PayPal Closes Man's Account After 7 Years For Selling Playstation 3

Old news. Paypal's been doing this crap for the last 6 years & is the reason why the U.S. Government stepped in & forced Paypal to arrange a settlement with its users in 2004.

I got $50 out of that deal.

Sounds like Paypal's returned to its old "Your guilty until you prove yourself innocent" approach to customer hatred.
What's new? This is the same asshole Paypal. They haven't changed. It's basically dual edged sword. You either abide and play by their rules or they ban/close your account and they don't receive money and you can work with them. Their customer service is the absolute worst by the way.
I think it's ridiculous EBay says you aren't allowed to use Google Checkout for sales. I'd switch to Google Checkout in an instant especially with no fees until the end of 2007. Maybe if Paypal didn't have such a monopoly, they couldn't get away with this nonsense.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I think it's ridiculous EBay says you aren't allowed to use Google Checkout for sales. I'd switch to Google Checkout in an instant especially with no fees until the end of 2007. Maybe if Paypal didn't have such a monopoly, they couldn't get away with this nonsense.[/quote]

It's not that Paypal has a monopoly as much as Ebay has as close to a monopoly on internet auctions as it gets. Ebay has that instant brand recognition that is simply unrivaled. When you think of online shopping you first think of amazon and then Ebay. If you were to ask a person to name the first online auction site they would instantly give you Ebay. Payment can be done at most sites through the usual credit card and not PayPal, so that is why it tends to be a nonfactor. But if you want to list something on the internet in an auction format, the site that will recieve the most traffic for your product and the most visibility is through Ebay. There's no way around, unless there is some sudden great exodus from Ebay to a new or another auction site such as the aforementioned Overstock. Ebay's business model works rather well. They essentially have the market cornered. Overstock does not have the financial capital, nor the name recognition and branding, nor reliance, trust, and credibility to truly take on a juggernaut such as Ebay. Hopefully by slowly spreading itself into the niche marketing of check out/payment Google will be broadening itself so much so that the average consumer will feel safe to purchase through Google Checkout. You can see it being done through the television commercials for They link the sites and now you feel safe to work through both of them. I really do hope that Google rolls out its own auction house. That would be incredible.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I really do hope that Google rolls out its own auction house. That would be incredible.[/QUOTE]

I agree... been thinking about that since I heard about ebay blocking GC..I was like, what if Goolgle started an auction site and named it GBay!!
[quote name='FlipSide']I agree... been thinking about that since I heard about ebay blocking GC..I was like, what if Goolgle started an auction site and named it GBay!![/quote]

I just hope that they would apply the same strict search that they have from their search engine to the site. Oh again, just think about it would be incredible. You wouldn't have to rummage through tons of crap listings to find the real product you are after. When it comes to Ebay, their search sucks. I can do three different searches of Ico such as ico sealed, ico, ico PS2, and ico Ps2 sealed and come back with varying results. it's absolutely aggravating. No wonder they would you to add another category for it, so their damn search will actually work and do something. You'd think that with as long as Ebay's been around that they would have an excellent search so that people can find your product.I know that they were making enough money that rather then spending it on buying Skype which was a waste IMO (really how was this going to work out for them? what's it actually done?) that they would spend it on improving the site and the infrastructure.
I sold a PS3 on ebay and the guy paid promptly, we both left feedback, and I went to transfer the funds to my bank account. Paypal froze my account. They want proof of delivery and such, which wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't such a hassle. They needed a verified bank account (already had one), a call to my house, faxed documentation (which sucks...cost me $5 today!), and tracking information! :bomb:

I too would love to see Google step up and take ebay on.
[quote name='FlipSide']I agree... been thinking about that since I heard about ebay blocking GC..I was like, what if Goolgle started an auction site and named it GBay!![/quote]

Hell yea.. go gBay!

If they issues me a debit card with cash back I'd be all over it :p
[quote name='Rig']

I too would love to see Google step up and take ebay on.[/quote]
They've done it to everyone so far, and have done better and leaner to boot. I hope that they fix up some of their other products as well such as fine tuning google finance (I would use this solely instead of using yahoo finance, but it is slightly cumbersome to use) and even come back with Google Answers, though with a better model similar to yahoo's answers but with search inquiries, etc. There really is so much cross promotion that Google could to with their products and branding. They're train going full steam, but they need to work out the cogs with some of the products and fine tune them so that they're all working in sync. Really, neither Yahoo nor Google fully work in sync, byt Google is the easier of the to use with better search results. I'd love to work at Google just to get them on the ball.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I think it's ridiculous EBay says you aren't allowed to use Google Checkout for sales. I'd switch to Google Checkout in an instant especially with no fees until the end of 2007. Maybe if Paypal didn't have such a monopoly, they couldn't get away with this nonsense.[/QUOTE]

Ebay owns Paypal, I believe, so of course they aren't going to let you use the competition.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']It's not that Paypal has a monopoly as much as Ebay has as close to a monopoly on internet auctions as it gets. Ebay has that instant brand recognition that is simply unrivaled. [/quote]

Maybe the government ought to do to Ebay what they did to Bell:

- Split the company in half.
- Rename it Ebay 1 and Ebay 2.
- Force the two companies to compete for customers.
- We benefit.

Although as a Seller I like the current monopoly. Having everyone come to Ebay means I get millions of views.
They should have more of a pick on how you make your payments on ebay. On how you pay for your stuff online. Just so they don't lose business.
[quote name='SharpShooter']They should have more of a pick on how you make your payments on ebay. On how you pay for your stuff online. Just so they don't lose business.[/quote]
True but then you have a guy who uses google checkout for payment but then he now has to use paypal because that's what the seller wants. Then you go buy something else and he takes only payments or something. That would mean me having to give my info to so many different internet companies. I hate doing it already. I think paypal and ebay just need to step it up and try to, at the very least help their PAYING customers when they're is a misunderstanding and not freeze accounts for months at a time! I use paypal and ebay frequently as a buyer and seller and have not come into any problems yet but from the horror stories I have scares me a bit.
bread's done