[PC] Playfire Rewards Thread

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27 (97%)
The Playfire Rewards BETA thread



(Significant and bundled game rewards only)


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So I was playing 100% Orange Juice for fun with Squirrel, Sifu, and Flowette and Sifu unintentionally triggered my achievement that gives the highest playfire reward (And Away They Went - £0.50 - Use a trap to prevent enemy level-up)

thx 4 gmg credit Sifu
Spodering achievements now, I see. :beer:

Thanks. Neither Groupees or ShinyLoot has them added yet, but we'll see what happens.
Flying Bundle did. :bouncy:

Downloaded and played "Fistfull of Frags" just for the rewards, but man that's a fun game.
Damn straight. Get all the cheevos?

Seriously, chill the hell out; the only thing I'm pissed about is that you won't freaking let it go.
I'm pissed about you being pissed about Motoki being pissed that you're pissed when you're not really pissed.

Available until Friday 23 May, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - play for the first time - £0.10

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock The Unstoppable Force - £0.10

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock War Bonds - £0.10

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Magic Bullet - £0.10

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Shot With Their Pants Down - £0.10

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Blitzkrieg - £0.25

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Head Shred Redemption - £0.25

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Variety Hour - £0.25

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Participation Award - £0.50

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Bunny Hunt - £0.50

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - unlock Expert Marksman - £0.50

Doom 3: BFG - play for the first time - £0.10

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Sticky Situation - £0.10

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Ripped! - £0.25

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Evil Recruit - £0.50

CS:GO won, as expected. Lame. :(

Doom 3: BFG - play for the first time - £0.10
Doom 3: BFG - unlock Sticky Situation - £0.10

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Ripped! - £0.25

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Evil Recruit - £0.50

CS:GO won, as expected. Lame. :(
Booooooooooooo. God damn Valve fanboys.

If anyone earned the Doom 3: BFG rewards from last time, I think these are all different, btw.

Making me regret not grabbing it during Easter more and more :p

The Bureau is cheaper than Enemy Unknown?
Of course it is!

I played the hell out of EU during the free weekend Steam once had.

IMHO - Enemy Unknown's just a flat-out WAY better game, been reviewed WAY better, and is MUCH more popular.


Maybe I'll just get it till EU/EW become even cheaper.
Depends on what you're looking for.

If you're looking for a true-blue XCOM-style game (turn-based strategy), you'd be MUCH better off w/ XCOM: EU.

If you're looking for a decent 3rd-person shooter that plays like Mass Effect 2+3 but has a bit more strategy to it, where the game overall just ain't even remotely close to the league that ME2+3 are in - then The Bureau's worth the $5.

Just don't expect amazing storytelling + character development here - or else be prepared for major freaking disappointment.

Like yourself - I'm waiting for XCOM EU+EW to get cheaper.

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I waited a long time until Xcom:EU was cheaper to buy it (around $8 with all DLC). I regret waited that long, the game is fantastic... but yes, I'm an Xcom fan. That being said, it was -75%, so it will be again very soon

I bought EW some time ago ($7.5 I think)... it makes EU 10 times better!. Yes, it has its flaws, but OMG, it is amazingly fun!. I don't regret having played EU before EW, I can replay the game so many times...

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I played XC:EU + EW. I definitely recommend holding off on playing until you've got the EW expansion. It added a LOT to the game between the extra combat scenarios and upgrades. Without those components it would have been much too repetitive for me.

Good game, though. I definitely recommend the pair, but keep in mind that they've gotten down to $15 for the two multiple times now. I'd expect it during the upcoming Amazon MAYhem sale which will probably be starting next week. 

How the fuck do you not die in Rush Bros. - Stick it to the man.
At the very beginning you must proceed left instead of right by dash-jumping across the giant spikes, climbing the far wall, and then carry on across the level in the upper scaffolding; if you fall or miss crossing over (by using the upper pathway) the point that boxes you into the spiketrap then obviously you must restart the level. There's some videos on youtube if you need the visuals.

I think the better question is, why are you playing Rush Bros?
I wouldn't consider Rush Bros a good game, not nearly, but part of me is seriously enjoying the hell out of taking apart these challenges for the free monies. I really don't know what it is... I think it's a tumor.

I played XC:EU + EW. I definitely recommend holding off on playing until you've got the EW expansion. It added a LOT to the game between the extra combat scenarios and upgrades. Without those components it would have been much too repetitive for me.

Good game, though. I definitely recommend the pair, but keep in mind that they've gotten down to $15 for the two multiple times now. I'd expect it during the upcoming Amazon MAYhem sale which will probably be starting next week.
I've played a crapton of EU sans EW and still found it fantastic, just for the record. REALLY tempted to grab EW now even though the discount isn't amazing, as EU is easily one of the most mechanically well designed games I've played in the last decade.

Everyone really ought to give it a shot even if they aren't strategy fans.

I've played a crapton of EU sans EW and still found it fantastic, just for the record. REALLY tempted to grab EW now even though the discount isn't amazing, as EU is easily one of the most mechanically well designed games I've played in the last decade.

Everyone really ought to give it a shot even if they aren't strategy fans.
Agree... and I hope they make another Xcom game soon. This time with more micromanagement, like the originals.

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I think the better question is, why are you playing Rush Bros?
You get £0.50 for playing for the first time. Why the hell not.
Also, up to $9.25 in credit.

At the very beginning you must proceed left instead of right by dash-jumping across the giant spikes, climbing the far wall, and then carry on across the level in the upper scaffolding; if you fall or miss crossing over (by using the upper pathway) the point that boxes you into the spiketrap then obviously you must restart the level. There's some videos on youtube if you need the visuals.
Thanks guys ! Didn't even cross my mind to youtube.

OK i'm not earning any Rush Bros achievements except the play the first time. I dislike this game.....and this level where you had to get a key then go back to the very end of the level then go up and go through a bunch of stuff to get to the locked door, and rince and repeat 2 more times....extremely tedious. I raced with someone else for a while but they got frustrated too I assume and logged out after dying who knows how many times in a race. This is like those Sonic 3 2 player mode where you raced each other but ugg....I just don't find this fun. Frustrating as heck and the soundtrack is alright, but yeah I'm idling for cards and not going to touch this ever again.

Not worth it imho even with Playfire Rewards. At least when I get others I'm having somewhat of a good time. Can't say that in the least here!

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Booooooooooooo. God damn Valve fanboys.

If anyone earned the Doom 3: BFG rewards from last time, I think these are all different, btw.

Making me regret not grabbing it during Easter more and more :p
Haha. Is there really such a thing as a Valve fanboy? I can see people being passionate with DOTA 2 *cought Mooby cough*, TF2 or even CS:GO I guess. But someone who lets their passion override social graces? I dunno, I haven't seen that displayed here on CAG at least. I have heard some people can take DOTA 2 to another level though, I'm sure that's entertaining to witness.

One can't be completely surprised by how Doom 3: BFG vs CS:GO turned out. You can get various case drops after matches in CS and then sell them on the market for GabeN currency. For example, a Huntsman Weapon Case sells for ~$1.55 and an Operation Phoenix Weapon Case goes for ~$0.50. It's like a double bonus game, earning both Playfire rewards + Steam Wallet. Not too shabby if you can grin and bear CS:GO. I'm kind of burned out with CS, but I might see if I can get a few of the achievements I don't already have.

I played almost 60 hours of XCOM EU.  Beat it about three or so times I think before I'd had enough.  I've been looking forward to Slingshow and EW for a while now, so I'd easily recommend any part of the package to strategy fans.

Also, as for the people reporting others to Playfire, damn that's just cold and vindictive.

It took me four and a half months to get my Playfire account to even start working correctly. Personally I don't use SAM but I don't mind if others do, everyone has freedom of choice. Let the rewards flow where they may. It's hard enough to get Playfire rewards to sync, track, and transfer reliably so why on CAG would someone want to take that away from someone else?  I could see NeoGaffers turning on each other or resulting in cannibalistic behavior, but hopefully that isn't the case here on CAG, dammit. :nottalking:

I've been told more times than I'd like that I'm too nice to people, and reporting people snitching just isn't something I find as a moral obligation to better society. Also, I'm sure CAGs only make up a very small percentage of Playfire reward hunters anyway, and reporting CAGs isn't going to solve anything in the end.

/end rant

On a complete personal tangent, during my last on the side free lance job my boss called me in and said, "Goddammit. You're just too damn nice, you know that? That's your weakness. We're going to have to let you go. ...but also because we don't have any more work for you." He always was a dry sarcastic son of a bitch. Whether that dry humor was serious or just his way of lightening the tone of a serious conversation, will forever be a mystery. I think he's divorced now anyhow, so... :D/  (don't worry he didn't have any kids)

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I wouldn't mind using Playfire normally if it wasn't so vastly retarded. I joined the site three years ago, and they just now are able to track my achievements, albeit poorly. Raptr is discouragingly more advanced and easier to use, which makes me wonder why anyone used Playfire before the rewards program. And why they haven't Kurt Cobain'd the whole program and moved onto something more up their alley, like Newgrounds flash games.
1)Tried Rush Bros. for Playfire rewards.

2) Only could get the 1st level L2Play achievement

3) Uninstalled Rush Bros.

Not worth it


Doom 3: BFG - play for the first time - £0.10

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Sticky Situation - £0.10

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Ripped! - £0.25

Doom 3: BFG - unlock Evil Recruit - £0.50
Darn it, I only have Evil Recruit left on Doom3 ... because I actually played the game last time unlike all you pirates ;)

[quote name="Financial Panther" post="11766138" timestamp="1400356560"]1)Tried Rush Bros. for Playfire rewards.
2) Only could get the 1st level L2Play achievement
3) Uninstalled Rush Bros.

Not worth it[/quote]

I did it and got 0.84, then uninstalled it. No thanks to the game.
^_^ Thanks nice to hear. I'm more used to being told:

Oww that hurts!

Why are you doing this to me?!?

Please let me die!
Taking more subliminal shots at me, I suppose? ;)

Yeah....I know, I know - DRINK, right?

Actually, that's 2 questions - might be "DRINK-DRINK."

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So if anyone has 1849, I just got the Booze Baron achievement in like a second on Sandbox mode. Just pick "Easy" in Sandbox mode (gives you $5000 to start with) click the bottom right gold medal and build 5 winemakers.

Here's a screen of where to find the Winemaker building.

It gets you 25 pence, and was my first unlocked achievement for the game too.

Game's pretty fun, by the way, definitely worth the $1 I threw to IndieGameStand, first game I bought from them.

I'll post solutions for the other two achievements (which sound very easy), as soon as I get them.

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That's what you get for actually playing games like a #fakeCAG! Maybe they'll retroactively credit you.
Bob: Hey guys, I think it'd be a good idea if we stop retroactively crediting people for old achievements. That way we encourage people to use SAM and end up pissing #fakeCAGs off.

Playfire Admin: Great idea, Bob! You're promoted!

Just got Civic Leader for 1849. Also easy as fuck, and worth 50 pence.

Go to Sandbox Mode like I said for Booze Baron, click Easy (to start with $5000), and click the bottom right gold medal.

It'll be the first tab (so it's automatically chosen), then build a Sheriff, a Fire Brigade (both first page), Church, Saloon, School (second page), and then County Jail (third page). You should have more than enough money to build all these if you start off with $5000.

I'm working on "Newcomer", should figure it out shortly.

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1)Tried Rush Bros. for Playfire rewards.

2) Only could get the 1st level L2Play achievement

3) Uninstalled Rush Bros.

Not worth it
I did it and got 0.84, then uninstalled it. No thanks to the game.
I don't know, Rush Bros was actually not that hard to get most of the achievements for (I ended up with 19 of the achievements after only a few hours). And I thought the game itself was decent, especially with it being free and all.

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