Pittsburgh area CAG's.


So just out curiosity what stores do you fellow CAG's hit up in the Pittsburgh area. Personally I go to The Record Exchanges and the flea markets. I tried the Ninja/MIB entertainment but when I was in there it was a crackhead parade with people shaking and holding stolen merchandise. Funny story. One day while in a MIB Entertainment this cracked out woman comes in holding about 10 dvd's. They are all in rental cases from the Blockbuster. They all had the security locks on the side of them. She was trying her damndest to pry them open and got the employee to help her. They gave her 20 bucks and then actually told her some new release titles they would like her to bring in to sell. So I ask the employee if it bothers them to sell stolen merchandise and the moron says to me, "It's not stolen, that's how they come when you buy them from rental places." My reply was "Yeah that's my favorite part, getting them home and hacking into the cases." I've never been back. Anyway I was wondering if there are some places that I'm missing. Doesn't seem to be any pawn shops around here.
depends how far are you willing to go and in which area. Bradock has a nice pawn shop. The exchange in brentwood isn't to bad. the culture exchange in century three mall is hit or miss sometimes in west mifflin. Down oakland in general you can find fairly decent bargains. The rostraver fleemarket is decent sometimes. Trader jacks in bridgevile. Ah i can go on if need be. really depends which way you really want to drive.
bread's done