-- OFFICIAL --Things You Hate That Other People Say --Thread--

i hate the following

-"thank you in advance for reading this!"
-"any other DLF powering down of food quote(although funny, its been done too many times)"
-"in before the lock"
-"+ 1 post"
I hate it when people swear excessively, to me it shows their intelligence.
Im sure ill come up with a stupid phrase though.
[quote name='pimp_daddy_smurf']i hate the following

-"thank you in advance for reading this!"
-"any other DLF powering down of food quote(although funny, its been done too many times)"
-"in before the lock"
-"+ 1 post"[/quote]

thank you in advance for reading this is just being polite, thats like getting pissed off at someone for holding the door open for you....but the rest are getting old quick...
[quote name='trustcompany1013'][quote name='pimp_daddy_smurf']i hate the following

-"thank you in advance for reading this!"
-"any other DLF powering down of food quote(although funny, its been done too many times)"
-"in before the lock"
-"+ 1 post"[/quote]

thank you in advance for reading this is just being polite, thats like getting pissed off at someone for holding the door open for you....but the rest are getting old quick...[/quote]

He's talking in the DLF context, which puts that at the end of the paragraph. ... thanks in advance for reading this.

^^ like that
In real life, definately gotta be "Git 'r done!!!" and "I'm Rick James, Bitch!"

I fully expect 10 users to reply and complain about the Rick James line.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I hate internet lingo of all forms. I never use "lol", or any variations.[/quote]

sneaky you just did.........what i hate more is when people say lol and tes suXXorzzZZZZzzz and n00b in REAL life
[quote name='Scorch']In real life, definately gotta be "Git 'r done!!!" and "I'm Rick James, Bitch!"

I fully expect 10 users to reply and complain about the Rick James line.[/quote]

I won't complain about it. Just animate it.
"I'm sorry sir but you're disturbing the other customers. You are going to have to leave now"

I hate this because I hear it all the time

But...I mostly hate when they say "We are calling Security" right after that.........
I hate when people intentionally use awful spelling/grammar etc. on purpose to mock those who say it and mean it.

It's not original, it's not funny, and if it wasn't for you half that shit wouldn't even be on this board. YOU ARE NOW PART OF THE PROBLEM.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I hate when people intentionally use awful spelling/grammar etc. on purpose to mock those who say it and mean it.

It's not original, it's not funny, and if it wasn't for you half that shit wouldn't even be on this board. YOU ARE NOW PART OF THE PROBLEM.[/quote]

....and who exactly are you tawkin about?
I hate when people say, "this, that and the other thing" when describing something, drives me nuts here in Marland.. or when they say "or whatever"..annoying I tell ya.

I hate it when people come into my store and make shit up on the spot to impress their friends. Like how they know someone with a PS3, "We don't got 'em yet cuz they in Hong Kong right". Or that you can use a light gun in Halo, "Y'know, it's more accurate." ](*,)

EDIT: Also, I hate it when people try to act "sassy". Having to watch adults say ridiculous stuff like "Don't go there" or "Oh no he di'int", as though an audience is watching and will respond with canned laughter. It's fucking torture. And the others who complained about over-cussing are fucking right too. :wink:
One annoying word is "hella" and any other slang words I hear some kids saying nowadays

such as........"rollin' deep", "bustin'", etc.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000']I hate it when people bitch about the things other people say. Really annoys me.[/quote]
I hate it when people try too hard to be clever.
I absolutely hate the phrase "I digress", I know your off topic, you know your off topic, so just get back on topic and don't say the word digress to do it!!!
[quote name='zewone']asshat, WOrd, gay internet crap like that.[/quote]

That and "official" it seriously does irk me when people make something an "official" topic, unless it's CheapyD or perhaps some other moderator, how is it "official"...nothing personal smurfz

[quote name='trustcompany1013']back on topic

its too big[/quote]

Oh I get that too, but the key is to ease it in like a gentlehorse and then they complain a little less.
[quote name='zewone'] gay internet crap like that.[/quote]

^^ That. That's what I hate.

So zewone, how can you tell the difference between gay crap and hetero crap? I'm not even aware of a test to determine sexual orientation from a blood sample - it's amazing that you can determine it from a stool sample.
I hate when these rural white kids try to talk like they are gangstas. Makes me want to tie them up, throw them in the trunk of my car, and dump them of in the middle of a ghetto at night. Let's see how hippity-hop they are then.
thank you in advance for reading this,


there are a few select silly groups that have very irritating jargon. the two i find the most irritating (and consequently the most amusing) are thugs and hippies, but it may take too much energy to comment on all the silly things being spoken within hip-hop. but regarding hippies, if you ever wind up at a party with one, pay attention to what they say, it's hilariouis.

now, don't get me wrong, i love me a good smelly red-eyed hippie every now and then but i find the stupid shit they say rather annoying:

1. right on -> usually pronounce raht awwwn
2. good times -> usually repeated 3 or 4 times in rapid succession
3. heady -> usually in reference to heady nuggets, which i AM a fan of, but can't they just call it good weed?
4. yeaaahhh -> sometimes sandwiched between good times and right on

p.s. i'll comment on the stupid thug-speak later on
p.p.s. i'm half black so shut up.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Any "The OFFICIAL" threads when not initiated by CheapyD.[/quote]

Seconded. I don't even like that word much to begin with.

Also hate l337 speak esp when not kidding, wack, "hella" anything, , etc.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Cornfedwb']Any "The OFFICIAL" threads when not initiated by CheapyD.[/quote]

Seconded. I don't even like that word much to begin with.

Also hate l337 speak esp when not kidding, wack, "hella" anything, , etc.[/quote]

HEY, how can you second that, if you read the thread there was another poster that mentioned this...

Oh and PS, I love "Right on" simply because that moron in Super Punch-Out kept saying it. Still one of my all-time favorite games.
[quote name='eldad9'][quote name='zewone'] gay internet crap like that.[/quote]

^^ That. That's what I hate.

So zewone, how can you tell the difference between gay crap and hetero crap? I'm not even aware of a test to determine sexual orientation from a blood sample - it's amazing that you can determine it from a stool sample.[/quote]

Isn't it obvious? homo poo is covered in ... you know what? Nevermind. Forget I said anything, really.
I don't like it when someone refers to another person as, "good people"... as in, "Oh, I know him. He's good people." He's a good person, damn you!
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Isn't it obvious? homo poo is covered in ... you know what? Nevermind. Forget I said anything, really.[/quote]

[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']i hate it when people say sucks when they havent even played the shaq-fuing game[/quote]

That has always pissed me off.
bread's done