PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='renique46']Its getting weird that a lot of people in chat are caring more about what these presenters are looking like than whats being presented.[/QUOTE]

I blame the boring presenters, the British guy was wayyy better then the others even tho he did look he was gonna start to :cry: at any moment :lol:
[quote name='renique46']Its getting weird that a lot of people in chat are caring more about what these presenters are looking like than whats being presented.[/QUOTE]

Says a lot about what's being presented.

Also, most of these dudes look creepy as fuck, so yeah.
[quote name='lastemp3ror']+1

They must not want to accept that the Kinect > Move. Bad move[/QUOTE]

too bad the thing doesnt even work like advertise except like 3 dance titles

[quote name='IamPro']I hope the Steam Box destroys PS4, if I wanted this Cloud gaming crap I would launch Steam[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']Yea there prob will only a few good games at launch, always happens esp with Sony[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']Makes no sense why no PS3 BC except for them trying get an extra buck out of it[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']Yea I don't see it playing anything more then PS2 games at best (would be awesome but Sony is sooooo slow with stuff holding back progress).[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']'Happy game developers' huh? Obv bc they get to add more money to their greedy pockets sigh[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']This Cloud gaming is going to kill the secondary market on used games, the PS4 won't play Ps3 game discs... unreal :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro'][quote name='KingofOldSchool']The more I watch this, the more I hope the game industry crashes like it did in the early 80s.[/QUOTE]Amen brother[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']The Witness looks pretty awful, might do decent with the little kids tho[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']It didn't show anything graphically interesting and was essentially just another puzzle game yet nothing to write home about [/QUOTE]
[quote name='IamPro']This true?!? Pisses me off even more :cry:[/QUOTE]
Jesus.. you are like.. negativity incarnate. You've posted more than anyone else in this thread, and all of your posts serve no purpose other than to trash whatever happens to be on your screen at the time. An hour and a half later, why even continue watching/ripping on the stream at this point if nothing in it even remotely interests you? o_O
[quote name='Josh1billion']Jesus.. you are like.. negativity incarnate. You've posted more than anyone else in this thread, and all of your posts serve no purpose other than to trash whatever happens to be on your screen at the time. An hour and a half later, why even continue watching/ripping on the stream at this point if nothing in it even remotely interests you? o_O[/QUOTE]

Haha glad I'm not the only one that noticed... bit of a negative nelly.
[quote name='Josh1billion']Jesus.. you are like.. negativity incarnate. You've posted more than anyone else in this thread, and all of your posts serve no purpose other than to trash whatever happens to be on your screen at the time. An hour and a half later, why even continue watching/ripping on the stream at this point if nothing in it even remotely interests you? o_O[/QUOTE]

U sound mad, put the keyboard down and breath buddy

Just posting my opinion, this is the internet right? :cool:
[quote name='SEH']Does every dev look like a pedophile?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Josh1billion']Jesus.. you are like.. negativity incarnate. You've posted more than anyone else in this thread, and all of your posts serve no purpose other than to trash whatever happens to be on your screen at the time. An hour and a half later, why even continue watching/ripping on the stream at this point if nothing in it even remotely interests you? o_O[/QUOTE]

Yeah just ignore him, he's trying way too hard. I'm really disappointed that this thread has pretty much been him bitching and people ripping on what developers look like. This conference hasn't been perfect, but Sony has announced some interesting stuff.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Yeah just ignore him, he's trying way too hard. I'm really disappointed that this thread has pretty much been him bitching and people ripping on what developers look like. This conference hasn't been perfect, but Sony has announced some interesting stuff.[/QUOTE]

Ripping devs bc they are getting rid of the secondary market (used games) which I found good value just so they can put more money in their pockets.

I only said the presenters are boring lol

Some of the stuff is interesting, some of it is not and I am just stating my opinion on an internet forum.. if u don't like then ignore me good sir

[quote name='lastemp3ror']OMG this game looks amazing[/QUOTE]
Yea it did :)
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']funny thing is my gaming pc right now is double the power of ps4 lol[/QUOTE]

"cool story we actually care" - said noone ever

Nice, looks like capcom trying to restore their reputation.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']funny thing is my gaming pc right now is double the power of ps4 lol[/QUOTE]


Too bad I won't be able to play MGS Ground Zeroes on one :cry:
Looks like we'll just be getting an engine demo from SE again... was really hoping for a Versus announcement.

Actually.. I think we've seen this before. Looks great, but I really want to see some actual demos.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']funny thing is my gaming pc right now is double the power of ps4 lol[/QUOTE]

PC specs flexing over consoles is old news.
bread's done