Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: DMC breaks all-time single day box-office record { }

Mm from the reviews I've been seeing not only are people going to see it...but it's horrible!
[quote name='cochesecochese']Maybe they'll make a third one.[/QUOTE]I believe the third one is already shot. They shot 2 and 3 concurrently and 2 is a lead-in to the third.

edit: unless that was sarcasm, which I have no way of detecting in text.
[quote name='KEICHI']Mm from the reviews I've been seeing not only are people going to see it...but it's horrible![/quote]
Well of course critics don't like it, it doesn't have any single mothers raising their kids while overcoming hardships, mentally handicapped characters who teach us how to love again, strong minded women battling for their rights in a sexist world, or gay characters coming to terms with their sexuality.
There is indeed a third movie. They have a contest at verizon for someone to win a trip to the premier of the third. Saw it on a verizon commercial.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well of course critics don't like it, it doesn't have any single mothers raising their kids while overcoming hardships, mentally handicapped characters who teach us how to love again, strong minded women battling for their rights in a sexist world, or gay characters coming to terms with their sexuality.[/QUOTE]
Truth, the majority of critics are dumb-asses who agree with whatever all the other dumb critics say about it, or just decide the quality based on the type of film it looks like. Hence negative reviews for just about every funny comedy, and positive reviews for pure shit like "The Human Stain" (a film about Anthony Hopkins as a racist who's secretly black).
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Shows how into movies I am, I had to click the link before figuring out what "POTC2: DMC" was "short" for. I'll never see it.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I did enjoy the original, but to me there didn't feel like a ton of hype for this one.
well, i think im gonna try and see it tomorrow....and i dont care what other people say or what critics say.....im my own critic and ill either like it or i wont, but i have to actually see it to make that decision
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well of course critics don't like it, it doesn't have any single mothers raising their kids while overcoming hardships, mentally handicapped characters who teach us how to love again, strong minded women battling for their rights in a sexist world, or gay characters coming to terms with their sexuality.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if they can combine all of that into one movie, AND add in some pirates, we'd have a movie that the general public & critics could agree on! :lol:
The third one is due out next summer. They filmed it concurrently with Dead Man's Chest. I loved the first one the second one is somewhere between OK and good but it seemed to drag on a bit.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well of course critics don't like it, it doesn't have any single mothers raising their kids while overcoming hardships, mentally handicapped characters who teach us how to love again, strong minded women battling for their rights in a sexist world, or gay characters coming to terms with their sexuality.[/QUOTE]

You are 100% correct IMHO. Strange how if those concepts are involved, a *movie* evolves into a *film*.

Most of the movies I really liked, the critics hated, well, so did alot of other folks. :)
One in general was the remake of Gone in 60 Seconds, most hated it, reviewers despised it, but i thought it was a decent brainless entertainment movie.
Movies like that I think I'm a bit too forgiving towards, which results in me liking it more than most folks. I go to an action movie to turn off my brain and enjoy the ride, not necessarily stimulate it.

PoTC 2, I liked it, slightly let down, but I enjoyed it. Not as good as the first though. I would really like to see more of Jack Sparrow's character though in other forms, ie comics, animation. I think he's a decently interesting character with potential for more back story.
I was going to go see this opening night. Glad I didn't it would of been standing room only. I love the first one, I'm going try to go see this one this coming week sometime.
Haven't seen it myself yet. I was planning to go this weekend but I wont have a chance to go. I'll probably see it Tuesday or Wednesday. Not really suprising its beating other records, people are like zombies...they'll go see whatever is "popular".
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Truth, the majority of critics are dumb-asses who agree with whatever all the other dumb critics say about it, or just decide the quality based on the type of film it looks like. Hence negative reviews for just about every funny comedy, and positive reviews for pure shit like "The Human Stain" (a film about Anthony Hopkins as a racist who's secretly black).[/QUOTE]

Not quite. If it's a shitty movie it gets a bad review. It might be funny, it might be scary, but at the end of the day it's a bad film that will be forgotten 2 weeks after it's DVD release.

The general public doesn't reach out to film for any other reason then you just turn off their brain for 2 hours, and sit in an A/C room. Some people want more from a movie then just a 2 hour time waster.
[quote name='whoknows']Not really suprising its beating other records, people are like zombies...they'll go see whatever is "popular".[/quote]

...or the first movie made some really good box office, had a couple of years of good DVD sales and repeated viewings so that a LOT of people saw the movie that preceded it.

The matrix had the same thing...years between sequels, large dvd sales and word of mouth...and then they brough out sequels that had a completely different "feel" from the first.

Pirates 2 at least feels like an extension of Pirates 1
I thought the first one was boring - flat characters and terrible storytelling. I was ashamed to be a human when I heard that there were plans for a sequel.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']There is indeed a third movie. They have a contest at verizon for someone to win a trip to the premier of the third. Saw it on a verizon commercial.[/QUOTE]they were doing castings for extras in that movie.

they said u had to be either ugly or asian.

my friend didnt kno whether to be happy or sad that he didnt get a part.

EDIT: looking at the other pirates thread,

I guess casting for asians justifies the poster

Does anyone know why they use dollar figures instead of ticket sales? It's easy to set records when the price of a ticket goes up every six months. It's just a tactic for the movie studios to get us to go to more movies. Who doesn't want to go see the highest grossing movie of all time. Too bad the numbers include the dumbasses that pay nearly 20 bucks for a movie in some theatres in Manhattan. I try not to pay any attention to dollar figures.
[quote name='KEICHI']Mm from the reviews I've been seeing not only are people going to see it...but it's horrible![/quote]
The critics are idiots. I can't believe that people felt let down by this one. I thought Dead Man's Chest was as good if not better than the first film. Oh the awesome quotes from this movie. "Elizabeth!! Hide the Rum!!":lol: At the theatre I went to they actually over sold the theatre by three tickets. People were sitting in the aisles and from what I overheard as we came out, all the people really enjoyed it. I still remember the reviews for the first film and how critics bashed it terribly. I read the DVDTalk review and came in thinking that it would blow, but thought it was amazing. It was exactly what I came to expect and then some. After reading that review (and plenty of others from them that I disagree on), I don't think I'll have trust their reviews on plot or anything of that nature unless it is for how a DVD runs or its specs. Awesome awesome film. This the first film that I have ever seen to sell out everyone of its time slots on back to back days. I came two hours early to buy my tickets.

Edit: And seriously, what is there not to love about this one. The first had zombie pirates and this has a blood Cracken!!

Edit Again: And reading some of the boards and threads, damn there are a lot of hating going on it seems.
I really dont understand the big hype of POTC. I saw it and thought it was average at best. The only reason they're popular is because of Johnny Depp... and I really don't understand that either except the fact that he's good looking (and I say that in the most hedrosexual way possible). I don;t plan on seeing the 2nd or 3rd, especially if it's getting bad reviews.

It doesn't deserve the populatiry.
[quote name='projecteightysix']I really dont understand the big hype of POTC. I saw it and thought it was average at best. The only reason they're popular is because of Johnny Depp... and I really don't understand that either except the fact that he's good looking (and I say that in the most hedrosexual way possible). I don;t plan on seeing the 2nd or 3rd, especially if it's getting bad reviews.

It doesn't deserve the populatiry.[/quote]

This is part of what I see a lot lately. Forget about Johnny Depp being in it. It's a good-fun, wholesome, fairly lighthearted (second one being more dark), action adventure movie. You're not going in to see Godfather. Really, how many good action/adventure movies have come out this year or lately for that matter. Sure this is a sequel, but it's a damn good sequel to a damn good movie that I would much rather have than a fucking craptastic remake. Hollywood is in such a rut replaying the same tired old ideas, and then we get something enjoyable and people like to harp at it. It's either this or to go and complain about remakes. And a reason such as the movie being popular only because of Johnny Depp is one that I will not accept as a good reason for why somebody can hate a movie. The guy's a great actor and fills the shoes of Jack Sparrow to perfection. At this point, I truly can't envision anybody else playing. As the old addage goes, he was born to play the role.
The fact that he doesn't bathe to "get into character" is pathetic.. it's a childrens movie.

Every effing high school girl wont effing shut up about effing johnny depp and how pirates of the carribean is their favorite effing movie. Maybe you're not around as many obnoxious people as I am, so you don't really have a semi-bias oppinion towards not liking it. My opinion wasn't bias when I first watched it. Like I said I thought it was an OK movie, but nothing spectacular as everyone blew it up to be. Then thats what drew me closer to hating it.
I think its all ready been confirmed that Keith Richards is gonna play Jack Sparrows father in the 3rd one. They wanted him for the 2nd one but he could do it because of scheduling conflicts. If anyone remembers, thats who Depp actually said he based Jacks mannerisms off of
[quote name='projecteightysix']The fact that he doesn't bathe to "get into character" is pathetic.. it's a childrens movie.

Every effing high school girl wont effing shut up about effing johnny depp and how pirates of the carribean is their favorite effing movie. Maybe you're not around as many obnoxious people as I am, so you don't really have a semi-bias oppinion towards not liking it. My opinion wasn't bias when I first watched it. Like I said I thought it was an OK movie, but nothing spectacular as everyone blew it up to be. Then thats what drew me closer to hating it.[/quote]

Who cares what he does to get into character. He acts, get over it. Some people have to do certain things to feel appropriate and in character. And again, so what if Johnny Depp is in it. I think he's done plenty of excellent movies in his day, and just because a bunch of girls like him doesn't tarnish my opinion that he's a good actor.

I don't give enough of a crap to care what high school girls say. I learned that when I was still in high school:D. I also learned just to let obnoxious people run their mouth. In the long run it doesn't matter what they say, just what I believe.

And again, I think this is an awesome movie. To me, it sort of feels like the Star Wars or Indiana Jones of its time....kind of....sort of...
Well, I'll be dragged to this one cause of my girlfriends kids. I'll be cringing at this since I thought the first one wasn't good and now I'm hearing this wasn't as "good as the first." Yay. It'll be like watching the first 2 Harry Potter's.

Thank god I have an original DS that won't be as bright as the Lite.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well of course critics don't like it, it doesn't have any single mothers raising their kids while overcoming hardships, mentally handicapped characters who teach us how to love again, strong minded women battling for their rights in a sexist world, or gay characters coming to terms with their sexuality.[/QUOTE]

No, this movie just sucks balls. The critics were right on this one.
I thought that it was just the most enjoyable thing this year, lots of laughs, and action. That's how I like it, laughs and action. I know. I like the movies no one else ever seems to... Brainscan? Stay Alive? Butterfly Effect? Daredevil? Click? Blade Trinity? If 2 out of 3 people (online) say they hate it, I'm typically going to enjoy it. If 2 out of 3 critics like it, I'm going to typically hate it. I'm just weird like that.
I believe it to be a movie involving ghosts and pirates.

How could you ever hate that combination?

If they added robots to the mix, forget it, it would be the greatest film ever.

I can't believe how much people hate this movie, even if it's to the first movie what Cars is to The Incredibles, it will still be great. I'm going to the Monday matinee to see this.
[quote name='depascal22']Does anyone know why they use dollar figures instead of ticket sales? It's easy to set records when the price of a ticket goes up every six months.[/QUOTE]
Amazing...you answered your own question one sentence after you asked it! ;)

Note to self: watch the original POTC.
[quote name='depascal22']Does anyone know why they use dollar figures instead of ticket sales? It's easy to set records when the price of a ticket goes up every six months. It's just a tactic for the movie studios to get us to go to more movies. Who doesn't want to go see the highest grossing movie of all time. Too bad the numbers include the dumbasses that pay nearly 20 bucks for a movie in some theatres in Manhattan. I try not to pay any attention to dollar figures.[/QUOTE]
Because box-office stats were never really meant for consumer entertainment or general spectating, they were strictly done for the studios to measure their returns. Only recently has the public become aware and interested in them, so all they have to do is type up what they'd do anyways. They're not gonna go to the trouble of # of tickets sold because honestly, that'd be a ton of work and not much reward.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']There is indeed a third movie. They have a contest at verizon for someone to win a trip to the premier of the third. Saw it on a verizon commercial.[/QUOTE]

i concur i read an article with johnny depp and he said they are shooting in august.
I really enjoyed the first one so I'll make one of my 3 or 4 trips to the theater each year to see this flick.
[quote name='DJ K8E']I thought that it was just the most enjoyable thing this year, lots of laughs, and action. That's how I like it, laughs and action. I know. I like the movies no one else ever seems to... Brainscan? Stay Alive? Butterfly Effect? Daredevil? Click? Blade Trinity? If 2 out of 3 people (online) say they hate it, I'm typically going to enjoy it. If 2 out of 3 critics like it, I'm going to typically hate it. I'm just weird like that.[/QUOTE]

Never saw Brainscan or Stay Alive, but Butterfly Effect was subpar and Daredevil (theatrical run) was mediocre (Director's Cut was much better though), Click wasn't bad, Blade Trinity sucked and was the worst one of the series.

[quote name='Z-Saber']Wow. I guess I missed the PotC hate train. Good thing, too.[/QUOTE]

Me too. This movie was absolutely phenomenal. Ranks up there with V for Vendetta for me so far and Superman Returns. There really haven't been too many enjoyable films outside of true and good comic book adaptations. Lots of mediocre films though.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']No, this movie just sucks balls. The critics were right on this one.[/QUOTE]

No it rocked. You and the critics can stuff it as they were wrong on the first one as well. I've seen them rank drivel up higher.
Just saw DMC tonight. Not as good as Superman or the original PotC, but still very very good. Can't wait for the sequel.
I saw it yesterday and despite lukewarm feelings for the first one I had to pick up the DVD. I plan on watching it tonight to see what I think now that I've seen the second one.

Oh, and the end of the second one is one of those rare endings that makes the movie. I absolutely loved the end, nice twist, nice cliffhanger! I'm now at a point where I can't wait for the 3rd movie.

"You'll need a captain..."
The only thing more idiotic than flocking to something because its popular is riding the hate wagon for something that is popular. Get your own goddamned opinion and stop trying so hard to be different. It's okay, you're still the unique and important snowflake you want to be..

i thought the movie rocked and I can't wait for the third one. The first one was one of my favorite movies too, I don't understand all the hate..
I haven't seen the second one yet, but I was at Godzilla convention this weekend, and Pirates was showing before our films, and based on the number of people leaving the theater when the film finished I'm not at all surprised by this news.
I did get to see what happens after the credits because the theater let us in during the credits, and now I want to go see the film so I understand why the remaining Pirate audience thought that little part was so funny.
[quote name='jer7583']The only thing more idiotic than flocking to something because its popular is riding the hate wagon for something that is popular. Get your own goddamned opinion and stop trying so hard to be different. It's okay, you're still the unique and important snowflake you want to be..

i thought the movie rocked and I can't wait for the third one. The first one was one of my favorite movies too, I don't understand all the hate..[/QUOTE]

This is my hero post of CAG. Thank you kind sir. Excellent words. Bravo (I would put the emoticons, but mine are disabled at the moment).
bread's done