Opinions from those who have Marvel Ultimate Alliance


3 (100%)
I have heard mostly bad things about this game, but a lot of them have been in comparison to the 360 version of the game. I have never played any of the high-def next gen systems and don't really have a problem with the graphics on the gamecube or wii, so take graphics out of the picture. Also I will probably never play this game on another system so I will not have the regular controller scheme to compare it with. Is this game, judged on its own with no comparison to other versions, fun?

I am looking for something that would be fun for my husband and I to blast through together. We have lots of fun playing Wii Sports together, and I have Zelda and Trauma Center, but those are both just single player games. I also have Rayman and I hear the multiplayer is fun on that game, but mini-games with cute bunnies aren't really his thing.
Given your specifications, I think you guys would find the game fun. If you have another system with better graphics, it might make things easier to see (one complaint I had)... Also the only other complaint I had with the control scheme is that if either player tilts the nunchuk, the camera turns... that gets annoying real quick. Also if you move the nunchuk you will pick up items and open doors... this includes the boss portal which you can be really close to at the end of the mission... you miss out on more items that way.

Single player, this game is pretty dull and kinda frustrating on the Wii... I'm probably going to get it for the 360 myself because I'd prefer to have a button scheme. That being said having instant access to most of your mutant powers is pretty awesome (at least the attacks... for stat boosting stuff you still have to cycle through 'em and set 'em)

One word of advice though... when it says to thrust the controller... be a little slow with it... (figured that one out by playing Zelda and doing the shield bash) - if you stab the controller too quickly it doesn't register. Knowing that made all those stab moves a LOT easier to do now.

The controls aren't the best but after you get the hang of them they're alright (besides the nunchuk issue I mentioned earlier). If you're getting this for multi-player fun, then you won't be dissappointed.
Cookie cutter game. And wii controls amount to 5 random generic gestures that only serve to replace buttons.

I probably wouldn't touch this game unless you're a big big big fan of Marvel Superheroes. Then maybe you'll overlook how generic the game is.

Playing it with 2 people might make the game more fun because then, even if you feel the same way about the game as I do, you can at least make fun of it together.

Still thumbs down from me. I can't recommend it.
[quote name='erin22']Thanks for the opinions, maybe I will just rent it from gamefly and give it a try.[/quote]

Gamefly is awesome... probably the best option... then you can just "Keep It" if you like it :)
It's decent but I am pretty disappointed about the character customization being neutered compared to X-Men Legends. A fun multiplayer game but I'd at least do a GGC on it or try and get it in a deal.
I had fun with the game and it definetly is played better cooperatively. Any fan of Marvel characters should enjoy this game. There is a lot of mindless beat-em-up of enemies, but the many bosses and environments keep things fresh. As someone who played the X-Men Legends games on the gamecube, which are essentially the same game as Marvel, I preferred the button controls over the gestures, which felt tacked on. Some of the gestures had button equivalents on the remote, but there are not enough buttons on the remote to do all the moves, so some moves can only be done with gestures. Basically my point is, I'd rather have played it with a traditional control scheme, but it's still a good game for someone who likes comic book characters. So if another system is available, I wouldn't pick it up for Wii.
Buy it, love it, and play it. End of story. One of the funnest games out this christmas season. Very very fun playing as the comic book characters.
Rent it.

I have Ultimate Alliance for my 360 and I love it. The Co-Op is particularly fun.

I played the Wii version at a friends house a while ago, and did not like it. The controls just seemed awkward and the Wii functionality felt tacked on. I found myself using the buttons to do punch/kick combos, rather than use the Wii exclusive controls.
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