Pac-Man Pinball GBA - $14.99 @ Blockbuster B&M


29 (100%)
I was in Blockbuster tonight and this caught my eye as I meandered through the used game section. They had brand new copies of Pac-Man Pinball for GBA for $14.99, $5 less than Best Buy and Amazon.

I haven't read a review yet, hell, I didn't even know it was out, but the preview I read made it sound better than Mario Pinball, so who knows? My GF wants to pick it up and for $15, I'd be willing to give it a whirl.

Don't know how many people were looking for this, but hey. ^_~
Thanks OP. I have most of the GBA pinball games, so I've had my eye on this one. Early reviews indicate that it's a solid albeit standard pinball game. Not a game you'd pay $30 for, but $15 sounds about right.

You should also be able to get this for $15 at Best Buy after GGC if that's more convenient for some folks.

Wow, did this just come out? A stealth release I guess. I will definitely pick this up using my GR/Blockbuster credit (from their great trade-in deal). Sounds like the perfect game for my 5 year-old (yeah, I'll play it too).
[quote name='rafissaying']is it that good of a game that i should be picking it up? some pinball games are good but im not a big fan. is this that good?[/QUOTE]

Only 2 reviews up on metacritic - one a 70, the other a 50. Here's the 50:

I'd say if you don't like pinball games that much or don't have little kids it's probably not worth it (or wait till it's $5 or something!).
The game is decent, but lacks tables (2 tables, and 2 ripoffs with different pictures) and there's not much depth, although getting other members of the pac family rolling around the table with you is pretty cool, and theres no battery in it to seve your game= lame. Anyway, it's a solid pinball game, and it was rushed through development at ludicrous speed.

I hope Pac'n'roll on the DS makes better use of this rolly polly pacman.
[quote name='Inspector'] and theres no battery in it to seve your game= lame. [/QUOTE]

Ah, that bites. Hmmm, I think the GameSpy review failed to mention that. I *really* dislike GBA games with "password save" or no save at all. Truly lame.
[quote name='Inspector']Anyway, it's a solid pinball game, and it was rushed through development at ludicrous speed.[/QUOTE]

Did the developers turn plaid? ;)
What are some of the better pinball games for the GBA? I've been playing Pokemon Pinball and have been enjoying it but I'm ready to try something new. I tried Mario Pinball but that didn't really appeal to me.
[quote name='encendido5']What are some of the better pinball games for the GBA? I've been playing Pokemon Pinball and have been enjoying it but I'm ready to try something new. I tried Mario Pinball but that didn't really appeal to me.[/QUOTE]

I love pinball of the dead, if you can find it.
[quote name='Freshwillis']I love pinball of the dead, if you can find it.[/QUOTE]

I saw a used copy at a Gamerush and would have bought it, but it was $24.99 for the cart only. I guess I'll just have to keep an eye out.
I agree that Sonic Pinball Party and Pinball of the Dead are two must-have pinball games. Pokemon Pinball is also good. Sonic Pinball Party features some fun multiplayer mini-games that you can play head-to-head using two GBAs with only one cart.

The 2nd tier of solid GBA pinball games (but not as good the ones mentioned above) are Muppet Pinball Mayhem (hard to find) and Hardcore Pinball, which I've only seen at Amazon/ It dropped to $15 recently, which is about right.

The budget-priced Pinball Tycoon is merely average. It's a competently made game (responsive controls, etc.) but the tables are basic and just not that interesting. But at least it's cheap ($10 new at EB).

If you have the e-Reader, I highly recommend the Pinball e-card (aka NES Pinball). Once you learn the elements of the table, it's a fun and challenging little game. I've played it the most of all my e-card games.

As for Pac-Man Pinball, I don't expect it to be a 10/10 rated game for $15. I'll be happy with 7/10. Since I enjoy pinball games and have a nostalgic appreciation for Pac-Man, I'll be picking it up the next time I'm at BB (Blockbuster or Best Buy, take your pick).

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