[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

Anyone doing a group buy for the back to basics bundle? Couple things I wouldn't mind having but not worth $3 to me. Could also swap a copy of last weeks friday bundle for this one if someone has an extra.

If anyone gets Eaten Alive from that HH bundle and has it I kind of want to try it if someone doesn't want it haha....looks so bad but RPGMaker...

You joke, but I didn't buy a granny game (that I wanted) for like 14 cents during the last sale.

And I also won another granny game on steamgifts that was currently on sale for like 18 cents.

I'm cheap like a granny when it comes to granny games.

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A game that's under 20 cents and has cards is effectively free. It's not like you even have to use your own 15 or 18 cents because most of us have a least a little (and in some cases a ridiculously a lot) cardz moniez.

But if I can win it on steamgifts then I can keep that 20 cents to not spend on other stuff because I always think it'll show up in a bundle before I play it.

MysterBlade is always doing a group-buy for the Every Monday bundles. Even if he doesn't post that he bought them, he's bought at least 5 copies to send to the patrons.



*hits the quan on roller skates*

EDIT: It's $1.61 if you want in, btw. Just PM me for the details.

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I think I may sit this one out. I have the two granny games and I think I bought Appointment with Fear on some Humble sale a while back. The Early Access one looks turrble and not so into the digital book thing.

I do want that Russian one but it doesn't have cards so it might actually make it through the night on Tremor without all the dirty foreigners stealing all the copies.

Tremor seems like they've been buying IG Mondays twice, once on Monday, then again Sunday.

They've gotten restocks on (at least) the past two IG Mondays.  And the restocks seem to last longer.  So if you miss out tomorrow, check back next week.

Your Tin Man collection isn't close to complete until you go to their Humble Store and get the REST of the Gamebook Adventures series.

And then the last 3 which they didn't port to PC for some stupid reason that I am STILL mad about.

Appointment with FEAR is stupid. It's classic Fighting Fantasy and FF gamebooks are stupid 80s trash. I mean that in the endearing sort of "stupid" but this is back in the era where games could be absolutely retarded and give no thought to letting you win at all and you would still have fun because fun wasn't really invented in the 80s yet.

The presentation is fantastic. Tin Man went all out to make it look so wonderfully cheesy with BIFF POW Batman effects and everything. But it's an amusement park ride. Treat it as such.

Cavern of the Snow Witch is so dumb the Snow Witch dies like three pages after she shows up and that's in the FIRST third of the book. It's at least beatable though but it's still dumb FF crap.

I will defend the good Gamebook Adventures books until the day I die (There are some stinkers but even the weakest crap is better than FF, except for that sci-fi one do not touch that.).

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Your Tin Man collection isn't close to complete until you go to their Humble Store and get the REST of the Gamebook Adventures series.

And then the last 3 which they didn't port to PC for some stupid reason that I am STILL mad about.
Which three were those? Were they in that mobile Humble bundle?

+8 for me, but nothing that really looks like it'd be fun to play.

I was a little disappointed when I clicked on one of the links and discovered that I'd misread the game title, and it was in fact NOT a Cat Washer sim.

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+8 for me, but nothing that really looks like it'd be fun to play.

I was a little disappointed when I clicked on one of the links and discovered that I'd misread the game title, and it was in fact NOT a Cat Washer sim.
Teddy Terror looks like it might be fun

I want to try Desert Ashes (and skipped bundles it was in such as Greenlight bundles). Think the only ones I own are Nightfall and possibly Unium. Getting it and get to try out that horrible looking fighting game too haha.

Your Tin Man collection isn't close to complete until you go to their Humble Store and get the REST of the Gamebook Adventures series.

And then the last 3 which they didn't port to PC for some stupid reason that I am STILL mad about.

Appointment with FEAR is stupid. It's classic Fighting Fantasy and FF gamebooks are stupid 80s trash. I mean that in the endearing sort of "stupid" but this is back in the era where games could be absolutely retarded and give no thought to letting you win at all and you would still have fun because fun wasn't really in, vented in the 80s yet.

The presentation is fantastic. Tin Man went all out to make it look so wonderfully cheesy with BIFF POW Batman effects and everything. But it's an amusement park ride. Treat it as such.

Cavern of the Snow Witch is so dumb the Snow Witch dies like three pages after she shows up and that's in the FIRST third of the book. It's at least beatable though but it's still dumb FF crap.

I will defend the good Gamebook Adventures books until the day I die (There are some stinkers but even the weakest crap is better than FF, except for that sci-fi one do not touch that.).
Okay, PedantSkull, you got me. I meant that I would have all of the Tin Man stuff on Steam except for To Be or Not To Be, which I have as an ebook. I did pull up the list from the Humble site; those guys really need to get on the stick and start porting those bitches over to Steam. It can't be that much extra effort. I think I have an Android copy of Siege of the Necromancer from some bundle or other, but it seems as though they just randomly picked titles to port to Steam; I don't see any rhyme or reason to it.

By the way, Tin Man just wrapped up a successful kickstarter for its next gamebook. More info is here, for those who may be interested: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/warlockks/fighting-fantasy-the-warlock-of-firetop-mountain/description.

Personally I will take a somewhat tedious RNG fight with too much text over a super-extra-hard-as-balls platformer any day of the week.
The only game that looks interesting is Steel Rivals. It looks like it has some unique fighting moves ... like this one ...
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Well, I'm glad we're actually getting Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk. I'm upset that FTM: Puppet Thief vanished from the Steam store before I got to buy it (along with Empiress of the Deep 3) so this is kind of nice putting my worriest to rest for Beanstalk.

Would be down for a group buy of Riddles in the Dark when it rolls around if anyone is going to be hosting. Honestly you can put me down for pretty much any HH. My library is small enough and they are cheap enough I can probably just do them all for a few months.

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Will get this in a group buy (Thanks Blade) though of the four I don't have, none of them appear to be developed by Artifex themselves, so we'll see how good the quality is. Still, cheap enough.

Wow, just noticed IG has 9 bundles running right now.

Freaking copy cats.


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Missing 4 myself. I think I will wait for BundleStars to bundle more of these games (I think them and IG are the more consistent bundlers for Grandma games). Groupees piece meals them too much to different bundles to even care honestly. 

Oh nice.. +6. Wyv & Keep looks like an interesting puzzle/platformer. Actually a few games look pretty good. Gala comes through again.

bread's done