[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

That was one bundle, where I simply did not have enough time to PM everyone because I was running late for work. It took me about 10 seconds to make that post, whereas it would have taken about 5 minutes to PM everyone. I did not sell reserved bundles to those buyers, I just did not have enough time to buy the bundles and PM everyone.
Det has come through for me every time, he's my main HH bundle guy.

So can I lock in a HH spot for every IG bundle with someone who does it every time?  I find myself wanting every HH bundle and wont mind having to pay for one I dont necessarily want if it means I can consistently get in on them.  It would be nice to know I'm gonna be able to get in on the HH even when I'm working crazy hours and cant make it on here to coordinate with every HH, by the time I get to see a HH is going on all of the spots are usually full

So can I lock in a HH spot for every IG bundle with someone who does it every time? I find myself wanting every HH bundle and wont mind having to pay for one I dont necessarily want if it means I can consistently get in on them. It would be nice to know I'm gonna be able to get in on the HH even when I'm working crazy hours and cant make it on here to coordinate with every HH, by the time I get to see a HH is going on all of the spots are usually full
I don't think anyone here does every IG bundle, but I can do something like that for all the bundles that I do buy (most non-Monday bundles, and around a third of the Monday bundles.)

I don't have anywhere near that much faith in Indie Gala to do a blind subscription plan. They do seem to have been doing better lately, but I'm not sure if that's them truly improving or just that Poopees has gone so far down the shitter as to make Indie Gala look much better.

I don't have anywhere near that much faith in Indie Gala to do a blind subscription plan. They do seem to have been doing better lately, but I'm not sure if that's them truly improving or just that Poopees has gone so far down the shitter as to make Indie Gala look much better.
The former. Indiegala is on quite the hot streak, at least for them. The recent Fridays and Hump Days have been weak, but I've grabbed seven of the last nine Monday Bundle, plus this adventure bundle might be their best bundle ever. They've had strong runs in the past, of course, interspersed with relatively barren stretches--I grabbed zero of the nine Monday Bundles preceeding the recent stretch.

PSA to the bundle buyers:

I have the second group going, but they won't allow me to buy more than 20 bundles of this one. The website specifically states I should be able to buy 40 of each. I submitted a support ticket asking why I can't buy the rest and should know soon. I only have about 3 spots left out of the 40, so PM me if you want one and I'll let you know when I can buy more.

PSA to the bundle buyers:

I have the second group going, but they won't allow me to buy more than 20 bundles of this one. The website specifically states I should be able to buy 40 of each. I submitted a support ticket asking why I can't buy the rest and should know soon. I only have about 3 spots left out of the 40, so PM me if you want one and I'll let you know when I can buy more.
Oh, I thought you had found a way to buy 40 since you said you were out. Me and Det ran into this roadblock yesterday.

I would have posted about it otherwise. But yeah, it seems no one is able to buy more than 20. I sent a support ticket too.

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Or not


Gala is all 'Ah we fixa' for you!' and Det's all 'No mate, ya din't. G'day' and Gala's all like ' 'try'a back in'acoupla hoursa. Iffa no worka writta supporta. We getta righta back to youa! Promessa! *fingers crossed behind back'

Haha, I knew posting on Reddit would get their attention quicker than sending a support ticket. It's not the first time either, the missing bundles issue with Dragon Rock or Hump Day (I think), got resolved because of posting about it on Reddit. There's been other incidents as well.

One of the few things Reddit is good for.

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They never answer their damned support anymore. You'd grow old and die waiting for their asses to get back to you. I love how he's all like write support. Bitch Please. You pazzos never get back to anyone. Quit playin'.

On a semi-related note, I just got this on the reCAPTCHA trying to log into Indie Gala.


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It works! Valve is the same damned way. They conveniently never notice anything until it's all over the gaming press and suddenly they care. :roll:

It works! Valve is the same damned way. They conveniently never notice anything until it's all over the gaming press and suddenly they care. :roll:
Basically. I honestly feel like IG checks Reddit more than their support or even their Steam group, seems the best way to get ahold of them. Just like how it seems to be the best way to get ahold of Valve (aside from that one time someone emailed Gabe directly to get their Steam support issue fixed and he got it done immediately).

If you expect a sensible response from them soon I don't think you know how Indie Gala works.
Last time I was locked out with this error, it took them about a week to respond. A week from the third ticket I had submitted after they didn't reply to the first two.

Oh, I thought you had found a way to buy 40 since you said you were out. Me and Det ran into this roadblock yesterday.
As did another 3 people I know who tried to buy a second pack.

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There's an easy way to buy more and I'll probably end up doing it for the next bundles--I like hosting the Mondays--but I figured you guys had bought 40 of these and that's why you were out. Sadly, I've already received payment from some people and can't send them their bundles yet. I've been trying to get it to work all day.

The only successful support ticket I've had was when I e-mailed them cursing them out for not letting me change my e-mail. Someone fixed everything I wanted fixed, put all of my bundles on my new account, and turned off the "verify account" feature so I didn't have to log in. Might have to throw in some expletives when I e-mail them later tonight.

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There's an easy way to buy more and I'll probably end up doing it for the next bundles--I like hosting the Mondays--but I figured you guys had bought 40 of these and that's why you were out. Sadly, I've already received payment from some people and can't send them their bundles yet. I've been trying to get it to work all day.

The only successful support ticket I've had was when I e-mailed them cursing them out for not letting me change my e-mail. Someone fixed everything I wanted fixed and turned off the "verify account" feature. Might have to throw in some expletives when I e-mail them later tonight.
Multiple IG* accounts? Probably not a bad idea. IIRC Fox's account developed issues later on due to too many bundles and IG told him to create another account.

*requiring multiple early purchases

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I might have to give Blade a try next time.

Stupidproz is legit but doesn't host all of them and I never quite know if he will be hosting or not.

And I miss It'sa Me Borderland'a. I don't care what y'all people think he was easy cheap and reliable for me.

Det is all about Dat Steam group and Booby will sell it higher and then buy lower from someone else for his 'brother' who will probably give the keys to the dog.

I feel like we need an Angie's list for bundle hosts. It was easier when there was one reliable host, even if I did get in a couple of huge feuds with him and secretly have Sunasan buy extra happy hour bundles for me behind his back.
I had forgotten about that lol
You're the perfect accomplice. You do the dirty deed, then you forget about it.

I'll have to remember that. Never know when I'll need you to do a job for me.
Moonshine does all the work, its even better with skittles and jolly ranchers

Proposed dlc for payday 2, drunken accomplice
Blade should have some more no thanks to Indie Gala but I'm not sure if he's already got buyers lined up for the full next 20 sets or not.

Blade should have some more no thanks to Indie Gala but I'm not sure if he's already got buyers lined up for the full next 20 sets or not.
Thanks for buying them for me, Motoki! I already had 20 more reserves, so I'm all full depending on whether or not stupidproz was able to fulfill some orders while Indie Gala was being useless and broken.

Looks like Counterfeiting: The Official Indie Bundle, as most games looks heavily "inspired" to say the least... how could you say no to that? You can't, that's the truth, so if someone's up for a group buy I'm in  :bouncy:

Whoa, Pirates vs Corsairs is by some guys who made The Bluecoats: North vs South, which is a ripoff of North and South. I loved that game as a kid. Apparently that rip-off was in the Every Monday bundle 55. Anybody play that? This pirate game looks like it's pretty similar.

Too bad there's nothing else interesting in this bundle. I guess I'll wait for Bluecoats or Pirates to appear in another bundle.

I'm doing a group buy for Every Monday 59. It's $1.70 this time, due to the price increase. Just PM me if you want a spot.

And yes, I had to create another IG account to do this. They still haven't fixed the fucking "too many bundles purchased" error.

bread's done