Ouendan vs Elite Beat Agents


I liked Elite Beat Agents so much that I might get the japanese version of it, Ouendan. I know the songs are different obviously, but is it exactly the same? Are the patterns of the levels an exact copy and they just changed the music and graphics or are they different?

You realize the patterns of beats match the music, right?

Ouendan is much better than EBA, IMO. I just cannot play EBA... don't like the look of the characters or the music.

It's worth a purchase.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']You realize the patterns of beats match the music, right?

Ouendan is much better than EBA, IMO. I just cannot play EBA... don't like the look of the characters or the music.

It's worth a purchase.[/QUOTE]

its supposed to but i can never play it that way. i can never follow the beat of the music i just look at the circles and numbers. so i guess they are different levels then if its different music for both games?
EBA is basically a brand new game using the same engine. The songs are different, the stories are different, the graphics are different, and yes, the beats are different as well. It's slightly less user friendly, not just because of the language difference but there are a few nice little things added in EBA that are not present in Ouendan. Also, the spinners in Ouendan are generally seen as far more difficult than the ones in EBA. For most people, however, these are minor issues. If you liked EBA and don't mind / froth over J-pop, then Ouendan is probably worth it.
They're both worth getting. Beyond that, the differences just come down to personal opinion. IMO Ouendan is slightly easier(except for the spinners) than EBA, but has better music. In terms of the stories, the games are definitely even there as any level from either of these two games could fit in to the other one. As far as the main characters go, I prefer the agents since their dancing adds a lot to the game, but this one's really even as well.

The bottom line is, if you like EBA enough, there's no real reason not to get Ouendan, as it's an entirely different game that's just as good.
I also paid $50 for Ouendan and would do it all over again. I like EBA as well, just not as much as Ouendan.
I don't know why we must keep having this argument, but anyways....I've actually started Ouendan (and have beaten EBA Sweatin') and I'm definitely a big EBA supporter. That might just be because it was my first experience with the gameplay, but I like the songs in EBA more, up to this point, and the idea of dancing agents more than dancing cheerleaders. The stories are more or less equivalent (although it's a little unfair, seeing as how I can't read anything in Ouendan). Basically, Ouendan was clearly made for the Japanese, and EBA for the Americans; if you have any affiliation with either you'll probably like that one more. But if you just ove the gameplay, then you should end up loving both because they're pretty much the same game.
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