Picked Up 125 Pennie Guides

[quote name='jngx80']I don't understand why companies don't include more art in the guides. This is really the only reason I pick them up at a penny, otherwise they're kind of useless. Lots of guides have blurry, crappy screenshots that don't really help at all.[/QUOTE]

Because many of these guides were written by independent contractors who have no access to the production materials. Companies like Brady and Prima go out to publishers and buy "official license" from them, but that's usually the last they heard of each other after the money exchanges hands, unlike in Japan, where the guides are usually compiled by game mag's editorial staff, and due to their work they have easy access to the game's creators and official materials.
My TRU not only doesn't sell penny guides...apparently they have to be dick monkeys about it too. Yes please destroy your 100 DDR Extreme v-rare cds that have been sitting there since the game came out. Oh wait you won't those will still be there on the shelf 500 years from now. I hate goody goody 15 year old employees on power trips.

And about buying a ton of guides...it's MUCH better to offer them here than to buy guides to sell to used stores. MUCH MUCH BETTER.
[quote name='sonicfreak5']I guess everyone is jealous of me. But comon if u got 125 you would be like oh yeah.[/QUOTE]

NO, no 1 is jellyous of u. We r sayn ur a hoarder.

it's the princpalie of the thing. There is someone else who might have wanted a few guides for games dey have in der collection. just cause you hot 125 does not make you cool. U will not get any congrats from any1 here. K you make me sick.

BTW when will you have that trade list up. Will you be taking paypal?
[quote name='bostonfrontier']Hoarding isn't such a bad thing........you earn money that way[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bostonfrontier']Hoarding isn't such a bad thing........you earn money that way[/QUOTE]

Earning usually implies a little hard work.
Somebody in here inquired why people go after these guides. Well, I for one like the thrill of hunting them down for one, but I also just like to collect them. I know they're not worth anything really, but it's just something to have for the hell of things I guess. Plus, like others said, there are sometimes some goodies that come along with them, sweetening the deal. I do agree however that 125 guides is a bit excessive. Congrats, but also good luck. Some people here with nowhere near as many guides as you have not sold/traded their extras yet.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']Hoarding isn't such a bad thing........you earn money that way[/QUOTE]
So what usually gets you more money boston? Hoarding guides or stealing then selling games?
[quote name='DX']Thats just it.The few times I have needed help I just used Gamefaqs.This is VERY rare though,like maybe 1% of the time.

So why waste time looking for these 1 cent guides when you have access to Gamefaqs?[/QUOTE]

I look at guides the same way I look at the instruction book or videogame mags . . . bathroom reading. Sometimes I use them for guidance but not too often . . . not because I'm macho but often because the guide isn't a penny until I'm done with the game.

Lately that's changing . . . now I wait for games to drop to the bottom and the guides penny so quickly. RE4 and Doom 3 for example.
[quote name='tolhurst']As with most vendor/publishing deals, they are entitled (part of their contract to sell them) to destroy remaining stock when the store discontinues carrying them. The publisher will credit the vedor for unsold stock.. In reality you are stealing from the publisher.. Toys R Us are not being jerks when they don't sell them to you, they are breaking their contract with their vendor when they do.[/QUOTE]

Actually Toys R Us is stealing from the publisher by selling them instead of destroying them. It's not the costumer's job to tell a store not to turn around and sell items they have reported as destroyed. I buy penny guides if/when I can find them.

I think book stores generally have to send back the front cover when they report a book as destroyed. I don't know why the guide publishers don't do this as well, but it works for me.

I don't know if you'll make a ton of profit on this one, OP. But then again you only spent $1.25.
$3 is a fair deal, considering how much work he will have to do to sell them. Granted - he could sell more than one guide at a time. But he'll be running back and forth between the post office a great deal, and even then, I don't know if it'll be worth all the trouble.

Worst comes to worst, he can donate them to the salvation army and get a tax break or wants to be generous.
[quote name='Ecofreak']$3 is a fair deal, considering how much work he will have to do to sell them. Granted - he could sell more than one guide at a time. But he'll be running back and forth between the post office a great deal, and even then, I don't know if it'll be worth all the trouble.

Worst comes to worst, he can donate them to the salvation army and get a tax break or wants to be generous.[/QUOTE]

if you gave them to the army would your tax break be 1 penny each or the price showing on the book. I mean what keeps someone saying they paid 15 bucks for each one of those to get a major tax break.
bread's done