Phoenix Wright Plush worth a lot on ebay

wow i have both of these... but the doll is so cool i dont think i could part with it, maybe i could get some extra ones...
That's mostly the stylus. It goes for a pretty penny on eBay. The plush has gone for as low as $9 on eBay recently.

You can't judge the worth of one item when the auction is for two seperate items. An auction for a diamond and a speck of dust selling for $100 doesn't mean my dust is worth $100. ;)
The kids working my local EB straight up told me they plan to never recieve these. I told them I plan to never reserve anything again with them.
I sold my extra sealed stylus to a CAG for $5 and if I had an extra plushie I would do the same. I'd rather help a CAG than sell out on eBay. We are a community who actually cares.
wow, I was hoping the plush would be everywhere like the stylus was after Justice for All came out.

This might be a fluke my Dead Rising t-shirt and mall map auction that somehow got bid up to $65! :shock:
I think the plush is going to be really rare. I preordered the game, and the guys at Gamestop didn't get them so I'm out of luck there. I do have the stylus though, and I had no idea it was worth anything. I'm keeping it though. :)
I have the stylus and will be soon receiving the plushie. I am keeping both... and the lack of availability would be due to Gamestop not receiving them in the first place or general hoarding and reselling.

At one time, one seller had ELEVEN of the plushies for auction. I wanted to hit him with a bat and make sure he never procreates.
My plush Phoenix looks awesome hanging from my rear-view mirror, but now I'm worried someone will break into my car to make an easy five bucks on ebay.
bread's done