Opening ports on a Westell 6100 modem?

I assume there's a manual that can tell you this, a forum dedicated to Westell modems, and/or a website that the manufacturer might have a user's guide for download...

But generally, you have to access any firewall settings a modem might have. Though, to be honest, I've never heard of a modem needing to have it's ports opened/closed. That is generally a job held by a router.

Now I've not seen everything so I'm sure it's possible that you have a modem with this capability biult in, OR you have an all-in-one modem/router unit.

Anyway, with routers, you usually go to the default IP address - or inside Internet Explorer/Firefox, and once there you should be able to access a lot of settings for the router. In here you should have port forwarding options, which should allow you to dynamically open/close ports.

The same might hold true for your modem, but I really don't know anything about them, just giving you a place to start.

Try the above and see if that gets you anywhere. If it doesn't, google a while. Those are your best bets.
I tried portfowarding and they dont have my modem on it, so I tried to use the model closest to mine, and it didn't work. I also tried going to and opened up the ports, but nothing happened. Any other suggestions?
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