Phantasy Star Universe price drops on Amazon

franz ferdinand

If anyone missed the $20 sale earlier, here's a not so bad chance. Free shipping also applies.


XBox 360: $39.99 at Best Buy (Thanks Scholarly_Sam!)

$49.99 (was $59.99) at Amazon

PS2: $35.99 (was $49.99)

PC: $35.99 (was $49.99)

Used prices on all systems are pretty low too, probably from people who bought them at $20 to resell.

PSU is a fun game; not an MMORPG like WoW, but rather more of a co-op online RPG; other than its predecessor, PSO, the most obvious point of comparison is Guild Wars.

In case you're wondering, the PS2 and PC players play together, the 360 servers are seperate. There is no game key or anything to worry about when buying used. The PC version does not have a license key or any sort of copy protection.

There was a sale for PSU on X360 at for $19.99 sometime in December.

Of course I am the only one in possession of a timemachine so none of you can get in on that particular deal. But, I thought I might let others know, this game hasn't sold too well and a price drop is inevitable.

EDIT: Ooops, didn't read OP stating about the previous sale. =X
[quote name='whoknows']That's not bad....but is it worth it?[/quote]

I don't really find paying for MMO's worth it. But if you are going to pay atleast play for a decent MMO like FFXI or WoW. PSU isn't so great. The single player is very awful also.
Also, FYI

There is a demo (I believe) on the 360. Also, as I mentioned, there is no copy protection on the PC version, so a "trial version" is easily obtained.

Personally, I liked this game... it got mixed reviews, although both 1up and Games For Windows liked it.
[quote name='whoknows']That's not bad....but is it worth it?[/QUOTE]

It's Phatasy Star Online, only slightly upgraded.

I'll get it if it hits $20, provided my friends still play this around that time.

Damn shame 360 users can't play with PC / PS2 users, would have been a day one pickup it that were the case.
Also, I think the demo is permanently on the XBLA marketplace, except they delete your character every month. that could be good if you just want to play with your friends for a short time..the downside is you don't have complete access to the world.

Someone needs to fact check that for me though...
[quote name='whoknows']Going for pretty cheap on ebay...maybe I will pick it up[/QUOTE]

There is a reason for that. The game is terrible. I LOVED Phantasy Star Online, but this is no where NEAR as good. Its not worth $20 for the game even if the monthy fee was free.
[quote name='jousley']There is a reason for that. The game is terrible. I LOVED Phantasy Star Online, but this is no where NEAR as good. Its not worth $20 for the game even if the monthy fee was free.[/QUOTE]

You're in the minority there... This one is improved in most aspects, and server-side characters means less cheating, thank goodness.
Though there is now duping in the game. People found a way to start duping items and money. Although I will say that the cheating is nowhere as bad as it was on Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast.

Character creation is probably also the best feature of the game. Not only can you tweak your characters more than before back in PSO, but you also have the option of altering their clothing without it being a need to affect stats.

It doesn't have that old PSO feel to it, but it's still a fun as hell game. Combat in this game is so much better than PSO's old "whack whack whack run" system. At least PSU has strafing and skills now.
[quote name='eastx']You're in the minority there... This one is improved in most aspects, and server-side characters means less cheating, thank goodness.[/quote]

Didn't play the original PSO, so my opinion is completely fresh here....

THIS GAME SUCKS!!! Why the hell does everyone call it an "RPG"??? It's really an action game with a tacked-on RPG feel. Yes, you equip crap, yes you level up... but everything is action here. You run around killing things by smashing on the attack button.

And that's why the game sucks. You would think a beat-em-up like this would have a variety of moves to keep you playing... but NO! You get two buttons: attack and special attack. Try entertaining yourself for hours with two buttons to play with.

I mean, why didn't they include a kick attack or some other kind of attack???

The single mode was interesting enough, but the gameplay bored me to tears. Online mode is better if only because you can babble to some real people and because your teammates actually help you fight (otherwise, the computer AI is completely drunk - computer teammates tend to stand around and not help you if you don't physically lead them to the fight!!!).

Overall, this game is completely overhyped and not worth the trouble. Weapon selections are severely limited, leveling up is a HUGE chore (especially online), and running around smashing an attack button ad nauseum is not my idea of fun.

Look for a real MMO or a real RPG instead. Hell, look for a real beat-em-up, too.
[quote name='whoknows']That's not bad....but is it worth it?[/QUOTE]

I've been playing it since launch, and I think it's way better than PSO; and, from the sound of things, everyone else that plays has the same opinion. HOWEVER, there's quite a steep learning curve to the game (aka. for noobs, the game itself is the exact opposite of "user friendly") and SEGA has decided to periodically add and unlock a lot of the content, which artificially extends the life of the game, but also makes you feel like you're being cheated.

IMHO, if you like games like Diablo II or PSO, you'll really dig the online portion of this game: it's incredibly deep and largely customizable, not to mention lag free. Also, all the versions come with a 15-day free trial (online), and the PS2 / PC versions (which play on the same servers) offer a 30-day free trial if you sign up for 6 months at a time.
[quote name='iceblast21']Didn't play the original PSO, so my opinion is completely fresh here....

THIS GAME SUCKS!!! Why the hell does everyone call it an "RPG"??? It's really an action game with a tacked-on RPG feel. Yes, you equip crap, yes you level up... but everything is action here. You run around killing things by smashing on the attack button.

Umm, this game is called an action-RPG. You've never heard of the genre? Hello?? Diablo 2? I'm not saying it's for everybody, but PSU's part of an established genre that lots of people really like. Diablo 2 sold like hotcakes, and PSU is better than it in many aspects.
[quote name='Apossum']Also, I think the demo is permanently on the XBLA marketplace, except they delete your character every month. that could be good if you just want to play with your friends for a short time..the downside is you don't have complete access to the world.

Someone needs to fact check that for me though...[/quote]

Well all I know is that the BETA was on the marketplace and I could never bring it down, and it's not there/doesn't work to do so now. If the demo was there, or if I can get it CHEAP (as I'd only play it offline and that'd cripple the usefulness) ala catch a $20 deal, then maybe I'll do it.

Played PSO online DC, played it offline (but multiplayer) GC - so now it's $10 online/mo, doesn't allow offline mulitplayer, and really nothing to add to the mind-numbing basic combat and abysmal AI? It has its charm but come on, is that progress? I think it's absolutely unacceptable it lacks multiplayer offline.
[quote name='CKaz']Well all I know is that the BETA was on the marketplace and I could never bring it down, and it's not there/doesn't work to do so now. If the demo was there, or if I can get it CHEAP (as I'd only play it offline and that'd cripple the usefulness) ala catch a $20 deal, then maybe I'll do it.

Played PSO online DC, played it offline (but multiplayer) GC - so now it's $10 online/mo, doesn't allow offline mulitplayer, and really nothing to add to the mind-numbing basic combat and abysmal AI? It has its charm but come on, is that progress? I think it's absolutely unacceptable it lacks multiplayer offline.[/quote]

The demo is on Xbox Live Marketplace right now and it works. I played it yesterday as I missed the first one since people were saying it worked and it didn't. You also don't get to keep your demo character if decide to actually purchase it and I'm not sure if they delete characters monthly in the demo servers or not.
Woah woah telling me it's single player offline only??? INSTA-FAIL. And the whole reason I never bought it on XBox is because you had to have an XBox Live account to play it, even offline. Ridiculous.

Seriously, it's a weird game: I love it because it's the most Japanese game on the 360 right now [besides DOA, DOAX2, Enchant Arm, and N3]

But it's horribly written, voiced, and that song is just horrible [and it gets stuck in your head too]

However, the game play is enjoyable if you like that type of gameplay, think X-Men Legends or your standard action RPG...

I say it's worth it for $20 but no way would I pay $40

By the way, it's single player offline, and has multiplayer online as well.
[quote name='jousley']There is a reason for that. The game is terrible. I LOVED Phantasy Star Online, but this is no where NEAR as good. Its not worth $20 for the game even if the monthy fee was free.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='eastx']You're in the minority there... This one is improved in most aspects, and server-side characters means less cheating, thank goodness.[/QUOTE]

Oh really?

Xbox 360 PSU star

Original PSO star

[quote name='eastx'] Diablo 2 sold like hotcakes, and PSU is better than it in many aspects.[/QUOTE]

You don't say?

Diablo 2 2

Fatwalleters went crazy when Amazon had their price mistake, so now the market is glutted. The best deal is eBay by far. Just find a reputable seller and you're golden.
The best deal is eBay by far. Just find a reputable seller and you're golden.[/QUOTE]
thats why I avoid ebay, far too much hassle
[quote name='expane']thats why I avoid ebay, far too much hassle[/QUOTE]

eBay is seriously next to no hassle if you know what you're doing. Here, I'll do everyone's work for them.

1. Go to Enter "Phantasy Star 360 new" in the search box.

2. Scroll down, you'll find several who are offering Buy it Nows for less than $25 shipped.

3. Check the seller to make sure he/she has with more than 100 feedbacks with 99% or more positive.

4. Buy.

[quote name='AwRy108']I've been playing it since launch, and I think it's way better than PSO; and, from the sound of things, everyone else that plays has the same opinion. HOWEVER, there's quite a steep learning curve to the game (aka. for noobs, the game itself is the exact opposite of "user friendly") and SEGA has decided to periodically add and unlock a lot of the content, which artificially extends the life of the game, but also makes you feel like you're being cheated.

IMHO, if you like games like Diablo II or PSO, you'll really dig the online portion of this game: it's incredibly deep and largely customizable, not to mention lag free. Also, all the versions come with a 15-day free trial (online), and the PS2 / PC versions (which play on the same servers) offer a 30-day free trial if you sign up for 6 months at a time.[/QUOTE]
Is the free trial when I sign up for an account, or is it just a one time code that comes with the game?
[quote name='billg']eBay is seriously next to no hassle if you know what you're doing. Here, I'll do everyone's work for them.

1. Go to Enter "Phantasy Star 360 new" in the search box.

2. Scroll down, you'll find several who are offering Buy it Nows for less than $25 shipped.

3. Check the seller to make sure he/she has with more than 100 feedbacks with 99% or more positive.

4. Buy.


Umm, 99% means nothing, especially with powersellers that have negatives removed, feedback withdrawn, and modified scores.

I have 88 percent feedback and yet I've gotten thank you emails, phone calls, and genuinely happy customers.

What's worse is many of these 100 percent feedback people sell bootlegs and what not....

Sorry for breaking up the thread, it just makes me mad at hell that some people automatically think high feedback = good service
If you have a Gamefly account you can rent the game....the keep it price right now is 24.99. (360 Version)

I stopped my brother from buying it when I found out it was still 50 bucks in stores around here and just had him give me 25 for it.
[quote name='sarausagi']Umm, 99% means nothing, especially with powersellers that have negatives removed, feedback withdrawn, and modified scores.

I have 88 percent feedback and yet I've gotten thank you emails, phone calls, and genuinely happy customers.

What's worse is many of these 100 percent feedback people sell bootlegs and what not....

Sorry for breaking up the thread, it just makes me mad at hell that some people automatically think high feedback = good service[/QUOTE]

I agree, I have seen some sellers with 99.5% positive and I wouldn't want to buy from them because they have so many negatives and reading a few comments, most are justified (I overlook unfair negative feedback that a buyer left a seller)
I see iceblast21 hasn't played many online games of that kind as they're all pretty much like that. o_O;

Guys, the reason it's single player on offline because it's STORY MODE. Sonic Team was trying to give us two games at once. One to stick with the original Phantasy Star roots of traditional RPG and another in the feel of Phantasy Star Online. PSO originally started WITHOUT multiplayer on offline mode. :| It wasn't until the GameCube version came around when they added multiplayer on offline due to the idea of GameCube not possibly being online at the time.
[quote name='whoknows']Is the free trial when I sign up for an account, or is it just a one time code that comes with the game?[/QUOTE]

There is a free trial on XBox Live. Also, the first time you sign up for an account, you get some bonus time (15 days on the 1 month plan, 1 month on the 3 month plan). There is no code with the game itself.

I am thinking about picking this up for single player only. I'm a sucker for games like Diablo, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Champions of Norrath etc. Would I probably like this game?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I am thinking about picking this up for single player only. I'm a sucker for games like Diablo, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Champions of Norrath etc. Would I probably like this game?[/quote]

I don't think it's as good as any of those games, I picked it up from Amazon in Dec for $20, it's ok at that price, but just Ok.
This is a pretty crappy deal considering Amazon had the 360 version for $19.99 back in december. I picked it up then and I think it's worth it at that price. What's great is that all the achievements are in the offline story mode so you can get the 1000 points without having to shell out extra cash.
so what happens after you get those achievements? as a non 360 owner I keep hearing about those points, what do you do with them once you have em?
[quote name='expane']so what happens after you get those achievements? as a non 360 owner I keep hearing about those points, what do you do with them once you have em?[/QUOTE]

Compare them with your friends? :D

You don't do anything with them, and you can't trade them in for anything. I guess they're just there for bragging rights -- says the man with a whopping 450 points (I guess I just like the PS2 more).

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I am thinking about picking this up for single player only. I'm a sucker for games like Diablo, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Champions of Norrath etc. Would I probably like this game?[/QUOTE]

Hmm, Diablo and CoN are very hack-and-slashy, while PSU is more based on teamwork. Its not quite a mindless dungeon crawler, and the online aspect is quite fun. Also, it's more "Japanese" than your typical Diablo clone; whether that appeals to you is another story. PSU (and PSO before it) are kind of love/hate games. One other nice thing about PSU is that it is pretty casual friendly... you don't have be the South Park WoW guy who plays for 23 hrs a day.

Also, like others have mentioned, you can find it for cheap on eBay/amazon from other sellers. I know the 360 version was going for $22 new from a 3rd party seller on Amazon today.

bread's done