
:D Im betting that MS releases at least 10 games this year that score 9.7 or higher. Fable been in dev for ever Im sure all of the kinks should be out. SCPT first one got a 9.6,PTs getting at least 9.8 or 9.9 Halo 2 been in dev for ages, first one got 9.5,obviously now with XBOX Live and the cult following the creators wont dissapoint. Ninja Gaiden, classic game sure to please hard core Ninja fans and gamers. DOA Online supposed to push the best game system ever made to levels of pure gaming excellence never before seen on any system. DOA 3 got 9.5 so this is already been a good title for XBOX in the past. Full Spectrum Warrior. Every one loves good squad based military online action. Any game used by the US Armed Force must be good. ThiefIII the latest installment from the game that started stealth genre. Doom 3, HalfLife2. Mafia havent played it but I hear its a GTA Killer. Advent Rising etc, the list goes on. 2004 is gonna be so SWEET. So many good XBOX games coming out this year. Tons more in development. XBOX is awesome :D
I'm glad I have all 3 next-gen systems (plus dreamcast), because whenever one system releases crap, another one releases gold. It does suck sometimes though when there are too many games to buy and not enogh time to play them. I mostly bought my Ps2 for Rpg's and imports, my xbox for fps games, and my cube for all of there first party titles.
Xbox is my favorite system, but this is a little too much for me. You inflated the scores wayy too much. Maybe they'll be that high on a site like IGN.
* Just because a game is in dev for a long time does NOT mean it will be an awesome game. Case in point: Brute Force.
* You'll probably also be pretty disappointed with Full Spectrum Warrior.. its kind of a military action tactical shooter.. but is probably better described as a strategy game.
* "Mafia havent played it but I hear its a GTA Killer"
I would say while many of those will be great titles don't get your hopes to high or start thinking they are 10s (or instant classics) until they are out and rated that by multiple magazines or yourself. Otherwise you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. I have gotten very excited because of overhyped games, even the worst games seem to get glorious previews. Star Wars Galaxies is the most recent disappointment
Whoa man, XBox is my favorite system to. I own more games for it then I do GC and PS2, but come on now.

Fable - Is going to sell well regardless how well it comes out, thanks to endless hype. Honestly this game has already lost some of It's sick features so It's not going to be as perfect as it could have been. I think the roleplaying will be top notch, but everytime I see the combat system in action it looks kinda meh. My problem with Morrowind was the same thing, everything was great outside of the combat engine.
FPS - What sandwiches99 said.
Mafia - Was a real good game, but It's a old PC port none the less and all the other consoles are getting it.
Halo 2 - Obviously going to be a great game, regardless if it has major improvements or not won't matter much as long as It is Live. System Link on Halo seemed to be Godly as everyone reported, but I don't have 7 other friends who own XBoxs that are willing to system link, so Halo 2 is gonna do the trick.
DOA Collection - Yeah It's gonna be good, but why did Tecmo bother with updating DOA2? They should have just went with a new DOA.
Doom 3- It looks great, lets hope it plays as well as it looks.
Half Life 2 - Awesome.
Ninja Gaiden - People are also going to buy this regardless of how it turns out, but out of all the games being released in 2004, this I pray the most it works out well. Why? Because this could be the breakthru game for the XBox. Anyone thats owned a Nintendo in their life knows Ninja Gaiden owned more ass then you could ever set your hands upon. Keyword is owned because NG has spent a long time on the sidelines, but if this NG gets awesome reviews, look out.
[quote name='space_rover']:D Im betting that MS releases at least 10 games this year that score 9.7 or higher. Fable been in dev for ever Im sure all of the kinks should be out. SCPT first one got a 9.6,PTs getting at least 9.8 or 9.9 Halo 2 been in dev for ages, first one got 9.5,obviously now with XBOX Live and the cult following the creators wont dissapoint. Ninja Gaiden, classic game sure to please hard core Ninja fans and gamers. DOA Online supposed to push the best game system ever made to levels of pure gaming excellence never before seen on any system. DOA 3 got 9.5 so this is already been a good title for XBOX in the past. Full Spectrum Warrior. Every one loves good squad based military online action. Any game used by the US Armed Force must be good. ThiefIII the latest installment from the game that started stealth genre. Doom 3, HalfLife2. Mafia havent played it but I hear its a GTA Killer. Advent Rising etc, the list goes on. 2004 is gonna be so SWEET. So many good XBOX games coming out this year. Tons more in development. XBOX is awesome :D[/quote]

1. Fable is not out - could be good, could be bad.
2. SCPT is coming out for all three systems.
3. Halo is one of the most overrated games ever.
4. Ninja Gaiden is not out - could be good, could be bad.
5. DOA 3 was pretty, but that's about it. Wasn't Capcom vs. SNK online supposed to be revolutionary, too?
6. The US Armed Forces may not know anything about games.
7. Thief III is a sequel to a mediocre more-of-the-same sequel and a great first installment.
8. Doom 3, HL2, Mafia...get a pc.

Seriously. Why don't you talk about the REAL games the XBox has going for it, instead of parroting IGN? Orta, Otogi, JSRF, Crimson Skies, and, of course, KOTR? Remember, the geniuses at IGN gave DOA:Xtreme Beach Volleyball a 9.5...
You should look into being in PR for Microsoft, they could use someone with your enthusiasm. And I have to agree with the general consesus that you have to wait to see it. I'm excited about a bunch of those games, but only one or two usually ends up in the collection. Every year there's the hype and every year some live up to it and some dissappoint. Regardless, Microsoft will make some money.
I still think Ninja Gaiden is a question mark as far as how good it will be. I know it'll LOOK good but every time I see a video I think "man, the control has to be so frustrating." The only site to really hype it is IGN...and....well, you know how they are.

Still, it could be good. I'll probably buy it just because the old games are unlockable. :wink:

Fable and Halo 2 should be outstanding...if they show up this year. Halo isn't overrated, either. The only people who say that are people who wish it was a Half-Life clone.

Full Spectrum's still too early to tell if it will be anything worth talking about.

And yes, usually the PC version of an FPS game is better than a console version, but it isn't the case with every game. GTA Double Pack for XBox is better than the 2 respective PC versions, and Crimson Skies got a big facelift for the XBox from the somewhat mundane PC version.
Every body knows that XBOX is the best next gen console. Yeah just cause a game takes for ever to dev dosent make it perfect but this year MS is on the ball. All of you guys are in disbelief now but will no longer be when my 2004 XBOX predictions come true. Remember I said 9.7 or higher. Most of The of the listed titles have already scored well before in the past. If MS hasnt persuaded PC ,GC, and PS2 gamers to buy a BOX yet by releasing games like Halo, JSRF, PGR and Splinter Cell then I think that 2004 will be the year when they finally wake up and realize how much theyve missed out on an excellent system
yea he has been posting topics like this for a while.

Mafia is a great game but its no 9.5

I have DOA 3(got it when it was 10 at BB) and I think it blows. It only got high marks because it looks pretty.

Fable is going to be decent but no way it will live up to the hype, and neither will Halo 2.
doa is and always has been crap. if you stopped trying to look for boobs popping out you might actally realize how horrible the game is.
[quote name='pukemon']damn. i think you are what they call a fanboy. ever think of applying for microsoft PR job?[/quote]

He should really write for the Official Xbox Magazine, talk about fanboys...

Also, Halo is overrated, but then again its not. I never really cared about Halo until I started playing it online. Now its the only game I play consistently.

to space_rover : It looks like you've been reading too much IGN. Like mulliga said, they gave DOAX a 9.5. I'd almost go as far to say that DOAX represents everything thats wrong with video games today and they decided to give it one of the highest ratings possible.
[quote name='pukemon']damn. i think you are what they call a fanboy. ever think of applying for microsoft PR job?[/quote]

I play the other systems but after being spoiled by the BOX its kind of hard to still have the same appreciation for them
[quote name='CaseyRyback']DOAX got a 9.2

Also how can anyone be spoiled by a console that for a year and a half only had Halo[/quote]

9.2.. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I probably had more fun trying to find out how to get the girls naked than playing the actual "game".

Halo saved Xbox. Xbox was terrible when it came out, but I have to give MS credit. They held on, fixed many of the big problems and ended up with a pretty good gaming system.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']DOAX got a 9.2

Also how can anyone be spoiled by a console that for a year and a half only had Halo[/quote]

A lot of people throw the word fanboy around when someone's pro-Xbox, but I don't hear anyone condeming the haters.

Don't be a hater, player!
As someone who has actually played a demo of Ninja Gaiden, I have to say it's absolutely stunning, both visually and gameplay wise. It's a true winner unless Team Ninja manages to mess it up somehow in the last couple months of production (doubt it).
i really want to play all those games, but Fable, Half-Life 2, and Advent Rising are the three i'm looking forward to most. Fable just seems incredible, the freedom and possibilities. Half-Life 2, of all those games, is the one i think will live up to the hype. and i love Orson Scott Card's books, so i'm pretty sure i'll love AR.

but yeah, space_rover is a fanboy.
I play the other systems but after being spoiled by the BOX its kind of hard to still have the same appreciation for them

riiiiight. i just got an xbox, and i still have a hard time figuring out why halo is DA BEST GAME EVA!!!111!! it's good, perhaps a classic, but definitely overrated. i guess i can understand why. it's the only good game boxers had for awhile. and another thing. the first thing you hear 9 times out of 10 from an xbox fanbory is DA GRAPHICS ROXORS MY BOXORS!!!111!! and spoiled by what? the xbox spoiled my cheap ass entertainment center. i have had a gamecube and ps2 for over a year on this one shelf where the box now sits for only a week, and the shelf it starting to sag. that's what i call spoiled.
[quote name='pukemon']I play the other systems but after being spoiled by the BOX its kind of hard to still have the same appreciation for them

riiiiight. i just got an xbox, and i still have a hard time figuring out why halo is DA BEST GAME EVA!!!111!! it's good, perhaps a classic, but definitely overrated. i guess i can understand why. it's the only good game boxers had for awhile. and another thing. the first thing you hear 9 times out of 10 from an xbox fanbory is DA GRAPHICS ROXORS MY BOXORS!!!111!! and spoiled by what? the xbox spoiled my cheap ass entertainment center. i have had a gamecube and ps2 for over a year on this one shelf where the box now sits for only a week, and the shelf it starting to sag. that's what i call spoiled.[/quote]

Legend has it that XBOX is bulletproof. Literally. Maybe thats why yr ent shelf is sagging. XBOX is a very solid and durable computer gaming machine. It may be heavy but at least it can with stand bullets fired at point blank range. If your ever a victim of a shoot out your BOX would be the only item in yr Cheap Ass entertainment system that could save you.
[quote name='space_rover'][quote name='pukemon']I play the other systems but after being spoiled by the BOX its kind of hard to still have the same appreciation for them

riiiiight. i just got an xbox, and i still have a hard time figuring out why halo is DA BEST GAME EVA!!!111!! it's good, perhaps a classic, but definitely overrated. i guess i can understand why. it's the only good game boxers had for awhile. and another thing. the first thing you hear 9 times out of 10 from an xbox fanbory is DA GRAPHICS ROXORS MY BOXORS!!!111!! and spoiled by what? the xbox spoiled my cheap ass entertainment center. i have had a gamecube and ps2 for over a year on this one shelf where the box now sits for only a week, and the shelf it starting to sag. that's what i call spoiled.[/quote]

Legend has it that XBOX is bulletproof. Literally. Maybe thats why yr ent shelf is sagging. XBOX is a very solid and durable computer gaming machine. It may be heavy but at least it can with stand bullets fired at point blank range. If your ever a victim of a shoot out your BOX would be the only item in yr Cheap Ass entertainment system that could save you.[/quote]

Legend may say that the Xbox is bulletproof, but there is video evidence on the internet that a gamecube can be dragged down the street behind a car (made easy thanks to the handle), get plugged in, and still function.
[quote name='sandwiches99']Halo saved Xbox. Xbox was terrible when it came out[/quote]

Halo, PGR, DOA3, and Oddworld is not "terrible." It's certainly stronger than what the PS2 had when it launched.
[quote name='KaneRobot'][quote name='sandwiches99']Halo saved Xbox. Xbox was terrible when it came out[/quote]

Halo, PGR, DOA3, and Oddworld is not "terrible." It's certainly stronger than what the PS2 had when it launched.[/quote]

Word. PS2 only had SSX at launch, and GC had... Luigi's Mansion :wink:
you guys are forgeting true fantasy live...the real reason i bought an xbox, so it better not dissapoint. Also starcraft ghost, which will be multiplatform, but still looks gorgeous, as long as developers stop adding little trinkets every time i read a preview.
[quote name='peteyrose'][quote name='KaneRobot'][quote name='sandwiches99']Halo saved Xbox. Xbox was terrible when it came out[/quote]

Halo, PGR, DOA3, and Oddworld is not "terrible." It's certainly stronger than what the PS2 had when it launched.[/quote]

Word. PS2 only had SSX at launch, and GC had... Luigi's Mansion :wink:[/quote]

This is a moot point since all have launched some time ago, but PS2 had quite a few good titles (this is all of the launch titles):

Armored Core 2 (Agetec, Action)
DOA2: Hardcore (Tecmo, Fighting)
Dynasty Warriors 2 (Koei, Action)
ESPN International Track and Field (Konami, Sports)
ESPN X-Games Snowboarding (Konami, Sports)
Eternal Ring (Agetec, RPG)
Evergrace (Agetec, RPG)
FantaVision (SCEI, Puzzle)
Gun Griffon Blaze (Working Designs, Action)
Kessen (EA, Adventure)
Madden NFL 2001 (EA, Sports)
Midnight Club (Rockstar, Racing)
Moto GP (Namco, Racing)
NHL 2001 (EA, Sports)
Orphen (Activision, RPG)
Q-Ball Billiards Master (Take-Two Interactive, Simulation)
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 (Midway, Sports)
Ridge Racer V (Namco, Racing)
Silent Scope (Konami, Shooter)
Smuggler's Run (Rockstar, Racing-Adventure)
SSX (EA, Sports)
Street Fighter EX3 (Capcom, Fighting)
Summoner (THQ, RPG)
Swing Away (Paradise Golf in Japan) (EA, Sports)
Tekken Tag Tournament (Namco, fighting)
TimeSplitters (Eidos, First-Person Shooter)
Unreal Tournament (Infogrames, First-Person Shooter)
Wild Wild Racing (Interplay, Racing)
X-Squad (EA, Action)

Also, GT3 came out quickly, but I think the PS2 launch sucked because who could find one?

All launches suck. :roll:
[quote name='KaneRobot'][quote name='sandwiches99']Halo saved Xbox. Xbox was terrible when it came out[/quote]

Halo, PGR, DOA3, and Oddworld is not "terrible." It's certainly stronger than what the PS2 had when it launched.[/quote]

Do you really think that the majority of mainstream buyers wanted an Xbox just for PGR, DOA, and Oddworld? (Especially with all the racing and fighting titles for PS2 available). People that wanted Xbox wanted it for Halo. I'm not saying those are terrible games, I'm just don't agree that they were system sellers. I didn't meet anyone that said they wanted an Xbox because of Oddworld.

And for the beginning of Xbox's life cycle it had a worthless big controller, Halo, and Xbox exclusives like Bruce Lee and Obi-Wan. Halo really held Xbox over until some quality games started rolling in.

to pukemon: Halo is good because of the multiplayer.. I don't know if its the "BEST GAME EVA!!" but it definitely gets the most playing time on my Xbox. I actually didn't care for it for a long time, but after spending a lot of time with it I discovered that its a deeper game than I had originally thought.
When did CAG become GameFAQs...?

Seriously, ALL the consoles are going to have some stellar releases this year. For Xbox owners, it's going to be especially sweet because it seemed like all of the most anticipated games of last year got delayed into 2004 (and 2003 was STILL a great year!). That, in addition to all the newly announced titles for 2004 and you've got one helluva release schedule. I only hope they pace the release schedule better than last year, when like 20 must-have titles all came out the last two months of the year.

[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='space_rover'][quote name='pukemon']I play the other systems but after being spoiled by the BOX its kind of hard to still have the same appreciation for them

riiiiight. i just got an xbox, and i still have a hard time figuring out why halo is DA BEST GAME EVA!!!111!! it's good, perhaps a classic, but definitely overrated. i guess i can understand why. it's the only good game boxers had for awhile. and another thing. the first thing you hear 9 times out of 10 from an xbox fanbory is DA GRAPHICS ROXORS MY BOXORS!!!111!! and spoiled by what? the xbox spoiled my cheap ass entertainment center. i have had a gamecube and ps2 for over a year on this one shelf where the box now sits for only a week, and the shelf it starting to sag. that's what i call spoiled.[/quote]

Legend has it that XBOX is bulletproof. Literally. Maybe thats why yr ent shelf is sagging. XBOX is a very solid and durable computer gaming machine. It may be heavy but at least it can with stand bullets fired at point blank range. If your ever a victim of a shoot out your BOX would be the only item in yr Cheap Ass entertainment system that could save you.[/quote]

Legend may say that the Xbox is bulletproof, but there is video evidence on the internet that a gamecube can be dragged down the street behind a car (made easy thanks to the handle), get plugged in, and still function.[/quote]

I do not doubt it, my GCN has taken a beating and works
My xbox disc tray just took a beating and it still works. I took a game out and forgot to close the tray, and my dog stepped on it, and it was creaking and i almost shit myself, but i picked him up, and it bounced back, and works fine.
its been said that tghe XBOX can deflect a bullet. The BOX stopped working but the bullet got deflected. Im sure that a GC could never do that. If you shot the GC itd just fall apart
Since when did they stop making consoles (pick one) out of plastic and start using kevlar?

Just to defend DOA, Once you STOP looking at the jiggling flesh you realize it actually is a very, very good fighting game, with tight controls and a very well done counter system. The problem with DOA is that DOA 3 was DOA 2.1. And DOA Ultimate Legends Tag Tournament Online (or whatever they're calling it this week) looks suspiciously like DOA 2.2, I want a true DOA 4, already! Also the bar has been raised by Soul Calibur 2.
[quote name='sandwiches99']
He should really write for the Official Xbox Magazine, talk about fanboys...

Have you read a nintendo power? They're alot worse.

"This time Hal has really outdone itself with Kirby's Air ride"
bread's done