On Recent Events

Maybe so... but, I'm just having fun in the off-topic forums from now on. :)

Everyone here is strange.
[quote name='Lina']Maybe so... but, I'm just having fun in the off-topic forums from now on. :)

Everyone here is strange.[/QUOTE]

Present company included.
This is all waaaaay over my head. But, from what I've deducted, masha is in the running to be banned, which I hope does not come to pass. And I clear my name from being involved with anything that happened last night. No wonder Sweeney wouldn't send me another party invite. :rofl: I didn't know it was a warzone in there.
[quote name='JSweeney']If JimmieMac mistakenly included you into a class you didn't wish to be included in,
I wholehearedly appologize. I've appologized to 2 or 3 other members of the Halo 2 clan already. In fact, I'll say it right here... If you are in the Halo 2 clan, and had nothing to do with what Jimmie Mac said, I apologize. I was entirely out of line to attack you. My intention is to attack the group, not the people, as JimmieMac has stated that what he's said is the will of the group. If that is wrong, I am terribly sorry. If I have offended you personally, I am sorry.

You too, Ugamer_X.
If you weren't part and party to this, and are offended because I attacked the group, I am sorry.[/QUOTE]

JSweeney, I'll say this pretty directly.

JimmieMac is bugfucknuts in his post. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Delusions of grandeur are the first sign of a mental illness or two.

And in regards to the Halo 2 Clan, I think his comments are more about the CAGTacular clan (which is a splintered-off group from the "original" CAG clan, consisting of about 16 members) and its members. I'm not part of it, and as it stands, he's entitled to his own opinion, as we all know he shows around whenever he feels necessary to show it off.

In other news, I'm glad you're sticking around. Hopefully permanently.
[quote name='Kayden']Wooooo more drama! :evil:

For the love of God... Lock this before another troll stumbles in.[/QUOTE]

Did I turn into a troll and didn't know it?
[quote name='shrike4242']Did I turn into a troll and didn't know it?[/QUOTE]

No doof. :razz:

I just meant a troll in general. There are A LOT of big mouths here. It would only take one to set shit off again.
[quote name='Kayden']No doof. :razz:

I just meant a troll in general. There are A LOT of big mouths here. It would only take one to set shit off again.[/QUOTE]

Just checking.

Since if I did turn into a troll, I'd have to check by lopping off my finger and seeing if it would grow back. :razz:
[quote name='jlarlee']can I get a link to what Jimmie said I saw the tail end but not the root[/QUOTE]

It was deleted.
i'm glad the clan was taken out of this as quickly as it was brought in, and i appreciate it sweeney. for everyone who doesn't know, we got our own private forum because we have a lot of members and were taking up a ton of space in the xbox discussion forum. it's private to avoid it getting too off-topic. since there are two mods and jimmie in the CAGtacular clan, i won't argue that they have some sway around the board, but that doesn't mean the groups' opinions reflect any particular individuals'. i've got jimmie's back for life because i know him from talking to him over xbox live for six months, not just as some talking head on a message board, but that doesn't mean i get involved in his forum business - which holds true for everyone else in both CAG Halo clans.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']i'm glad the clan was taken out of this as quickly as it was brought in, and i appreciate it sweeney. for everyone who doesn't know, we got our own private forum because we have a lot of members and were taking up a ton of space in the xbox discussion forum. it's private to avoid it getting too off-topic. since there are two mods and jimmie in the CAGtacular clan, i won't argue that they have some sway around the board, but that doesn't mean the groups' opinions reflect any particular individuals'. i've got jimmie's back for life because i know him from talking to him over xbox live for six months, not just as some talking head on a message board, but that doesn't mean i get involved in his forum business - which holds true for everyone else in both CAG Halo clans.[/QUOTE]

awwww... we love you too rock! :grouphug:


;) lol
I just read some of that thread and I think you people need to distinguish real life from the internet. With alot of it, you just need to step back, say "who the cares?", and move on. I read alot about people saying foul things to Lina, and I'll say this: None of you would have the balls to say that shit to her if you saw her face to face, so why does saying it here make it ok?- manofpeace20

Dude, you are so right. Most of them would be kissing her ass just trying to get her to pay attention to them.
[quote name='mmercer131']I just read some of that thread and I think you people need to distinguish real life from the internet. With alot of it, you just need to step back, say "who the cares?", and move on. I read alot about people saying foul things to Lina, and I'll say this: None of you would have the balls to say that shit to her if you saw her face to face, so why does saying it here make it ok?- manofpeace20

Dude, you are so right. Most of them would be kissing her ass just trying to get her to pay attention to them.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ. My loud mouth has gotten me into a shitload of trouble. My "don't say that" filter doesn't always work.
Any and all interested in joining the Halo 2 clan(s), previously mentioned in numerous posts, check out the Xbox live forum! How about that for a shameless plug. Regardless I stand by previous comments and on with the chaos.
[quote name='ZeroSupporT']Any and all interested in joining the Halo 2 clan(s), previously mentioned in numerous posts, check out the Xbox live forum! How about that for a shameless plug. Regardless I stand by previous comments and on with the chaos.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry about the negativity that was expressed in earlier posts.
By and large, the CAG Halo 2 clan is a bunch of interesting, fun guys who provide a good game. Anyone who plays Halo 2, has Xbox Live, and posts on CAG would be well served by joining it...

Or, you could just play Phantom Dust :D
Everyone loves Phantom Dust.
You want to play Phantom Dust.
[quote name='jmcc']Is the patch out yet?[/QUOTE]

Monday afternoon sometime I think.

On another note, glad to see that all the problems have been resolved.
I have Halo 2... but I suck... bad... But then I just got it.. so.. I'm Kayd3n if you wish to school me...
[quote name='greendj27']Monday afternoon sometime I think.

On another note, glad to see that all the problems have been resolved.[/QUOTE]

Well, as many as they could feasibly fix in a reasonably sized download.
[quote name='JSweeney']Don't worry about the negativity that was expressed in earlier posts.
By and large, the CAG Halo 2 clan is a bunch of interesting, fun guys who provide a good game. Anyone who plays Halo 2, has Xbox Live, and posts on CAG would be well served by joining it...

Or, you could just play Phantom Dust :D
Everyone loves Phantom Dust.
You want to play Phantom Dust.[/QUOTE]

No, I don't. So chut up.
[quote name='jmcc']Well, as many as they could feasibly fix in a reasonably sized download.[/QUOTE]

Oops, should have been more clear on that. I was referring to the problems in this thread, but I guess it applies to the update too. :bouncy:
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Chu chut chup chu chucking choad![/QUOTE]

Initiating humor protocol.
Invoke laughter subroutine.
Invoke mocking tone.

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Initiate tehHaHa Counter.

end humor protocol.
[quote name='JSweeney']Initiating humor protocol.
Invoke laughter subroutine.
Invoke mocking tone.

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Initiate tehHaHa Counter.

end humor protocol.[/QUOTE]

New Sweeney makes me want to cry :sad:
[quote name='Kayden']New Sweeney makes me want to cry :sad:[/QUOTE]

Well, what do you plan to do?
Are you going to squirt some tears?
Well, are you?

Initiating humor protocol.
Invoke laughter subroutine.
Invoke mocking tone.

Ha Ha Ha Ha
[quote name='JSweeney']Don't worry about the negativity that was expressed in earlier posts.
By and large, the CAG Halo 2 clan is a bunch of interesting, fun guys who provide a good game. Anyone who plays Halo 2, has Xbox Live, and posts on CAG would be well served by joining it...

Or, you could just play Phantom Dust :D
Everyone loves Phantom Dust.
You want to play Phantom Dust.[/QUOTE]

Gee, JSweeney, I'd like to see how well you do in Halo 2. :razz:

Must be that Phantom Dust thing getting in the way. :roll:
bread's done