Pancakes, Waffles or French Toast?

Wow, everytime I go to click on one of them, I have second thoughts. Too tough to call, but for me it's between waffles and french toast.
I'm having breakfast for dinner tonight and I'll make whichever is leading the poll, as long as french toast is in the lead.
french toast easily, especially when you get really good fluffy bread and smear it with whipped cream cheese.

There's a diner near my parents' place that makes honey-wheat waffles with granola on them. And it's served with real maple syrup. I swear I get more excited about eating those waffles than I do about visiting my family. ;)

[quote name='wubb']I'm having breakfast for dinner tonight and I'll make whichever is leading the poll, as long as french toast is in the lead.[/quote]

LOL...On Scrubs, that's called "brinner".
Unfortunately for me I do not like any of them. Sure from time to time they are passable if there's nothing else to eat but I'd never make them myself or order them at a restaurant. I'm probably alone on this one though...
[quote name='wubb']I'm having breakfast for dinner tonight and I'll make whichever is leading the poll, as long as french toast is in the lead.[/QUOTE]


How the hell is french toast winning? It's french and tastes like shit!
[quote name='javeryh']Unfortunately for me I do not like any of them. Sure from time to time they are passable if there's nothing else to eat but I'd never make them myself or order them at a restaurant. I'm probably alone on this one though...[/QUOTE]

Yes. Yes you are.
[quote name='lordwow']1) French Toast
2) Waffles
3) Pancakes[/quote]


[quote name='bmachine']Waffles.

There's a diner near my parents' place that makes honey-wheat waffles with granola on them. And it's served with real maple syrup. I swear I get more excited about eating those waffles than I do about visiting my family. ;)[/quote]

On an unrelated topic, speaking of honey wheat, I tasted some honey-wheat pretzels last week, and it was a bag full of win.
If its just eating them I would give the nod to waffles. If I had to prepare them before consumption then I would have to go with either french toast or pancakes, waffles are a bit of a pita to make.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']This is the most difficult question I've ever been asked.[/QUOTE]


I'll go with pancakes, but I love me some good French Toast. I don't hate waffles but they'll be bringing up the rear in this contest.
Sometimes I would rather pancakes, or HOMEMADE waffles. (those frozen box ones suck). But French Toast is much better then both.
All 3 are delicious but waffles are bringing up the rear for sure. The other 2 are almost too close to call but I'll give the edge to pancakes cuz Corn Cake pannys are :drool::drool::drool:.
[quote name='Hockey37']On an unrelated topic, speaking of honey wheat, I tasted some honey-wheat pretzels last week, and it was a bag full of win.[/quote]

Are those the Rold Gold Honey Wheat Twists? If so, yeah...they're fucking amazing.
For me it goes:

Pancakes > Whaffles > French Toast.

French Toast is all right (nothing special), but not a big fan. I eat whaffles a lot, only because I can put them in the toaster. I absolutely love pancakes, but rarely have them. I just love plain pancakes with no butter and no toppings at Bob Evans. But then again, I love my food plain w/ only regular syrup.
Waffles. Simply because they're lighter. Of course, I'm talking about good, homemade waffles, and not something at IHOP or out of a box. Plus, I think waffles taste less "grimy."
French toast, has the most character, and just generally a more balanced meal . Good stuff. The other two are good too... just... lesser IMHO.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Come on everyone, haven't you ever dined on the awesomeness of a Waffle House waffle? When I die, I want them to cater my funeral.[/QUOTE]There is no Whaffle House in my town. I know they are everywhere in the south though.
French Toast Cinnamon Rolls

Damn you IHOP for taking them off the menu.

Waffle House has the best hash browns on the planet. Hmmmm Jalapeno sausage hash browns.
French Toast if you make them just right. Add a little bit of cinnamon and vanilla and you get by and far one of the best meals around (to me, at least).

Pancakes come in second for being pretty great as well, while the lowly waffle comes in a distant third.
My wife makes some awesome Belgian waffles w/ pecans baked inside... Then we put fresh sliced strawberries & Mrs. Butterworth's syrup and top the whole thing w/ whipped cream. Put a little bacon on the side and you've got the real breakfast of champions!
All three are good, but I voted pancakes.

Thinking back on the best homemade version of each one, my grandparents just made unbelievable pancakes.

I would think waffles come in second.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Wow, everytime I go to click on one of them, I have second thoughts. Too tough to call, but for me it's between waffles and french toast.[/quote]

Ditto for me. Coin toss said french toast though.
bread's done