okami 36.99 f/s newegg

Tempting but I'm still going to wait and see if it drops around 20 somewhere. I've got enough backlog that I can wait, but do want!

Thanks OP
I highly suggest picking this game up if you have the time! I would buy it from there, but picked it up at Gamestop the day it was released because I couldn't wait! Good deal tho.
I'm definitely getting this game when it drops to $20-30. I pay tax at newegg because I live in CA, so I've got some waiting to do. I still am playing through zack and wiki and no more heroes...
backlog??? as in other games backed up you still need. If so, I feel ya I've caught too many good deals in the past thirty days need to slow down, yeah maybe if the deal is still there on payday I'll definatly bite
[quote name='shadowkast']backlog??? as in other games backed up you still need. If so, I feel ya I've caught too many good deals in the past thirty days need to slow down, yeah maybe if the deal is still there on payday I'll definatly bite[/quote]

ummm no.....backlogged as in a bunch of games you already have but have yet to play/beat.....
Just a warning to any of the fans of the original, they screwed yet another one up. The Wii version is missing the subtle fine detail lines, the cell shading is nasty looking (fatter lines) compared to the PS2 version and they botched the faded water color look for an over saturated way too colorful look. I think it sucks ... but it's got waggle.
[quote name='xxtheycallmedxx']ummm no.....backlogged as in a bunch of games you already have but have yet to play/beat.....[/quote]

i'm sure there are more than a few of us on here who know how that goes. i'm just over 415 games, and i probably haven't even touched atleast half of them, but yet i keep getting more.
[quote name='sixteenvolt420']i'm sure there are more than a few of us on here who know how that goes. i'm just over 415 games, and i probably haven't even touched atleast half of them, but yet i keep getting more.[/quote]

I have this exact problem....

seems that I have an urge to collect games as opposed to beating all of them, lol :p
so is this game that good? I read some reviews on it and it got some pretty good reviews, just wondering if its worth almost $40? With so many games coming out soon, I'm just wondering if I should wait for a future price drop?
I thought it was awesome on ps2, and maybe even better playing it a second time on the wii
the drawing with the wii I found more fun and nowhere near frustrating as many reviews have pegged it to be.
As for the visuals, it's a personal preference which is "better" they both look great
[quote name='sixteenvolt420']i'm sure there are more than a few of us on here who know how that goes. i'm just over 415 games, and i probably haven't even touched atleast half of them, but yet i keep getting more.[/quote]

Welcome to the world of collecting. Playing games is for losers! :p (I kid, I kid!) If the DS deals tomorrow have ONE good one, I'll hit 650 games...I need more.

Back to the deal at hand...I'm tempted to throw this in when I order my 9800GTX. Thanks for the find OP!
that's what I meant to say in my earlier post games 'you have beat/touched) key board is screwed up sorry...... I sold 60 ps2 games a few months ago when I was tight for cash, truly regret it when I see that big gap in my dvd tower:cry:
[quote name='sixteenvolt420']i'm sure there are more than a few of us on here who know how that goes. i'm just over 415 games, and i probably haven't even touched atleast half of them, but yet i keep getting more.[/quote]

Can you say rampant consumerism? ;)

Actually, I am struggling with this issue myself. Every time I buy a game, I think back on all the games I stopped halfway and never finished...
man, i want to jump on this, but its hard to with the huge backlog of games i have right now. i really want this game and want to support it, but its hard to front the money, especially when its a game that seems like it'll have a high chance of dropping in price... i wish it werent (zack and wiki is devaluing like crazy! still glad i got it tho... got it at the $30 price pt.)
[quote name='iHack']Anybody know where to get the PS2 version for this new???[/QUOTE]

The PS2 version's pretty much been cleared out everywhere... I think DeepDiscount.com had them in stock a few days ago.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Careful as this is for the PS2, not Wii.

And thanks OP - Picked up a copy.[/quote]

That is what some of us are looking for... but is anybody else getting OOS when they add it to the cart??? I really want this game brand new sealed...
[quote name='Penguin1084']I have this exact problem....

seems that I have an urge to collect games as opposed to beating all of them, lol :p[/quote]

I know EXACTLY what you mean...then my friend comes over and asks why half my games are still in shrink-wrap. :mrgreen:
[quote name='gobearson3']I know EXACTLY what you mean...then my friend comes over and asks why half my games are still in shrink-wrap. :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

Thus is the danger of being a member of this community. Welcome to the family!

BTW, just got the game today from this deal and look forward to digging in this weekend.
bread's done