Official, "What the shaq-fu!?!? THAT was the end of Neon Genesis Evangelion


99 (99%)
Ok, just finished watching NGE, all 26 episodes, and for the most part i really enjoyed it, up until ep. 24 or so, then it just lost me.
I understand it, sort of (i think), but why? Couldnt they come up with something better for the last few episodes?
I mean come on, THAT was the climactic ending?!?!

Now that i got that out, should i get "Death and Rebirth" "Genesis Reborn," "End of Evangelion," or "Resurrection, directors cut?"
Any order to watching those?

Thanks, and thanks.
I think it was more like, "Oh shit, we're out of money and out of time...put whatever you've got under the camera, voice it over, and get it out"

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I think it was more like, "Oh shit, we're out of money and out of time...put whatever you've got under the camera, voice it over, and get it out"


yeah it was the worst ending.

They should have put one of those Xiao Xiao stick figure movies. That would have made a better ending.

Pointless? Yes

Better Ending? Definatley
I had the same response you did, about 4 years ago when I finished watching it for the first time. Was like ok this sucks ass. I picked up Death and Rebirth and End of Evangelion. Death and Rebirth was alright, only new thing happens within the first 2 minutes of the movie. End of Evangelion was freaking awesome, it truly ended the series. After watching you still might have a wtf moment. Still if your going to get anything just get End of Evangelion and I think that should satisfy you.

They had a reason for the crappy ending.


- The End of Evangelion ending was the origninal scripted ending.

- Japan was pressuring GAINAX(sp?) to censor it more and by doing so they lowered their budget.

- By having a lower budget, they couldn't do the original ending. This also explains the use of still frames instead of animation near the end.

I got this info after saying the excact same thing you did after I watched it and then went on the net.
The TV ending is the official series ending - there's been no official confirmation of the budget rumors, while they are rather believable given Gainax's money situation at the time.

I'm in the minority who appreciated the ending for what it was, a thematic, psychological closure to the show, while one that ignored or bypassed the "reality." To be honest, all the "reality" of the show is irrelevant to the mind of the creator, as everything was a metaphor for his own personal issues anyway.

That said, watch the End of Eva. It's the ending that everyone really wanted. Yet ironically in some ways more confusing than the TV ending, but everyone loves it.
From what I remember (I was a big EVA fan about .. uh .. 7 years ago) that Anno wasn't taking his pills or something and so he got really philosophical and whatever near the end of the series.

End of Evangelion was "remake" afterwards because so many people were disappointed with the original ending. The first part of EOE is really awesome .. the second part takes another turn. While it appealed to more people, it left me a little more confused.

Personally I liked the Human Instrumentality Ending .. but that's just me.
Ok, now onto the opinion of a madman:

Evangelion was the first anime series I watched seriously. Examples of non-serious viewing for me would be Dragonball Z on Cartoon Network, etc. Because of this, I hold the series in higher regard then I maybe should have. I have watched the series 3 times already and am doing it again as the platinum series come out. The reason I like it so much was the character development and the whole viewing of Shinji going through unhumane obstacles and how it affected him emotinally/mentally. This was widen since it was probably the first time I watched something like this.

I felt the series was a bit too...kiddish at moments. It would go from a serious moment to somehting you would see from a morning cartoon show. Though this became less of a problem as the series progressed. It just makes me a bit irritated when I think, what if the series was more serious?

Ahah, now for my opinion of the endings. The tv ending was confusing yes, but I guess appropriate when you think about it. A part of me wants to say this was a good ending or THE ending, since it was very evangelion-like or something. As for EOE, this was very enjoyable as well. Again, it was confusing but closed some plot holes and opened up some. I can't say I have a favorite ending, but if i had to choose, it would be a mix and match of both. The human intrumality part and the beginning of EOE. Similar to how the_gloaming put it.

Speaking of eva, does anyone know where I can find the official picture of Asuka and Shinji post EOE? I know there is one.
While you're at, can anyone make head or tail of the ending of 'THe Big O' series? Started off great but it seems the creator didn't really have an explanation for any of what was going on and just did a cosmic reboot.
Ending of anime series kinda blow your mind because how random they are haha.

Berserk for instance, it just left you friggin hanging w/o anything to go on.

they need to make a 2nd series already. berserk is probably the best anime i;'ve watched yet.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Ending of anime series kinda blow your mind because how random they are haha.

Berserk for instance, it just left you friggin hanging w/o anything to go on.

they need to make a 2nd series already. berserk is probably the best anime i;'ve watched yet.[/quote]

I agree with you, its probly the best anime ill ever watch. but i doubt they'll ever make a 2nd series. Berserk was based on a manga by the same name and follows it very closly except for a very few scenes and charecters that they left out...but without these few secens and charecters that they cut it would make it impossible to continue the series.

my suggestion: you need to read the manga. I veiw the berserk anime as just a really long comercial for the manga. the manga is twice as graphic and ten times as long(and its still going).
as far as evangelion, i watched about 15 episodes relized i didnt enjoy a miniute of it (let alone care about any of the cliched' charecters, or the so boring im going to fall asleep action scenes) and never watched another episode. I might have stuck with it if shinji's balls ever droped.
as far as evangelion, i watched about 15 episodes relized i didnt enjoy a miniute of it (let alone care about any of the cliched' charecters, or the so boring im going to fall asleep action scenes) and never watched another episode. I might have stuck with it if shinji's balls ever droped.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Sucks doesn't it? Sometimes you watch a whole series and the last few episodes ruin it. Cough BigO, Wolf's Rain, X Cough.[/quote]

I personally thought the ending of Wolf's Rain was very appropriate for the tone of the show. It was already such a darker anime, why not do what they did in the end? I mean, the wolves DID get resurrected in the end. I liked the fact that unlike a typical anime ending, they really didn't just let everyone live. It was a change of pace for me.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Ending of anime series kinda blow your mind because how random they are haha.

Berserk for instance, it just left you friggin hanging w/o anything to go on.

they need to make a 2nd series already. berserk is probably the best anime i;'ve watched yet.[/quote]

I agree with you, its probly the best anime ill ever watch. but i doubt they'll ever make a 2nd series. Berserk was based on a manga by the same name and follows it very closly except for a very few scenes and charecters that they left out...but without these few secens and charecters that they cut it would make it impossible to continue the series.

my suggestion: you need to read the manga. I veiw the berserk anime as just a really long comercial for the manga. the manga is twice as graphic and ten times as long(and its still going).
Listen, the last two episodes of the series was bad, but they knew this when they were origanally released. To make up for it they made the End of Evangelion which is suppose to be what really happend in episodes 25 and 26. And EOE doesn't suck.
[quote name='masta0031']my suggestion: you need to read the manga. I veiw the berserk anime as just a really long comercial for the manga. the manga is twice as graphic and ten times as long(and its still going).[/quote]

Yeah, the manga is freakin' awesome. Talk about graphic -- page one, Gattsu is having sex with a woman who turns into a big demon, then he shoves his fist in her mouth and tears her throat out. fucking awesome.

One of my ex-girlfriends convinced me to start reading it. #6 just came out recently in english, and the story taking place in this one are around episode 18 or 19 of the anime. Definitely recommend picking that up!
Interesting. I find that the final few episodes of Evangelion are the ones I appreciate the most. Some things you need to understand about the series:

1. You *MUST* watch the series more than once to understand most things. My friends and I had 3, 13-hour “Eva-thons” followed by lengthy discussions about all the various religious symbolism. These sessions really helped us appreciate all the small nuances that were placed throughout the series.

2. Sometime in the middle, Hideki Anno (The director, who interestingly enough directed “Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo” aka “His and Her Circumstances”) had a mental breakdown. I'm not sure of the reasons, but it's the episode where Rei has this giant exposition and you see a whole line of them. He started to re-evaluate the meaning of life from his personal view, and that is partially why there was such a huge shift in focus FROM mecha-battle orientation TO philosophical beauty.

3. Evangelion was meant to address all the crap other mecah shows (like Gundam) are about. Some in Japan viewed Eva as the antithesis to those shows.

4. Ultimately, the series is a "Coming of Age Story." My take on the final message - "Don't get tied up with only identifier (ie. sports, a person, an ideology) because if you should lose that identifier, you lose yourself," “You must love yourself before others will you,” “The only person who can understand you and take care of you in the end, is you – so *you* must take care of yourself.”

In the end, Eva isn't for everyone. It's very much a love/hate relationship. If you want your standard Mecha Show, stick to Gundam and the first half of Eva. If you want a more intellectually challenging series with some message, understand the last half. Then watch End of Evangelion and have your mind blown to hell.

BTW, here are some helpful links to understand various references in Eva:

I'm open for discussion on the series - it's been a while since I had a good Eva Debate. :wink:
I just skipped to the bottom of the 2nd page to post this: I'll probably be done with the series by the end of this weekend and then I'll give my input.
[quote name='zewone']Listen, the last two episodes of the series was bad, but they knew this when they were origanally released. To make up for it they made the End of Evangelion which is suppose to be what really happend in episodes 25 and 26. And EOE doesn't suck.[/quote]

I actually liked 25 and 26, but then again I was able to watch EOE right after to really end the series.
Bet the admiral was wondering when I would pop in. The ending really isnt that confusing if you watch it as such, episodes 1 to 24 and then end of evangelion. The ending is a bit screwy but if you watch it a few times it wont seem so crazy, I personally thought it was pretty good as well as the whole series. One of the best overall animes of all time.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='zewone']Listen, the last two episodes of the series was bad, but they knew this when they were origanally released. To make up for it they made the End of Evangelion which is suppose to be what really happend in episodes 25 and 26. And EOE doesn't suck.[/quote]

I actually liked 25 and 26, but then again I was able to watch EOE right after to really end the series.[/quote]

The last two episodes should be a small ova IMO.
I definetly enjoyed the series, it just seems like they should have gone out with a bang.
Hopefully EoE will be better.

Should i not even bother with:
Death and Rebirth
Genesis Reborn
Resurrection, directors cut

So I just watched End of Evangelion for about the 10th time today and I still cannot figure out what is going on at the very end.


Why did Shinji choke Asuka at the end?

Nevermind, found the answer.
[quote name='zewone']So I just watched End of Evangelion for about the 10th time today and I still cannot figure out what is going on at the very end.


Why did Shinji choke Asuka at the end?[/quote]

Probably just the shock of having the entire human race wiped out/made into fluids.......the kid's always freaking out.
But IMO greatest robot anime I've seen..............right above Rahxephon........
WATCH RAHXEPHON!!!!!!! NOW!!!!! Underrated series!
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