Paybox - Free $50 dollars for signing up.

This is not a scam. No credit card, social security number, or drivers liscense is needed. It's like a Paypal service and they are giving you $50 dollars to sign up. Then each referal you get $5.00!!! One of my buddies received $1500 dollars two days!!! Best part is the money you receive can be used at major merchants like,, and many more when it officially launches in October. Use this link to help a fellow CAG out:
[quote name='wolverinevseveryone']One of my buddies received $1500 dollars two days!!![/QUOTE]

According to the terms of service under Account Balances:

"All account balances are held in PayBox currency. PayBox maintains a currency that is autonomous and independent of all nations and governments. The PayBox currency is denominated in dollars and cents (similar to the currency of the United States and over 20 other countries). The PayBox currency is currently in a closed system, and cannot be exchanged or spent. Before long we plan to open our currency to be spent and exchanged just as you can with any other currency. Our plans include person-to-person transactions (via the Internet and over cell phone text messages), integration with merchants and shopping cart systems, debit card transactions (through an issued debit card linked to your account), and more. The value of our currency is estimated to be close to that of the U.S. dollar. As is the case with any currency, once the PayBox currency becomes openly exchangeable, its value as weighted against other world currencies can and will fluctuate due to forces beyond our control."

Basically, $1500 in PayBox currency may not necessarily value $1500 U.S. currency when the company offically launches. Just some heads up to those interested.
0h man is this a scam like the other IMCREW webiste where you got $10 for signing up. Still waiting for them to change their status. Looks like this is a scam like the IM CREW site.
I don't know if it's a scam or not, but it's worth a shot. About a year ago another Paypal-like service came out called Revolution Exchange. That wasn't a scam and I made $150-200 bucks off that. I was able to transfer the funds to my checking account and closed the account down. We'll find out when it launches. It'll be nice if I have $500 bucks in my account, so that'll pay off all my video games for 2011.
bread's done