Optimus Prime predicts the Sept. 11th attacks...


88 (100%)
this is usually psyclerks department so i hope im not stepping on any toes ^^

this has got to be by far one of the most confusing auctions ever


Now all you sceptics out there tell me that this is mere coinsidence, the odds of finding a word within these three words using only the 2nd and 9th numbers are hard, finding two words parallel to each other is near impossible lest they had been put there, then the odds of them coinsiding with the rest of what was written is impossible to simply dismiss as coinsidence.
oddly i found this auction while looking for the video game point blank.

i guess it shows you can make anything mean anything if you try hard enough ^^
this is shaq-fuing crazy!! But a lot of people are saying that 9/11 was predicted in different things in the past. Just a bunch of coincindences though.
i am pyschic in case any of you are wondering

That cracked me up for some reason.

I guess when you're worshipping the Light Gods and channeling Megatron, there's no time left for punctuation or spell-checking.
That's pretty interesting. Have you ever played Combatribes for the SNES. There's a very slightly 9/11 related thing to it. In the intro the bad guys are called the "Ground Zero" gang I believe and they were terrorising NY with a pic of the Towers.
Come to think of it, the special "beat it under 2 hours" message on Beast Wars for PS1 did seem a little suspicious...

"You just wasted a little under 2 hours on a crappy game! Terrorists are going to fly planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11th, 2001! Thanks for playing!"

I could just be reading too much into it, though.
[quote name='Strell']Adam wins.[/quote]

Sudden urge to start a n00b army...

Also, not that you did anything wrong, but have you read this: http://cheapassgamer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21923 ?

I read it once a day. I'm still have trouble grasping the whole "WhipSmartBanky will not make me an avatar" rule. Why not? Does he not have anything better to do than draw likenesses of every single person on here? Why does he only draw them for people that have been here a long time/people he is personally friends with? That doesn't seem fair. I've been here less than a year, plus I don't know him, Racism!
[quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='Goodtone']Maybe the Al-Queida Muslum terrorist dirt dwellers were reading comics to get their ideas. Maybe they were reading transformers comics and saying "Holy Allah Camelman, we should destroy the infidel's two tall buildings, because they are the enemy of our religion". The Cowardly terrorists will be hunted down by the Soldiers of the New Millineum and exterminated like the coachroaches that they are. Death to all who oppose Freedom. Our country is barely over 200 years old and look how far we have gotten compared to them. You would think that a country that is thousands upon thousands of years old would have gotten somewhere by now. They will never stop fighting so they live in a uncivilized country. They won't stop fighting and destroying their countries long enough to build something. They all deserve a major ass kicking.[/quote]

My, what a horribly antiquated and ethno-centric point of view. The Muslem countries were civilized way before the Europeans were. our country is only a little over 200 years old, but it was creatd by countries far older, not started from scratch.

And isn't invading a foreign country, forcing our own ideals upon its people, and killing all who oppose denying freedom?[/quote]

Furthermore, your unannounced shift from "sarcastic terrorist" to "The Uninformed One" greatly confused me in my late-night state.
This auction appears to be in the same spirit as the endless lunatics who've perceived secret messages encoded in every notable manmade structure from the pyramids to the Washington Monument.
Ow, my toes!

It's always nice to watch a discussion about a crazy auction degrade into an ignorant flame war.
Actually, I had this comic awhile back. It was set in an alternate universe where the decepticon rule the earth. That scene was actually rodimus prime getting tied up.
[quote name='psycho']4) Beast wars transformers DVD region 2 refered to in here as "the golden disk"[/quote]

I really don't know what to say.
By the way, if anyone is interested, I am selling a box of Archie comics that fortell the apocolypse.

p.s. I moved the "contraversial posts" into the controversy forum with the Split Topic feature, which I had never used before. It works.
[quote name='emceelokey']That's pretty interesting. Have you ever played Combatribes for the SNES. There's a very slightly 9/11 related thing to it. In the intro the bad guys are called the "Ground Zero" gang I believe and they were terrorising NY with a pic of the Towers.[/quote]

thats nothing. FREAKIN nothing.

either royal rumble or survivor series 87 or 88 ( i dont have my tapes here or i'd check)

the one man gang (akeem) and the big boss man were a tag team called the twin towers (both were very big guys) someone in the crowd had a sign that the camera focused on reading "THE TWIN TOWERS WILL FALL!" now OBVIOUSLY this person had no clue what would come in the future, but when i noticed that after spet. 11th it was a little spooky to watch
[quote name='daphatty']Can't say I will read this. It's just way too long. Regardless, I call coincidence.[/quote]

I find this funny and did read it. It seems to be a little hard to find letters within word but the words he used where did they come from they were just names he picked out it doesnt show that they were all put together in on paragraph or something so its not as hard to do as made out to be.

Secondly he states that he is having dreams about transformers.... and that he bought this golden disk a long time ago. Funny thing is that here is a ebay listing from 08/13/04 and its for his beloved "Golden Disk" and its him as the buyer... what did he need a second copy?


start looking into it and it starts to fall apart.
"I Thinks that everything now down to something to whet your appetite."

I think the person who wrote the acution is maybe a little undersmart. ME thinks.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='emceelokey']That's pretty interesting. Have you ever played Combatribes for the SNES. There's a very slightly 9/11 related thing to it. In the intro the bad guys are called the "Ground Zero" gang I believe and they were terrorising NY with a pic of the Towers.[/quote]

thats nothing. FREAKIN nothing.

either royal rumble or survivor series 87 or 88 ( i dont have my tapes here or i'd check)

the one man gang (akeem) and the big boss man were a tag team called the twin towers (both were very big guys) someone in the crowd had a sign that the camera focused on reading "THE TWIN TOWERS WILL FALL!" now OBVIOUSLY this person had no clue what would come in the future, but when i noticed that after spet. 11th it was a little spooky to watch[/quote]

This reminds me of seeing a rerun of the SNL where Phil Hartman hosted before he died, speaking in the opening monologue about "his lovely wife". Poor Phil...
That's just silly, I can make up my own rules and manipulate every third letter in every other verse in every 4th chapter in every other book of the Bible and have it predict my rise to ruler of the world in the year 2046. (Just an example, but I bet if I took the time, I could make it say that, then say, hey the Bible predicts me to be the ruler of the world) Nothing but manipulation.
in Dues Ex there is no WTC in the sky line because they say it was blown up by terrorists. And that game came out like in 99.
Leaves out the aborted series single episode Transformers:Zone where Devestator flies smashing through the twin towers.
Its funny though if the attack had been on the 10th of Sept. somebody would probably be pitching a superman comic that predicted it. I feel sorry for the poor sap that bought that crap.
bread's done