Onechanbara $14.19/$11.30 (360/Wii) on Amazon


Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad (Xbox 360 version), $14.19, not sold but fulfilled by Amazon, eligible for Prime.

Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers (Wii), $11.30, not sold but fulfilled by Amazon (or for 59 more cents actually sold by Amazon), also eligible for Prime.

Probably still overpriced and of dubious quality, but possibly cheaper than some other common places.
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I'm not usually one to warn people about games, BUT...honestly? the 360 one is terrible. Awful graphics, awful controls, no story, crappy monsters...

I love the 'cheesy monster' games, and yet...I couldn't even find the amusement value in this. It's just bad. It might be worth it at five bucks...maybe.

Haven't played the Wii one.
Thanks! Call me shallow, but babe in bikini + slaying zombies Dynasty Warriors style = must buy. Been waiting for a good price for Onechanbara on the 360 and finally got my wish!
[quote name='Dalrint']
Haven't played the Wii one.[/QUOTE]

You are not missing much. The game is hack-and-slash with waggle controls. Graphics are ok, but I would only recommend a rental.
The Wii ver. was ugly I played it and personally thought that it's only worth $10 or less. Onechanbara the movie wasn't bad though

I agree with the first guy, don't even waste $5 on this thing. Got it like 6-9 months ago via Goozex and this game just flat out sucks. I was like the other guy, bikini chicks, check, swords w/zombies, check. A bit fun, zonk. I had more fun with Viva Pinata Party Animals and mult people here blasted this game. I would put this game up there as one of the worst on 360, maybe top 5 worst. But that's just my opinion.
Xbox version is pretty bad.

Wii version is better in my opinion. The waggle controls don't help too much but at least half the game isn't locked behind the stupid cool combo timing nonsense. In the Wii version, the cool combo timings are much easier.

Also, even with waggle as a substitute for button pressing, Onechanbara STILL has much, much better mook combat than No More Heroes 1 or 2's crapfest
I admit I"m sucker for games with babes with skimpy outfits. Bought DOAX and Rumble Roses.
But this game is terrible. Bad graphic, bad loading and terrible gameplay and nothing sexy about it at all. Only get it when it hits 5 dollars. Even the achievements are hard to get.
I was tempted a long time ago for $8 shipped but passed when i found out certain info. I watched a youtube video review and they showed and mentioned they got a 12 year old in those outfits! How can MS let this game be released with that char? Why not parents attack this game instead of the gta series... I will pass on this but damn those child stalkers would love this game...

I had to say it nobody else has about the child thing.
I have the 360 one, the Wii game, and the Onechanbara movie released by Tokyo Shock.

All my games are sealed. I know they suck but I can't escape the novelty value of these games. The very fact that these three items made it to the US is shocking enough. Onechanbara is one of those "only in Japan" franchises that I couldn't help but pick up to have.

Will I ever play them? Probably not. But I love weird, Japanese games, and these rank right up there with some of the best Japanese releases ever. As bad as they are, I'm happy TamSoft saw some reason on bringing them over here. Of course, I doubt we'll ever see any more Onechanbara games stateside. My guess is that these titles sold really badly. Crazy to think that Onechanbara in Japan is like on its ump-teenth game release.
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[quote name='Perfect*Ending']Waiting for $10 or less.[/QUOTE]

I got the Wii version much cheaper than this, and like most items in my Wii library, I haven't touched it in months. Despite the bad press, I still want to try the 360 port, but I'll eventually find it for less.
Has anyone tried the 360 version on co-op? I read on co optimus a guy mentioning the co op only lasts four levels. If that's true I'm not interested in this all. I've been looking for good co op games with achievements and they seem harder and harder to come by. I guess ill save up my money hoping I can get 2 copies of 50 cent for $20ish (I missed the newegg sale sadly).
I got this a while back for both systems for less than $10 each.
With that price point in mind, I've had fun.
I like grinding and leveling up in the 360 version, the acheivements are fun and are fun to do and work for.[quote name='Monsta Mack']Has anyone tried the 360 version on co-op? I read on co optimus a guy mentioning the co op only lasts four levels. If that's true I'm not interested in this all. I've been looking for good co op games with achievements and they seem harder and harder to come by. I guess ill save up my money hoping I can get 2 copies of 50 cent for $20ish (I missed the newegg sale sadly).[/QUOTE]
I've played half of the game so far, and only a couple levels were "1 girl only".
I don't see how co-op could only be 4 out of the 20 levels.
I can't confirm 100% though.
Ok thanks for the heads up if anyone else has experience chime in. Ill reconsider if its $10 or less same with bionic commando.
[quote name='testaroo']I admit I"m sucker for games with babes with skimpy outfits. Bought DOAX and Rumble Roses.
But this game is terrible. Bad graphic, bad loading and terrible gameplay and nothing sexy about it at all. Only get it when it hits 5 dollars. Even the achievements are hard to get.[/QUOTE]

lol. i'm probably the only other person in this thread has DOAX. it's actually a pretty good game if they didn't make it so hard and takes forever to make money. as a big fan of teamninja games, i'm used to challenges but this game need not be so hard. ;) as for onechanbara, i have it for the wii and it's really a crappy game, likewise with no more heroes. the waggle control gets really tireing, literally, and there just isn't an ounce of fun while doing it.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']lol. i'm probably the only other person in this thread has DOAX. it's actually a pretty good game if they didn't make it so hard and takes forever to make money. as a big fan of teamninja games, i'm used to challenges but this game need not be so hard. ;) as for onechanbara, i have it for the wii and it's really a crappy game, likewise with no more heroes. the waggle control gets really tireing, literally, and there just isn't an ounce of fun while doing it.[/QUOTE]

I love DOAX volleyball stuff the wave racer is not bad. The gift/money stuff annoys the hell out of me. It just takes to much time and i never have fun doing that part. If they fixed it so it was fun then it would work but it does not at all for me. The game is a must have just for the volley portion. Oh i will admit also i like watching them pose in those scenes. I leave it as a screen saver sometimes. :)
I have DOAX. (Got it cheap...sub-$10...barely played it.)

I rented Onechanbara. It was AWFUL. I've played through some crap games on the 360 (Jumper). But this...this was garbage. I finished the first level with my girlfriend, and we both couldn't play anymore.

Avoid. Don't think bikinis/swords/zombies are going to make this any bit decent. Don't pay money for it!
I will add that while the games don't seem to be that good, the movie is actually decent (you need to level your expectations here). Eri Otoguro is an absolutely beautiful woman and she is wonderful to watch playing Aya -- as ridiculous a character as Onechanbara is, the movie actually treats the subject matter with a certain level of seriousness and it's better for it.

As for the games, I think the Onechanbara review at is one of the greatest reviews I have ever read. I highly recommend you give it a read. And yes, gave it a B.
BTW, Scott Stanley (the reviewer) is awesome!

For those too lazy to click on the above link:
"Onechanbara is one of those titles that could have used, well, a better title. In Japanese, sure, it means something like Big Sister Sword Fighting, but even that isn't saying much, and nobody this side of the big wet thing is going to know what the hell it is. Mostly it just looks like the only word I have the letters for when I'm losing in Scrabble. Giving it the subtitle "Bikini Zombie Squad" is a step in the right direction, but I half wish they'd just gone all the way and called it "Underpants Zombie Killfest: Bloody Jubblies."

I have a significantly less-than-secret love for D3 and their Simple 2000 series. Mostly because once they got past making straight up budget genre crap like The Tank and The Shooting they moved on to insane genre fusions like survival horror bass fishing, survival horror dating sim, and survival horror ambulance driving. Hell, they were responsible for Earth Defense Force -- a game entirely predicated upon blowing up thousands of ants, spiders, buildings, and anything else I've ever felt like screwing the hell up with a rocket launcher. They've been cheap, they've been dirty, and they've been games where I could write a laundry list of their shortcomings if I cared to. I don't, however because at the heart of them they've been about one thing: doing something stupid that I want to do. Hell, "Undead Undressed: Fuku fucking Funfest" has a hot blonde girl running around wearing nothing but her lingerie and a gun belt, splashing barefoot through puddles of zombie guts. Throw in some Van Halen and a motorcycle and it's pretty much the picture of my middle school wet dreams. Actually, it has a motorcycle, so it's five sixths of the way there.

Yeah, it has its weak spots. The plot is vapid nonsense that's actually worse than throwing a bunch of girls in their underpants into a zombie killing spree with no excuse at all. The unlockable costume parts depend on repetitive bullshit that you wouldn't go through the trouble of doing even if the game had the grace to tell you what you had to do beforehand. The translation is an absolute mess -- I know that people get a little crazy naming their kids these days, but I've yet to see anyone who has named a girl Annna with three Ns. And the gameplay consists of killing literally thousands of nearly identical undead shamblers with the occasional not-very-hard boss fight. But, you know, I like killing thousands of staggering, rotting idiots. I'll do it for hours just for the sheer, stupid glee of it. Doing it while giggling at the ridiculous breast physics of a chick wearing a straw hat, a feather boa, and a bikini is just gravy at that point.

Of course, you have to suspect the thing of pandering to that loathsome lowest common denominator. Putting random tits into a genre is the kind of thing that got us Hooters: Road Trip, after all. But then again, there's something to be said for the lowest common denominator. They like beer and cars, but just because their interests tend toward Natty Ice and Nascar doesn't mean we should write off scotch ale and driving an Astin Martin down highway one. Underneath what seems like desperate sexploitation, "Bikini Zombie Killorgy: Crimson Tatas" is a passable little kill-shitloads-of-zombies-and-collect-glowing-orbs action game. And there's even some character customization with sexy dress-up options thrown in for anyone who likes to play with Barbies while they're cutting up thousands of undead guys.

Then there's the plain weirdity of it. Admittedly, women are damn scary things, and they're prone to occasionally bleeding all over the place and flipping out and killing everything nearby. I've never seen this kind of gynophobia taken so literally before, though. The protagonists of this game, when their flashing red killcrazy meter fills up, begin bleeding from every part of their bodies, which somehow enables them to turn into rampaging engines of destruction. The bare-bones manual offers no explanation for this. The first time it happens you'll be reaching for your copy of "Are You There, God? It's Me, Bikini Zombie Killchick." The second through five-hundredth time, you'll just be thinking that the people responsible must have serious goddamn girlfriend issues. And you probably will, too, if you ever let her see you playing this thing.

So yeah, it's stupid. It's brutally stupid, to be honest. But "Underpants Deadguy Cutters: Ultimate Tittykill" has enough game to keep you going for a few days, and it sells for twenty bucks less than usual. Honestly, I don't know why big breasted women wading through gallons of blood took so long to get to America."

Like I said, Best. Review. Ever.
I saw this used at Blockbuster today for $9.99. For those who don't mind paying sales tax/have to pay it with Amazon and/or don't mind waiting, that seems pretty decent.
[quote name='JoJoBlue']I think this deal is back, and slightly cheaper than before. $14.19 for the 360 version and $11.30 for the Wii version.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up! I have updated the post accordingly.
I have ban myself from buying wii games. However, I might break my ban for this game. Why, well for some reason I kind of dig the game even though everything I heard about it is bad. I guess if it really is that bad my wii buying will be completely destroyed for all time after playing it.
[quote name='CaoPi']The Wii ver. was ugly I played it and personally thought that it's only worth $10 or less. Onechanbara the movie wasn't bad though

Oh god, i couldn't finish that video. I had to stop it.
Got to say, I actually love this game on my 360. Other than the weird angles when running through the hallways and turning a corner, it's a fun game. Had it for over a month from Gamefly, was considering buying it, but it's cheaper at Amazon.

And it's got zombies.. you can't go wrong with zombies!!

On a serious note, rent it first, a lot of people won't like this type of game. It's not an quick & easy 1000 'chievies, and definatly not top-notch graphics. And there's no story, believe me, just skip those cut-scenes. Remember, it's about killing the zombies..
[quote name='FNL 4EVA']I love DOAX volleyball stuff the wave racer is not bad. The gift/money stuff annoys the hell out of me. It just takes to much time and i never have fun doing that part. If they fixed it so it was fun then it would work but it does not at all for me. The game is a must have just for the volley portion. Oh i will admit also i like watching them pose in those scenes. I leave it as a screen saver sometimes. :)[/QUOTE]

The problem with DOAX is that the game was ACTUALLY random. There was also a % chance that your suit would be rejected and the volleyball team relationship would fall apart. While it's sort of an intriguing principle, it also makes for incredibly frustrating gameplay when money is so hard to come by and shop inventory is random, too.
to understand this game you must realize it was created as a budget game in Japan for Japanese PS2s. It was part of the simple 200 series which are games that shipping at greatest hit prices and not much was expected from them, some were actually good and fun to play.

The 360 ver is just a port of one of the ps2 games, like DALLOW said before "I like grinding and leveling up in the 360 version, the acheivements are fun and are fun to do and work for." It was fun for what it was, people just keep on bashing the game not knowing why it is the way it is. Some of it was horribly bad but just keep in mind it was made as a budget title, and don't expect easy acvmnts either.

Hey testaroo & MPoWeRM3,
if there's a game out the with boobs in it I have it. Rumble Roses XX wasn't all that bad, just tedious and repetitive. DOAX1 was fun to play but 2 was just too hard to do anything not enjoyable at all. Lets hope team ninja gets back to DOA5 and stops with that PSP trash they're wasting time on.
[quote name='mSoul01']Got to say, I actually love this game on my 360. Other than the weird angles when running through the hallways and turning a corner, it's a fun game. [/QUOTE]

Glad to hear that someone other than me also liked this game. Hated that motorcycle part though, UGH! This is a great price, I got mine at retail $40 and don't regret it, I'd buy another one on 360 too, gotta support these Japanese ports so they'll do some more when the games are actually good!
I picked up the Wii version when it hit the $8 range a couple of weeks back and finally popped it in last week, and found it to be fairly fun. Definitely worth $10 to $15ish

The Wii version is very old school, and very reminiscent of Gungrave for PS2, though I think Gungrave has higher overall production values. Onechanbara doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is, which is a straight forward beat 'em up--I don't know if the waggle adds anything to it. It has zombies, lots of blood, boobs, and decent replay incentive with unlockables.

Worth the cost of admission as long as it is at a budget price.
[quote name='NegativeZero']Glad to hear that someone other than me also liked this game. Hated that motorcycle part though, UGH! This is a great price, I got mine at retail $40 and don't regret it, I'd buy another one on 360 too, gotta support these Japanese ports so they'll do some more when the games are actually good![/QUOTE]

I still have to redo that motorcycle section for the achievement.. those zombie dogs are a royal pain.. most painful part of the game.. lol..

guys, zombie dogs.. zombie mud-men.. zombies on fire.. you can even slice them in half, and the legs keep going towards you.. all good stuff.. :lol:
The movie is so bad is almost delightful, heh. I bought it just cause I wanted to see how bad it was.


As for the game, maybe for $10 (I saw it at Blockbuster too), but the game is really bad. I also have a personal vendetta about it cause it was the game I was playing when it froze and I got RRODed.
bread's done