[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

All of this is true, but to be fair the audience I'm mostly writing for are my friends/those who explicitly ask me what I think about a game, not so much the random Steam user who doesn't want to take more than five seconds to glance over a sentence or two about a game before they buy it.
Yeah man, and that's cool. You have a purpose to what you're doing and you enjoy it, so go for it. I'm not in disagreement that Steam reviews could/should be better.

My comments were partly on the overall state of user reviews, but also in response to your call for feedback. Restricting the length of your reviews to a set number of paragraphs might be good for a writing exercise, but it's not the best way to approach a piece in which you want to accurately express your point of view.

You said it yourself, though, that editing isn't something you enjoy. But as a writer, you have to keep the reader in mind and that sometimes means scrubbing through stuff so that your point remains sharp!

I enjoy seeing your reviews, so keep at it. It's good to have well thought-out opinions to compare with your own.

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Thinking about getting both bundles from a happy hour seller, but haven't seen prices referenced in multiple pages I've seen.  

Anybody still CAGing these that can hook me up?

I will confess I'm terrible at editing, or even proofreading, much of what I write. I've always hated reading my own crap which is one reason I'm so appreciative of those that take the time to read it for me and let me know when I've made an error/rambled too much/failed to deliver my point adequately, at which point I will take a bit of time to try and fix it.
I think most people don't like reading their own crap, but it's okay, everyone has different strengths when it comes to the written word. You may be in luck though, editing is my own strength when it comes to writing (probably says something about me). Feel free to send me stuff to look at anytime, you definitely wouldn't be alone in doing so. :mrgreen:

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I think most people don't like reading their own crap, but it's okay, everyone has different strengths when it comes to the written word. You may be in luck though, editing is my own strength when it comes to writing (probably says something about me). Feel free to send me stuff to look at anytime, you definitely wouldn't be alone in doing so. :mrgreen:
I'm afraid if I ever sent something for you to read over/edit, it would come back full of :bouncy: 's.

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Thinking about getting both bundles from a happy hour seller, but haven't seen prices referenced in multiple pages I've seen.

Anybody still CAGing these that can hook me up?
Most of the talk we try to keep to other threads. I have Last Dream and posted the info in the main gala group buy thread. I don't think Bobbytastic has any Tiny Mix left, but Borderland might.

Has playfire rewards:

  • 99 Spirits - play for the first time - £0.10
  • 99 Spirits - unlock Training Day - £0.10
  • 99 Spirits - unlock Telepath - £0.25
  • 99 Spirits - unlock Woodsman - £0.50
  • Human Tanks I - War of the Human Tanks - play for the first time - £0.10
  • Human Tanks I - War of the Human Tanks - unlock Amasson Regular - £0.10
  • Human Tanks I - War of the Human Tanks - unlock Blindfire - £0.25
  • Human Tanks I - War of the Human Tanks - unlock Fireworks - £0.50

That's your moneyback up to 3 times as GMG credit if you can complete those in 3 days.

Woot, a waifu bundle! Already have Human Tanks, Vanguard Princess and Ether Vapor, but will snatch for 99 Spirits + all those delicious visual novels.


EDIT: Seems that the Indie Gala site's having some major seizure... it constantly asks me to change my password whenever I login, and I cannot redeem my games on Steam. Maybe it's because they're changing the way you can claim the games, akin to what Humble Bundle is currently doing... I'll try not to be paranoid about my profile being stolen and such...

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Would have thrown in a buck, but IG is in "Maintenance Mode." 

Guess I lucked out.

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Wow! I don't have anything in the Monday bundle.
No brainer with Playfire rewards.
I only have Ether Vapor Remaster (donation) and Vanguard Princess. I'm surprised you don't have Vanguard Princess, this is the third bundle it's in? And it was in the first Monday bundle from IndieGala (which is where I got it from).

So, you can link and unlike your Steam account pretty easily. Just redeemed the two Steam games I wanted. However Spoder reports that you should not attempt to GIFT any of the games quite yet.

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I can confirm the gifting feature is also not working, so whoever is going to gift me the panty fight game can please wait until they fix the system.  

Dear Gala,

why u copy cat u suck ur gift shit no work should have stay with keys go lick ur ego thanks have nice day.. 

yours truly

spanky spanky

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Only one repeat for me, Playfire rewards, anime trading cards... it's too good to be true.
Despite the redeem problems ...

$1 for 8 games

4 on steam

So many cardz

2 with current PF rewards

This is a great bundle.

Shhh, but I think they could have priced it higher and made more euros

Blergh. All the Steam games are repeats, and I'm only missing 99 Spirits.
The bundle is such a repeat, that even comments are being repeated.

EDIT: Anyway, I'm placing my bet that 99 Spirits could be in the next Groupee's Clash Japan Bundle

EDIT2: Unless I cave (cuz, I'm WEAK)...Still resisting urge to throw $1 away to +1 Steam

EDIT3: That Eve Burst Error Trailer...So many panty shots. No way could the entire game be like that...LIES!

EDIT4: fuck, now I'm rationalizing that my $1 includes 2 Desura games (Eve Burst Error [Panty Shot- THE GAME] & Duplicity [ My Waifu - THE GAME]) that I don't have but will never play (b/c they are on fucking Desura, a client I don't even have installed).....HELP ME :grouphug:

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I have all of the Steam games and none of the Desura games.  I do use the Desura client to view my backlog so I guess it is just a question of whether or not I want to continue to view a static list or go crazy and view with updates.

The bundle is such a repeat, that even comments are being repeated.

EDIT: Anyway, I'm placing my bet that 99 Spirits could be in the next Groupee's Clash Japan Bundle

EDIT2: Unless I cave (cuz, I'm WEAK)...Still resisting urge to throw $1 away to +1 Steam

EDIT3: That Eve Burst Error Trailer...So many panty shots. No way could the entire game be like that...LIES!

EDIT4: fuck, now I'm rationalizing that my $1 includes 2 Desura games (Eve Burst Error [Panty Shot- THE GAME] & Duplicity [ My Waifu - THE GAME]) that I don't have but will never play (b/c they are on fucking Desura, a client I don't even have installed).....HELP ME :grouphug:
The key redeeming system seems to work now, but it's REALLY freaking worrying doing it this way since it's IndieGala.
I didn't even connect my Steam profile to my Humble account. Forget IG. At least they still have gift links, which I'm hoping will work someday.
Woot I will buy this bundle, been waiting for 99 Spirits for a whille and Eve Burst Error is an excellent old visual novel. I am excited to play Duplicity too, and I have played Bionic Heart and it is quite good. Great for a dollar....my body is ready!!!!!

None of the Desura links work for me... tell me I need to buy the game when I try to install them.  (It made me put the key in through the "gift" spot.)

Steam works fine.  

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bread's done