Pearl Jam-Backspacer discussion


CD is out Sunday only in Target (or order from $11.98 for the CD, $29.99 for version with codes to download the songs in Rock Band (same price as just buying the songs with MS points--so no deal).

They have the album streaming on their Myspace page now as well.

I like what I've heard so far, can't wait to pick it up on Sunday! Will get it with the RB codes since I'm almost out of MS points anyway.
Yeah, they've been my favorite band since Ten. I do like a lot of other bands and have seen a lot live (have seen DMB 12 times, PJ 5--mainly since they don't tour nearly as much). But PJ has always been my favorite as well, and I don't see that ever changing.
Backspacer is so good. I've listened to it over 10 times now (it's on right now) and there is no filler - every track is excellent. This will crack the Top 3 Pearl Jam albums for me.
Some quick thoughts:

Gonna See My Friend - Great opener. Matt Cameron and Jeff Ament are all over this album and they start out really string here. Just listen to that bass line!

Got Some
- Studio version is fantastic compared to live version on Conan. I reall really like this - reminds me of Hail Hail for some reason.

The Fixer
- First single. I think it's a great pop song - it doesn't try and do too much but if you listen carefully there are a lot of layered guitars (which is a theme throughout the record instead of face melting solos).

Johnny Guitar
- This is probably my least favorite song overall but it is still excellent. I like the 3rd person storytelling and the lyric at the end is awesome ("I'll hide my disappointment cause for years I have been hoping that when she came she'd be coming just for me.") OK, I love this one too.

Just Breathe
- This is the most beautiful song the band has ever recorded. Jeff's bass at the start of the second verse sends chills up my spine. Just perfect. Eddie sure has a way with words and song structure.

Amongst The Waves - This will end up being a lot of people's favorite and maybe mine too. It is just epic. Such a positive song (a theme that echoes throughout the album). "I am up riding high amongst the waves. Where I can feel like I have a soul that has been saved. Where I can feel like I've put away my early grave." Big difference from the depressing Ten-era lyrics.

Unthought Known - This is the other song that might be my favorite. "Gems and rhinestones" - you'll know it when you hear it.

Supersonic - One of the other weaker tracks but still a fast, fun little song.

Speed of Sound - This is a tough one. The first 10 seconds are the worst part of this otherwise beautiful song. Also, they released the demo a few weeks ago which initially I didn't like but then after hearing the full band album version I ended up really liking it. This is a slow burner that I'm sure will grow on me even more as time goes on.

Force of Nature - Mike McCready shines here with some great guitar work and a fun solo. You can't help but sing along to "Somewhere there's a siren singing a song only he hears. All the strengths you might think would disappear, resolving. One man stands alone awaiting for her to come home. Eyes upon the horizon in the dark before the darkness leaves the dawn."

The End - If you have kids and a wife you love this song will make you want to cry. The breath Eddie takes at the very end is haunting. Really moving.

I can't say enough about this record. For the first time in ages there are barely any politics and the whole thing just feels loose and fun. 9 albums into their career and they make one of their best - every band should be so lucky.
11 songs? I like what I hear and i've been a longtime fan of pj and always will be. 1 of the few bands with least promotion, least music videos and still being able to sell some of the most albums of all. I know they'll be 160 ms points each song on the 360 so what is the price for the album? Also, will this new album be released on the rock band music store by tuesday with the new releases or will we have to wait awhile?
fuck them for doing the lame one store only option. What the hell is up with that? Whatever maybe I'll buy it though I haven't adored a PJ album as a whole since Vitology.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']fuck them for doing the lame one store only option. What the hell is up with that? Whatever maybe I'll buy it though I haven't adored a PJ album as a whole since Vitology.[/QUOTE]

Not quite a one store option...Also available on iTunes and your local independent music store!
Or from

It's a consequence of them not being with a label and distributing the music themselves. Too costly to ship it everywhere and they could make money through the exclusivity deal.

I buy most of my CDs at Target anyway since it's more convenient to grab it somewhere I can grab other stuff I need vs. going to a record store or Best Buy only for the album.
[quote name='intoxicated662']11 songs? I like what I hear and i've been a longtime fan of pj and always will be. 1 of the few bands with least promotion, least music videos and still being able to sell some of the most albums of all. I know they'll be 160 ms points each song on the 360 so what is the price for the album? Also, will this new album be released on the rock band music store by tuesday with the new releases or will we have to wait awhile?[/QUOTE]

The Album is $18 or so worth of points.

Or you can pay $30 at Target and get the album and codes to download it into rockband (album is $12 by itself, so no discount, and better to use points if you have them).

And the songs should be on Rock Band on Sunday I believe, as it's supposed to go live the same day the album comes out.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']fuck them for doing the lame one store only option. What the hell is up with that? Whatever maybe I'll buy it though I haven't adored a PJ album as a whole since Vitology.[/QUOTE]
Atleast it isn't Wal-Mart.
I highly recommend getting the limited edition from It comes in a hard bound book the size of a CD. It has all the lyrics and some weird art inside. Peep it:





Not that music critics matter at all but I find it interesting that Backspacer is sitting at an 85 with 11 reviews over at metacritic. This is unusually high for any CD let alone a band that most people think haven't released anything good since Vitalogy.

Glad to see them getting some recognition.
Along with everyone else, from what I've heard of the album so far, this is really good stuff from pearl jam. So sunday we should get this on PSN???
Picked it up at a Target. Just got the CD as they said they weren't putting the $30 version with the Rock Band codes out until Tuesday. So maybe the songs won't be on RB until then. I just picked up a 1600 point card to get the songs with since it's the same price.

Also, with the Target CD it's a CD-rom and you can put it in the PC and download 2 full concerts for free (10 or so to pick from, I went with Sanfrancisco and Hartford), and some wall papers etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Picked it up at a Target. Just got the CD as they said they weren't putting the $30 version with the Rock Band codes out until Tuesday. So maybe the songs won't be on RB until then. I just picked up a 1600 point card to get the songs with since it's the same price.

Also, with the Target CD it's a CD-rom and you can put it in the PC and download 2 full concerts for free (10 or so to pick from, I went with Sanfrancisco and Hartford), and some wall papers etc.[/QUOTE]

Is there any other difference between the 2 CD's other than the Rock Band code? I couldn't get the the deluxe edition today either but I might do what you did if there isn't any other additional content in the deluxe.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']fuck them for doing the lame one store only option. What the hell is up with that? Whatever maybe I'll buy it though I haven't adored a PJ album as a whole since Vitology.[/QUOTE]

Alright here's the thing with the target deal. They are putting this record out on their own without a label. So they don't have the marketing funds that a big label would have. So by making a deal with target I'm sure target is spending money promoting the album. If I'm not mistaken didn't Target pay for the filming of the fixer video since they were using it for the commercial.

But anyway I picked up the album this morning. And I'm listening to it right now! New PJ is one of the few things that will get me up before noon on a Sunday :p
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[quote name='dmaul1114']Picked it up at a Target. Just got the CD as they said they weren't putting the $30 version with the Rock Band codes out until Tuesday. So maybe the songs won't be on RB until then. I just picked up a 1600 point card to get the songs with since it's the same price.

Also, with the Target CD it's a CD-rom and you can put it in the PC and download 2 full concerts for free (10 or so to pick from, I went with Sanfrancisco and Hartford), and some wall papers etc.[/QUOTE]

Shit is hard to find. Only two Targets in the area had it, but the packaging is straight up ass. I should have just bought the CD and gotten a point card. It comes in a funky DVD case and looks cheap.
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