I know I ended my contest late, but there were so many good entries, I just couldn't stop it. I have now chosen a winner. And the winner is:


For his poem about the famous Contra 30-life code. Thank you all who entered!
Title: Rainy Wind
Topic: Life
By: Me, of course

I once stood in the rain.
It felt nice.
I went to the clouds.
It felt nice.
I went to the stars.
They felt nice.
I fell down.
It hurt me.
I never got back up again.

Ah, fine literature. How I love thee.
What kind of contest is this, where there is a chance that no one will win? Are you just too damn lazy to do your own homework, so you want people to post poems and then when its all over, you're going to be like "Yeah, I didn't like any of them, too bad....teh roflzor"
Topic: Love + Life

By: Resette

Ode to Purity/Elegy for Life

The comforting, familiar, bumps of your home
Soothe, smooth, my soul.
Firm handle, so snug. My thumbnail pops
Open the door! I run the ridges of the regal cap,
My thumb ecstatic at the thought.

A sacrifice is brought in splendor from the cupboard;
The larger, the better, they say.
You pour, lucidly, from your container and consume the offering.
What a glorious sight to behold!
The white envelops all in a whirlpool of wonder;
Your surface calms, sleek, hence “slim”.

No longer can I hold back.
I want you.
I need to feel you.
You are unique; I thirst for your beauty.
Your beauty, the truth
Is to remember you for eternity,
My Venus,
I must consume you.

The sacrificial corpse, I grasp.
What happy bubbles explore your surface…
Zeus inhaling sharply as
I kiss the sacrifice and your loveliness
Flows down my throat.
My moustache grows as I am obsessed;
Adam’s Apple --- Machine.

Alas, the pleasure ends;
You are gone; I am alone.
I recall your creamy texture,
Your pure pigmentation.
My pain unbearable, the rope and knife I ponder;
But I know you, my sweet,
You would not like that…

So I move on
From place to place,
From thing to thing.
I search for lost happiness.
But how can man ever replace his soul, his heart?
How can man ever forgive himself for killing his one love?
I paid for your love with death.
My mind cannot give you up.
I search…

As time passes, my brain relaxes.
I’ve found substitutes, but they’re not replacements.
I realize:
Your memory lives in me.
You are still alive in me. For eternity
You rest, a part of me.
But never will I forget.
A mirrored white lakey surface.

My face, your face, looks back at me,
In my glass of milk.
Title: The Last Garden
Topic: Hate
By: Furyk/Tom/Me/W/E

An untended garden grows out of control.
Vines and weeds weave against the copper stained brick.
The flowers bloom in an invisible symphony.
This symphony plays without a rhythm in its cacophony of silence.
The soil is stained with April’s cruelty.
The air is heavy with its yellow panting.

An untended garden sweeps across the ground.
Virus like, it consumes all around it like a flamethrower spewing rainbows.
Tangled roots cross and crash like vultures fighting over roadkill.
The sky is turned dark by browns and greens.
The earth is tossed aside like beheaded daisies.
This fearless growth, laughing off unsaid threats.

An untended garden reaches around to touch itself.
Virtually this garden covers the whole earth.
The oceans have been sucked dry.
The ground is a madman’s weave.
This garden has devoured mortar burned cities and poisoned streams.
The untended garden that grows on the graves of men.
And one more:

Title: Running the Train
Topic: Love
By: This posting feller

Chugachugachuga goes the train as it crosses the desert.
Woo woo goes the big steam horn
I sit, staring across the unscarred landscape.
The train grinds to a halt, creaking hips and old bones and all.
Dropping off passengers like a mother at a pre-school.
Time to escape my carriage for a few moments before traveling further West, to unknown parts.
I need to explore this discovered yet mysterious country.

New Mexico, Albuquerque to be exact.
Being drenched by an ice cold rain.
So strange that rain would come to the desert.

It’s my first time there.
The air smells sweet and tender, yet it’s also bitterly cold.
I’m embraced by the nearest dry corner;
I consume a piece of unknown fruit waiting for the rain to let up.
I’ve never been so hungry and so satisfied by any fruit before.
Yet I was never hungry before.

“All aboard” shouts a distant voice.
I dash from my sanctuary facing the cold rain once again thanking it.
My breath steams in the air.
While the rain cools my heated brow.

I climb back into the train soaked by the rain.
My classmates look at me drenched in my own sweat and the sky’s tears of joy.
They’re so clean, so pure, so naïve, so innocent.
What right do I have to take that from them?
What right do they have not to make this discovery for themselves?

We ride West to discover not the unknown, but to know ourselves.
Title: Growing Up
Topic: Life
By: ohbrazil


Agile, buoyant curiosity.

Experience facilitating observation. Loyalty over passion.

So the absolute truth of it crushed both of us in the stomach.
And you flaked out.
And disappeared.

It's normal, naked and hard, so terribly normal.

The rest is just reality.
Title: Cereal
Topic: Life
By: Jokercard

Cereal tastes great...
Crunchy or soggy, its good....
It's a way of life.....
Everyone loves to eat it...
None can resist it...
Topic: Life (30 of them to be exact)
Author: evilmax17

Up, for when you were a kid.
Up, for better days.
Down, you just couldn't beat it.
Down, no matter how much you played.
Left, but you think of your friend.
Right, and of the story he told.
Left, that there was this secret.
Right, that there was this code.
B, you blew in the cart.
A, you turned on the switch.
Start, you got 30 lives, and you made Contra your bitch.
Topic : Life
By Scott Lewis (me of course)

Mind the asylum
Harvestor of seclusion
An abundant gathering of ancient sentiments
Each chastised to their own sanctuary;

Unfathomable Rows of Cell's down hallways
Stacked neatly as dominos never to tumble
Stretched far and wide as the eye can see
Piling high as if reaching for heavens;

Each prisoner detained without contempt
Convict's crying reliquesment of sanity
Punished to quarantine for their madness
Endless fields of cruicified souls;

On seldom nights of darkness and slumber
Prisoners dorment in their restful ambience
The curator comes knocking seeking one cell
To steal the mortal to gates of freedom;

Once arrived the convict fulfills purpose
The curator beats him to submission
Punshing the exuberant heart into remission
The number's up; a past memory recalled
I punch your face
You cry
I stab your throat
You die
I laugh at you
You suck
I rape you
YOU fuck
I hope you all enjoy I call this for the moment
"Me Casa Me Casa". This combines all three topics.
Yes I wrote this.

Towards the end of my descent I see no darknees upon my grace. This maddness that consumes my beloved heart yearns forgivness. Never vanquished my Angel that gives life to the lifeless. My Angel who carried me into exsistance upon this acursed land. My Angel who dubbed me Daniel after great judgement. My Angle the source of madness may it be corrupted. All I want is for the happniess of my Angle. Give me back my Angels smile.
Topic: Life
By Donovan "Riyonuk" Hernandez
Title: Cycle

Destiny's couple, sperm ignites with its mate, the egg
The signal is received, new life
I wait, undeveloped, nothing to do, nothing to beg
My bearer...C It is, will soon receive the knife

A rush of thought, of feeling
Corsing liquid throughout
Space I take up, considered stealing?
Will, Power, Class I am without

Feel the Heartbeat
"His" presence between each one
Life, considered sweet
The cycle, is it not, or is it done?

...and there is my little poem I guess XD
Topic: Hate
Author: Akil
Title: Violent breathing

I'm violently breathing
reality is seeping
stress so high I wonder if I'm dreaming
the stillness of agression is buzzing in my head
first release of depression might end up with one dead
Mind is blocking the world and turning it's hue red
I'm misintreprenting things constantly asking "What he said"

I'm violently breathing
*takes deep fast breath in and out*
The tolerance is deadening
I'm speaking other tongues I've never know as a warning
anger is slowing spreading from another zone
past anger thought upon now is making me prone
take one step against me and you might end up thrown

I'm violently breathing
the aggression is in all my little movements
the time has come to be stress free heavent sent
it's in my destiny to let it seep
no longer a dream
my essence is now out on the scene
I don't think mine are that great but here goes

Title: Forever
Topic: Life
By: Maigoyume

To bid this time
from our past
relive the memories
that always last
once to meet
again to greet
to the wonders
that we may trust to seek
Name: Shadows
Topic: Hate
Author: T-Master (me)

The day emanates no light
They transform it to night
Shadows of death, ethereal, without breath
The sunrise ceases and dies
Asphyxiated, the end is nigh
The moon returns once more
A tired mother home from the store
Hypothesizing one bets he’s having fun
Inebriated with the guys
But gone with the sun are our lives
The virulence of lunacy rarely discerns husbands from wives
It taints all, she’s just another to fall
Into its grasp when the soldiers fly
“Precipitated, the rain felt of lye”
This is what the survivors say
Nobody believes it to this day
Man’s genius cruel, converts anger to fuel
The worst mind-whittler is that even Hitler
Was vindicated by far and wide
The sun shines no more on warm earthen faces
Instead horror and deformity are found in their places
“This winter’s not cold” says a survivor who is old
Looking towards bland, hole-mottled land
Masticated, just like the sky
Dead bodies spewn, buildings are strewn
He looks towards Big Ben hoping for the tune
Alas, that silly quirk does not make it work
The only question he forms after witnessing man’s scorn
Abbreviated, it simply is, “Why?”
Title: Untitled
Topic(s): Love/Life
Author: Myself.

Eternity is now,
And now is then,
The illusion of time,
Creation of men

For direction of life
This fabric is torn –
Made into a rope
Or clothes to be worn

And this clock we imagine
To exist in our mind,
This beating heart
That echoes through time;

As a pebble thrown
Into the boundless sea;
Your ripples meet mine,
And mine meet thee

And in this fabric of time,
Like these threads so spun,
Form the blanket of life;
Where we are one
Title: On Tattered Wings
Topic: Life

Death flew through on tattered wings
the cold wind whipping through skeleton trees
while the church bell sings.
The full moon is made for nights like these.

The cold wind whipping through skeleton trees,
tears of heaven swallowed by dust.
The full moon is made for nights like these -
a screaming world of broken trust.

Tears of heaven swallowed by dust
and people with sandpaper throats.
A screaming world of broken trust
echoing in mournful notes.

And people with sandpaper throats
their soundless goodbye
echoing in mournful notes -
A graveyard lullaby.

Their soundless goodbye
While the church bell sings
A graveyard lullaby.
And Death flew through on tattered wings
[quote name='Man with the Plan']I know I ended my contest late, but there were so many good entries, I just couldn't stop it. I have now chosen a winner. And the winner is:


For his poem about the famous Contra 30-life code. Thank you all who entered![/quote]

Haven't received my game yet, and the OP hasn't responded to any of my PMs (yet he's been online).

Man with a Plan, please let me know what's going on.

[quote name='evilmax17']Hrm.

Haven't received my game yet, and the OP hasn't responded to any of my PMs (yet he's been online).

Man with a Plan, please let me know what's going on.


Allow me to quote my own poem ...

[quote name='Maklershed']A Haiku by Maklershed:

Sieged by suspicion
An unusual contest unleashed
No prizes awarded[/quote]
maybe the OP wants to submit it in class to make sure the teacher give him an A+ or better yet waiting to see if he got the best poem in class.
bread's done