One Piece: Unlimited Adventure! January 22, 2008! $39.99! Over 30 Hours!

Zen Davis




The One Piece franchise has found some pretty strong success thus far across both PS2 and GameCube, and it returns again to Nintendo's platform with One Piece: Unlimited Adventure. As with most anime titles, One Piece is entirely Japanese-developed, and with each iteration the series gets a straight US translation for worldwide release. It's no surprise, then, that the version we saw at Wii's unveiling, as well as our more recent hands-on update six months ago, are nearly identical to what we're now ripping through here in the IGN LA office.

One Piece has seen a mix of both quality and throwaway titles so far on consoles, but throughout all of last generation it stuck to a singular style and gameplay engine. The characters were small, the effects were huge, and the animation - while somewhat simple - was pretty high-frame and elaborate. In general, the games were great at delivering fan service, but didn't go much farther to really open up the world and draw curious gamers in. Still, the mix of anime look and feel blended well with the Power Stone style of 3D fighting, and the games were fun.

This time around, Unlimited Adventure paves the way for a new era of One Piece gaming. It's a new engine, an all-new look, and a far more epic attempt at One Piece game design. With Unlimited Adventure, players are getting a more up-close and detailed design, still embracing the cel-shaded look, but now focusing on larger characters, and a more ambitious visual effort.

The controls are simple, though the game's overall depth is certainly larger. Players move with the analog stick on the nunchuk controller, jump with B, attack with moth A and waggle motion, sprint with a double-tap of the C button, and can lock-on or re-center the camera with the Z button. Also available is the minus button's quick-switch function, which lets you swap in and out characters via a small circle menu and analog stick. Each fighter in your group has their own HP and SP, as well as character-specific moves.

Rather than basing everything on fighting like the previous console games, Unlimited Adventure mixes general 3D combat with exploration and free-roaming world navigation. Aside from a central hub and some loading times, you're basically free to run around as you please within a given area, finding items, battling groups of enemies that spawn by ghosting in outside your depth of field, powering up your characters all along the way. Each fighter begins with a simple A attack, but learn more moves in a dynamic, menu-less power-up system. Use Monkey D. Luffy too much, and he'll be the only character on your roster worth attacking with, so you'll need to mix it up as much as possible.

The speed in which you upgrade is pretty quick though, so in general you'll be learning new moves every few fighting sessions. It's annoying to sit there mashing the A button over and over for the first few bouts with a character, but a skill always seems to come right when you were about to switch back over to your go-to fighters, encouraging you to push on a bit further with your new-found abilities.

As another interesting aspect of combat, the game uses a very peculiar super attack system, which works off a combat list on the right side of the screen. Once you fill the order by performing each attack on the list, you'll earn one boost attack. This design is helpful in two ways, as it not only gives younger players an on-screen display of all their moves, but also adds a type of battle achievement feeling, as you'll constantly be switching up your style to get the next boost attack on the list. It's obvious that the game didn't want players mindlessly mashing A for hours on end, and the attack list is a great way of encouraging players to use everything in their move set.

On the flipside, we're not convinced that the adventure formula is exactly working yet. The game feels very rushed overall, and it can be extremely odd with what it expects players to do between fights. You're free to roam the area, but the entire game centers around a mysterious orb that Luffy finds, which can open up new areas by unleashing power in specific sections of the map. The trick here is that the orb - like any growing entity - needs to be fed, so you're constantly attacking plants, finding chests, and knocking things out of trees to power the orb up high enough to execute its ability. Find a few dozen jars of honey, and you get one use out of the orb. The idea works if you're expecting a ton of non-linear fetching, but the game acts extremely combat-intensive, so it has a somewhat incongruous feel, as you'll leave that formula for huge chunks of time to revisit areas and scrounge for items. Team that with some oddly placed jumps and some touchy collision detection and you've got a game that is certainly pushing the series in a different direction, but isn't as fine-tuned as its predecessors as a result.

We're a few hours in though, and thus far it's still a pretty enjoyable experience - at least from a One Piece fan's point of view. Boss battles are entertaining enough, and the combat gains depth exponentially as you power up each character with an increasing amount of attacks. After some kicking and screaming we've gotten used to beating the ever-loving-heck out of any and all items in the world as well, which cuts down on the backtracking and needless item scavenging once the inevitable dead end is hit.

There are still a few instances that feel a bit off, such as the dead time between hitting the minus button and actually having the menu come up (if hit by an enemy during that time the command is negated, leaving your wounded fighter vulnerable on the field), and some camera issues and odd priority problems when in close combat. The visuals are decent, mixing a solid cel-shaded style with 480p and the same pseudo-16:9 we've been seeing on Wii (widescreen, but not entirely filling the screen's left and right edges). It's far from stunning in any respect though, as the character models and textures are pretty simplistic and very PS2/GameCube overall, as the game still suffers from a ton of dithering and a lack of strong anti-aliasing.

We've yet to check out the extra modes for the game, including team battle, survival, and vs. modes teased in our more recent video updates, but as we progress through the game and unlock everything we'll be sure to keep you updated with new info and media from our adventure. Until then, be sure to check out our new direct-feed video from the opening hours of the game, captured in 16:9 and 480p resolution. One Piece is currently slated for a Q1 2008 release.
I've played the Japanese version and while the graphics are messy, the game has a ton of charm and is pretty easygoing and fun to play.
Basically the game is like a 3D Legend of Zelda except with One Piece characters. You can switch characters in and out once you find them throughout the world and they join up with you.

The marines attack you every now and then and you beat them down and level your characters up. As you do, you characters begin to get stronger and gain new moves. There is a multi-player mode as well where you can and another person can have like a 3D fighting thing... like well... Tekken but not nearly as deep.

Here is the opening...

And gameplay...

there is only ONE thing they can do that will make me not buy this game, and that is have no option for the original japanese voices
So... do you just run around and fight? Are there, I don't know... puzzles? or SOMETHING?

I got bored with Resident Evil 4. Got bored to tears. This looks like Resident Evil 4 - Zombies - Guns + Sword + Anime + Japanese + Japan + Tokyo + SUPARJAPANESESTUFF + Origato.

Need to see more before I put a cross on it, though.
[quote name='MarioColbert']So... do you just run around and fight? Are there, I don't know... puzzles? or SOMETHING?

I got bored with Resident Evil 4. Got bored to tears. This looks like Resident Evil 4 - Zombies - Guns + Sword + Anime + Japanese + Japan + Tokyo + SUPARJAPANESESTUFF + Origato.

Need to see more before I put a cross on it, though.[/quote] The game is more like Zelda than Resident Evil 4. Basically it's an action RPG. I haven't played far enough to know if there were any puzzles or not but I found it fun.

Keep in mind that I am a One Piece fan.


I'm a big One Piece fan so this is definately on my to buy list. I like the art style and genre they chose for this game. A breath of fresh air from the obligatory anime fighter. Though, did they use the same basic fighting engine from the previous One Piece games?
Glad to hear about the $40 price. More Wii games need to cut the $50 bullshit, everyone knows it's not like they're spending big bucks developing for the system. And with all the shovelware cluttering the launch calendars, and all the non-hardcore gamers, they really need that price-point to entice purchases.
Funimation's taken over dubbing, and did that first before starting the TV show (hence the delay). God, this is gonna have so many character spoilers.

Viz just handles the manga.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Though, did they use the same basic fighting engine from the previous One Piece games?[/quote]
It uses the same system they used for Grand Adventure.

Definately gonna grab this, being the One Piece-tard I am. Plus I got people busting my chops on my YouTube vids asking me to record footage and what not. :roll:
The new dubbers do a fine job now.

Man, that first box art... when did Robin start strutting her stuff?

Not that I'm complaining... not that I'm complaining at all.
[quote name='RollingSkull']The new dubbers do a fine job now.

Man, that first box art... when did Robin start strutting her stuff?

Not that I'm complaining... not that I'm complaining at all.[/quote] arabasta arc ;) also shes really skilled with her hands, get it? HANDS?! ahhaha.................haha.............ah................................okay i'll get out.........
[quote name='maigoyume']arabasta arc ;) also shes really skilled with her hands, get it? HANDS?! ahhaha.................haha.............ah................................okay i'll get out.........[/quote]

If I could tolerate anime, I'd consider watching this show.
[quote name='maigoyume']one piece is art, i can't even call it an anime, its by far the best..........ANYTHING, EVER[/quote]

It didn't seem THAT good...
I love the manga (in Shonen Jump). Never seen more than a few minutes of the anime.

This is probably a rental for me, unless I see some great review scores. I believe they actually showed some of this in a recent Shonen Jump.
[quote name='RollingSkull']It didn't seem THAT good...[/quote]start watching the anime (original japanese VA's), the art style turned off quite a few people, however the story more than makes up for it, this fansubbing group is top notch
[quote name='RollingSkull']If I could tolerate anime, I'd consider watching this show.[/quote]

One piece is the epitome of great storytelling, characters, and adventures. It's like saying Portal is just some throwaway FPS.
I like One piece for the most part but I wouldn't call it best anime ever. I can't really seeing people that don't dig anime liking it all that much. I would probably put up something like Grave of the Fireflies or Death Note as something I'd give to non anime people.
personally I think one piece is the best anime, many may disagree, but hey, to each their own :cool:

[quote name='Zen Davis']One piece is the epitome of great storytelling, characters, and adventures. It's like saying Portal is just some throwaway FPS.[/quote] well put
Certainly many steps ahead of what is the entirely cliche shonen manga/anime that is getting way too many fan blessings that is Naruto.

Nabbed a copy at GameStop today using the 10% off printout along with a used DVD of Fist of the North Star. Friggen sweet day it was today.
I've played through about 4 hours now (which is probably about 20 minutes to other gamers), and I love it.

The challenge is all in the boss fights
(fucking Mihawk kicked Zoro, Franky, Nami, and Luffy's ass)
, and getting ambushed at every clearing. The levelling system isn't bad at all. I was worried that I'd have to level a team of 8 up to level 50 or something equally stupid, but the attacks level quick depending on use and weapon choice. You have to choose characters wisely or risk dying quickly.

The maps are decent sizes and you have to go through a couple times each to get materials for the crafters. Whenever you pick up something new, someone in the party will interrupt to hint at the other items so you can get things that will help you explore the island better.

This is where a problem arises. You'll stop frequently to dump extra items you don't know if you need or not because your inventory is small. You can hold 12 items while any given map has at least 16, and quantity weights matter, even though the weight of an item is not explicitly stated.

I only saw slowdown when there were 15 enemies on the screen with my character, in a tiny space with water splashing at everyone's knees, and some dumbass in the background is throwing static bombs and cannonballs at his own men trying to get at me. A lot of people were stabbed in the face that 5 minutes.

Lesser enemies are dumb as hell and have all the AI of attack/pursuit and screaming "OH GAWD!" when they die. It's hilarious. Bosses are smarter. There will be no reviving while away from camp, so collect HP/SP bubbles (like in KH) often.

The mascot reminds me of some other show. It's going to eat at me now. The plot is not extraordinary, and 300 flashbacks/spoilers will get old. The game is hack/slash fun, mostly.

And Baron O Hell: If you started me on depressing guilt trip crap and morbid suspense horror, I would probably stay the fuck away from anime FOREVER. It's all about finding the corresponding non-weeaboo shows somebody likes and matching them.
Was looking for a this at CC the other day but couldn't find any. Hope BB has them tomorrow. On the other hand, saw a couple Zack and Wiki though. Was debating on which one to get, but decided to stick with One Piece since I'm a huge fan of the anime.

So far reviews and trailers all seem good. Hope to pick it up soon.


Two of my own recorded vids using the GameBridge. Game is nice.
Kinda shocked that they actually released this in the states seeing how it's got spoilers up the wazoo!

Franky's a bit underwhelming.

It'll definitely be a purchase down the line.
[quote name='Zen Davis']One piece is the epitome of great storytelling, characters, and adventures. It's like saying Portal is just some throwaway FPS.[/quote]

Portal was an intriguing, well-written game with a cute gimmick that was short enough to not overstay its welcome. :p

The art style is just really turning me off. I've tried and I've seen a lot of smile-creating, genre-bucking moments and I've seen a lot of tedious anime cliche moments and I still can't make myself keep watching.

Japanese voices are for weeaboos.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Portal was an intriguing, well-written game with a cute gimmick that was short enough to not overstay its welcome. :p

The art style is just really turning me off. I've tried and I've seen a lot of smile-creating, genre-bucking moments and I've seen a lot of tedious anime cliche moments and I still can't make myself keep watching.

Japanese voices are for weeaboos.[/quote]
I'm not going to argue about the semantics of the One Piece art style since we'd be here all day going back and forth (it's not considered to have normal anime stylings).

All I can say is that the reason I love the show is because of its No More Heroes-esque craziness and absurdity (although not as violent, but much more sadder). The characters, once you get to the Arlong Arc, are extremely easy to relate to and empathize with. And then the show just gets better and better.

It just takes some warming up to.

However, if you really find yourself unable to get past the animation and voice acting, that's on you. I can't make you decide to watch it any longer than you're willing to.

Nevertheless, I'd have to say you're missing out.

If you're willing to give it a solid chance, watch up until episode 37. If you don't care about the characters or where the story is going by that point, then it's pretty much not for you.

But realistically, that episode is where the story goes from good to great.
[quote name='Zen Davis']All I can say is that the reason I love the show is because of its No More Heroes-esque craziness and absurdity (although not as violent, but much more sadder).[/quote]

Not helping. :p

The characters, once you get to the Arlong Arc, are extremely easy to relate to and empathize with. And then the show just gets better and better.

It just takes some warming up to.

However, if you really find yourself unable to get past the animation and voice acting, that's on you. I can't make you decide to watch it any longer than you're willing to.

Nevertheless, I'd have to say you're missing out.

If you're willing to give it a solid chance, watch up until episode 37. If you don't care about the characters or where the story is going by that point, then it's pretty much not for you.

But realistically, that episode is where the story goes from good to great.

I'll give it a shot if I can find the time. I've seen enough of it in JUS and the like to not be completely adverse to it...
[quote name='RollingSkull']Not helping. :p[/quote]
All I'm saying is that it's really funny. ;)

I'll give it a shot if I can find the time. I've seen enough of it in JUS and the like to not be completely adverse to it...
Just for reference, here is a list of the top 200 anime shows as rated by fans. One Piece is number 9.

You can go through the reviews they have there as well if you wish.
its one of the few animes that have gotten me laughing constantly and almost tearing up at the same time :applause: and if you actually make it all the way to the arabasta arc, you're in for a treat :lol:
Having played this game for nearly three hours, I have to say that I'm really enjoying it. It's a little hard to figure out where you're supposed to go to next since the menus are a bit obtuse but overall the game is fun and looks no worse than No More Heroes to be honest.

I've spent a bit of time leveling up everyone and the only ones who are still are level 1 are Robin and Franky. I'll get to leveling them up tomorrow I think.

Zoro thus far seems like the guy to play with.
[quote name='Zen Davis']
Zoro thus far seems like the guy to play with.[/quote]when i played with zoro at my friends place (japanese wii) he seemed to have a ton of lag on all his moves, could've just been the supers though, don't recall that well
[quote name='maigoyume']when i played with zoro at my friends place (japanese wii) he seemed to have a ton of lag on all his moves, could've just been the supers though, don't recall that well[/quote]
It was the Japanese version that was the problem. The game was rushed in Japan, so it suffered from lag issues.

Zoro is definitely one of the quickest fighters in the game and almost the most flexible. Especially considering he can do close range and long range attacks with no problem.

As for One Piece the show itself...this alone should be enough to show how great it is:
I'm definitely enjoying this game so far, just 3 or 4 bosses into it. I've mainly been playing through with my girlfriend and she likes it as well due to the simple Kingdom Hearts-ish gameplay and that its One Piece.

I'm also enjoying the new dub voices for the characters, anyone know if they're as good on the show itself? I haven't actually watched the Funimation dub yet due to not having cable so I wouldn't mind hearing opinions.

One thing I thought was weird in the game was Kaku, calling himself a Kirin as opposed to a giraffe, or a giraffe-man. While I'm a huge fan of One Piece and its original Japanese sub version, I find it weird that that they woundn't translate that for the english dub. There are a few other things in there, but that was the first thing that just stuck out at me.
[quote name='dmunkee']I'm also enjoying the new dub voices for the characters, anyone know if they're as good on the show itself? I haven't actually watched the Funimation dub yet due to not having cable so I wouldn't mind hearing opinions.[/quote] I can honestly tell you that they're friggen awesome in this new dub.


[quote name='dmunkee'] One thing I thought was weird in the game was Kaku, calling himself a Kirin as opposed to a giraffe, or a giraffe-man. While I'm a huge fan of One Piece and its original Japanese sub version, I find it weird that that they woundn't translate that for the english dub. There are a few other things in there, but that was the first thing that just stuck out at me.[/quote]
Blame the idiots who take fansubs to heart on that one, as some fan input came from them wanting some Japanese terms (as well as Luffy rampantly shouting he wants to "kick ass" instead of the true translation, which is "send them flying/clobber them/beat them up").

For the most part, the dub actually translates the attack names faithfully, with some being left untouched. Zoro says his attack, Santouryu Ougi - San Zen Sekai, in translated English (Three Sword Style Succession Technique - Three Thousand Worlds), while Sanji and Robin have their attacks left in French and Spanish. Sir Crocodile is the same way.
How much time have you put into the game? I'm up to the caves and I've gotten roughly 20 hours in.

Great game.
[quote name='maigoyume']they're not bad, but i still need my original voices before i bite this[/quote]
Well they're not in, so either bite or don't. It's not like these are 4Kids voice actors.
Thanks for posting those clips Tsukento, glad to see the dub for the show is pretty good. The only one I'm not really warmed up to yet is Luffy, who kinda sounds constipated. Still miles better than the 4kids voices and writing for that matter.
You get used to it. Colleen Clickenbeard does a very good job as Luffy. And to be fair, it's really not easy trying to pull off the same kind of tone Mayumi Tanaka does with her Luffy in Japan. :p
bread's done