Pinball Hall of Fame: Gottlieb Collection - TBA 2011 on XBLA

Bad news all around. No sign of Gottleib through February 2nd. From Major Nelson's blog, here's the upcoming XBLA games:

January 26: Breach, 1200 Microsoft Points
February 2: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, 1200 Microsoft Points

Oh well.
Their last Facebook update was "Good news fans! We are working on a Nintendo 3DS version of PHOF Williams Collection! More details coming soon!" back in February.

Seems this release has dropped off the map completely. Maybe it'll materialize after Summer of Arcade, but I wouldn't count on it.
Damnit! I typed a long rant, hit the wrong button by mistake and it got erased.

I am beginning to loathe Farsight. No post-release support, yet they keep re-releasing the same broken game on every platform and region available... over and over and over again.

I don't give a shit about a 3DS port, and I doubt very many do. I didn't really care about this XBLA release either, since the collection is rather weak and the tables are lacking. Don't get me wrong... I would have bought it day 1 since I am a pinhead... but I'm glad I wasn't holding my breath for it. I doubt it will ever come out.

Why don't you work on something NEW Farsight? Put your talents to use and put together another collection you dumbasses. I had high hopes for your company and your games, but it seems you are content with developing and re-releasing only 1 good game. It's a shame really, what a waste of talent.

This is a wild guess, but I would bet that the next announcement to come out of Farsight is: Great news fans... Just what you have been asking for... The Williams collection is coming to the Wii-U!
I really don't care too much about the games in this collection as Gottleib was always pretty crappy in the electronic era. Still, I'd buy it if they released it. I have been hoping to see them put out news about a new collection, preferably a general Pinball Hall of Fame with a set of machines from a variety of manufacturers, not just one, and DLC add-on tables periodically. Oh well.
bread's done