Phantasy Star Universe Portable - Comin' Stateside!!!!!!!! <3


48 (100%)

Downloadable Demo:

Most likely due to the success of monster hunter on the system, this title looks to sit aside capcom. Personally, I never gave a crap about PSU and even less after playing it on the 360 for a few days, but the news of it hitting a portable system makes me really want it. I have no idea, but maybe because I always prefer my stuff on portables over home consoles.
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[quote name='RelentlessRolento']

Most likely due to the success of monster hunter on the system, this title looks to sit aside capcom. Personally, I never gave a crap about PSU and even less after playing it on the 360 for a few days, but the news of it hitting a portable system makes me really want it. I have no idea, but maybe because I always prefer my stuff on portables over home consoles.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way also. I disliked the single player story for PSU, and I didn't feel like paying to play online, especially since I was playing WoW around the same time... but in this case I'll probably get it along with some friends, since we'll probably be bored of MHF2 by next year. Though if Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G supports Infrastructure... I know where my money is going...
[quote name='LancerEvoX']I feel the same way also. I disliked the single player story for PSU, and I didn't feel like paying to play online, especially since I was playing WoW around the same time... but in this case I'll probably get it along with some friends, since we'll probably be bored of MHF2 by next year. Though if Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G supports Infrastructure... I know where my money is going...[/QUOTE]

Oddly if SEGA wanted to make a real moneymaker with PSU Portable, just add infostructure and bam, instant hit. I know it's a pain in the ass to integrate into games like this, but if you want to sell in large numbers (at least in the USA), then put infostructure in.

Even if MHP2G dosnt have infostructure, the added bonuses are worth it IMHO like the pet felines you can take into combat to help you out.
I actually have not seen one game on the PSP that has interested me that has infrastructure mode on it. It's always ad-hoc. How many games out there actually support infrastructure? The DS has many great games that allow you to connect to the internet and interact with other people either through play or trading and whatnot, but why is it so difficult to make that happen on the PSP? I guess is it just because of the PSP hardware that's hard to run a game and go online at the same time? Lots of resources used up or something like that?

The only upcoming game that sorta has my attention is Warriors of the Lost Empire and that supports both ad-hoc and infrastructure (according to the site) up to 2 players for both.
[quote name='imascrub']I actually have not seen one game on the PSP that has interested me that has infrastructure mode on it. It's always ad-hoc. How many games out there actually support infrastructure? The DS has many great games that allow you to connect to the internet and interact with other people either through play or trading and whatnot, but why is it so difficult to make that happen on the PSP? I guess is it just because of the PSP hardware that's hard to run a game and go online at the same time? Lots of resources used up or something like that?

The only upcoming game that sorta has my attention is Warriors of the Lost Empire and that supports both ad-hoc and infrastructure (according to the site) up to 2 players for both.[/QUOTE]

I've been eyeing Warriors of the Lost Empire for a long ass time... it looks good and I hope it is. I never realized it had infostructer in it. As for online, PSP had more supoort for it in its early life. I remember the first day I picked my PSP up on launch day I was online playing Twisted Metal Head On. That shit was fucking badass and still is IMHO.
I play Metal Gear Portable Ops Plus and Killzone Liberation online, even now. I used to play Untold Legends: The Warrior Code and SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2, but I agree, there isn't much infrastructure based games that really interest me also.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']It's not.[/QUOTE]
Ah well.

Why do they refuse to make it online? It would kick so much ass if it was
infrastructure is really a make it or break it kind of feature for a lot of people since many people don't have friends with psps, don't have friends who are interested in the game, or just plain don't have friends. I myself only know two people with psps and their tastes in games vary a bit from mine.
The trouble with infrastructure on PSP games, is that because piracy is such a massive problem and there is no way of keeping pirates off the servers, it simply costs too much. Maybe if PSP games sold better they could. But with a few exceptions, they sell horribly.

Most Sony games have infrastructure. But they can afford to. Maybe if this is a hit, Sega will release a follow up with infrastructure, much like Capcom is supposed to with that MHF2 expansion pack.
[quote name='imascrub']

The only upcoming game that sorta has my attention is Warriors of the Lost Empire and that supports both ad-hoc and infrastructure (according to the site) up to 2 players for both.[/quote]

I don't think it supports infrastructure. It just says WLAN on the product page from the UK publisher (on the US it doesn't say anything, other than "A Friend")
No online play makes this somewhat worthless since I don't know anybody around here that has a PSP. I might end up getting it anyway though since I really want a dungeon crawler, even though I didnt like PSU on 360 since it was so different than PSO.
No online play.. meh.. pso games have never been long enough.. the one for 360 I ran through in like 10 hours.. and i bought it at 59.99 sigh.
Not to mention a lot of online PSP games usually have hackers/cheaters on the servers, ie people running faster than normal on medal of honor heroes, wallhacking or invincibility on SOCOM, etc etc. Its sad since I do like playing games online.
The thing is, in Japan, at least in larger areas, you carry your PSP with you, Monster Hunter 2, PSU, blah blah, and you run into people who also have it, and you play with them. I think that's why the Monster Hunter games are so popular in Japan. Here, the odds of me running into someone who owns Monster Hunter, or even a PSP period, are just so ludicrously low...

So yeah, ditto to the above. I never cared about PSU/PSO, but seeing it was coming to PSP excited me until I realized it was ad hoc only. :( That doesn't stop me from enjoying Monster Hunter, but I think it might be a deal-breaker in this case.

There are ways to use a router to do ad hoc over the net, but it's a pain, and should we really have to resort to that? Sad. Stinks, cause I'd love to play FF Tactics with someone.

As for Warriors of the Lost Empire, why aren't there any reviews up for this game anywhere? It's been out for two weeks! Frustrating. I've been eyeing it since IGN did a little preview about 28 years ago, and since then, there's been nothing except some mentions on podcasts the week it came out (mostly along the lines of, "Huh? What is it? Never heard of it. Ho-hum," total and utter dismissal).

I wish someone would review the damn thing. I'd definitely buy it if it was solid. I actually had it pre-ordered until I realized there were no reviews upon its release date. And there still are none. Perplexing.
bump from the grave!!


Official Website:


opening movie:

I never played Phantasy Star Online or whatever before...

but this is suppose to be the next killer app or sum shyt for PSP...

trying to get sum of that Monster Hunter skrilla... get HYPE!!
I'm pretty interested in this myself. I kind of liked PSU, but in ways I feel it suits portable form well.

I think this should do well in Japan, but PSO would have been huge in Japan on PSP IMO.
I still don't see much of a point in this unless it has online play. I put well over 1000 hours into PSO (played PSU for a month and didn't like it), and it was awesome due to the interaction with others. Taking that away turns it into a terribly boring game. Even PSU's single player game wasn't that fun. Based on how well Monster Hunter has sold I'm sure this will do fine in Japan, but I can't see it doing well in NA.
taken from magic box:

- Sega will release Phantasy Star Portable for PSP in July 31, 2008, for 4800 yen. The game will support up to 4 players in multiplayer mode, you can also play the game online using the WiFi infrastructure mode, download new content and import characters from the PS2 and PC version.
Tagging this for info later on.

PSO was a good time with some friends on GC and Xbox. Never got a chance to play with PSU on 360, so hopefully they didnt mess with the classic formula too much.
[quote name='guyver2077']i always dreamed of a portable pso....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but PSU :puke:

[quote name='Ahadi']Tagging this for info later on.

PSO was a good time with some friends on GC and Xbox. Never got a chance to play with PSU on 360, so hopefully they didnt mess with the classic formula too much.[/QUOTE]

They ruined it. If this PSP version can get back to the PSO roots, I'll buy a PSP just for this game.
[quote name='JEKKI']taken from magic box:

- Sega will release Phantasy Star Portable for PSP in July 31, 2008, for 4800 yen. The game will support up to 4 players in multiplayer mode, you can also play the game online using the WiFi infrastructure mode, download new content and import characters from the PS2 and PC version.[/quote]

If that's true, this could be awesome. Of course, like zewone said, this game needs to get back to being more like PSO. PSU is crap, but I have a few friends from way back on DC PSO that still play it since it's all they can play online heh.
[quote name='JEKKI']is PSU considered really bad in Japan too??

otherwise why would they port it??[/QUOTE]
They looked at Monster Hunter's sales numbers.
[quote name='imascrub']btw...will this be pay to play online?[/QUOTE]

highly doubt it since it seems there may be no online.

go read my blog for further impressions.
hm tried it out the other day and so far it feels a whole lot like PSU. I think even the first training level was the same or very similar. So far the difference in this is that you can to choose your companion robot off the bat. That and instead of running around a central lobby, it's more of an overview map and you can choose places and people to talk to.

Tried the online mode but wasn't connecting to anything... Dunno if it was looking for local or online players
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I doubt it will be free to play like Monster Hunter though. I really hate how Sega charges for this game per month on the consoles. It is really not in the pay for play league. Seeing this portable is nice a little late for the game, but still cool to see.
If they honestly think they can charge for a portable game, which is meant to be played in short bursts...well, they have another thing coming. While i *might* pay $5 a month to play, i just can't seeing many others doing the same when you can get much more on a console/PC game that requires a monthly fee.
wow didnt realize they had a demo out.. i was a huge pso fan and i liked psu which i havent finished

no online play= whats the point

give me portable pso!!!
no online play just killed it for me...

The game plays amazingly well, but the whole time I was thinking "man this will kick ass if others can play with me."

My dreams were crushed and i will not be buying this.
MHF2 had no online play and still kicked ass... I've been playing the demo in single player and its still damn good. you can have AI buddies in the multiplayer now.
bread's done