movies that are great to watch too. Kids watch Invasion last night and enjoyed it... then we watched Lion King... Which my daughter LOVED!!

Here is a tethered review:

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Is Invasion the exact same thing that is in Within on the demo disc?  I'm having a hard time understanding why they would put the same short film from the Within App as a separate download.

bread's done