PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Ok everyone, today is going to be fun! at 5:45 PT Sony will be holding their Playstation GDC innovation panel where it is expected they will announce the VR Headset for PS4.,d.b2I

The link below should link you to a live blog.  Excited to hear about new PS4 stuff!

Also here is a link of every Sony related item at the show... some cool stuff.

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am i the only one who thinks the VR headset will go the way of the move controller and 3d tv?
I have thought the same, however that is the exact statement that people who have used it say is false. Was listening to Beyond Podcast a few weeks ago when they talked about the headset and the Oculus Rift. they said that I am sure people who hear about it are sceptical and so where they, until they used it and it actually worked. That is key. We will have to wait and see until we can actually try it, but it could be a dark horse in technology.

am i the only one who thinks the VR headset will go the way of the move controller and 3d tv?
I do as well.

Could just be my bias though as I just have no interest in VR. I don't want to game with a helmet on, and I don't want games to be more immersive. I don't want to be shut off from what's going on around me. I like my gaming time, but have to deal with dogs needing out, the financee needing something, work calls/e-mails that require immediate response etc.

And I just have no interest in VR type stuff, motion controls etc. I like gaming on a TV or portable with sticks/d-pad and buttons/triggers. When gaming moves beyond that I doubt I'll continue with the hobby.

am i the only one who thinks the VR headset will go the way of the move controller and 3d tv?
Sony has made a few iterations of their headset. The current one they sell is a 3D OLED, they say it's like having a 750 inch screen (I don't know if that's true or not) and it has virtual 7.1 sound. I mean, I like the idea behind the headset, but I'm not sure how practical these things are going to be. I think the biggest advantage a headset has is that it seems it could be easy enough to manufacture and get costs down.

If it's cool enough, I can see people wanting it. I remember the VR Machines at the arcade and I was always fascinated with it even though they were kind of sucky at the time.

Honestly, I'm at a wait and see mode on this entire thing. I have a really good Panasonic 3D Plasma display, so I see no need in upgrading it until there's some 4K content and the 4K displays are a lot cheaper.

i just keep thinking this 

and while this is kinda cool i feel like the novelty will wear off really quickly. also, this could be done on a TV screen as just a 1st person zelda game

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Went into a pawn shop today, they had 2 PS4s in their boxes going for $530 a piece. SMH
Place that sells used games/electronics that I bought my PS4 from is still selling them for $550. That's how much I paid for it, but mine was bought 2 days after Christmas when I badly wanted one and they weren't readily available. Despicable that they haven't come down yet, but it just goes to show how hard they still are to get hold of.

I do as well.

Could just be my bias though as I just have no interest in VR. I don't want to game with a helmet on, and I don't want games to be more immersive. I don't want to be shut off from what's going on around me. I like my gaming time, but have to deal with dogs needing out, the financee needing something, work calls/e-mails that require immediate response etc.

And I just have no interest in VR type stuff, motion controls etc. I like gaming on a TV or portable with sticks/d-pad and buttons/triggers. When gaming moves beyond that I doubt I'll continue with the hobby.
You are consistent.
Not sold on VR gaming as well, it doesn't look like it will be all that comfortable to wear either. I do find it funny however that some people in here are hyped for it yet dismiss the Kinect as a "gimmick".

Maybe because those people already tried and experienced the kinect firsthand. What new experience haven't been released yet for the kinect that people shouldn't dismiss it as a gimmick?
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Not sold on VR gaming as well, it doesn't look like it will be all that comfortable to wear either. I do find it funny however that some people in here are hyped for it yet dismiss the Kinect as a "gimmick".
The Kinect is a gimmick, and unless VR becomes the only way to game from here on in, it is too. But as previously mentioned, Kinect has been greatly disappointing overall considering the innovation promise Microsoft made it out to be. And VR with Morpheus and Oculus could very well do the same thing.

And as for why people are more hyped for this over Kinect, is because the potential of VR far outweighs what Kinect could ever do.

And then of course there is the porn...
Whoa, was not expecting that.

The Kinect is a gimmick, and unless VR becomes the only way to game from here on in, it is too. But as previously mentioned, Kinect has been greatly disappointing overall considering the innovation promise Microsoft made it out to be. And VR with Morpheus and Oculus could very well do the same thing.

And as for why people are more hyped for this over Kinect, is because the potential of VR far outweighs what Kinect could ever do.

And then of course there is the porn...
Yep, I'm just interested to see what Sony does with it. I think we should be getting some hand on impressions today.

I don't think it's all that surprising... Sony has been selling these types of headsets to the public for the past 3-5 years. The big difference here is the gyrometers, but the visual and audio tech is probably the same. The ones they sell now are 1080p 3D OLED displays with 7.1 virtual surround sound.

I'm interested to see one in action, but I'm not in a big hurry to buy anything.

I don't think it's all that surprising... Sony has been selling these types of headsets to the public for the past 3-5 years. The big difference here is the gyrometers, but the visual and audio tech is probably the same. The ones they sell now are 1080p 3D OLED displays with 7.1 virtual surround sound.

I'm interested to see one in action, but I'm not in a big hurry to buy anything.
Word from the presser yesterday is they are quite a ways away from a release.... a year or two possible

broke down and pre ordered second son at bby. not sure when i'll play it after it launches, what with all the basketball and its my wifes birthday, but all the latest videos sold me on it.

broke down and pre ordered second son at bby. not sure when i'll play it after it launches, what with all the basketball and its my wifes birthday, but all the latest videos sold me on it.
The beauty of the situation is it doesn't matter when you get to it, when that itch finally NEEDS to be scratched you have the option right there at your disposal any time! :cool:

I think that the Navel Strike dlc looks like fun. But I agree with 8 bit, don't buy it until they fix the game.

I was one of the fools who bought the game and premium and I'm still waiting for the game to run at least as good as bf3 before I get back into the way I used to.
broke down and pre ordered second son at bby. not sure when i'll play it after it launches, what with all the basketball and its my wifes birthday, but all the latest videos sold me on it.
I am ticked... preordered from BB last week, well I got a shipping update and it says the game won't get here until Next week on Tuesday! :(

In the same boat as we'll Amazon Prime Member but I won't receive it till Tuesday. Kinda wanted that CE, but might just go to Walmart after work tonight. I'm tired of waiting!
In the same boat as we'll Amazon Prime Member but I won't receive it till Tuesday. Kinda wanted that CE, but might just go to Walmart after work tonight. I'm tired of waiting!
Wondering if their shipping is believing it is being released Tuesday like all games. The Friday date might be throwing them off...

Wondering if their shipping is believing it is being released Tuesday like all games. The Friday date might be throwing them off...
I have two orders for the CE; One I placed in October 2013 and the other on February 27th, 2014. The copy I ordered on February 27th has shipped and is expected to be here tomorrow---the one I ordered 5 months ago is in the "shipping soon" phase with a estimated delivery date of Tuesday 03/25.

I was hoping to have both tomorrow as I placed the second order just to get an extra copy for a friend who bought a PS4 last month and is looking forward to this game.

When I contacted Amazon CSR, in typical Amazon fashion, they lied and said that the reason why the order is expected to arrive on 03/25 is because Amazon fufilled orders in the order in which they were placed and " a lot" of people had ordered before me.

Obviously I know this isn't true because I placed my second order 4 months after the first and that one is expected to arrive tomorrow.

Anyways I think he'll still be happy and I'm hoping if it gets kicked out of the "shipping soon" phase and gets released today that there is at least a small chance it'll get here tomorrow or Saturday (if they use FedEx)

If it's to be believed, Second Son is already over a million pre-orders:

Hope the excitement is warranted.

According to GAF, inFamous has a tremendous amount of social media buzz. So this game will sell very very well - better than I thought. I think it benefits more from the install base (ala Killzone: SF) but Part 1 and 2 were great games on their own so if SS does indeed follow the trend and exceed its predecessors, the game will sell itself by it's gameplay alone once it's launch hype has died down. There is no better marketing than word of mouth. To me, inFamous looks like it'll be the first "must play" game for the PS4.
Reading the reviews that gave it like 6-7 out of 10 im confused. They basically grade it low because its not as big of an open world as GTA V.

I just preordered Second Son on Amazon and was able to get it delivered tomorrow--just the Limited Edition, not the CE. Had to pay the extra $3.99 for one day shipping (I have Prime) though. I don't need it tomorrow as I'm in the middle of Infamous 2, but will be home tomorrow to get the delivery vs. it coming next week when I'm busy at work. So worth the $4 to not risk missing the attempts and having to trek to the UPS warehouse to pick it up.
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Good news on the light bar. I got decals for mine--just ordered another set as I messed up putting one on (was a little crooked and not fully over the light bar on the bottom left) and tore it trying to get it off to realign it.

I'll likely just keep using the decals and leave the light bar on as it is handy for seeing which controller is player one etc. Just too damn bright with no decal on and a glossy TV screen.
Don't forget, an update coming that brings several features people want as well in the works.  Twitch Archiving, HDCP off option, and new video editor... they are really listening to complaints and addressing them.  

bread's done