Older gamers: do you play your DS in public?


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I noticed that there are a lot of us that are over 20 and like to play DS/GBA/PSP games, but I've never seen anybody older than 20 play them in public. Actually, I did see somebody who was over 20 years old play his PSP once at a college graduation. But that was it.

Last time I played a handheld in public was about 5 years ago, but never have since.

Do any of you play handhelds in public, and those that don't, is there a reason why?
I'm going to be buying a few handheld systems, that I'll be playing in public if their ever on hand, and I have the time.

I belive that most people 20+ are generally only in public for reasons, working, grocery stores, this or that so therefore are not as caught up to play hand held systems as younger people who do not have the same responsibilities
I mostly play my DS at home. The only time I play in public is in a movie theater or something similar.

I did however recently start teaching at a high school. I'm pretty slack with the classroom rules so I let kids bust out their iPods when we've got down time. What I find odd is the fact that I have yet to see one DS, but I've seen multiple PSPs. I suppose the added ability to listen to music or movies is a better "value" then a DS in school.
[quote name='360CoreGaMer']I'm going to be buying a few handheld systems, that I'll be playing in public if their ever on hand, and I have the time.

I belive that most people 20+ are generally only in public for reasons, working, grocery stores, this or that so therefore are not as caught up to play hand held systems as younger people who do not have the same responsibilities[/quote]Yeah, pretty much. I'm rarely in a situation where it's reasonable for me to bring along a DS and sit around somewhere playing games.
I tend to not bring my ds tank around with me when i go out, simply because i'm afraid of losing it, and when i'm out i'm usually with friends, gets distracting y'know ;)
I'm 28, I'll play it on planes etc.

Otherwise I just play it at home as adide from traveling any other time I'm out in public I don't need to kill time. Other wise I'm working, shopping, eating, hanging out with friends etc.
I don't play in public very often, but that's mostly because I don't have the time to... even at college, I usually opt to study if I have time between classes.

I used to take it to play before classes started, but found people always want to talk, and I can't talk and play at the same time, I feel like I'm being rude :p

If I'm flying, though, I always play my DS. I *do* get odd looks, but meh... people who look down their nose at adults who enjoy things like cartoons and video games just piss me off... I guess they want us all to be miserable and boring like them :p
I don't know if i am old but I am 30 and i have played my psp and ds in public. Usually if i am in a waiting room like a doctor, or oil change something like that.
[quote name='360CoreGaMer']

I belive that most people 20+ are generally only in public for reasons, working, grocery stores, this or that so therefore are not as caught up to play hand held systems as younger people who do not have the same responsibilities[/QUOTE]

def. true. I don't ever play one when out of the apartment. But I see kids with their parents bored playing one all the time around here.
I play my DS most days on the bus, when I'm not catching up on work. Also, planes and trains are perfect DS/PSP locations. Whenever I'm traveling and don't need to concentrate.
Only on trains, buses and long car rides.

I just don't have any reason to play in public. If I have any down time in between classes, I spend it doing homework.
[quote name='sociopharm02']I don't know if i am old but I am 30 and i have played my psp and ds in public. Usually if i am in a waiting room like a doctor, or oil change something like that.[/QUOTE]

Same here... I tend to hibernate in the winter (yes, even through the candy ass SC "winters"), but when the weather warms and I'm out and about more, I'll be bringing my DS with me.
As stated above, if I'm gonna be sitting with nothing to do, I'll use it. Airports, trips and such. The problem is that I get carsick if I read in the car, so even if it's a time I'm not driving, there's a limited amount of games I can actually play in the car.
No, I rarely take my DS out of the house. When I am in the car and not driving, I take my PSP with me instead of the DS because a lot of DS games require percision that is difficult to have in a moving car (bumps in the road, sharp turns etc.)
I'll pretty much play my DS or any other portable whenever and wherever. I don't really care about the perception of other "adults". In fact I actually played through half of Boktai when I was in college and since it required the sun I played it outside, and from what I noticed no one ever looked at me funny. I did get approached by some people who wanted me to take part in a survey, and it was a weird survey, but that's really neither here nor their.

Actually to the best of my memory no one ever looked at me funny or even inquired about what I was playing until I got a PSP. I guess since that has a perception of being a "cool" system people wanted to know what I was playing. It was usually Lumines back then, and after telling people that they went back to their business since they had no interest in a music/puzzle game.
[quote name='daroga']As stated above, if I'm gonna be sitting with nothing to do, I'll use it. Airports, trips and such. The problem is that I get carsick if I read in the car, so even if it's a time I'm not driving, there's a limited amount of games I can actually play in the car.[/QUOTE]

I'm kind of the same. I can read and other things for a limited time, so I usually bring slower, often turn based games. That way there's less of a perceived motion. For some reason I can watch videos though, doesn't make any sense to me.
Let me just say, the DS and GBA are man's best friend when it comes to your GF shopping. I take one of them whenever she drags me, I mean, I joyfully and WILLINGLY go out with her to the mall or other stores! :D
I play my DS on the train almost every day. It's great, makes the trip go very quickly, great games and they last a long time because it's only 15-30 minutes each way anyway. I use it on the plane as well.

Can't play in the car because (as others) I get carsick very easily.

Also if I am waiting for somone at the train stop or wherever and I have my DS with me sure, I'll play it, no problem.
[quote name='keithp']Let me just say, the DS and GBA are man's best friend when it comes to your GF shopping. I take one of them whenever she drags me, I mean, I joyfully and WILLINGLY go out with her to the mall or other stores![/QUOTE]

Your girlfriend must not be like me then....

Shopping with a guy is fun...you can put on a little show for him everytime you try something on = )
yeah i do, but for the most part its somewhere youd expect like planes and trains.

but i also played my ds during my college graduation, while waiting for restaurants, before a movie, the doctors office, car repair places, and basically anywhere i know that i am going to be waiting for an extended period of time.
I'm 28 and don't go anywhere without my DS. I did the same with my GBA. I'll play it anytime out in public. I just can't wait til my daughter is old enough to play games too, so we can DS games against eachother.

A friend and I used to wait at a sports bar for all you can eat wings and play Mario Kart against eachother. I heard someone say a stupid comment about us once, but who cares. Were having fun.
Sure, I usually play on public transportation; or when I know there's going to be a long wait.

I don't think playing a with a handheld game has to do with anything about being outdoors or in public -- I think it has to deal with time. I mean, you aren't going to play a game unless you know you are going to make progress in it, right? Why turn it on, play for a few minutes, then turn it off?
[quote name='Demontooth']I'm 33 and I play my DS anywhere, anytime.[/QUOTE]

I'm 29 and I do the same. I could care less if people think its weird or silly. I plan on having fun for a very long time.
[quote name='sarausagi']Your girlfriend must not be like me then....

Shopping with a guy is fun...you can put on a little show for him everytime you try something on = )[/QUOTE]

^^ Winner!
Mechanics, doctor's offices, trains, and yes, shopping at the mall with the fiance are all great places for my DS. I love the winter months since I usually wear a coat when going out and the DS Lite fits easily in the interior pocket. Though I also like the Gameboy Micro for public play. The size is perfect for it.
Im in my 30's and I play my DS on my commute to/from work every morning.

I see some gba's and DS's in my travels, although its mostly PSP's, although almost all the PSP's I see are playing movies and not games.

I dont really 'hang out' outside unless Im going somewhere or doing something with someone, so you wont find me leaning up against the wall of the quik-e-mart playing my DS Jay & Silent Bob style.
I carry my DS with me if I know Im going to have a long wait. Doctor's appointments, sitting in the car for whatever reason, etc. It also often gets busted out while at a relatives house (because they usually have boring tv on). So yeah, I play it in public, the DS or the PSP. My favorite was probably the flip top GBA because it would fit right in my jean pocket and went with me EVERYWHERE. The DS and PSP are a bit too bulky to be such easy traveling companions though.
Yeah, I do. Anyone who thinks it's something to be ashamed of should just get over it already. You're bored and I'm not, who's the sucker?
I'm 34 and I use my DS or PSP every week at son's doctor's office. He has a weekly OT appointment where I'm stuck waiting for an hour. A handheld makes the time fly by.

[quote name='iheartmetal']yeah i do, but for the most part its somewhere youd expect like planes and trains.

but i also played my ds during my college graduation, while waiting for restaurants, before a movie, the doctors office, car repair places, and basically anywhere i know that i am going to be waiting for an extended period of time.[/quote]

Exactly. Whether I am waiting for an oil change or Thai take-out, my DS is with me.
I'm 21 and I play it whenever I get the chance. I bring it with me to the mall to take advantage of download stations, the theaters, airplanes, etc. etc.

My DS Lite is like my wallet and keys. I don't leave home without it.
30, and I use my PSP and DS whenever I'm stuck somewhere. Which isn't often since, you know, I can just drive away :D

Basically while waiting for oil changes and things like that. Otherwise mostly just home and work sometimes :D
Im 21 and there are times after i get out of work when ill get a few buds together and head to like, a Denny's or something and play MarioKart over a cup (or a few) of coffee. But that's it, i agree with the "Older people are only out because they have something to get done" clause
I guess I'm pretty much with everyone else on this one. The DS phat is too big to fit in my pockets easily, so I don't really take it places. That said though, I'll make the effort to bring it with me if I'm going somewhere where I expect I'll have to wait. Doctor's office, dim sum, airport, etc.

My Gameboy Micro on the other hand is small enough to take everywhere. Usually, I'll just play something that I can pick up and put down 5 minutes later, like Puyo Pop, Puzzle Fighter, Warioware... It's nice to have when you need to kill 10-15 minutes in line at the bank or post office or something.
Yes, I play in public. On my breaks at work, and once head to head with someone at a bar. It garners a few looks and lots of questions "Is that the new ipod?"
I tend to bring my PSP with me when I'm in public, because there's no stylus to lose (I have a tendency to "misplace" things). My DS goes with me when I'm with friends and have a little downtime.
I play everywhere I go when I need to kill time. Same goes for PSP, but that's because I take my book bag wherever I go most of the time and have my games in caseses. I'm always happy that I can actually have good stuff to play no matter where I am.
[quote name='sarausagi']Your girlfriend must not be like me then....

Shopping with a guy is fun...you can put on a little show for him everytime you try something on = )[/QUOTE]

Fun for the girl, maybe. I just spent two hours at the mall with my girlfriend yesterday afternoon, and I wanted to choke myself. It's just loud music and crowds everywhere--no show you could provide in a public mall is worth that headache.
I'm 23 and I'll play my DS in the car or on a plane. Other than that, I don't get many opportunities to play in public (I wish I would have brought it with me yesterday). It's 2007--anyone who still thinks video games are "for teh kidz" isn't worth worrying about to begin with.
All this got me thinking, is there anyone you WOULDN'T play your handheld in front of?

I don't think I'd play mine in front of my mother-in-law... I just wouldn't want to deal with the inevitable comments I'd get :p
[quote name='PleasantOne']All this got me thinking, is there anyone you WOULDN'T play your handheld in front of?

I don't think I'd play mine in front of my mother-in-law... I just wouldn't want to deal with the inevitable comments I'd get :p[/QUOTE]

try doing that while playing Feel the Magic/Rub Rabbits...
I usually play at work, which is sorta in the public (in a movie theater box office in a small mall) and at home. I never bring it with me anywhere else because it doesn't really fit in my pocket and I don't want it to be on my mind.

(I'm 21, by the way)
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