Ong Bak 2 blu-ray pre-order $10.86 @

i just noticed on that they are discussing this deal too, apparently Walmart made a mistake and mixed up the pictures. the DVD release has the BR picture (10$) and the BR release has the DVD picture ($15).

so... dont order unless you feel like dealing w/ walmart CS.
Damn at that price it would have been a steal.

Oh well, the $14.99 at amazon is still decent for a new release/pre-order.
Ong-Bak Is awesome. I will suggest it to anybody looking for some good action. I loved the second one. I'm glad I have it on dvd and improted it honestly. Only way to go with Tony Jaa movies
[quote name='LinkinPrime']You should add that it's :br: in the title.[/QUOTE]

I was going to after the inital post. However, the edit function doesn't allow me to change the title.
I've already pre-ordered it at Amazon along with Ninja. Would rather get it from them than Walmart.
Very nice prices out there for this; that said, it was terrible...terrible...

I had to rewatch Ong Bak and The Protector afterwards.
Forget Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

I wouldn't say this at all. Tony Jaa movies have good action, but to be honest, why would I watch a Jaa movie over a Jet Li movie with great shot composition and action as good (if not more "beautiful" and fluid)...such as Hero or even Fearless (to cite some newer works that is).

I did enjoy Ong Bak though, and part 2 looks incredible.
i have watched ong bak 1 &2 atleast 5 times, they are great action fighting movies. i will definatly get it on bluray for that price. he was in another movie called the protector which is good. i also recomend chocalate if you are into these types of movies
Guys, let's be honest. Ong Bak is amazing. Ong Bak 2 is not. Although still worth a watch if you're a fan of Tony Jaa, the movie is nowhere near, practically not at all except for a few sweet moves by Tony, as the first one. With that said, still a good deal.
[quote name='hobbie8046']Very nice prices out there for this; that said, it was terrible...terrible...

I had to rewatch Ong Bak and The Protector afterwards.[/QUOTE]

That's what I heard too. Is there at least any memorable fight scenes in this one. The three man fight from the first one was great. I still love the crazy legs afro guy.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']You should be able to if you go into advance edit.[/QUOTE]

Thank you

[quote name='hobbie8046']Very nice prices out there for this; that said, it was terrible...terrible...

I had to rewatch Ong Bak and The Protector afterwards.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed The Protector the most out of all 3.

[quote name='au7oma7ic']I wouldn't say this at all. Tony Jaa movies have good action, but to be honest, why would I watch a Jaa movie over a Jet Li movie with great shot composition and action as good (if not more "beautiful" and fluid)...such as Hero or even Fearless (to cite some newer works that is).

I did enjoy Ong Bak though, and part 2 looks incredible.[/QUOTE]

Their movies are only beautifully shot because of all the money behind them now. They were never known to make beautifully shot movies on their own.

They were known to make good action flicks. A lot of their works before moving over to the US weren't so pretty. However, the action was what made it worth watching.

The reason their recent movies look so good is the professional cinematographers that their well known directors have hired. (Hero - Zhang Zimyou, Fearless - Ronnie Yu). Both directors have been around for a long time and are well respected internationally. Before the martial arts movies they would shot more artsy flicks.

Go back and watch Police Story, Rumble in the Bronx, Hitman (HK version), Fong Sai Yuk (US title - The Legend) and tell me those were well composed or beautifully shot. They were shot as cool martial arts movies nothing more.

Also, I feel that both Jet and Jackie are past their prime. They keep making movies because of all the money involved. All the while complaining about not getting legit acting roles. Which is B.S. since they have the name and money to finance their own projects. But it might not pay 15 - 20 million. Both have been willing to compromise and water down their works for a nice big fat paycheck. Jackie isn't making the crazy action movies that made him famous. He is perfectly willing to whore himself out to Hollywood as long as they give him a big paycheck (more recently - The Spy Next Door).

The last time Jackie made a truely good martial arts movie was The Drunken Master Part 2 around 1994 (US - Legend of the Drunken Master).

Jet is the same way. His career was dead in Hong Kong. So he came to the US since Hollywood has seen his movies. He was marketed as really good martial artist. But he kept on making substandard movies and continues to do so as long as he gets a big payout.

Jet Li is being sold as a badass martial artist but he was a forms champion. Also, he doesn't do his own stunts.

Tony Jaa started as a stunt man and continues to do his own stunts. This is what people go to see and this is his selling point. Same for Jeeja Yanin from Chocolate. She does her own stunts.

[quote name='camelking6969']i have watched ong bak 1 &2 atleast 5 times, they are great action fighting movies. i will definatly get it on bluray for that price. he was in another movie called the protector which is good. i also recomend chocalate if you are into these types of movies[/QUOTE]

I though Jeeja Yanin's movies could only get better after Chocolate but her new movie Raging Pheonix wasn't all that good. The crappy CG used at the end of the cave ruined the movie for me.

[quote name='madcyantist']Guys, let's be honest. Ong Bak is amazing. Ong Bak 2 is not. Although still worth a watch if you're a fan of Tony Jaa, the movie is nowhere near, practically not at all except for a few sweet moves by Tony, as the first one. With that said, still a good deal.[/QUOTE]

Ong Bak 2 sucked. However it wasn't a total loss as was the case with Raging Pheonix. It had some good ideas but they weren't properly executed. Part of the problem was letting Tony Jaa direct a big budget picture. He had never directed a movie before. This movie was over budget and Tony Jaa disappeared for 3 months with only 80% of the movie complete. They had to bring the director of Ong Bak 1 back to finish the movie.

Amazon has now raised the pre-order price to $20
Ong Bak got kind of lame after the 2nd time seeing it. It's too full of itself to be honest. They did instant replays in the damn movie to show off Jaa's moves. Tony Jaa definitely has hops, but for overall fighting I'd still go with a jet Li or even Jackie Chan movie any day. The Protector for the record also sucked. I've yet to watch Ong Bak 2 but from what I've read, it's probably not worth it. Apparently they're making a third one too.
I love Chocolate. I thought that movie was amazing. I wish there were more movies of this caliber coming out that I like to enjoy martial arts wise.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I love Chocolate. I thought that movie was amazing. I wish there were more movies of this caliber coming out that I like to enjoy martial arts wise.[/QUOTE]

It was very unrealistic, I've been eating candy and watching Kung-Fu movies for years and I still can't fight well. ;)
Tony Jaa is good in his own way out of Taiwan. This movie isn't all that great story wise but has some great action scenes. I saw it already and you won't like the ending.
In recent years Donnie Yen probably made the best martial arts film. Sha Po Lang (Kill Zone in the US) and Ip Man are as close you are going to get to the old HK movies. Shame Hollywood decides to milk as much as possible with Jackie Chan or Jet Li.
I agree about Donnie Yen. I'm obsessed with trying to own every Blu he's on. I have seen Ip Man 12 times since October when I imported it. I've also seen Sha Po Lang about 4 times. Aside from those 2 imported BDs, I have also imported Flashpoint (awesome Donnie Yen MMA-style action), Dragon Tiger Gate, An Empress and the Warriors, and Once Upon a Time in China 2. His most recent movie is Bodyguards and Assassins which is in theaters in Singapore right now. I hope it comes to the US (even if its only like the hole in the wall artsy theater). I'm anxiously awaiting 14 Blades and
Ip Man 2
yea ronin, you make some great points. But, I also meant Jets older works mostly, like Tai Chi Master, The Legend of Fo... Yung Suk (or however its spelled) etc.

While I do appreciate the cool as action in Tony Jaa movies, like that continuous stairwell scene, I was more protecting my opinion of what someone had said..."forget Li, we have Jaa".

You are also very correct, guys like Jet and Chan are way past their prime, and I wish they would stop making movies (at least American ones, Jet does have some other high budget historical epic piece coming out that does look good).

And, as you said, Li was the forms champion, and the main draw for me on these movies is the beautiful movement of the martial artist...therefore Jets style is more my style, haha. Both are great though, and Jaa does have very exciting movies.
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[quote name='onapartyrock']Picked it up, for the price it seems like a good deal, even if it is a one time viewing.[/QUOTE]

it's a DVD
michael, I think he meant the movie may be average to sub-par, thus, worth the single viewing. I might be wrong on this though.
[quote name='au7oma7ic']michael, I think he meant the movie may be average to sub-par, thus, worth the single viewing. I might be wrong on this though.[/QUOTE]

Correct, if it is not good and I only watch it once then I'm only out a few bucks and have a gift for someone I don't like very much.
[quote name='djblaze805']I agree about Donnie Yen. I'm obsessed with trying to own every Blu he's on. I have seen Ip Man 12 times since October when I imported it. I've also seen Sha Po Lang about 4 times. Aside from those 2 imported BDs, I have also imported Flashpoint (awesome Donnie Yen MMA-style action), Dragon Tiger Gate, An Empress and the Warriors, and Once Upon a Time in China 2. His most recent movie is Bodyguards and Assassins which is in theaters in Singapore right now. I hope it comes to the US (even if its only like the hole in the wall artsy theater). I'm anxiously awaiting 14 Blades and
Ip Man 2

Dude you gotta check out in the line of duty 4 .... old school Donnie Yen classic the last fight is amazing. .
And of course Iron Monkey and Hero ..Donnie Yen has alot of great stuff out there, yet he doesn't nearly get enough credit.
bread's done