Phillips seeks Wii-U ban

Meh, patent suits happen all the time. I doubt this goes anywhere and by the time anything happens in court the Wii U successor will be out or announced.

Meh, patent suits happen all the time. I doubt this goes anywhere and by the time anything happens in court the Wii U successor will be out or announced.
Yeah, this is pretty common. Apple and Samsung have been trying to ban each other's phones for years now.

It's sad that so much money is wasted on these shit cases.

Meh, patent suits happen all the time. I doubt this goes anywhere and by the time anything happens in court the Wii U successor will be out or announced.
Ah, thanks. I never really pay attention to any business news so I never see them, except for the Apple v. Samsung one I heard about that Samsung has to pay on or something now.

I was sort of worried about what might happen. I did hear about some suit with Nintendo's 3ds awhile back ago, I think all they have to do is pay a % of sales I think, I don't remember that company asking Nintendo to stop selling the item.

I also find it a little odd that they ask such a resolution when didn't they used to be partners (not sure if they still are?)?

Funny how apple gets all the cred for "creating" tablets when Microsoft introduced them years before apple even thought of it. fuckin steve jobs.
I was sort of worried about what might happen. I did hear about some suit with Nintendo's 3ds awhile back ago, I think all they have to do is pay a % of sales I think, I don't remember that company asking Nintendo to stop selling the item.

I also find it a little odd that they ask such a resolution when didn't they used to be partners (not sure if they still are?)?
Tomita Technologies was the one that sued for the tech in the 3DS' 3D camera and won(Nintendo also lost the appeal).

As for the Wii U, this is the 2nd company in the last month to sue and ask for Nintendo to stop selling the item. Secure Axcess is also currently suing them for some patent relating to display capabilities using more than one screen. Axcess is also suing retailers like Best Buy, Gamestop & Amazon for selling the console "without license or authorization"(WTF?).

tangytangerine said:
. Axcess is also suing retailers like Best Buy, Gamestop & Amazon for selling the console "without license or authorization"(WTF?).
I hope that gets thrown out, that's just ludicrous
Tomita Technologies was the one that sued for the tech in the 3DS' 3D camera and won(Nintendo also lost the appeal).

As for the Wii U, this is the 2nd company in the last month to sue and ask for Nintendo to stop selling the item. Secure Axcess is also currently suing them for some patent relating to display capabilities using more than one screen. Axcess is also suing retailers like Best Buy, Gamestop & Amazon for selling the console "without license or authorization"(WTF?).
i might sue them too, maybe we can all start a class action lawsuit to force them to release a real next generation console.

bread's done