Petitioning for the banning of Spriggan

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3 (100%)
This is finally sparked by Spriggan's sig, "AND ESPECIALLY RICHD1! fuck YOU PIG fuckER!"

Spriggan has IMed me on AIM and harassed me there. He makes pointless posts and consecutive posts for the sole point of upping his post counts. He makes no valid arguments, he has no common sense, he's just a plain idiot. He devalues this board more than anyone.

I know I'm not alone here.
It's CheapyD's call. I haven't had any problems with him as of late, but I did find his attack on EndlessChris offensive. (I know I've ripped into EC, but the worst I've done is dropped the f-bomb a few times. Spriggan went WAY too far.)

Still, I like petitions. No offense, Spriggan. :D

i really dont want him to be banned, but i would like him to be "modded" i mean he has a direct flame in his sig! thats just too much
[quote name='punqsux']i really dont want him to be banned, but i would like him to be "modded" i mean he has a direct flame in his sig! thats just too much[/quote]

Currently only CheapyD has the authority to "mod". The best the mods can do is close or move a topic. Cheapy wants an open forum, and even though I agree with him he needs to deligate some real modding authority out so that issues like this can be quickly dealt with.

Like I said the best we can do is ignore people who are like that. If you feed their flame they will continue acting stupid. If worse comes to worse and they continue then I am sure CheapyD will do something about it.
I would agree to adding a warning system to the forums, and giving Spriggan -1. A direct ban is a little much, but we shouldn't stand by as our community gets overrun with trolls...
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='punqsux']i really dont want him to be banned, but i would like him to be "modded" i mean he has a direct flame in his sig! thats just too much[/quote]

Currently only CheapyD has the authority to "mod". The best the mods can do is close or move a topic. Cheapy wants an open forum, and even though I agree with him he needs to deligate some real modding authority out so that issues like this can be quickly dealt with.

Like I said the best we can do is ignore people who are like that. If you feed their flame they will continue acting stupid. If worse comes to worse and they continue then I am sure CheapyD will do something about it.[/quote]

what i was saying is something like cheapy just lays down the law, not moving or closing his topics, just something like an ultimatum(sp?) get rid of the sig and stop being such an asshole or he's banned

the only reason i dont ignore it is that i really like this community and dont want to see it turn to shit with mindless/offensive posts
Ban me? I sign. J/K. I put that in my profile cause all you ever say is to piss me off. Everything that you respond to is like "you are such a goddamn morron" (read colts gmae topic.) You have been saying shit like that every other post? And what did I evver do to offend you before that??? JACK SHIT! It was you that pissed me off enough to say shit like that. And i IMed you for you to stop all that bullshit and you said you will. Did you stop? HELL NO! You are still pissing me off. The only thing I ever did to your fat ass was in retaliation to what you started. I see no reason why I should get banned. I have contributed my share of cheap ass deals.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='punqsux']i really dont want him to be banned, but i would like him to be "modded" i mean he has a direct flame in his sig! thats just too much[/quote]

Currently only CheapyD has the authority to "mod". The best the mods can do is close or move a topic. Cheapy wants an open forum, and even though I agree with him he needs to deligate some real modding authority out so that issues like this can be quickly dealt with.

Like I said the best we can do is ignore people who are like that. If you feed their flame they will continue acting stupid. If worse comes to worse and they continue then I am sure CheapyD will do something about it.[/quote]

what i was saying is something like cheapy just lays down the law, not moving or closing his topics, just something like an ultimatum(sp?) get rid of the sig and stop being such an asshole or he's banned

the only reason i dont ignore it is that i really like this community and dont want to see it turn to shit with mindless/offensive posts[/quote]

I agree with you and I also don't want to see this place turned into another gamefaqs where the spammers and trolls rule. BUT CheapyD wants and open forum.
Hey Sprig, seriously, the cursing just makes his point keep going. Yeah you have some guys who hate you ever since your first post...just ignore and stop being anal about stuff. Hear what the complains are about...just do edits and not keep posting everytime something happens. Find someone who actually go for the Colts and argue on AIM or something...nothing wrong with a little friendly competition.
Yeah I know this site is about gaming deals, but I think it should also be a community where we can talk to each other about anything, not just games. Seriously the ban thing is just dumb, Sprig just needs to change, and Rich needs to stop posting things like "You're a moron" in each post. Sprig needs to stop with the stupid insults too. I mean if you hate the guy, just stop posting in threads he make.
Still, just shut up, stop whining, and stop complaining about little crap here and there. There is no need for a lot of things to goes on here. There have been to many "Lets ban him" "Yeah he is a bad guy" "I hate him".....seriously...some people really do need a drink of stfu juice.
Session Start (AIM - ImRich66:Spriggan240): Sun Jan 11 15:04:14 2004
Spriggan240: hi mofo
*** Auto-response sent to Spriggan240: GO COLTS GO! GO COLTS GO!
Spriggan240: sup
ImRich66: what do you want
Spriggan240: you to shut the fuck up
ImRich66: why the fuck are you messaging me
Spriggan240: to piss you off.
Spriggan240: and dont bother blocking me. i got TONS othe IMs
[quote name='RichD1']He makes no valid arguments, he has no common sense, he's just a plain idiot. He devalues this board more than anyone.
I know I'm not alone here.[/quote]

To RichD1:

You know, it sucks, but it's a hard, fast rule that no matter how you try, you will never ever cleanse the world of morons. Won't happen. The best people can do it ignore him. What if you do ban him? How hard will it be to create a different ID? Not hard at all. So just, you know, make your piece.

Now, having said that:

Spriggan on the Colts: [quote name='Spriggan240']Damn they suck more than pamela anderson sucks dick and pussy.[/quote]

To Spriggan240:

This next part isn't even an insult, it's not trying to get anyone's dander up, but Spriggan, you really aren't very intelligent. I don't know if you've ever labored under the belief that you were, but really, it's quite obvious from all of your writing that you really are not equipped to carry on any sort of conversation. Since no one wants to read posts from someone who is really devoid of anything interesting to say, why do you care what your post count is? I mean, you can hit that 1k mark all you like, it isn't going to turn you into George Plimpton, so why not spare us, and just read posts and enjoy deals?

Just a thought.
what richd1 is doing is called framing. the things i say in the football threads are just to spark competition. I really love football, and if i say stuff to piss people off of fans of other teams, we get into an argument. We enventually get to the point where we start pointing out where each temas strenghts and weaknesses are. its jst football man. Chill out. And as i can see, you are too. And thats not all of the aim thing. Why dont you show everyone what happende after that? I dont have a copy, but i will tell everyone what happened after what he posted.

Spriggan240: can we call a truce between us?
Imrich66: Ok, but stop posting stupid things in forums. (I have, with an exception of football threads)

And what does he do? He goes on with the same ole shit that he was doing before. And thats when I retaliated with the things that i said.
[quote name='tmbgman'][quote name='RichD1']He makes no valid arguments, he has no common sense, he's just a plain idiot. He devalues this board more than anyone.
I know I'm not alone here.[/quote]

To RichD1:

You know, it sucks, but it's a hard, fast rule that no matter how you try, you will never ever cleanse the world of morons. Won't happen. The best people can do it ignore him. What if you do ban him? How hard will it be to create a different ID? Not hard at all. So just, you know, make your piece.

Now, having said that:

Spriggan on the Colts: [quote name='Spriggan240']Damn they suck more than pamela anderson sucks dick and pussy.[/quote]

To Spriggan240:

This next part isn't even an insult, it's not trying to get anyone's dander up, but Spriggan, you really aren't very intelligent. I don't know if you've ever labored under the belief that you were, but really, it's quite obvious from all of your writing that you really are not equipped to carry on any sort of conversation. Since no one wants to read posts from someone who is really devoid of anything interesting to say, why do you care what your post count is? I mean, you can hit that 1k mark all you like, it isn't going to turn you into George Plimpton, so why not spare us, and just read posts and enjoy deals?

Just a thought.[/quote]

I don't know who you are, but my respect for you +100. Seriously, awesome post.
I wish we were using vB3 so we could hack it up for total ignore options; that way I wouldn't even have to acknowledge the existance of Spriggan. :(

tmb; if he did continue changing his IP and such, Cheapy could always report him to his ISP. Having Spriggan's internet access revoked would be a glorious day.
Whats ur favorite team Rich D1...He likes the Colts who do u like.......Its prolly one of those fan(team good and in playoffs) VS. fan(team sucks ass and not in top it off one of the colts rivals maybe New York Jets) lol but thats just my theory and also im not saying the Jets Suck ass i was using them as an example for a colts rival team!!!!
[quote name='Spriggan240']what richd1 is doing is called framing. the things i say in the football threads are just to spark competition. I really love football, and if i say stuff to piss people off of fans of other teams, we get into an argument. We enventually get to the point where we start pointing out where each temas strenghts and weaknesses are. its jst football man. Chill out. And as i can see, you are too. And thats not all of the aim thing. Why dont you show everyone what happende after that? I dont have a copy, but i will tell everyone what happened after what he posted.

Spriggan240: can we call a truce between us?
Imrich66: Ok, but stop posting stupid things in forums. (I have, with an exception of football threads)

And what does he do? He goes on with the same ole shit that he was doing before. And thats when I retaliated with the things that i said.[/quote]

Want the entire convo? Here.

Session Start (AIM - ImRich66:Spriggan240): Sun Jan 11 15:04:14 2004
Spriggan240: hi mofo
*** Auto-response sent to Spriggan240: GO COLTS GO! GO COLTS GO!
Spriggan240: sup
ImRich66: what do you want
Spriggan240: you to shut the fuck up
ImRich66: why the fuck are you messaging me
Spriggan240: to piss you off.
Spriggan240: and dont bother blocking me. i got TONS othe IMs
ImRich66: maybe I'll just let Cheapy know you're IMing me and harassing me, hopefully it'll get you banned
Spriggan240: actually its tha other way around
Spriggan240: plus, i could just create a new account
ImRich66: Or he could ban your IP
ImRich66: are you that ignorant
Spriggan240: how bout we call it even.
Spriggan240: its stupid for us to be pissed off at each other. touchdown
Spriggan240: ill leave you alone and u do the same
Spriggan240: deal?
Spriggan240: u dere?
ImRich66: I'll leave you alone when you a) leave or b) stop making such retarded and ignorant comments such as this "Colts should lose, they suck."
Spriggan240: fine
Spriggan240: b
Spriggan240: there he goes
Spriggan240: 92 yards
Session Close (Spriggan240): Sun Jan 11 15:18:35 2004

You didn't hold up to your end of the bargain.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Whats ur favorite team Rich D1...He likes the Colts who do u like.......Its prolly one of those fan(team good and in playoffs) VS. fan(team sucks ass and not in top it off one of the colts rivals maybe New York Jets) lol but thats just my theory and also im not saying the Jets Suck ass i was using them as an example for a colts rival team!!!![/quote]

I'm the Colts fan here; Spriggan is the mindless Colts hater.
[quote name='Spriggan240']to tgbman: Its called football. I try to spark up competition between teams. Its interesting and fun.[/quote]

so what user on this board is having fun discussing football with you?
i dont think we should even talk about banning people. it does nothing. Another ip isnt hard to make. just stop. iv seen to many posts today that want to ban some1 y cant we get along?
[quote name='tmbgman'][quote name='RichD1']He makes no valid arguments, he has no common sense, he's just a plain idiot. He devalues this board more than anyone.
I know I'm not alone here.[/quote]

To RichD1:

You know, it sucks, but it's a hard, fast rule that no matter how you try, you will never ever cleanse the world of morons. Won't happen. The best people can do it ignore him. What if you do ban him? How hard will it be to create a different ID? Not hard at all. So just, you know, make your piece.

Now, having said that:

Spriggan on the Colts: [quote name='Spriggan240']Damn they suck more than pamela anderson sucks dick and pussy.[/quote]

To Spriggan240:

This next part isn't even an insult, it's not trying to get anyone's dander up, but Spriggan, you really aren't very intelligent. I don't know if you've ever labored under the belief that you were, but really, it's quite obvious from all of your writing that you really are not equipped to carry on any sort of conversation. Since no one wants to read posts from someone who is really devoid of anything interesting to say, why do you care what your post count is? I mean, you can hit that 1k mark all you like, it isn't going to turn you into George Plimpton, so why not spare us, and just read posts and enjoy deals?

Just a thought.[/quote]

And the day you got to hell and stop pissing me off will be a glorious day. (Hes just pissed off that the Colts are getting their assed whouped)
I would just like this anger between us to end. But nooo, he dosent want it to end. Just read up there. ^^^^ At previous psts. I have done everything in my power to stop this. But alas, i just cant stop him from pissing me off. I really wish we had a ignore buttom so i wouldnt have to listen to his bullshit no more. And he wouldnt have to listen to my "stupid comments" as he claims. Lets just put this all behind us FORGET ABOUT IT! THIS IS STUPID!
the only stupid comments are in the football forums. And there, you dont even have to be. You said you wanted to ignore me, why did you even go in there since i created the tread? just to piss me off.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Spriggan240']to tgbman: Its called football. I try to spark up competition between teams. Its interesting and fun.[/quote]

so what user on this board is having fun discussing football with you?[/quote]

it was on the previous board, the one with colts/cheifs
[quote name='Spriggan240']Im with captianobious. JUST FORGET ABUT IT![/quote]

Wow, someone started a thread about your complete failure as a conversationalist, and really, a human being, and you wanted it dropped. Color me shocked. I, for one, do not want to forget abut it. Though it made me smile to write 'abut'. So thanks for that.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Spriggan240'] I have done everything in my power to stop this.[/quote]

what have you done?[/quote]

lol. All I can do is call a truce between us for what HE STARTED. Just ignore me Richd1. we agreed on a truce but he didnt hold up his end.
he al make mistakes i just say we heve cheapyd whach over his conversations for like a mounth if he dose it again then he can do something about it. banning his ip wont be doing much.
this is one reson i dont like football. people take it way to seriously. why cant we all just gather aound the tv make smors and play a party themed video game? :cry:
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Conversation logs pwn.[/quote]

see what I mean? He just want to keep the flame going and going. Im falling asleep.
[quote name='Alpha2']Why dont you both just stop reading each others posts... starting now.[/quote]

what the fuck you think im trying to get him to do? If he stops readin what i say and replying to what i say, thiswill stop.
Who cares if this thread continues and goes on forever? It's a board devoted to making fun of one individual, and I for one am ALL FOR IT. Bitterness makes the world go round. It's fun to make fun of people for thier failings when they INSIST on throwing them in everyone's face.
[quote name='Spriggan240'][quote name='Alpha2']Why dont you both just stop reading each others posts... starting now.[/quote]

what the fuck you think im trying to get him to do? If he stops readin what i say and replying to what i say, thiswill stop.[/quote]

Um, why can't you stop reading and posting and just ignore the flames?

Don't ask someone to do something that you won't do yourself.
[quote name='Scrubking']
Don't ask someone to do something that you won't do yourself.[/quote]

UH OH! Scrubking is getting Golden Rule on your ass, Spriggan. Man, I always enjoy your posts, thanks for juming in.
[quote name='tmbgman'][quote name='Scrubking']
Don't ask someone to do something that you won't do yourself.[/quote]

UH OH! Scrubking is getting Golden Rule on your ass, Spriggan. Man, I always enjoy your posts, thanks for juming in.[/quote]

Im willing to do it. But he aint
[quote name='tmbgman']Who cares if this thread continues and goes on forever? It's a board devoted to making fun of one individual, and I for one am ALL FOR IT. Bitterness makes the world go round. It's fun to make fun of people for thier failings when they INSIST on throwing them in everyone's face.[/quote]

I sense a bit of bitterness here...

Let's just have a mod lock this thread. We don't need this endless fighting on the site. There's always someone - Spriggan, Endless Chris, the dreaded Antonio...

I know I participate more than I should, but I'm still getting sick of this pointless bickering. Let's just lay off of Spriggan, okay?
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus'][quote name='tmbgman']Bitterness makes the world go round. [/quote]

I sense a bit of bitterness here...


Very perceptive. But I've got no axe to grind, I'm just entertained by the whole situation. The last thing I want is this to irritate the community. Just please admit Spriggan is the greatest comic villian since Snidely Whiplash. He keeps getting shot down, and just DESTROYED, and he just get's right back up and goes back to being dumb. God Bless You, Sprig.
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