People like this is what's wrong with the country today.


2 (100%)

Apparently, this guy is speaking what he truly believes in. This makes me sick. US forces are fighting overseas for US citizens, and unfortunately... that also includes douchebags like him, who basically deserve a good beheading anyways. I am ashamed of being an American citizen because of people like this, period. Dual-nation citizenship ftw.

Don't bother posting on those boards just to flame him, it won't effect much...
I remember listening to 2 people on a bus who I overheard saying they just came back from Iraq. They were laughing about dead Iraqi's and one was upset that he never got to kill one.

That was about 2 years ago.
When I was in highschool, a navy recruiter told my class that they would have a "great oppourtunity to shoot towel heads" if they joined up.

I ask, does the Taliban have a navy? :roll:
"The US Military is the best in the world and un-defeated"

I guess that douche forgot korea and vietnam.
Yeah, which battles did we lose in Vietnam again?

That was a different time though. Big media doesn't have a stranglehold on the news today so they can't turn the American public against a war we are winning. Thank you internet and Rush Limbaugh.


As for the guy in that link, he's obviously trying to rile someone up. Whether he's a flaming liberal pretending to be a "dumb warhawk", or an actual dumb warhawk- I think it's okay for you to see he's flat country stupid.

We get to "take their ----ing oil and resources"? Yep, that's why the price of gas is so high.

Along with his flagrant abuse of words and punctuation, he seems to be working on using fuck in as many ways as possible to really drive home the intellectual superiority of his argument.

You are free in America, and that means you are free to be stupid out loud.
[quote name='penmyst']Yeah, which battles did we lose in Vietnam again?

That was a different time though. Big media doesn't have a stranglehold on the news today so they can't turn the American public against a war we are winning. Thank you internet and Rush Limbaugh.[/QUOTE]

"Yes, I've come to the conclusion that the media is so biased and outrageous that I must seek out someone who will affirm my conclusions on a daily basis by supplying me with similarly biased news."

Nobody's ever been able to explain to me the logic that corporate entities (that it, the news) that are owned in fucking FULL by corporations (be it Westinghouse, General Electric, or others) are inherently liberal. Yet, of course, liberalism is inherently anti-capitalist :)roll:). Poor Ann Coulter, and Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck, and Tony Snow, Brit Hume, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto, Tucker Carlson, Joe Scarborough, Nancy Grace, Pat Buchanan, Bay Buchanan, Pat Robertson (even him!), and countless others. They never get any TV time at all, because Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal hog all the fucking airtime.
mykevermin;1979610Nobody's ever been able to explain to me the logic that corporate entities (that it said:
They get that impression by the causes the board and CEOs of these companies strive to support.

And, BTW, an old joke: Only thing the Navy is good for is dropping off Marines and making coffee.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']They get that impression by the causes the board and CEOs of these companies strive to support.[/QUOTE]

such as...?
[quote name='mykevermin']such as...?[/QUOTE]

For better or for worse, for right or for wrong, people see what causes Jack Welch supported while he ran GE, then GE=Jack Welch. Bill Gates=Microsoft, so when people see Bill & Melinda Gates supporting funding rebuilt libraries in the Gulf, or cancer research, then they see Microsoft supporting these causes.

Now, in smaller corporations, it's less of an association than a matter of fact. Clif Bar is a staunch supporter of wiser land use and against global warming. It comes because the founder set these policies when it started, and he is still there.

I'm not trying to say what corporations do what or if they are doing the right thing, but America as a whole sees these public figure CEOs as (rightly) the face of the company, and any personal views they may have as the views of the corporation (may or may not be true).
I don't know how public most of Welch's philanthropic prospects are. I only know him as the man who receives an annual pension worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for as long as he lives. This isn't investment, this isn't a 401(k), this is him getting money and perks (an $8,000 monthly Manhattan apartment, Knicks front-and-center tickets, a private jet, among others) that are paid for by money made by GE after his leaving the company. If he gets dividends from investments he holds (and I can assure you he has plenty), that's fine. This, on the other hand, is welfare - it's supporting Welch despite the fact that he doesn't work for GE.

Now, as for Bill and Melinda Gates, I'm not familiar with their philanthropy either, but libraries and cancer are 'liberal'?!?! Now, I do know that he is interested in getting current computer technology into poor urban areas, and he's very invested in work with AIDS in Africa. Perhaps I'm biased, but I don't see any of those as inherently liberal. Just compassionate and community-oriented.

Now, if they were giving money to "let's all have abortions, LLC" or an organization focused on outlawing heterosexual marriage, then you may have a point. OTOH, I'm afraid you haven't proven anything to me here. I don't see anything remotely "liberal," and I don't think that you could successfully argue that the majority of Americans perceive the exceptionally wealthy corporate elite is even remotely liberal.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't know how public most of Welch's philanthropic prospects are. I only know him as the man who receives an annual pension worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for as long as he lives. This isn't investment, this isn't a 401(k), this is him getting money and perks (an $8,000 monthly Manhattan apartment, Knicks front-and-center tickets, a private jet, among others) that are paid for by money made by GE after his leaving the company. If he gets dividends from investments he holds (and I can assure you he has plenty), that's fine. This, on the other hand, is welfare - it's supporting Welch despite the fact that he doesn't work for GE.

Now, as for Bill and Melinda Gates, I'm not familiar with their philanthropy either, but libraries and cancer are 'liberal'?!?! Now, I do know that he is interested in getting current computer technology into poor urban areas, and he's very invested in work with AIDS in Africa. Perhaps I'm biased, but I don't see any of those as inherently liberal. Just compassionate and community-oriented.

Now, if they were giving money to "let's all have abortions, LLC" or an organization focused on outlawing heterosexual marriage, then you may have a point. OTOH, I'm afraid you haven't proven anything to me here. I don't see anything remotely "liberal," and I don't think that you could successfully argue that the majority of Americans perceive the exceptionally wealthy corporate elite is even remotely liberal.[/QUOTE]

I never said the two examples I gave were 'liberal,' they were just examples of how what CEOs do with their own money can translate into what corporation they were/are attached to support.

I don't see pensions as welfare, though. They actually did work and earn that money by having their company grow and profit while they were there. If you put your time in, you should receive a little more than a gold watch and a thanks. While we could argue to the extent these pensions should be valued at, or their perks, I don't think you could convince me that it isn't well earned.
[quote name='Metal Boss']When I was in highschool, a navy recruiter told my class that they would have a "great oppourtunity to shoot towel heads" if they joined up.

I ask, does the Taliban have a navy? :roll:[/QUOTE]

What does a Navy have to do with anything? Not that anyone other than Navy Seals, and possibly Corpsmen even have firearms.
bread's done