Orcs & Elves DS gone gold

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» Orcs And Elves DS Goes Gold

Electronic Arts has announced that the Nintendo DS version of Orcs And Elves has gone gold. The DS version of the popular mobile phone fantasy RPG from id Software's John Carmack and Fountainhead Entertainment will ship to stores on Nov. 16.
The mobile game was actually a lot of fun... for a cell phone game, not to mention it worked really well on mobile devices. We'll see how this actually turns out on DS.
Ah cool, thx. Super l33t.

I played it on the DS at QuakeCon. Very fun (I have the mobile version too).

[quote name='Hollow Man']Ah cool, thx. Super l33t.

I played it on the DS at QuakeCon. Very fun (I have the mobile version too).


How different is it on the DS? Is it still turn based like it was on mobile? I imagine it'll be a little more in depth but any other comments on what you played?
It's pretty much the same game. So yes, still turn based. It basically has improved graphics, some more items, use of the touch screen, and extra levels. But don't expect a big change from the mobile version.

This should have been a 2 pack with Doom RPG.. Doom RPG is what I really wanted to play anyhow. Cingular/AT&T doesn't carry the game or my samsung doesn't support it, one way or the other.
[quote name='jer7583']This should have been a 2 pack with Doom RPG.. Doom RPG is what I really wanted to play anyhow. Cingular/AT&T doesn't carry the game or my samsung doesn't support it, one way or the other.[/quote]

A 2-pack of O&E with Doom RPG would be God's gift to the DS, but it would be a tough sell at retail; bit of a discordant combo.

Still, I'd love to have Doom RPG DS.
Gamestop's site isn't lisiting it as in stock around here yet, but I don't trust them. Still, I may try to hold out until the weekend, when I can use the 10% off coupon for Best Buy I got int he mail. 10% is better than zero.

Any word on whether the stylus does in fact come with all copies?

AFAIK, it's bundled in the packaging with all copies.

For anyone who buys the game and wants to sell the stylus, please PM me. I'd like it for my stylus collection.
I'm curious about this. Just waiting until a few reviews go up on it.

I find it strange a cell phone game port isn't priced at $20?
It's because unlike stripping away (like when going from Doom on the PC to the consoles), JohnC decided to "develop up". Expect this game to be better (and longer) than the cell phone version.

Ok, they had it at Gamestop, but no stylus. They even opened a box for me just to make sure it wasn't in the box. So I didn't buy - I'm an id fanboy, and I gotta have the sylus!

I thought it was supposed to have the sylus in all stores. Anyone get one with a stylus? If so, how was it packaged with the game?

According to an earlier news article, all copies are supposed to come with it. Regardless, if Gamestop doesn't have it, who could?

Hopefully it'll say on the outside of the box if so, because my local Gamestop sure didn't have it. This weekend I'll try to spend some time going in and out of various stores and see if I discover anything. By that time the Best Buys and Circuit Citys should have it.

Yeah I see a few articles that mention at select stores only as well.

Surprising Gamestop didn't get on that.
The articles say this, but I've yet to come across somebody who says they've actually found the stylus. I haven't seen it at Gamestop, Rollingskull didn't see them at Best Buy...so who could have them?

I was poking around on the O&E forums on gamespot, and out of the people there who have the game, none have mentioned getting the stylus. Is it possible they decided not to do the promotion?

Hmm if there's no stylus I might be waiting on this one for a while. I was hoping to be able to sell the stylus for $10 or so and then the game for $20 after beating it and recouping the full cost.
There's a thread on Gamespot where someone asked if anyone got the stylus, and so far no one has. Man, has anyone seen the stylus? I want to buy the game, but there's no point in buying until I know for sure the stylus is a dead deal.

Lame if they killed the promo after feeding stories hyping the thing just a few weeks back. I'm also dissapointed that none of the gaming sites are reporting about this or updating with what store(s) have copies with the stylus if it did go out.

But at this point if nobody has seen one I'm certainly leaning towards none being out there.
Me too, which disappoints me terribly, since I'm such an id fanboy. At QuakeCon this year I played it on the DS in the EA booth, and got an O&E t-shirt out of them, so I was really looking forward to what I dub the "wee Gandalf staff stylus".

I looked for Anna Kang's email online so I could ask her (even though she's not at id anymore, their staff is beyond good about responsing to questions), but could only find the address she had when she worked at id. Ah well.

It took me two days to beat the game on Normal (The easiest of three difficulty settings). Really not a lot more than 5 hours playtime, for every level and 100% secrets in all levels (Though I can't seem to get 100% kills in the Forge... Anyone else having that problem?).

Things to take into account:
-I'm a Doom RPG veteran, so I know my way around O&E. Cell phone gaming is a good platform because of stuff like GameLoft, and id's Doom RPG/O&E

-There are two difficulties above Normal that I will likely play through as well.

-At any given time in my Normal mode run through, I had 20+ of EACH potion. There is a lot of room for sane difficulty increase for the Hard difficulty, and probably a lot of room for "Every combat a puzzle" sort of insane difficulty in Nightmare.

-If you 100% killed and 100% secret'd in Doom RPG, you'd get a secret website you could go to. I imagine there might be something unlocked for 100% secrets and kills in this, but damn it all if I can't seem to find two enemies in the Forge.

-You can also collect scrolls that unlock gallery art. O&E isn't exactly high fantasy art, but it is more interesting than Oblivion or whatever. Still, these gallery pictures are uniformly uninteresting. They're not offensive... like the worthless pencil drawn blobs in Touch the Dead, and you'll look at them at least once just to go "Hmmm", but they aren't cool.

-This is still a port of a cell phone game. An beautiful port, but a port all the same. This is light entertainment as a result, not a huge epic. I won't begrudge CAGs who hold out for a price drop, but Doom RPG fanboys who never had a cell phone that could run O&E owe it to themselves to get their O&E DS on.
One final thing: Orcs and Elves makes Izuna (of Legend of the Unemployed Ninja fame) cry herself to sleep each night because her game sucked and this one rocked.

And O&E isn't even a roguelike!
I'm probably going to cave next time I see O&E and buy it w/o the stylus. I have not heard of anyone getting the stylus in store. The only person who's mentioned it said they got it with a review copy of the game. The only places I've seen the game are Gamestop and a Software Etc., and none of them had the stylus. EA really dropped the ball on this one.

Thanks for the info, Rollingskull!

I really wanted this game, but if it's as short as you say it is I think I'm going to wait. 5 hours means it's $6 an hour, I could download the game on my cell phone for that much! I loved the hell out of Doom RPG, so I'd probably fly this one too.

Oh well, there's so many other games out that I want right now, it's nice to know I would be disappointed to pay full price on this.
My cell phone couldn't run O&E. I knew what I was getting into and I don't regret it. You only live once, and some things are just worth supporting.

Especially when the likes of Okami, DW5, etc just don't see drops, making a price drop a rare thing.
I have it on my cell, and I'll still buy it. I'll support JohnC until my dying day. Besides, he's planning on doing a couple of more titles for DS in the next year or so.

Someone on Dsfanboy claimed they got the stylus INSIDE the case, but I saw a Gamestop worker open the wrapper and case and there was nothing of the sort inside.

EDIT: the word at Gamespot is that Walmart has it packaged inside the case, and it says so on the case. I'm going to hunt it down at the Walmarts around here after work and see if I can find it. There's at least 5 Walmart in fairly easy reach around my office and home.

I looked for it at Wal Mart and Best Buy over the weekend but neither had a copy. :whistle2:(

I probably would have bought it at WM if it indicated the stylus was packed in.
Wubb - check my update above. According to the guy at Gamespot forums, the Walmart cases say it includes the stylus.

EDIT: Just called two stores and not in stock. Ths is going to be challenging. I'm used to this sort of nonsense with computer games, but for the DS? Gimme a break.

EDIT 2: Called another 2 stores and no dice. Said hell with it, ordered from walmart.com. Will let everyone know the scoop when it shows up.

I love it. Wal-Mart stores have the stylus only none of them stocked the game. :lol: Maybe this is EA's way of phantom-killing the promo stylus. ;)

Just read the review of this one on gamespy along with RS's impressions here and it sounds like I'd love this game. I might pick it up (assuming I can find it somewhere) stylus or no to play over Thanksgiving. I'll probably be able to sell it on eBay for a little over $20, so ~$10 to play the game for a couple weeks isn't bad at all.
I enjoyed the cell phone version (and Doom RPG) quite a bit. it's simple but fun. At $10 on a phone it's a no brainer "must buy", but I can understand people's hesitation at $30.

Still, if you're a fan of this sort of thing (i.e. like the old sk00l dungeon crawl thing), I say buy it. Or if you're like me, and have a billion games on your "to play" pile, and don't mind something that's a bit short. :)

EA's mobile website offers online demos of the cell phone versions. The first 10 minutes of the game isn't full emblematic simply because the new weapons represent possibilities more than upgrades, so you don't have a full arsenal, but if you need a demo of the old version, give it a shot.
And please remember that ONLY ONE person on GameFAQs has claimed to receive an in-package stylus. That person could easily be lying.
Yes, it's possible, but since no one else has found one yet, I'm not really losing much by buying on-line. I can always return the thing unopened, and all I'm out is $2 shipping. It's not a huge gamble.

EDIT: There's a person using a different handle on DSFanboy who says they got it w/stylus at Walmart and it says on the back of the box that it's included.

I can confirm that Wal-Mart B&M has the stylus. The packaging has a little picture on both the front and back noting the stylus inside.

Hope you get it from the .com HM. My guess is you will.
Thanks man, I hope so too. Besides calling, I've also checked in store at a few Wal-Marts around here and no one has it in stock. So this is pretty much my only option. It should arrive tomorrow or Saturday.

Happy Thanksgiving fellow Cheap Asses!

bread's done