Parents Group To Best Buy: Move Mature-Rated Games To Higher Shelves

No method of trying to keep mature game titles away from minors will work as long as the parents of said children are too stupid, ignorant, or lazy to do their job as a parent.
[quote name='2DMention']I guess I'd be a liberal parent. I wouldn't have any problem with kids playing violent games. I would have a problem with something that's sexy, like Bayonetta for instance though.[/QUOTE]

Really? Really? Notwithstanding the fact that your entire perception of the world will change once you have kids, how is violence OK (something that no one should really ever get comfortable with) but sex is not? Sex is natural! I'd rather catch my son watching porn than playing with guns. Wouldn't everyone? I don't understand this logic at all.
Shops with games in the back and not out on the shelves are annoying though. And your going to have to be pretty strict to somehow not let a kid know about these games. I mean Gears of War and GTA had ads everywhere.

But yeah I agree with Spacepest, at the end of the day its up to the parents.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Are these kids driving to Best Buy by themselves with their own money to spend on these games? Why aren't these parents capable of deciding what games to get for their kids rather than just telling their kids to grab something and blindly buying it like they're not the ones in charge?[/QUOTE]

No, of course not. The parents just drop off the kiddie at Best Buy, unsupervised, so they shop unbothered next door. Jeez, you sir/mam are never going to make a good parent if you do not know how to neglect your spawn.

Although, I think the Barefoot Bandit stole a plane and few to the next town's Best Buy, and bought some MA and AO games. His mother was so proud and continues to say so during TV interviews.
I used to work at Target and I used to tell the parents that a game is M rated if the kid looked very young. Some told their kids they couldn't play that game and didn't get it for them and some didn't care and got it for them. *shrugs*
Seriously?! I'm 28yrs old and get carded at most stores when picking up M-rated games. Places like Target usually require a Driver's License/ID to be scanned when purchasing games/movies/music. The problem is not that kids are buying these games on their own it's that their parents are ignorant and don't pay any attention to what they're actually buying and letting their children play. Hey PTC, put yourselves in check and quit blaming the retailers/publishers/developers for your sloppy parenting skills.
bread's done