Official Super Monkey Ball: BB Thread

How the games like Racing, Bowling, Target, and Monkey Fight compared to those on Super Monkey Ball for GC? I loved those ones...
So far I like the racing (Race and Snowboard) and Monkey Wars the best. I still need to play through most of them though.
There is (Monkey Target), but I think there's only one level. Too bad, because the new mechanics with the Wiimote are pretty dang neat. Was REALLY disappointed in Whack a Mole. Too hard to control. 8(

One level in monkey target? So I'm guessing they suck compared to Super Monkey Ball 1 for GC. Too bad...guess they just dumbed down the 6 minigames they had to make 50 mediocore ones =/
After playing for quite some time tonight, it would appear there IS only one level in Monkey Target. Lame. Not only that, but NO ITEMS. Super duper pooper lame. This sucks, because other wise the new target is a lot of fun. I especially love that it keeps all landed balls in place, so if you opponent gets a 500 or something you can try to land on him and knock him off, thus negating those points.

The other mini games just feel goofy or flat out broken. I tried playing darts and whack a mole, and neither of them even seemed to register my movements! Anyone else having these issues? VERY disappointing.

Whack a Mole is broke as far as I can tell. We had trouble even keeping the hammer on the screen much less actually getting it over a mole and whacking it.

Target was actually pretty fun, though the lack of items and only one stage does kind of suck.

Snowboarding was fairly fun and makes me excited about the potential for an SSX game. There were a couple of other ones that I kind of liked, but over all a lot of them are a miss. I still need to play a lot of them though, so we shall see.
So disappointed in this game. I'm trying to cut a deal with someone on CAG but I've only been a member for about a week now. I might just have to eat the price or take it to EB for $30
Ah, you guys are making me feel better about not picking this up. And I'll have plenty of this kind of material to play when Wii Play and WarioWare come out in a month and a half.
If I had gotten this, it would have been primarily for the minigames, as the central Monkey Ball gameplay has never done much for me. And everything I've read has said the traditional Monkey Ball portion of the game is exceptional, while the minigames are okay to poor.
I'd say there are some great minigames. Hurdles, for instance. That is a ton of fun. And I don't know the name of it, but the one where you glide with the open ball and have to drop the other ball you're holding as you glide - both landing on the target for points? Also, the bird flying game. There are some real winners on there.

I love the game. The main game itself is a lot of fun, and while there are some stinkers among the minigames, I've encountered MOSTLY good games with some great ones tossed in, too.

No disappointment at fact, I fail to see how another minigamefest could be better!
I've never played Monkey Ball on anything but a GBA so I'm still getting used to this, but the mini-games are interesting. They aren't very deep, but each one seems to make a unique use of the controller so it is a good way to try out the Wii to see what sorts of things it can do.

I like the way they use the nunchuk and wii-mote to steer in the hovercraft games and monkey wars is a great little FPS with monkeys.

I'm not very good at the main game and to tell you the truth, it makes me a bit dizzy although that could just be my crappy skills.
can't wait to get this game in, but walmart has awefully slow shipping. This game and Rabbids are the titles i'm lookin forward to.
I have to say I'm disappointed with Banana Blitz, as the main reason I wanted this was for the minigames. I haven't played every mini-game yet, but a lot of them are not intuitive or don't seem to control correctly. And it really sucks, because you can see how some of the games could be potentially fun, but the controls totally mess it up. For us, it seemed like front to back motion of the Wiimote was particularly crappy (like for Trombone, UFO whatever, and Whack-A-Mole). Does this game even have Monkey Fight (the one with the boxing glove)? That was the main mini-game we played on the Gamecube, and I can't even find it. Also, I can't figure out how to quit out of mini-games or cancel in mini-game menus without restarting the game... is this just me?

But the mini-games do show a lot of potential of what the Wii is capable of (which makes it extra frustrating when the controls are crap). There are some decent ones; I really liked Monkey Wars (simple FPS).

The main game, however, is a different story. The controls are much better, more fluid, intuitive, and appropriate for Super Monkey Ball. I'm enjoying the puzzles using the Wiimote. What's neat is that the ball can jump now, which adds a sort of platformer element (even though I don't like platformers). I'm not really digging the boss battles at the end of each world, but whatever. The single-player is way, way better than the mini-games.
I beat the first world really fast because its obviously very easy and more of a tutorial level. After that I kind of got bored and stopped playing it, but that was because on launch day I wanted some instant satisfaction like Wii Sports gave me. However, now that I've had time to play more and take time with Super Monkey Ball, I'm a lot better and really enjoying this game. I'm not too big on the mini games b/c I feel the controls are iffy. But the singleplayer control is right on once you're used to it.
Question to those who own the game: Are all the mini games unlocked or do you have to unlock them by playing single player? The reason why I ask is that I hate the SP part of Monkeyball games but love the mini games.
All the mini-games are available from the main menu. I'm not sure if there are extra-unlockables, but I don't think so.
so should I pass on this until it's a bargain bin game? That's the vibe I'm getting from these mini reviews. I got Zelda and TC so far, so I wanted my multi-player fix, but it doesn't look like this game is worth the price. I don't wanna force a buy just because it's a launch, I might just wait for either WarioWare or Wii Play.
Sounds like a rental, although I have no idea when I'll have time to play it. I'm getting Zelda for Christmas and I have a huge backlog.
The multiplayer games are flat-out broken for the most part. I am talking 30+ of these games are difficult to impossible to control.

These are the games I enjoy because they work properly (for the most part):

Monkey Darts
- gotta get the hang of what it wants you to do (keep it pointed at the sensor bar!), but once you do it is pretty good. I am very good at it (mostly bullseyes), so it is possible to play it correctly.

Disc Golf
- Just point, and throw like a frisbee. Very intuitive, and pretty fun. The only weird part is aiming the vertical angle before you throw, but it's very manageable.

Monkey Wars
- As everyone has said, this is the best example of first-person controls on the Wii thus far. Very shallow, but the control is spot-on.

Monkey Target
- A thoroughly-retarded version of Monkey Target from the last-gen games. Only one target, no power-ups, and you're shot out of a cannon instead of rolling down a slope and off a jump. Still fun though, and good to control.

Banana Theif (I think)
- Very simple to control, and doesn't use depth perception or aiming at the screen - the two control mechanisms that basically ruin most of the games. Just tilt the remote left and right to move your monkey holding a large pole, and jab it up to make your monkey knock the banana theifs off the rope above you. Pretty fun, very short, very shallow.

That's it.

But dudes, the single player mode is awesome! The controls are pristine, the levels get insane, and they are all gorgeous. Highly-recommended, but it only took me three days to beat all eight main levels and get perfects on three of them. There are two more secret worlds you get for getting perfects on all the worlds, but I'm not gonna count secret worlds as a part of the main game. Lastly, the boss levels are not very fun, but they aren't that hard either. Worth noting, since they are considered a big new addition.
[quote name='supershammy']But dudes, the single player mode is awesome! The controls are pristine, the levels get insane, and they are all gorgeous.[/quote]

I totally agree. Single player is absolutely awesome. The Wii control scheme is simply unbeatable, and makes the entire single-player experience so much more fun.

On the other hand, the mini-games are pretty much total crap. Some of them have really convoluted control schemes, and most of them don't even work properly. There hasn't been one mini-game that I have enjoyed... yet.

As a side note, I never liked the GCN Monkey Ball games, and I don't care for the mini-games, but Banana Blitz has made me fall in love with Monkey Ball's single player mode.
All the games in sMB work. Some require you to figure out the controls though or to get used to the sensitive remote. There's alot more than 5 good games in there.
bread's done