My lowball! I really need to clear off some of my gaming collection and there is no better place to do that than a lowball auction. Thanks to dv8mad.
AUCTION OVER, thank you all! All invoices have been sent out, two non-payers and I have two items to ship tomorrow and some of you have already gotten your items! Other than that I think everything has been shipped/sent that has been paid for. Thanks and keep the feedback rolling in.
Start Date : 7/16/2013
End Date: 7/25/2013 10.20
Please review your invoices and let me know if there are any questions. I will email these out tomorrow morning or afternoon. For those of you with actual shipping I will PM with questions.
Amazon Payments and Paypal should be sent to this email for both payments [customspoiler='hidden email'][email protected][/customspoiler]
VIDEOGAMECOLLECTOR17-Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9505510935493208456115 FEEDBACK COMPLETE
PSP System $62 (Post 105)
Assassins creed Brotherhood PIC1 PIC2 VideogameCollector17 $4 (Post 92)
Disney Sports Football PIC1 PIC2 PIC3 VideogameCollector17 $1 (Post 92)
Fatal Frame III PIC1 PIC2 VideoGameCollector17 $8 (Post 92)
Phantasy Star Portable PIC1 PIC2 VideogameCollector17 $4 (Post 92)
Items 79
Shipping Actual
SPIDRMNKY-Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9534610934233208358343
Bourne Conspiracy *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 spidrmnky $4 (Post 137)
Blades of Time PIC1 PIC2 spidrmnky $4 (Post 137)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas PIC1 PIC2 SpidrMnky $1 (Post 115)
Rogue Galaxy *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 spidrmnky $7 (Post 145)
Dissidia 012 *SEALED*PIC1 PIC2 spidrMnky $5 (post 126)
Wii USB to LAN adapter PIC1 SpidrMnky $1 (Post 82)
Items 22
Shipping 9
Total 31
LILNOMAD94 Paid-Shipped-Tracking9505510182383211374604
Dead Space 2 PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $4 (Post 135)
Red Fraction Armageddon PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $3 (Post 135)
Resident Evil 4 *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $25 (Post 136)
Pikmin PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $9 (Post 132)
Spiderman 3 *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $2 (Post 132)
Items 43
shipping 7
Total 50
GITANIL-Paid-Shipped-tracking 9500110934233208407865 FEEDBACK COMPLETE
Kingdom under Fire Circle of Doom PIC1 PIC2 gitanil $1 (post 17)
N3 Niety-Nine Nights PIC1 PIC2 gi tanil $1 (post 17)
Items 2
Shipping 4
Total 6
VIDEOGAMESIZFUN - Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9505510934233208358658
Lost Planet (steelbook) PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $2 (Post 109)
Sega Genesis Collection PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $3 (Post 75)
Final Fantasy the 4 heroes of light *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $4 (Post 75)
Star Ocean First Departure *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $4 (Post 109)
Okami *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $6 (Post 109)
Items 19
Shipping 7
toal 26
B4MV Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233215349547
Rabbids Alive and Kicking *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 b4mv $3 (Post 108)
The Dark Knight BLU RAY PIC1 PIC2 b4mv $1 (Post 108)
Items 4
shipping 4
total 8
SILENTBOB50023 Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233208358914
Rayman Origins *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 SilentBob50023 $4 (Post 63)
Items 4
shipping 3
Total 7
RAGABOOMUSTANG-Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233208407452
Splatterhouse PIC1 PIC2 RagabooMustang $4 (Post 110)
Thor PIC1 PIC2 RagabooMustang $2 (Post 110)
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children PIC1 PIC2 RagabooMustang $1 (Post 110)
Items 7
shipping 5
total 12
CGXSWIM paid-shipped-tracking 9534610934233208357971
Battlefield Bad Company 2 *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $3 (Post 69)
Dark Kingdom PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $3 (Post 69)
Dark Void *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $2 (post 69)
WarHawk PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $1 (Post 69)
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen *SEALED*PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $5 (Post 69)
Hunted PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $6 (Post 69)
Eye of Judgment PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $1 (Post 69)
Items 21
Shipping 9
total 30
REALBIGEXPLOSION - Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9500110934233208359201
BioShock PIC1 PIC2 realbigexplosion $3 (post 127)
Items 3
shipping 3
total 6
GUYNEXTSHORE-Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233208407650
Deus Ex Human Revolution *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 guynextshore$6 (Post 120)
Oblivion Game of the Year *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 guynextshore$6 (Post 120)
Items 12
shipping 4
Total 16
FEARNIXON - Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9505510934233208407257
Lair PIC1 PIC2 FearNixon $3 (Post 98)
Overlord II PIC1 PIC2 FearNixon $8 (Post 98)
Overlord Raising Hell *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 FearNixon $8 (Post 98)
Items 19
Shipping 5
Total 24
KINGRODEDOG - Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233207314157 FEEDBACK COMPLETE
Tanks Tanks Tanks *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 Kingrodedog $9 (Post 124)
Items 9
Shipping 3
Total 12
OSIRUS313 Paid-shipping-tracking 9500110935493210300557
Ragnarok Odyssey PIC1 PIC2 Osirus313 $13 (Post 86)
Rayman Origins PIC1 PIC2 osirus313 $13 (Post 143)
Items 26
Shipping 4
Total 30
MEGAPROTOBASS Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110935493210300267
Professor Layton & the curious Village PIC1 PIC2 megaprotobass $4 (Post 91)
Items 4
Shipping 3
Total 7
JAYDEPPS-paid-shipped-tracking 9505510934233208408162
Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $4 (post 129)
Shadow of the Colossus PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Silent Hill 2 PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $5 (post 129)
the 3rd Birthday PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $4 (post 129)
Resident Evil 4 PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $3 (post 129)
Enclave PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $1 (post 129
Guides All 4 are sold as a package,actual shipping PIC PIC 2 PIC3 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Items 25
Shipping 10 (+actual)
Total 35
KATAMARIS4EVER Paid-Shipped-9500110182383211375127
Final Fantasy XII *SEALED*PIC1 PIC2 katamaris4ever $3 (Post 68)
Items 3
Shipping 3
Total 6
DRJONES83 Paid-Shipped Tracking 9505510934233208357576
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $6 (Post 130)
Lumines II B PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $1 (Post 149)
Monster Hunter Freedom PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $6 (Post 149)
Final Fantasy crisis core PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $8 (Post 130)
Twisted Metal Head-On *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $2 (Post 130)
LoroRoco 2 PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $2 (Post 130)
Items 25
Shipping 8
Total 33
MARIODOG Paid-shipped-tracking 9505510934233215349885
God of War Chains of Olympus PIC1 PIC2 mariodog $1
Grand theft auto liberty city stories PIC1 PIC2 mariodog $3 (Post 89)
N+ *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 mariodog $3 (Post 111)
Star Wars USB Drive 2GB (StarKiller-this is pretty cool) PIC1 mariodog $4 (Post 65)
Items 11
Shipping 6
Total 17
BRASH_ATTACK - Paid-Shipped-tracking 9500110934233208359409
BMX XXX PIC1 PIC2 brash_attack $1 (Post 66)
Items 1
Shipping 3
Total 4
JATINK129 Paid-shipped-tracking 9505510935493210301069
Uncharted 3 Collectors package less game/case & ring PIC1 PIC2 PIC3 PIC4 PIC5 jatink129 $7 (Post 142)
Batman Arkham City Collectors Book PIC1 PIC2 jatink129 $3 (Post 133)
Playstation Eye PIC1 jatink 129 $2 (Post 62)
Items 12
Shipping Who knows?
PEPSIGUY Did not pay in full - negative feedback left.
Star Wars ‘Lithograph’ (issued by Best Buy) PIC1 PIC2 PIC3 pepsiguy $5 (Post 71)
Transformers PIC1 Pepsiguy_$2 (Post 146)
Items 7
Shipping 13
Total 20
The Lowball is behind the spoiler --->
I think I got everyone and their post with the winning bid. If there are any questions please post or PM. Thank you and I will start working on the invoices.
Things you care about:
Bids - $1 increments
Shipping - $3 1st 1.50 ea additional item
Payment - Paypal, Amazon (I signed up) and MO (at your risk)
Full Set of Rules
1) Simply type in your max bid for the item(s) in this thread. No PMs. No Emails. Just reply in the forum reply section. This is to keep bids public. Obviously post edits and spoilers hiding bids are NOT acceptable. If you made a mistake in your submission, please post again.
2) I will update the first page to reflect your bids as often as possible. Feel free to check the latest bids on the last page(s) if you are unsure of the latest update time.
3) There is no minimum to win any item. You can win them for as little as you bid. So if you bid $1.00 and win it, it's yours for a $1.00 (plus shipping). If someone bids $5 and you outbid them for $10, you may win the item for your $10 bid and pay your bid plus shipping at the end of the sale.
4) The smallest bid increment is $1.00, no $.10 or $.01 bids!
5) Please note that you will be expected to pay the amount you bid plus appropriate shipping if you have the highest offer at the end. Negative feedback may be left for those who choose not to follow through with payment.
6) If you place a bid, you are committing to that item. DO NOT place a bid if you do not intend to keep that bid active. While I understand that sometimes unavoidable circumstances arise, if you are fearful that this may happen, please wait to bid on the last day so you know that nothing unexpected occurred!
7) All bids are welcome (excluding bids from CAGs on my Negative Experience List on banned).
8) CAGs with over 30 positive itrader at 100% are eligible for shipment before full payment if requested. Please ask if you do not feel safe bidding.
Ending the Auction:
I will end the auction between at a random time between 10:00PM and 11:00PM on 7/25/2013 using the formula RA/YA=##.R(
AUCTION OVER, thank you all! All invoices have been sent out, two non-payers and I have two items to ship tomorrow and some of you have already gotten your items! Other than that I think everything has been shipped/sent that has been paid for. Thanks and keep the feedback rolling in.
Start Date : 7/16/2013
End Date: 7/25/2013 10.20
Please review your invoices and let me know if there are any questions. I will email these out tomorrow morning or afternoon. For those of you with actual shipping I will PM with questions.
Amazon Payments and Paypal should be sent to this email for both payments [customspoiler='hidden email'][email protected][/customspoiler]
VIDEOGAMECOLLECTOR17-Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9505510935493208456115 FEEDBACK COMPLETE
PSP System $62 (Post 105)
Assassins creed Brotherhood PIC1 PIC2 VideogameCollector17 $4 (Post 92)
Disney Sports Football PIC1 PIC2 PIC3 VideogameCollector17 $1 (Post 92)
Fatal Frame III PIC1 PIC2 VideoGameCollector17 $8 (Post 92)
Phantasy Star Portable PIC1 PIC2 VideogameCollector17 $4 (Post 92)
Items 79
Shipping Actual
SPIDRMNKY-Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9534610934233208358343
Bourne Conspiracy *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 spidrmnky $4 (Post 137)
Blades of Time PIC1 PIC2 spidrmnky $4 (Post 137)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas PIC1 PIC2 SpidrMnky $1 (Post 115)
Rogue Galaxy *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 spidrmnky $7 (Post 145)
Dissidia 012 *SEALED*PIC1 PIC2 spidrMnky $5 (post 126)
Wii USB to LAN adapter PIC1 SpidrMnky $1 (Post 82)
Items 22
Shipping 9
Total 31
LILNOMAD94 Paid-Shipped-Tracking9505510182383211374604
Dead Space 2 PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $4 (Post 135)
Red Fraction Armageddon PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $3 (Post 135)
Resident Evil 4 *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $25 (Post 136)
Pikmin PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $9 (Post 132)
Spiderman 3 *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 lilnomad94 $2 (Post 132)
Items 43
shipping 7
Total 50
GITANIL-Paid-Shipped-tracking 9500110934233208407865 FEEDBACK COMPLETE
Kingdom under Fire Circle of Doom PIC1 PIC2 gitanil $1 (post 17)
N3 Niety-Nine Nights PIC1 PIC2 gi tanil $1 (post 17)
Items 2
Shipping 4
Total 6
VIDEOGAMESIZFUN - Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9505510934233208358658
Lost Planet (steelbook) PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $2 (Post 109)
Sega Genesis Collection PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $3 (Post 75)
Final Fantasy the 4 heroes of light *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $4 (Post 75)
Star Ocean First Departure *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $4 (Post 109)
Okami *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 VideoGamesIzFun $6 (Post 109)
Items 19
Shipping 7
toal 26
B4MV Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233215349547
Rabbids Alive and Kicking *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 b4mv $3 (Post 108)
The Dark Knight BLU RAY PIC1 PIC2 b4mv $1 (Post 108)
Items 4
shipping 4
total 8
SILENTBOB50023 Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233208358914
Rayman Origins *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 SilentBob50023 $4 (Post 63)
Items 4
shipping 3
Total 7
RAGABOOMUSTANG-Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233208407452
Splatterhouse PIC1 PIC2 RagabooMustang $4 (Post 110)
Thor PIC1 PIC2 RagabooMustang $2 (Post 110)
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children PIC1 PIC2 RagabooMustang $1 (Post 110)
Items 7
shipping 5
total 12
CGXSWIM paid-shipped-tracking 9534610934233208357971
Battlefield Bad Company 2 *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $3 (Post 69)
Dark Kingdom PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $3 (Post 69)
Dark Void *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $2 (post 69)
WarHawk PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $1 (Post 69)
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen *SEALED*PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $5 (Post 69)
Hunted PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $6 (Post 69)
Eye of Judgment PIC1 PIC2 cgxcswim $1 (Post 69)
Items 21
Shipping 9
total 30
REALBIGEXPLOSION - Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9500110934233208359201
BioShock PIC1 PIC2 realbigexplosion $3 (post 127)
Items 3
shipping 3
total 6
GUYNEXTSHORE-Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233208407650
Deus Ex Human Revolution *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 guynextshore$6 (Post 120)
Oblivion Game of the Year *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 guynextshore$6 (Post 120)
Items 12
shipping 4
Total 16
FEARNIXON - Paid-Shipped-Tracking 9505510934233208407257
Lair PIC1 PIC2 FearNixon $3 (Post 98)
Overlord II PIC1 PIC2 FearNixon $8 (Post 98)
Overlord Raising Hell *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 FearNixon $8 (Post 98)
Items 19
Shipping 5
Total 24
KINGRODEDOG - Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110934233207314157 FEEDBACK COMPLETE
Tanks Tanks Tanks *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 Kingrodedog $9 (Post 124)
Items 9
Shipping 3
Total 12
OSIRUS313 Paid-shipping-tracking 9500110935493210300557
Ragnarok Odyssey PIC1 PIC2 Osirus313 $13 (Post 86)
Rayman Origins PIC1 PIC2 osirus313 $13 (Post 143)
Items 26
Shipping 4
Total 30
MEGAPROTOBASS Paid-shipped-tracking 9500110935493210300267
Professor Layton & the curious Village PIC1 PIC2 megaprotobass $4 (Post 91)
Items 4
Shipping 3
Total 7
JAYDEPPS-paid-shipped-tracking 9505510934233208408162
Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $4 (post 129)
Shadow of the Colossus PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Silent Hill 2 PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $5 (post 129)
the 3rd Birthday PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $4 (post 129)
Resident Evil 4 PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $3 (post 129)
Enclave PIC1 PIC2 jaydepps $1 (post 129
Guides All 4 are sold as a package,actual shipping PIC PIC 2 PIC3 jaydepps $2 (post 129)
Items 25
Shipping 10 (+actual)
Total 35
KATAMARIS4EVER Paid-Shipped-9500110182383211375127
Final Fantasy XII *SEALED*PIC1 PIC2 katamaris4ever $3 (Post 68)
Items 3
Shipping 3
Total 6
DRJONES83 Paid-Shipped Tracking 9505510934233208357576
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $6 (Post 130)
Lumines II B PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $1 (Post 149)
Monster Hunter Freedom PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $6 (Post 149)
Final Fantasy crisis core PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $8 (Post 130)
Twisted Metal Head-On *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $2 (Post 130)
LoroRoco 2 PIC1 PIC2 drjones83 $2 (Post 130)
Items 25
Shipping 8
Total 33
MARIODOG Paid-shipped-tracking 9505510934233215349885
God of War Chains of Olympus PIC1 PIC2 mariodog $1
Grand theft auto liberty city stories PIC1 PIC2 mariodog $3 (Post 89)
N+ *SEALED* PIC1 PIC2 mariodog $3 (Post 111)
Star Wars USB Drive 2GB (StarKiller-this is pretty cool) PIC1 mariodog $4 (Post 65)
Items 11
Shipping 6
Total 17
BRASH_ATTACK - Paid-Shipped-tracking 9500110934233208359409
BMX XXX PIC1 PIC2 brash_attack $1 (Post 66)
Items 1
Shipping 3
Total 4
JATINK129 Paid-shipped-tracking 9505510935493210301069
Uncharted 3 Collectors package less game/case & ring PIC1 PIC2 PIC3 PIC4 PIC5 jatink129 $7 (Post 142)
Batman Arkham City Collectors Book PIC1 PIC2 jatink129 $3 (Post 133)
Playstation Eye PIC1 jatink 129 $2 (Post 62)
Items 12
Shipping Who knows?
PEPSIGUY Did not pay in full - negative feedback left.
Star Wars ‘Lithograph’ (issued by Best Buy) PIC1 PIC2 PIC3 pepsiguy $5 (Post 71)
Transformers PIC1 Pepsiguy_$2 (Post 146)
Items 7
Shipping 13
Total 20
The Lowball is behind the spoiler --->
I think I got everyone and their post with the winning bid. If there are any questions please post or PM. Thank you and I will start working on the invoices.
Things you care about:
Bids - $1 increments
Shipping - $3 1st 1.50 ea additional item
Payment - Paypal, Amazon (I signed up) and MO (at your risk)
Full Set of Rules
1) Simply type in your max bid for the item(s) in this thread. No PMs. No Emails. Just reply in the forum reply section. This is to keep bids public. Obviously post edits and spoilers hiding bids are NOT acceptable. If you made a mistake in your submission, please post again.
2) I will update the first page to reflect your bids as often as possible. Feel free to check the latest bids on the last page(s) if you are unsure of the latest update time.
3) There is no minimum to win any item. You can win them for as little as you bid. So if you bid $1.00 and win it, it's yours for a $1.00 (plus shipping). If someone bids $5 and you outbid them for $10, you may win the item for your $10 bid and pay your bid plus shipping at the end of the sale.
4) The smallest bid increment is $1.00, no $.10 or $.01 bids!
5) Please note that you will be expected to pay the amount you bid plus appropriate shipping if you have the highest offer at the end. Negative feedback may be left for those who choose not to follow through with payment.
6) If you place a bid, you are committing to that item. DO NOT place a bid if you do not intend to keep that bid active. While I understand that sometimes unavoidable circumstances arise, if you are fearful that this may happen, please wait to bid on the last day so you know that nothing unexpected occurred!
7) All bids are welcome (excluding bids from CAGs on my Negative Experience List on banned).
8) CAGs with over 30 positive itrader at 100% are eligible for shipment before full payment if requested. Please ask if you do not feel safe bidding.
Ending the Auction:
I will end the auction between at a random time between 10:00PM and 11:00PM on 7/25/2013 using the formula RA/YA=##.R(
Last edited by a moderator: