Phantom game store free prem. game to first 100, free casual game for other purchase



Hey guys. First game deal post for me. I've been visiting for a while, always seem to find great deals around the holidays, but I never had reason to post a thread until now. I don't know if anyone knows about Phantom Entertainment and the associated drama, but I've followed them for a while, and they finally have an online game store now. To get things going they are offering a free premium title (download) to the first 100 registered users, and a free casual title to anyone who buys one of their keyboard/mouse units during January. According to their latest press release:

As a special promotion to promote the launch of the Phantom game store and availability of the Phantom Lapboard, Phantom Entertainment will be offering the first 100 game store registered users a premium game title for free. Also, anyone who orders the Phantom Lapboard during the month of January will receive a credit to purchase a free casual game title.

I've downloaded a few demos and went through purchasing a cheapy title ($3.99 Grimm game, the Fisherman and his wife) just to see how things worked, and all seemed to go well. I don't see any info on the actual offer itself, so I'm not sure exactly how it works. The site's logo has a "beta" on it right now, so maybe they just haven't posted the info on the offer yet.
I dont think this site will last, they need something exclusive. For example steam has the half life series, if it was not for that they would have failed.
Call of Duty 2 is one of their featured games and 18 Wheels of Steel is one of their best sellers. Let's not even put them in the same room with Steam.
Hahaha.... Phantom went from being a game console concept to a streaming game service like gametap after stealing investors money. How they're still around I don't know.

No thanks.
Tried to sign up and I keep getting a "Stale Page" error. Oh well. Can't sign up, can't spend money. Seems like the usual from these guys...:whee:
I'm all for digital downloads as long as it's priced cheaper then retail boxed editions. For example $50 for a real hold in my hands Fallout 3 for PC, but $50 for the digital download edition? That should be $40 easily. Steam is an exception because your also paying for their premium interface and community access.

I signed up anyway. They have a pretty big catalog and list some obscure & foreign releases.
bread's done