Online PS2 Gaming suggestions


24 (100%)
I've recently got DSL set up in my house and I've been looking to play some PS2 games online with a friend in canada. We'd been discussing it for a while and had settled on Amplitude and NBA2K7 as good choices to get started. I picked up both games last weekend, and then found out yesterday that they're closing the servers for Amplitude forever next week!

So I thought I'd put a question out to the CAG masses for help: What are some good online games for the PS2, that people still play AND aren't likely to get closed down in the next six months?

I'm really interested in anything that has an online co-op mode, any suggestions on that?
MGS3:Subsitence? Maybe. That was the only PS2 game I have played online so far. It wasn't that bad. Hook up a USB keyboard and you text each other or just get a headset.
I believe MGS3: Subsistence still has quite the player base. Uh, besides that... any recently released sports game should.
I just read on some Bemani fan site that Harmonix employees will be playing Amplitude online the last day it's still up, Sunday February 25th.
bread's done