[PC] Playfire Rewards Thread

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(Significant and bundled game rewards only)


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Rockstar junk is on sale so often (especially on amazon) that it's something of a running joke. Finding someone who doesn't own it is or is unaware of the sheer number of sales on it is like finding a bobbyfly unicorn.
Well, it's not that I wasn't aware of sales, it's just that I always ended up getting something else during those sales with my gaming budget. Mostly I was just expressing my happiness to get the game for free, especially considering that I blew most of my Playfire credit earlier this week on other junk.

However, I do accept your title of Unicorn.

Dude, chill. It looks like the guy just got into PC gaming, so he's probably not aware of how often games go on sale for us.

And hey, Rockstar stuff will never be on sale as often as Magicka is.
I've actually been a PC gamer (not exclusively) since like 1995, just FYI. Technically before that on the Commodore 64 in the 80's, but I'm not sure how much street cred being a Congo Bongo master gets you around these parts. :bouncy:

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However, I do accept your title of Unicorn.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I mistyped. Unicorns are actually fairly common around here. What I meant to type was eunuchorn, and luckily, that title is still totally available :lol:

As for amazon, if you're not already aware, keep track of the amazon trade thread. Occasionally big ticket items get put up that you can find for cheap from local best buys or a gamestop. It's how some, like myself, keep a healthy amazon fund going.

Just a quick heads up, Dishonored rewards are almost gone and two of them are really easy to do (the 50p one is DLC only, so I can't say anything about that one).

Creepy Crawly just requires you to use the possession ability on a rat and go through a rat tunnel. You can do this right off the boat and heading into the city on the first mission (not the intro, but after you talk to people in the bar and whatnot and are taken into the city by boat). To get the possession technique you need three runes to buy it, so save the first one you get, then equip the heart to find one in the area near the bar, and then find another once you get into the city (given to you by Granny Rags, or there's one for the taking behind her house). Use the three runes to buy it, then go to the entrance of the city where the first Wall of Light is. A pack of rats will run out, use possession on them, go through the little tunnel, and bam, you got it.

For Cleaner, RIGHT after you go through the rat tunnel and right click again to become human, there will be a few guards on the road. Run past them and make them chase you, and run down the road till you get to the next Wall of Light. There will be more guards there. Just start fighting and killing them all (it helps if you stock up on crossbow bolts and just headshot them all). There may only be four guards or so at first, but more will show up mid-battle. Once you've killed them all, the achievement (for killing 5 guards in one battle) should pop. Really easy, but save before the battle just in case. Be sure to use elixirs if you take damage.

Cool game so far... feels really Bioshock-y. The variety of combat methods seems like it's going to be interesting, and the dark magical/steampunk theme is amusing.

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As far as the Dishonored Knife of Dunwall, you get the Just Business achievement for completing the first mission. (Rothwild Slaughterhouse.) I took my time but if you ran through it and don't do optional stuff, it could only take 45 minutes.

I hope I have time to do the main game's achievements tomorrow.

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Dude, chill. It looks like the guy just got into PC gaming, so he's probably not aware of how often games go on sale for us.

And hey, Rockstar stuff will never be on sale as often as Magicka is.
Don't defend the newbie!

IDK, I feel that at Rockstar stuff has been on sale much more than Magicka so far in 2014.
Agreed. I think Rockstar has been on sale more often than it hasn't been so far

Is the upcoming Steam Summer Sale giving you anxiety, too?
Urine font gives me anxiety

Almost none of my "play for the first time" rewards get detected. Looking back I didn't get the 0.50 whopper for playing Rush Bros for the first time, either. Hmm.

Nuevas recompensas!

Available until Sunday 22 June, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

  • Battle Group 2 - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Battle Group 2 - unlock Rank Recruit - £0.10
  • Battle Group 2 - unlock Sturdy Airliner - £0.25
  • Battle Group 2 - unlock Skyhawk massacre - £0.50
  • Crystals of Time - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Qvadriga - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Space Run - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Space Run - unlock I am the boss ! - £0.10
  • Space Run - unlock Hyperactive - £0.25
  • Space Run - unlock Waste truck - £0.50
  • Storm over the Pacific - play for the first time - £0.10
  • The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - play for the first time - £0.10
  • The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - unlock Legacy of the Fool - £0.10
  • The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - unlock Fetch! - £0.25
  • The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - unlock Titanium Cookie - £0.50
  • VVVVVV - play for the first time - £0.10
  • VVVVVV - unlock Game Complete - £0.10
  • VVVVVV - unlock Super Gravitron: 30 seconds - £0.25
  • VVVVVV - unlock Laboratory Mastered - £0.50
  • Viktor - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Viktor - unlock First Upgrade - £0.10
  • Viktor - unlock Shapeshifter - £0.25
  • Viktor - unlock Viktor - £0.50
  • Zoo Park - play for the first time - £0.10
Hold on to your pirate hats everyone, I have a 92 second guide to grabbing all three Cities in Motion 2 achievements that'll surely get you banned by some white hatted good Samaritan for being too awesome.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock Metropolis - 1 - £0.10

      Grab your paper hat and head on into the sandbox. From there take a left at CENTRAL CITY and fast forward.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock We Can Build It! - £0.25

       While you're riding the high sails of Central (or any other local) city, feel free to click on that hammer and saw symbol, grab the build road button and drag out a 1000 meter piece of asphalt waste to Never Ever land. Click once to start dragging, double to drop, congrats you're a pirate.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock No Friend Of Mine - £0.50

       Pirates rejoice and subscribe: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=268812036&searchtext=

      If the link doesn't work, just load up the workshop and find a map called: No Friend Of Mine/Nie znam go.

And there you go you scallywags, four minutes, 3 achievements, 0.95 in the funny money, and the likelyhood of being banned forever from Playfire!

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Hold on to your pirate hats everyone, I have a 92 second guide to grabbing all three Cities in Motion 2 achievements that'll surely get you banned by some white hatted good Samaritan for being too awesome.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock Metropolis - 1 - £0.10

Grab your paper hat and head on into the sandbox. From there take a left at CENTRAL CITY and fast forward.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock We Can Build It! - £0.25

While you're riding the high sails of Central (or any other local) city, feel free to click on that hammer and saw symbol, grab the build road button and drag out a 1000 meter piece of asphalt waste to Never Ever land. Click once to start dragging, double to drop, congrats you're a pirate.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock No Friend Of Mine - £0.50

Pirates rejoice and subscribe: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=268812036&searchtext=

If the link doesn't work, just load up the workshop and find a map called: No Friend Of Mine/Nie znam go.

And there you go you scallywags, four minutes, 3 achievements, 0.95 in the funny money, and the likelyhood of being banned forever from Playfire!
Second most popuplar map? Dam you pirates!

Hold on to your pirate hats everyone, I have a 92 second guide to grabbing all three Cities in Motion 2 achievements that'll surely get you banned by some white hatted good Samaritan for being too awesome.

  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock Metropolis - 1 - £0.10

Grab your paper hat and head on into the sandbox. From there take a left at CENTRAL CITY and fast forward.
  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock We Can Build It! - £0.25
While you're riding the high sails of Central (or any other local) city, feel free to click on that hammer and saw symbol, grab the build road button and drag out a 1000 meter piece of asphalt waste to Never Ever land. Click once to start dragging, double to drop, congrats you're a pirate.
  • Cities in Motion 2 - unlock No Friend Of Mine - £0.50

Pirates rejoice and subscribe: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=268812036&searchtext=

If the link doesn't work, just load up the workshop and find a map called: No Friend Of Mine/Nie znam go.

And there you go you scallywags, four minutes, 3 achievements, 0.95 in the funny money, and the likelyhood of being banned forever from Playfire!
I dunno if you're joking, but SAMming is against the rules. Getting achievements easily isn't.

Those last two VVVVVV rewards are surprisingly easy if you use the game's "Invincibility" mode and unlock the time trials and secret lab from "Game Options" -> "Unlock Play Modes" (normally I think they'd unlock by beating the game and collecting trinkets). The £0.10 reward is actually the most time consuming since it requires you to beat the game.

Super Gravitron: 30 seconds - Go to the secret lab, find the teleporter square, and survive for 30 seconds. You can do this with invincibility on if it proves to be too challenging (I only made it to about 20 seconds without it).

Laboratory Mastered - This achievement is actually glitched but in our favor. Seems like you can get any ranking on the Laboratory time trial and still unlock the achievement after reaching the end. I got a "B" ranking myself and it unlocked instantly.

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i'd like to ask the question

is this playfire rewards so slow and terrible for everyone?

the 'recent game activity' page there seems to update less than one time per 24 hours

also i havent got any rewards for playing murdered for the first time, i contacted support got a generic response after two days which obviously didn't solve the problem and haven't heard anything more from them

am i doing something wrong?

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i'd like to ask the question

is this playfire rewards so slow and terrible for everyone?

the 'recent game activity' page there seems to update less than one time per 24 hours

also i havent got any rewards for playing murdered for the first time, i contacted support got a generic response after two days which obviously didn't solve the problem and haven't heard anything more from them

am i doing something wrong?
1. It's slow.

2. Things won't always go through.

3. You have to continue to pester support telling them which rewards you're missing.

4. Refer to 1 and repeat.


i'd like to ask the question

is this playfire rewards so slow and terrible for everyone?

the 'recent game activity' page there seems to update less than one time per 24 hours

also i havent got any rewards for playing murdered for the first time, i contacted support got a generic response after two days which obviously didn't solve the problem and haven't heard anything more from them

am i doing something wrong?
Nope, you'd be doing something wrong if it was too easy.

Rewards can show up days later. I'll normally wait a week or so and if they aren't there then submit a ticket. From there you're looking at a 2+ week wait. On the plus side two days for the generic email is lightning fast for them.
1. It's slow.

2. Things won't always go through.

3. You have to continue to pester support telling them which rewards you're missing.

4. Hope they don't decide to ban you for contacting them.

4. Refer to 1 and repeat.
There we go, fixed.

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Alright, does anyone here know how to get the last Swords + Soldiers achievement? It's called Meat Lover, and I'm not exactly sure how you get it.

My guess is you have to finish the DLC campaign, but I don't wanna grind through it if that's not the case. Can anyone confirm?

If anyone wants a guide for the first two achievements, I can post it, but does anyone actually need it?

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Alright, does anyone here know how to get the last Swords + Soldiers achievement? It's called Meat Lover, and I'm not exactly sure how you get it.

My guess is you have to finish the DLC campaign, but I don't wanna grind through it if that's not the case. Can anyone confirm?

If anyone wants a guide for the first two achievements, I can post it, but does anyone actually need it?
Yes. thanks you.

Two super easy ones. Can probably get them in less than 5 minutes.
Postal - unlock How Kevorkian! - £0.10
When you kill someone sometimes they will be crawling on the ground just walk up to them and press X.
Postal - unlock Dirty knees - £0.25
There will be rocket launcher guys on the first level position yourself in front of them but keep your distance, when they fire a rocket press F.
Those last two VVVVVV rewards are surprisingly easy if you use the game's "Invincibility" mode and unlock the time trials and secret lab from "Game Options" -> "Unlock Play Modes" (normally I think they'd unlock by beating the game and collecting trinkets). The £0.10 reward is actually the most time consuming since it requires you to beat the game.

Super Gravitron: 30 seconds - Go to the secret lab, find the teleporter square, and survive for 30 seconds. You can do this with invincibility on if it proves to be too challenging (I only made it to about 20 seconds without it).

Laboratory Mastered - This achievement is actually glitched but in our favor. Seems like you can get any ranking on the Laboratory time trial and still unlock the achievement after reaching the end. I got a "B" ranking myself and it unlocked instantly.
Does anyone know why unlocking the time trials and secret lab still doesn't give me access to them? I'm not seeing a way to actually play them despite unlocking them.

Does anyone know why unlocking the time trials and secret lab still doesn't give me access to them? I'm not seeing a way to actually play them despite unlocking them.
If you haven't already, play through the tutorial section of the game first, up until you reach the large circular teleporter. This will save your game. After that, when you go to the main menu and select "Start game", you should have the option of continuing your game, accessing the secret lab, and going through the time trials.

It's definitely DLC related, but I don't have it so I couldn't say if that's how you get it. Looking at the description it definitely sounds that way though.
Alright, I'll play through it now. Hopefully that's the case.

Yes. thanks you.

  • Swords and Soldiers - unlock Vamos a la playa! - £0.10
On the third level of the Viking (the first one) campaign, you have to kill every enemy on the map. Now normally this wouldn't be possible, as you have to pick one route in the middle of the level and ignore the other, but if you buy the Lightning Attack upgrade, you can Lightning Strike the enemies on the other path to death, provided you have enough gold to buy the initial upgrade, and enough mana to use it.

I would recommend taking the top path (the one with more loot), and focusing your lightning strikes at the enemies in towers and the enemies along the path you didn't take.

Once you kill everyone and have your troops reach the loot at the end of the level, the achievement should pop.

Swords and Soldiers - unlock All I Want For Christmas Is You - £0.25

You need to play someone online for this. The achievement is for using the mind control skill on 5 different enemy troops throughout the match (doesn't have to be at the same time). The skill is only usable by the Aztec team, so make sure to pick them. Then just buy the skill when you can afford it and use it on 5 different enemy troops (it's okay if the troops die).

Relatively simple. Going to go get Meat Lover now, will confirm its criteria.

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Noob Playfire question: has anything ever re-appeared on the rewards list?

E.g. Last week we had Lego Marvel rewards. Is there any chance that they could turn up again in a few months' time?
Yeah things do reappear, The Bridge for example has been on about 3 different times. No telling hen something will come back though, they seem to favor newly released games lately. The Sale was nice because they had a lot of older titles.

Available until Monday 23 June, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

  • A Wizard's Lizard - play for the first time - £0.10
  • A Wizard's Lizard - unlock Soul Hoarder - £0.10
  • A Wizard's Lizard - unlock Empty Handed - £0.25
  • A Wizard's Lizard - unlock Still Alive - £0.50
  • Bloodbath - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Derrick the Deathfin - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Derrick the Deathfin - unlock CARDBIRD - £0.10
  • Derrick the Deathfin - unlock BACKWARDS JIG - £0.25
  • Derrick the Deathfin - unlock SAFAR SOGOOD - £0.50
  • Faery - Legends of Avalon - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Faery - Legends of Avalon - unlock Explorer - £0.10
  • Faery - Legends of Avalon - unlock Guide of souls - £0.25
  • Faery - Legends of Avalon - unlock Discoverer - £0.50
  • Farm for your Life - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Farm for your Life - unlock Daredevil - £0.10
  • Farm for your Life - unlock Gravedigger - £0.25
  • Farm for your Life - unlock Savior - £0.50
  • Knightmare Tower - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Knightmare Tower - unlock VANQUISHER OF EVIL - £0.10
  • Knightmare Tower - unlock FASTER THAN LIGHT - £0.25
  • Knightmare Tower - unlock SKY'S THE LIMIT - £0.50
  • Rhythm Destruction - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Rhythm Destruction - unlock Well That Was a Freebie - £0.10
  • Rhythm Destruction - unlock Silent But Deadly - £0.25
  • Rhythm Destruction - unlock Unstoppable - £0.50
  • Rush for Glory - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Stick RPG 2: Director's Cut - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Xenonauts - play for the first time - £0.10
Saw this over on NeoGaf not sure if you guys noticed:

Ichi has rewards from a few days back. Only ~34 hrs to go. These are easy to pull off:

  • Ichi - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Ichi - unlock Cunning Puzzler - £0.10 (Complete 25 levels.)
  • Ichi - unlock Publisher - £0.25 (Create and Publish one level.)
  • Ichi - unlock Expert Tapper - £0.50 (Tap 1000 times)
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Saw this over on NeoGaf not sure if you guys noticed:

Ichi has rewards from a few days back. Only ~34 hrs to go. These are easy to pull off:

  • Ichi - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Ichi - unlock Cunning Puzzler - £0.10 (Complete 25 levels.)
  • Ichi - unlock Publisher - £0.25 (Create and Publish one level.)
  • Ichi - unlock Expert Tapper - £0.50 (Tap 1000 times)
Was Ichi bundled? I don't think I have it otherwise.

Noob Playfire question: has anything ever re-appeared on the rewards list?

E.g. Last week we had Lego Marvel rewards. Is there any chance that they could turn up again in a few months' time?
We've had a lot of recurring rewards, some being the same achievements (Cargo Commander, The Bridge) and new ones for the same game (Lego Lord of the Rings). Marvel was a head-to-head winner so I think it's less likely to reappear, but definitely not out of the realm of possibility.

Was Ichi bundled? I don't think I have it otherwise.
Indie Underdog Pack 2
The Graduation Bundle
Indie Gala Mobile 2
Green Light Bundle
Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 2
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We've had a lot of recurring rewards, some being the same achievements (Cargo Commander, The Bridge) and new ones for the same game (Lego Lord of the Rings). Marvel was a head-to-head winner so I think it's less likely to reappear, but definitely not out of the realm of possibility.

Indie Underdog Pack 2
The Graduation Bundle
Indie Gala Mobile 2
Green Light Bundle
Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 2
I got The graduation bundle, but no Steam key :( Groupees supposedly has them, but I skipped it in that BaGB.

Derrick the Deathfin is on Steam!?

I thought that game sounded oddly familiar. It was one of Amazon Tony's CAG titled bundles last Summer - CAG Bundle 3. It came with Blockland, Triple Town, Dead Pixels, and Tower Wars.

Amazon doesn't have Steam keys for this, I just checked it's DRM-FREE. Damn.

Derrick the Deathfin is on Steam!?

I thought that game sounded oddly familiar. It was one of Amazon Tony's CAG titled bundles last Summer - CAG Bundle 3. It came with Blockland, Triple Town, Dead Pixels, and Tower Wars.

Amazon doesn't have Steam keys for this, I just checked it's DRM-FREE. Damn.
Ask Josh about it. Amazon will definitely add keys before the Playfire rewards expire.

Noob Playfire question: has anything ever re-appeared on the rewards list?

E.g. Last week we had Lego Marvel rewards. Is there any chance that they could turn up again in a few months' time?

Cargo Commander has had rewards multiple times.

There are other examples but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

There have definitely been reward repeats, though.


Cargo Commander has had rewards multiple times.

There are other examples but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

There have definitely been reward repeats, though.
List, also includes games that have had extended rewards or multiple 0.5£ for first few days then 0.1£ (aka Specials) or by bug.


Derick the Deathfin is on Steam!?

I thought that game sounded oddly familiar. It was one of Amazon Tony's CAG titled bundles last Summer - CAG Bundle 3. It came with Blockland, Triple Town, Dead Pixels, and Tower Wars.

Amazon doesn't have Steam keys for this, I just checked it's DRM-FREE. Damn.
Of course I'm DRM-FREE on Amazon DVG. ;)

I requested that to Tony, back in the day. ;)

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A heads up if you got VVVVVV - unlock Laboratory Mastered. They reset it for everyone and if you actually got a V rating you'll need to fire the game up again for it to register.

FWIW, I still got credit for the reward from Playfire and had the £0.50 applied to my account today. No idea if the credit was added before or after the achievement was reset, though.

Of course knowing Playfire, this will somehow flag my account for "suspicious activity" and I'll be forced to walk the plank.

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FWIW, I still got credit for the reward from Playfire and had the £0.50 applied to my account today. No idea if the credit was added before or after the achievement was reset, though.

Of course knowing Playfire, this will somehow flag my account for "suspicious activity" and I'll be forced to walk the plank.
You have no idea how paranoid I get when I get reward achievements offline...

FWIW, I still got credit for the reward from Playfire and had the £0.50 applied to my account today. No idea if the credit was added before or after the achievement was reset, though.
My credit for it isn't there, though they seem to be lagging behind at least a full day for me.

In other news, I got one of the BioShock 2 rewards tonight - Login. It requires a decent amount of playtime (a couple of hours if you're a careful explorer like me) into Minerva's Den. The real irritating thing is that Distance Hacker only unlocks in the main game, despite the fact that you have to remote hack in the DLC.

My big time commitments for tomorrow are Mafia 2, Spec Ops, and Party of Sin. I think I'm going to focus on Spec Ops and I'm pretty sure I can complete that in the allotted time. Mafia 2 looks pretty time-consuming.

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