Old school gaming: Commodore 64 Direct to TV system $10 at Kay-bee


82 (100%)
Game list:
* Championship Wrestling
* Cyberdyne Warrior
* Cybernoid
* Cybernoid II
* Eliminator
* Excelon
* Firelord
* Gateway to Apshai
* Impossible Mission,
* Impossible Mission II
* Jumpman Jr.
* Paradroid
* Pitstop
* Pitstop II
* Ranarama
* Silicon Warrior
* Speedball
* Summer Games
* Supercycle
* Sword of Fargoal
* Tower Toppler
* Uridium
* Winter Games,
* World Karate Championship A
* World Karate Championship B
* Zynaps
* Bull-riding
* Flying disc
* Sumo-wrestling
* Surfing

I just wish they had Summer games II.
I picked it up this weekend. Good for the nostalgia value.
saw this last night for $10. I had a Commodore 64 and about 500 games back in the day.

Still, I' couldn't bring myself to buy it.
I remember d/ling just about every one of these on my 300 baud modem back in the BBS days.

Damn I'm old......
Man that brings back memories. Might have to bust out the old '64 and play some M.U.L.E. :)

Seems like every time I get in that nostalgic mood, I hook up the tape drive and remember how much a 20 minute load time sucked.
Is this on sale or is that they're regular price? I want to get one, but I won't be down in the States again until next weekend.

Also, didn't QVC buy up the entire production run to have exclusivity for this product? I've heard the system works fabulously, but perhaps there isn't quite the demand that QVC expected.
[quote name='Fanboy']Is this on sale or is that they're regular price? I want to get one, but I won't be down in the States again until next weekend.

Also, didn't QVC buy up the entire production run to have exclusivity for this product? I've heard the system works fabulously, but perhaps there isn't quite the demand that QVC expected.[/quote]

Regular price was $15, on sale for $!0
"Legary of the ancients" was another classic..I might have to break out the old 64.Now where is my fast load cartridge
Impossible Mission was a great game, and one of the first games I remember with synthesized speech (it really impressed me at the time). I don't remember Gateway to Apshai, but I played a lot of Temple of Apshai in my day. Maybe this was a prequel?

Still I'm kind of disappointed with the exclusions. I was hoping for Bruce Lee, Karateka, Race Across USA, Bump N Jump, among others.
Gateway to apshai was earlier and came on a cartridge..Was it the Mamba snake..The yellow one.It was so fast use to killed me all the time.
Nice to see the memories still work on some of us old folk. :)

Wish this had M.U.L.E., Karateka, Bard's Tale, Ultima and a few others my brain can think of right now. Good times. :)
[quote name='Zincdust']Anyone else own WWF Micro-League Wrestling at the time?[/quote]

I have two of them. Orndorff vs Hogan and Savage vs Hogan, I think. Someone will correct me if those matchups were wrong.

Favorite C64 wrestling game was Bop N Wrestle.

Favorite C64 game overall was Omni-Play Basketball (first sports game I can remember having a franchise mode).
Yes, the lineup could've been better, I find myself wanting more. I have looked up some mods on it though, with some soldering, I believe you can hook up a disk drive and a keyboard. I might have to try that (its cheap, I should buy another one). I still have some floppys of the better games (I really want to play Summer games II). Oh, and its only one player, you can't use two joysticks (so you have to alternate on those games that are two players). But the load time is extremely fast.
Is there a pic of this thing? I currently have a Commodore 64 I picked up from a yard sale that I've had since July, and I still haven't plugged it up for fear that it'll short out the house.
[quote name='antichameleon']Wasteland was my fave on the c64[/quote]

Best...game...ever. This is easily my favorite non-console game of all time.

Ahhh, Rad Angels.
Ah yes, the C64. Brings back great memories. Beachhead anyone? Remember Forbidden Forest, where you had to shoot arrows at the invisible dragons? And that music, wow!

Ghostbusters, Archon, Summer Games, Jumpman, Bruce Lee. Those were all serious time killers when I was young.

I remember some of these games. I was about 4 years old though when I used to play them & can't always remember the name of the games. Forbidden Forest sounded familiar & I had to find some pictures of it to make sure it was the game I was thinking of :) If I remember correct it turns night time in the game.

Alice In Wonderland was a good action adventure game. I remember another action adventure game that was like Alice & Wonderland but can't remember what it was called at the moment....I remember it had a town or village made of trees & you could glide with some kinda cape if I'm remembering right maybe someone else that has played it before will remember what it was called.
I still got my C64, 1541-II drive, MPS-801 dot matrix printer, Vicmodem, Colecovision pads, Epyx Fast Loader Cartridge......100's of games. I got the Microleage wrestling games, wasn't Mircoleague Baseball great? I have baseball, the GM disk and Phillies disk. Bop'NWrestle was the first wrestling game I ever had. Anyone ever played Superstar Hockey? Where you had the league, with divisions and you could change team names and players? Those were the days!!
Oh and MicroLeague Baseball was great too. Remember that one? You didn't actually play the game, you managed it. I put my entire little league team on there and played out an MLB season.

And there was some recording industry game I had where you created a band and tried to hit number one by doing promotions and stuff. It was all text-based, but it was really fun. I edited all the datafiles so that real bands and singles were in the game instead of generic stuff. It made it more fun that way.

[quote name='heavy liquid']Oh, the time I spent on Bard's Tale... What a great game.[/quote]

Yep. I played it for thirteen months. Of course, I had the cassette version so a lot of that time was spent loading, but I enjoyed every second of it. I've actually just started up a new game in WinVICE. :) Wasteland was fantastic too.

I MUST go down there and see if they've got any, because I've got to have one.
It's mostly Epyx games, isn't it ?
Impossible MIssion (even though I beat it most every time I play it) alone is worth me purchasing it... anywhere else beside KB selling it?
[quote name='FOnewearl']I remember another action adventure game that was like Alice & Wonderland but can't remember what it was called at the moment....I remember it had a town or village made of trees & you could glide with some kinda cape if I'm remembering right maybe someone else that has played it before will remember what it was called.[/quote]
You're thinking of Below the Root. It was a fun, well-designed game. I remember playing through it as each of the characters.

I'm thinking about picking this up. I really shouldn't since I still have my C-64 with a ton of games. Plus I've got a few C-64 emulators and thousands of roms, all of which barely get any use.
[quote name='bmarquardt'][quote name='Zincdust']Anyone else own WWF Micro-League Wrestling at the time?[/quote]

I have two of them. Orndorff vs Hogan and Savage vs Hogan, I think. Someone will correct me if those matchups were wrong.[/quote]

You are correct! Those are the two matches that came with the basic set. They released five more matches, but I think that they were available only through Micro-League themselves (through mail-order), not at retail. I had the Hogan VS. Savage/Hogan VS. Orndorff set, plus I bought:
Hogan VS. DiBiase
Savage VS. Honky Tonk Man
Duggan VS. Race
Roberts VS. Rude
Warrior VS. Rude

They were in the process of making Bret Hart VS. Mr. Perfect when they cancelled the series.
Ahh, the 64...man, that's how I got hooked on gaming. Pit Stop / Pit Stop 2 are the only ones I remember having...but I was like 4 at the time.
[quote name='Rhinox']I just played "Root Beer Tapper" on my 64.I turned my xbox on after about 2 minutes of it..[/quote]

Yeah well, the arcade version of Tapper was as repetitive as that.

I'd buy this just for Paradroid and Impossible Mission, two total classics. I just hope I can find one at a local KB Toys, although I'm not getting my hopes up.
[quote name='Rhinox']I just played "Root Beer Tapper" on my 64.I turned my xbox on after about 2 minutes of it..[/quote]

Bah, Generation Gimme!! :p
[quote name='stoned99']I looked all over kbtoys.com, I can't find it. Link please.[/quote]

Sorry, in store only, and apparently its YMMV. Sorry for those that are looking for it and can't find it.
[quote name='govegan'][quote name='FOnewearl']I remember another action adventure game that was like Alice & Wonderland but can't remember what it was called at the moment....I remember it had a town or village made of trees & you could glide with some kinda cape if I'm remembering right maybe someone else that has played it before will remember what it was called.[/quote]
You're thinking of Below the Root. It was a fun, well-designed game. I remember playing through it as each of the characters.

I'm thinking about picking this up. I really shouldn't since I still have my C-64 with a ton of games. Plus I've got a few C-64 emulators and thousands of roms, all of which barely get any use.[/quote]

Wow. Just, wow. I probably would have gone my entire life without remembering playing that game. As it is, my memory of it is pretty fuzzy, but I know I liked it a lot.
Oh Man! Micro League Baseball and Superbowl Sunday were awesome. Loved Archon I and Archon II. Of course the Summer Games series. Heck, I even remember having a strip poker game for it. LOL.
[quote name='govegan'][quote name='FOnewearl']I remember another action adventure game that was like Alice & Wonderland but can't remember what it was called at the moment....I remember it had a town or village made of trees & you could glide with some kinda cape if I'm remembering right maybe someone else that has played it before will remember what it was called.[/quote]
You're thinking of Below the Root. It was a fun, well-designed game. I remember playing through it as each of the characters.

I'm thinking about picking this up. I really shouldn't since I still have my C-64 with a ton of games. Plus I've got a few C-64 emulators and thousands of roms, all of which barely get any use.[/quote]

Bingo it was bothering me all last night that I couldn't remember that thanks for helping out with the name when I couldn't remember :) It was one of my favorites & I remember beating it also. I wish I still have my Commodore 64....I used to have about 100 games roughly for my C64 good old days of 5 1/4 floppies.
My local KB Toys (Chesapeake Square in Chesapeake, VA) had about 15 of these. Not an invitation to purchase one for anybody, though. I'm broke as it is...
[quote name='GSJaia']What, no Archon or Ghostbusters? Regardless I need to buy one of these.[/quote]
Archon! Now that was a good one. Right behind Wasteland and Bard's Tale.
bread's done