PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Put your brand loyalty aside and actually listen/comprehend what he is saying. If you think someone like Activision is going to do DRM on X1 and not on PS4 your nuts. Period!

Especially now that we know its and option left up to them. Seriously dude...think about it.
Stolen from Cindaddy on the pre-order thread:

Update: Sony has outright confirmed my initial interpretation. As reported by GameFront, Sony has stated that Tretton's use of the term "DRM" referred only to playing used games online. Essentially, they're talking about letting publishers use online passes, and no other kind of restrictions.
I'm pretty much in for the ps4 but "xboner"? Really? Lots of 12 year olds get on the site recently?
I blame the term XBone. Stupid nickname. I think I prefer Gerstmans "Xone" Sounds so much better. Never liked Xbone and don't understand why everyone else thought it was clever.
It's meant to be derogatory. It does that.

yes, i think we all get that it's meant to be derogatory. :roll:

it's just juvenile as hell.
Oh, I guess I just didn't expect anyone to be surprised whatsoever.

After watching all the conferences yesterday I shuffled into Gamestop today and traded in all my 360 games and got $302 in store credit. Now I just need to get rid of the 360 and the peripherals and I should have enough to preorder a PS4.

Feels pretty good to be Microsoft free. I might miss some exclusives but I can't support a company that is willing to screw the consumer like that. It's not worth it.
For real dude?! I'm keeping my 360 even though I'm most likely not going to buy a XOne.

For real. I have no desire to own a 360 or support Microsoft in anyway after their used game policies.

Not to mention I been more into PS3 the past two years anyways and have barely touched my 360 [even though I own like 200+ digital titles].

As for Online Passes I hate them but can understand why publishers do them and I think $10 is reasonable if it's a game you're going to get hours upon hours of gameplay out of but imo manufactures need to stay out of it.

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I think that Sony set themselves up nicely with the $399 price tag. They shouldn't be under any pressure to give the PS4 a price cut for quite some time, at least until MS drops the Xbox 1 to under $399. The PS4 base should grow rather quickly for a new console.

I'm just saying we have 5 months for TV rest of the corporate positioning. Sony may have won the battle. The war has only started. We shall see what happens. I own both and haven't decided which yet. Time will tell.
I'm just saying we have 5 months for TV rest of the corporate positioning. Sony may have won the battle. The war has only started. We shall see what happens. I own both and haven't decided which yet. Time will tell.
I think people are underestimating Microsoft. Yes, it looks bad to us. But we are the hardcorest of the hardcore, not the regular consumer, and definitely not the consumer they are selling the X1 to.

I don't particularly like their stances, and I've felt they stopped giving a crap about the consumer long ago (and everything recently just backs that up more), but there are plenty of people who will purchase it regardless of all that we have learned from it.

Plus, there's a chance these things can change before release. And as we all know, further iterations of consoles (whether it be another sku that's created, or future versions) can make these problems irrelevant also.

I'm just saying we have 5 months for TV rest of the corporate positioning. Sony may have won the battle. The war has only started. We shall see what happens. I own both and haven't decided which yet. Time will tell.

I think people are underestimating Microsoft. Yes, it looks bad to us. But we are the hardcorest of the hardcore, not the regular consumer, and definitely not the consumer they are selling the X1 to.

I don't particularly like their stances, and I've felt they stopped giving a crap about the consumer long ago (and everything recently just backs that up more), but there are plenty of people who will purchase it regardless of all that we have learned from it.

Plus, there's a chance these things can change before release. And as we all know, further iterations of consoles (whether it be another sku that's created, or future versions) can make these problems irrelevant also.

I agree with you 100%!
Oh, I definitely think the Xbox One will still sell well as average/casual gamers won't care as a lot of them buy few games and don't sell/trade other than to Gamestop already.

I just can't support them pushing this stuff. Even if they backed off, the fact that they wanted to push it is enough for me to vote with my wallet and just go PS4 despite the 360 being my most played console this gen by far.
Didn't see these posted, but if they were, my bad!

PS4 Hard Drive can be removed/upgraded (proprietary or not is still unconfirmed)

Then a leak of a video (whether it's real or not has not been verified) of functionality and interface.

I'll have to watch the vid when I get home to see what it's like.
Awesome. I bought a 320gb PS3 and with PS+ the space ran out quickly so I spent about $70 for a 1TB and I still got about 300gb left so upgrading the PS4 HD is a must if you plan on being a long-term PS+ member. I'm really hoping it's not proprietary because if it is we can probably count on them price gouging like they've been doing with the Vita cards. I bought my Vita used for $150 and my 32gb Vita card was $100. 2/3 the price of the system!

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Didn't see these posted, but if they were, my bad!

PS4 Hard Drive can be removed/upgraded (proprietary or not is still unconfirmed)

Then a leak of a video (whether it's real or not has not been verified) of functionality and interface.

I'll have to watch the vid when I get home to see what it's like.
Yoshida confirmed that it is the same as PS3.

You can replace with any 2.5" drive that fits.

Oh, I definitely think the Xbox One will still sell well as average/casual gamers won't care as a lot of them buy few games and don't sell/trade other than to Gamestop already.

I just can't support them pushing this stuff. Even if they backed off, the fact that they wanted to push it is enough for me to vote with my wallet and just go PS4 despite the 360 being my most played console this gen by far.
Yeah, I'm very curious how the public really reacts. Especially the effect and word of mouth when the average joe realizes you can't borrow or rent games.

I'm sure it will have a great first month, as did the Wii U.

Speaking of the Vita, that was probably my biggest disappointment of yesterday's conference. I was really hoping they would not only show more games (preferably ones we didn't know about) but also the integration with the PS4.

Hoping they go into more discussion about that before E3 is over.

Not sure people have talked about this yet.

So it sounds like PS4 will have similar policies as the PS3 but that is does not rule out Third Party publishers using their own type of DRM on the PS4. Now obviously the biggest difference is that Sony is not providing the infrastructure for the DRM and making you use it regardless which is just wrong on MS part.

Right now I am holding on buying a PS4. Not that I do not think it looks great or the price is not awesome but I just have so many game right now and the current gen is still strong for the next 8 months I think. My target buy date is next summer I think. By then I think the amount of titles in the store and in the pipeline will warrant a purchase.

Not sure people have talked about this yet.

So it sounds like PS4 will have similar policies as the PS3 but that is does not rule out Third Party publishers using their own type of DRM on the PS4. Now obviously the biggest difference is that Sony is not providing the infrastructure for the DRM and making you use it regardless which is just wrong on MS part.

Right now I am holding on buying a PS4. Not that I do not think it looks great or the price is not awesome but I just have so many game right now and the current gen is still strong for the next 8 months I think. My target buy date is next summer I think. By then I think the amount of titles in the store and in the pipeline will warrant a purchase.

Was posted earlier, as was Sony's clarification--just means that publishers can still do online passes on their own if they want. But single player games will work offline always, just like on PS3 and 360 currently.

Not sure people have talked about this yet.

So it sounds like PS4 will have similar policies as the PS3 but that is does not rule out Third Party publishers using their own type of DRM on the PS4. Now obviously the biggest difference is that Sony is not providing the infrastructure for the DRM and making you use it regardless which is just wrong on MS part. As for buying day one, If ou have a huge backlog I can understnad

Right now I am holding on buying a PS4. Not that I do not think it looks great or the price is not awesome but I just have so many game right now and the current gen is still strong for the next 8 months I think. My target buy date is next summer I think. By then I think the amount of titles in the store and in the pipeline will warrant a purchase.
It's only if you want to play your used games online. Its up to the publishers if they want to enforce some sort of pass, I can live with that and have for a good part of this gen. I can see EA and Ubi taking advantage of that. Also, any news if our headsets and fightsticks are compatible with the ps4? Probably not but I'm still hoping they will be.

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And let the bullshit begin!

How is this different than what X1 is doing?
This is just the exact same policy as PS3. Nothing has changed.
Only 1 disc based game in the PS3's entire library had region locking.
And only Capcom were idiots and put online only DRM on about 3 of their PSN titles.
Not necessarily... Optional DRM is a lot different then the no DRM statement last night.

This is essentially what X1 may be doing when their entire plan is revealed.

It's up to the publishers and what makes them want DRM on X1 and not on PS4?
It's not anything like what X1 is doing.
How exactly would you expect third party games to link games to your account only, and make a disc essentially worthless?
MS is doing this to get us into a completely digital only world, with discs merely being a delivery method.
Put your brand loyalty aside and actually listen/comprehend what he is saying. If you think someone like Activision is going to do DRM on X1 and not on PS4 your nuts. Period!

Especially now that we know its and option left up to them. Seriously dude...think about it.
I think you need to put your brand loyalty aside and realize that the entire thing is only talking about online passes, something that while we all hate I don't think anyone expected to disappear. It is just reaffirming current DRM models instead of the XBone which is taking DRM to extreme levels. The two aren't even in the same ballpark for comparison.

So the launch line-up basically looks like Knack, Killzone, Drive Club and then a bunch of games you will be able to buy on current consoles. I may be canceling my pre-order that's not worth $400. I'll wait and see for a bit though.

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Calling it XBone or XBoner really makes folks look like 12 year olds btw
Look, the PS4 is not as restrictive as the X1. Even if they are outright lying and it's more restrictive than they're admitting, it's still a hell of a lot less restrictive. I preferred the 360 to the ps3 by a longshot but I refuse to support this behavior. Gamers voted with their wallets when the ps3 launched at $600 and they're going to vote now. If we all rushed out and bought up those $600 PS3's then, all the consoles would be $600 at launch now.

I don't see this criticism and movement from the less consumer friendly brand to the more consumer friendly brand as anything but a good thing for gamers. It's not too late for you to move to ps4 with the rest of us you know? It's not like you can't get an X1 slim for $200 less with a huge game library in 3 years. By that point, if they lost enough marketshare they'll have rolled all this shit back.
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So the launch line-up basically looks like Knack, Killzone, Drive Club and then a bunch of games you will be able to buy on current consoles. I may be canceling my pre-order that's not worth $400. I'll wait and see for a bit though.
I'll keep mine just to vote with my wallet and support them for not going the MS route with uber restrictive DRM and coming in $100 less.

Plus, I'd rather play those multiplatform games with next gen graphics etc. anyway.

Calling it XBone or XBoner really makes folks look like 12 year olds btw
Throwing insults at someone instead of actually having a discussion about something that you brought up and were incorrect about makes you look the same way.

It a good way to abbreviate it that also shows our disdain for the new MS policies.

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So the launch line-up basically looks like Knack, Killzone, Drive Club and then a bunch of games you will be able to buy on current consoles. I may be canceling my pre-order that's not worth $400. I'll wait and see for a bit though.
I'll keep mine just to vote with my wallet and support them for not going the MS route with uber restrictive DRM and coming in $100 less.

Plus, I'd rather play those multiplatform games with next gen graphics etc. anyway.
I'm kind of there too. I planned on waiting for a price drop but I do want to show my support of the company that isn't going to screw people over. Also they've got awesome indie game support - that really impressed me. I loved Bastion on 360 and can't wait to see Transistor on ps4 from the same guys.
@Blasterman - I don't think you get it. Nobody is saying the Xbox one is above criticism. Their drm policies as they stand are terrible.

We're saying that calling it the "xboner" is just childish and stupid. Beavis and Butthead.
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Has there been any word on if the PS4 will be able to play PS3 games?

I remember reading somewhere that it won't out of the box but that they might add that in later.

Either way my next system will be either a PS3 or PS4.

I'll never support the Xbox One after what they think they can pull.

Has there been any word on if the PS4 will be able to play PS3 games?

I remember reading somewhere that it won't out of the box but that they might add that in later.

Either way my next system will be either a PS3 or PS4.

I'll never support the Xbox One after what they think they can pull.
As far as I've heard no actual BC but sometime in 2014 they are launching some kind of cloud service for PS3 games.


Definitely can't play PS3 games but supposedly you can play them streaming through Gakai. BC is dead unless you are Nintendo.

Has there been any word on if the PS4 will be able to play PS3 games?

I remember reading somewhere that it won't out of the box but that they might add that in later.

Either way my next system will be either a PS3 or PS4.

I'll never support the Xbox One after what they think they can pull.
As far as I've heard no actual BC but sometime in 2014 they are launching some kind of cloud service for PS3 games.

Dreamland: Sony announces that if you send in the disk of a PS3 game available in the marketplace, you get the digital version for free.

I wonder how much extra Galaki will cost. No way they will roll that in for free with +.

If so that would be awesome but I doubt it.

To whomever said I wasn't willing to discuss this, I am. I'm not making my decision until November when everything is all out in the open. I preordered both yesterday and own both now. But prefer playing games on my Xbox and what drives that is my friends are there and I prefer the controller.

I'm on the fence. I prefer the PS4 price point and used games policy but on the other hand prefer the Xbox entertainment offering and some of the exclusives.

And I still am shocked there has been no mention about MGS V coming to X1. I thought that was pretty big yesterday especially since it was absent from the Sony conference and that used to be their huge announcement in the past.
MGS V was already announced previously for 360 and PS3. It was pretty much expected I guess.

Damn it looked fantastic.

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Has there been any word on if the PS4 will be able to play PS3 games?

I remember reading somewhere that it won't out of the box but that they might add that in later.

Either way my next system will be either a PS3 or PS4.

I'll never support the Xbox One after what they think they can pull.
As far as I've heard no actual BC but sometime in 2014 they are launching some kind of cloud service for PS3 games.

Dreamland: Sony announces that if you send in the disk of a PS3 game available in the marketplace, you get the digital version for free.
Haha ya that would be a dream scenario. Not gonna happen though.

I wonder how much extra Galaki will cost. No way they will roll that in for free with +.
Probably not. I would assume it will be a pricing model similar to GoD where you pay a price per game but only time will tell.

does anyone know if we can GS?

i know they havent announced much about how psn works but maybe i missed somthing?

I assume that will stay the same...


Here is a sizing chart up show the difference of the two

And just remember the no DRM does mean that GameStop continues to rule a d rape developers :)
And just remember the no DRM does mean that GameStop continues to rule and rape developers :)
MS isn't the White Knight of the poor defenseless (giant, rich, behemoth) developers. DRM means more money in their pocket, plain and simple, and the developers who could actually benefit from it, the (actually, non-sarcastically) poor indie devs have been thrown out into the cold anyway.

And just remember the no DRM does mean that GameStop continues to rule and rape developers :)

MS isn't the White Knight of the poor defenseless (giant, rich, behemoth) developers. DRM means more money in their pocket, plain and simple, and the developers who could actually benefit from it, the (actually, non-sarcastically) poor indie devs have been thrown out into the cold anyway.

If you are looking for a white knight in this your are seriously mistaken...

Both are greedy and both want money. If you think that Sony's team didn't see this as a huge opportunity to earn back their spot you are mistaken. Yeah they did a good PR spin of making it look like it was all about helping us but it was more a business maneuver than anything.

Remember the last console announcement for them was $600
I never said that either of them weren't driven by money or that either of them were totally invested in their consumers, but you were making the DRM out to be MS sticking it to "the man" and solely to help developers fight off big bad Gamestop.

The point is "Used game friendly" shouldn't have to be a big announcement, it should be a given. What MS has done here is going to change gaming, and not for the better. Sony not following suit was a business manuever, but the fact is they're taking the route that is better for the consumer. I wish more companies business plans were more geared towards "make the people buying our stuff happy".

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I have to say, i'm surprised at all the people in the preorder delete-a-post threads talking about how they'll wait and decide later. EVERY console this happens. I'm sure come November, people will be scrambling and paying extra for either or both consoles because they dillydallied now. And then the butthurt will come.

Damn near every website, save Bestbuy, doesnt charge until it ships. Just click the preorder button and decide later. Better to have the thing locked in than wishing you did.

amazon already sold out of systems
Not surprising to me. PS4 is already the cream of the crop this gen.

And just remember the no DRM does mean that GameStop continues to rule and rape developers :)
MS isn't the White Knight of the poor defenseless (giant, rich, behemoth) developers. DRM means more money in their pocket, plain and simple, and the developers who could actually benefit from it, the (actually, non-sarcastically) poor indie devs have been thrown out into the cold anyway.
If you are looking for a white knight in this your are seriously mistaken...

Both are greedy and both want money. If you think that Sony's team didn't see this as a huge opportunity to earn back their spot you are mistaken. Yeah they did a good PR spin of making it look like it was all about helping us but it was more a business maneuver than anything.

Remember the last console announcement for them was $600
I don't think its fair to compare the Sony or Microsoft from 7-8 years ago. Steve Ballmer is running Microsoft now. Kaz Hirai is running Sony now. The father of the xbox (J Allard) and the father of the playstation (Ken K) both left their respective company. I think Sony has learned from their mistakes and Microsoft forgot what made the xbox 360 so successful (Good price, easy to develop, focus on the core to build a nice foundation, and branch out from there).

Jesus this just continues to get confusing...

Isn't this a completely different thing that was said after Trenton spoke this morning? I thought it was up to the this guy is saying that its not and there will be no online passes.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong but this just seems to be yet another stab at this. Can't they handle the PR of this? Haha

This is also a good read!

"Microsoft has obviously pursued some terrible policies with the Xbox One, the arbitrary-seeming once-a-day check-in most of all. But to bring back the teenage attitudinizing of the 16-bit console wars, all because Sony has made a very short-term wager on the gullibility and historical amnesia of gamers, is pathetic. Neither of these companies like you. They see games as media, not as a special case. And the successful big media companies sell digital media with digital rights management. Gamers talk a lot about how games should be taken as seriously as every other medium. Ok, well, go on the Apple store and see how all other mainstream media gets sold. I’m not saying this is a good or a bad thing. But Sony versus Microsoft is not good versus evil. It’s money versus money. Go ahead, pick a side."
Jesus this just continues to get confusing...

Isn't this a completely different thing that was said after Trenton spoke this morning? I thought it was up to the this guy is saying that its not and there will be no online passes.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong but this just seems to be yet another stab at this. Can't they handle the PR of this? Haha

This is also a good read!

"Microsoft has obviously pursued some terrible policies with the Xbox One, the arbitrary-seeming once-a-day check-in most of all. But to bring back the teenage attitudinizing of the 16-bit console wars, all because Sony has made a very short-term wager on the gullibility and historical amnesia of gamers, is pathetic. Neither of these companies like you. They see games as media, not as a special case. And the successful big media companies sell digital media with digital rights management. Gamers talk a lot about how games should be taken as seriously as every other medium. Ok, well, go on the Apple store and see how all other mainstream media gets sold. I’m not saying this is a good or a bad thing. But Sony versus Microsoft is not good versus evil. It’s money versus money. Go ahead, pick a side."
Definitely some conflicting sounding quotes in just that one story alone. However the quote from Sony PR saying it's just like PS3 leads me to believe that online passes will still be possible and when Scott Rohde says "We've already come right out and said we're not going to allow online pass." he might just be talking about 1st party PS games which they've already said will not have online passes.

No matter what worst case scenario sounds like a few games will have online passes but we already know neither first party PS games or EA games will have them. Unless of course EA backtracks on previous statements.

I don't think anyone sees this as a good vs evil. Both are companies who's only motive is profit, we all know that. That doesn't mean MS should get a pass for screwing their consumers through abusive restrictions and policies, not that Sony doesn't have bad DRM policies as well (hell I consider allowing online passes bad policy) but they are hands down the lesser of the two evils right now.

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Jesus this just continues to get confusing...

Isn't this a completely different thing that was said after Trenton spoke this morning? I thought it was up to the this guy is saying that its not and there will be no online passes.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong but this just seems to be yet another stab at this. Can't they handle the PR of this? Haha

This is also a good read!

"Microsoft has obviously pursued some terrible policies with the Xbox One, the arbitrary-seeming once-a-day check-in most of all. But to bring back the teenage attitudinizing of the 16-bit console wars, all because Sony has made a very short-term wager on the gullibility and historical amnesia of gamers, is pathetic. Neither of these companies like you. They see games as media, not as a special case. And the successful big media companies sell digital media with digital rights management. Gamers talk a lot about how games should be taken as seriously as every other medium. Ok, well, go on the Apple store and see how all other mainstream media gets sold. I’m not saying this is a good or a bad thing. But Sony versus Microsoft is not good versus evil. It’s money versus money. Go ahead, pick a side."
I think even though third parties are free to do whatever they want, Sony still has the last say on what gets approved on their platform.

"What we like to say at PlayStation is that we set the precedent. The way we are approaching this is that we want this to be extremely consumer-friendly, extremely retailer-friendly, and extremely publisher-friendly."

As for the "good read" article, I personally don't view either corporation as good or evil. It is about listening to your customers and building loyalty. Sony learned that the hard way during this generation and so did Nintendo once the Wii died off. Maybe Microsoft needs to wake up also during next gen.

bread's done